آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 234تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 250
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 120902
هفتمین همایش بیوانفورماتیک ایران
هفتمین همایش بیوانفورماتیک ایران در تاریخ ۱۳ دی ۱۳۹۶ توسط دانشگاه تربیت مدرس،انجمن بیوانفورماتیک ایرانانجمن بيوانفورماتيك ايران - دانشگاه تربيت مدرس در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات هفتمین همایش بیوانفورماتیک ایران مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در هفتمین همایش بیوانفورماتیک ایران
In silico analysis of genomic fingerprinting using highly repetitive sequences (HIPs, STRR and ERIC) to differentiate close cyanobacteria strains, isolated from different Climatic/Geographic Regions and Habitats
In silico prediction of substrate specificity of adenylation domains of NRPSs genes of some cyanobacteