آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 156تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 156
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 15580
یازدهمین همایش ملی و دومین همایش بین المللی بیوانفورماتیک ایران
یازدهمین همایش ملی و دومین همایش بین المللی بیوانفورماتیک ایران در تاریخ ۹ اسفند ۱۴۰۱ توسط پژوهشگاه دانش های بنیادی،انجمن بیوانفورماتیک ایران در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات یازدهمین همایش ملی و دومین همایش بین المللی بیوانفورماتیک ایران مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در یازدهمین همایش ملی و دومین همایش بین المللی بیوانفورماتیک ایران
A Novel Approach for Identifying Cancer Drivers in Coding andNon-coding Genomic Elements
Transcriptome-wide analysis of DNA-RNA hybrids reveals how non-coding RNAs contribute to ASDs
Reconstruction of genome-scale metabolic model for Helicobacter pylori
A bioinformatics approach to analysis UPR-related gens impact onAML
Finding a genomic pattern for classifying breast cancer patients byRandom Forest and Linear Discriminant Analysis and cancer-specificbiomarkers by Integrative analysis of DNA methylation and geneexpression
Candidate prognostic gene signatures in lung cancer risk amongasthmatic and COPD patients
Identification of Transcription factors involved in cisplatin drugresistance in ovarian cancer by integrated analysis of transcriptomeand epigenomic data
Purple Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria: Model Reconstruction and FluxBalance Analysis
Prediction of protein druggability by supervised learning approaches
Feature set prioritization of metagenomes for predicting colorectalcancer based on multiple human gut microbiome datasets
Antimicrobial resistance prediction in Acinetobacter baumannii using collaborative matrix factorization
Improving prediction of drug-target interactions based on fusingmultiple features with data balancing and feature selection techniques
Molecular design of sgRNA based on CRISPR-Cas۱۳a for specificdetection of ORF۱ab region in SARS-COV-۲ genome infecting Iranianpatients
Characterization of chemotherapy resistant triple-negative breastcancers at single-cell resolution
Comparative gene co-expression network analysis betweenadenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma subtypes of esophagealcancer
Single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis using Explainable ArtificialIntelligence identified key transcriptional factors for early COVID-۱۹severity prediction
A Plastic-Contaminated Soil Gene Catalog Constructed byMetagenomic Approaches
De novo Antibody design against PD-۱ and PDL-۱ as critical immunecheck points involve in cancer treatment
Improvement of peptide-HLA class I prediction using transformers
Molecular docking and ADME studies of natural compounds againstprime targets of HIV
Investigation of Some Nanobodies against SARS-C۰V-۲ Spike protein by immune-bioinformatics tools
Selection of the most effective SARS-C۰V-۲ proteins in order to design a recombinant vaccine by immune-bioinformatics tools
Predicting Adverse Drug Reactions Using Computational Methods: An Analysis of Drug and Adverse Reaction Features and Representations
Reconstruction of miRNA-mRNA regulatory network in the pediatric Adrenocortical Adenoma
The role of circRNA-miRNA-mRNA interaction network in rheumatoid arthritis using transcriptome data analysis
Investigating Eugenol-Lysozyme complex using docking and molecular dynamic simulation methods
Evaluation of TUBB۳, PSMB۷, CBFB, and COL۹A۱ genes involved in the development of Squamous Cell Lung Cancer (SCC)
Identification of the regulatory interactions related to gastric cancer via integrated bioinformatics analysis
A Transformer based mutation prediction algorithm
The Possible Role of Heat-shock proteins (HSPs) on InflammatoryBowel Disease (IBD): Peptide Motif Analysis as an Immunoinformatic Technique
Differential Gene Expression in Rat Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Model
Identification of key genes and signaling pathways involved in bovine tuberculosis challenged with Mycobacterium bovis: Comparison of RNA-Seq and microarray expression profiling data
Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals significant di↵erentially expressed genes in bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection
Molecular Docking Analysis of gingerol compound of Zingiber o cinale Roscoe against Breast Cancer
Using bioinformatics tools to identify pathogenic agents of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
A comparative structural study on two immobilized metagenomic α-amylases by molecular docking
The role of Exome Sequencing analysis in the diagnosis of patients with rare neurogenetic disorders
Computational identification of driver genes and pathways of chronic lung diseases
Bioinformatics evaluation of CFEM gene region in some fungal species
Comparison Of Milk Production Parameters In Different Environment Predicted By Non-Linear Model And Artificial Neural Network
Haplotype Assembly Problem Models in Diploid and Polyploid Cases
The impact of synthetic food colors on target proteins is suspected to have negative e↵ects on the human body, an in silico study
Statistical physics approach in epilepsy disease
Network Pharmacology Integrated With Experimental Validation andMolecular Docking Revealed the Anti-inflammatory Effects ofCoconut Oil
Prediction of a G-Quadruplex Aptamer structure by mFold servers for identification histidine sequence-containing proteins
Identification of differentially expressed genes in papillary thyroid cancer patients based on gender
Effect of Salt Concentration on Structural Changes of Amyloid β
Learning state machines on protein sequences
FANCI/ hsa-miR-۳۰b-۳p /LINC۰۱۳۵۵ ceRNA axis can potentially promote Hepatocellular carcinoma by influencing DNA repair pathways
In silico exploration of Neohesperidin inhibitory mechanism on TGFpathway and improving its bioavailability
In silico study of IMPDH۲ interactions with proteins involved inWnt/ -catenin pathway
TRHDE gene and its plausible role in multiple sclerosis
Design of Potential Urease inhibitors via Pharmacophore and DockingBased Virtual Screening
Integrated single-cell analysis of tumor-infiltrating immune cells reveals key secretory protein-coding genes of astrocytes in glioblastoma
Reconstruction of miRNA-mRNA bipartite network in saliva of gastric cancer patients via bioinformatics analysis
Application of bioinformatics in cancer diagnosis and prediction
Identification of Candidate Genes Associated with Cisplatin Resistance in Ovarian Cancer
In Silico Identification of Novel Natural Anti-Cancer Compounds Targeting ITGAV Protein
Modeling guanylyl cyclase activating protein ۱ structure
Genetic analysis of a missense mutation in the NANOS۲ gene involved in Non-Obstructive Azoospermia based on in-silico pathogenicity prediction tools
Phytochemicals as natural anti-obesity agents: Molecular docking and computer-aided drug design
An effcient convolutional neural network for diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease
Identification of key genes and regulatory mechanisms in Lupus nephritis pathogenesis
Design and molecular docking studies of biuret derivatives as potentialMatrix Metalloproteinases ۹(MMP۹) inhibitors
Machine Learning Algorithms Capable of Type ۲ Diabetes MellitusEarly Diagnosis using Explored Important Features
Diagnosing MonkeyPox from Skin Indications using ArtificialIntelligence Method
Identifying key modules and genes associated with Focal andSegmental Glomerulosclerosis Pathogenesis using an integrated WGCNA and PPI network analysis
Bioinformatics-based secretome mining of four Meloidogyne species to recognize effective excretory/secretory proteins for plant pesticide targets
Comparison of Sequence- Based Methods for sequence–structure alignment using the results of Picea abies L. genomics analysis
Investigating The Second and Third Structure of Squalene Synthetase Transferase Gene in Dracocephalum kotschyi Plant
Bioinformatic Investigation Of Protein Stability (SQS) In Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Saccharum spontaneum transcriptome analysis for identification of the potential genes involved in receptor-mediated nonhost resistance
Reconstruction of the Co-expression Network in Pediatric Low-grade Glioma
Stoichiometric Metabolic Modelling of Nitrate Reducing Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria for Wastewater Application
The effect of Alzheimer’s drugs on carbonic anhydrase II and brain pH
The Molecular Modeling of Vitamin E Arrangement on Fibrous Cellulose Superstructures
Molecular docking investigation of vipirinin for colon cancer-related molecular target
A comprehensive analysis of a pseudogene/lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA ceRNA network in esophageal cancer
Identification of LPIN۱ and MTCO۱P۱۲ genes as gastric cancer-related potential biomarkers based on a ceRNA network
Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients, Before and After Initiation of Immunosuppressive Therapy
Association of miR-۳۹۱۶ expression with overall survival in breast cancer and identification key pathways and hub genes using bioinformatics analysis
Supervised Kohonen networks as tools for virtual screening of PubChem database: A case study with cyclin dependent kinases
Identification of ALB as a potential hypoxia-stemness-associated prognostic biomarker in gastric cancer
A comparative meta-analysis and in silico analysis on metabolomics Profiles in Nephrotic Syndrome for Biomarker Discovery
In silico evaluation of the interactions of CLOCK-BMAL۱ complex with IMPDH۲
The effect of mating design on genetic gain and inbreeding
The effect of genomic accuracy on interaction between genotype and environment
Bioinformatic identification of miR-۴۶۴۵ hub target genes and experimental validation of the miR-۴۶۴۵ in breast cancer
A survival-related competitive endogenous RNA (ceRNA) network of lncRNAs, miRNAs and mRNAs associated with gastric cancer
Comprehensive bioinformatics analysis for Identification of PotentialCrucial Genes and Key Pathways in Early Diagnosis of GastricCancer: Helicobacter pylori (Follicular gastritis) Induced Chronic Gastritis with Increasing Risk of Gastric Cancer
Breast milk DNA methylation-based potential prognostic biomarkers of triple-negative breast cancer
Integrated bioinformatics analysis revealed that hub genes correlated with the prognosis and pathogenesis of gastric cancer
The Application of Consensus Weighted Gene Co-expression NetworkAnalysis in Celiac Disease: Identification of Potential Protective Genes and Pathways
Prediction of key responsive genes to environmental stresses in Thermus thermophilus by using SVM-RFE
Identification key responsive genes to some environmental stresses in Thermus thermophilus by using computational biology approaches
An analysis of bioinformatics on the antiviral activity and effectiveness of vitamins in treating monkeypox
Power Domination Set-based Algorithm for Identification of KeyGenes in Lung Adenocarcinoma
Integrated Bioinformatics Analysis For Differentially Expressed Genes,Micrornas And Pathways Identification In Age-Related Macular Degeneration
In Silico Analysis of Novel VHL Germline Mutations in Iranian RCH Patients
Computational Designing the Ligands of Protein L Affinity Chromatography Based on Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Computational engineering of Protein L ligands to achieve an optimal a nity resin for purification of antibody fragments
Prediction of interaction network of altered proteins, kinases and transcription factors, miRNAs, lncRNA in breast cancer disease
Examining protein expression patterns in breast cancer compared to healthy group by bioinformatics
Selection of antibacterial peptides against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus by bioinformatics and laboratory integration methods
venom gland Transcriptome analysis of Iranian yellow scorpion,“Odontobuthus doriae” derived some putative antimicrobial peptide with anti-SARS-CoV-۲ effect
Genomic analysis of the ASMT gene family in Cicer arietinum
Investigating the pathway of resistance to Ciprofloxacin inCampylobacter jejuni by using microarray analysis
Identification Of Hub Genes, microRNAs And Key Pathways Associated With Bladder Cancer
Molecular dynamic simulation of Buforin IIb anticancer peptide with POPC-Cholesterol model membrane
Examining the similarity of Hsp۹۰ sequence amongst different Aspergillus species
A brief bioinformatic survey on Colletotrichum species complex
Are Repetitive Motifs of LEAp Chaperones the Main Bodyguards ofTarget Proteins?: in silico Prediction
Identification of sodium alendronate derivatives as purple acid phosphatase inhibitors and promising candidates for osteoporosis therapeutics: in silico studies
Molecular Docking of DEP B enzyme with DON mycotoxin chemotype (۱۵ADON): In-silico analysis
Molecular docking of rat myostatin with human follistatin: an in-silico analysis
In silico Molecular Docking simulation of Antiviral Peptide Cathelicidin LL-۳۷ with Acyclovir
Co-expression network analysis revealed ATP۶AP۱-DT, andTRIM۵۲-AS۱ as potential therapeutic lncRNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma
Analysis of TPD۵۲ gene in prostate adenocarcinoma and probability analysis of rs۷۵۷۴۴۳۸۳۱ in hsa-mir-۳۳a-۵p
Using Proteochemometrics models to predict interaction between isoforms of caspase and their inhibitors
A mathematical model involving the effect of face masks in the control of COVID-۱۹
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation study on holo and apo forms of the ALS-linked hSOD۱ mutation
Prediction of the Binding Site of Kryptofix-۲۲۱ to Na-dependent β-Galactosidase: A Molecular Docking study
Phylogenetic study of L-asparaginase II (AsnB) in the bacteria domain and fungi kingdom
Towards enhancing L-Asparaginase stability by computational-structural modeling
In-silico emplacement of curcumin on higher-order assemblies of cellulose nanofibers
Identifying Potential Inhibitory Ligands Against α۲ receptor
A comprehensive bioinformatic evaluation the NTRK family as prognostic biomarkers in breast cancer
Gene selection in classifying Alzheimer’s disease using a statistical, biological, and artificial intelligence-based pipeline
Investigation miRNAs that might attenuate Diabetes and PolycysticOvary Syndrome: an In-silico study
Genome expression profiling of the human brain affected by Mirtazapine through transcriptomics data analysis
New Encoding Model Based on gRNA-DNA Pairs to Predict off-target Effects of Genome Editing with CRISPR/Cas۹
Identification of key genes in non-functioning pituitary adenoma using gene expression profile and protein-protein interaction network
Drug-Disease data integration for drug repurposing using deep neural networks
Phylogenetic and structural analysis of native avian influenza subtype H۹N۲ hemagglutinin isolated
A sequence and structure analysis on the Human Arc protein
Identification of the Genes and Pathways in Glioblastoma cell lines by bioinformatics analysis
Systems Biology Assessment and Transcriptome Analysis of the Interaction of Probiotic and Host in the Anti-Inflammatory Process
Inhibition of competitive pathways to increase butanetriol production in the Escherichia coli through metabolic network simulation
CCL۲۰ and CNTNAP۳C as prognostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets in HCT۱۱۶ cell lines treated with Fusobacterium nucleatum for colorectal cancer metastasis
Phylogenetic analysis of amino acids in baculovirus enhancins
In silico analysis of baculovirus enhancin genes
Identification of Biomarkers Involved in Adrenocortical Carcinoma bySystems Biology Approach
Investigate effects of plant secondary metabolites Compared with standard drugs on SARS-CoV-۲ by Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics
The effect of L۸۱۳N|A۸۱۴R double mutations on Taq polymerase structure
Identification of potential therapeutic microRNAs for gastric cancer based on bioinformatics analysis
Preeclampsia: Ranking the genes and associated biological functions
Enhancement of In-hospital Mortality Prediction in EmergencyDepartment using Ensemble Machine Learning Models
Investigation effect of Pembrolizumab antibody combined withNapabucasin compared with Pembrolizumab on the gene expression profiling in colorectal cancer based whole transcriptome RNA-Seq analysis
In-silico docking and virtual screening of natural products as possible BACE۱ inhibitors: a new hope for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease?
Molecular screening and docking analysis of natural GSK۳B inhibitors: A promising target for Alzheimer’s disease
Identification of hub genes and key signaling pathways of ascites-derived ovarian cancer stem cells from different origins and associated with clinicopathological features
Study of the Gene Network effective on Bovine Mastitis underMicroarray data
Evaluation of Protein Clusters in Wool Fiber Production Using Interaction Map Analysis
Molecular docking and ADME studies of natural compounds against bitter taste receptors( TAS۲Rs )
Cell Spatial Distribution Patterns of Human Distal Lung
Unraveling the Complexity of rhizosphere microbiome affecting the quality of Crocus sativus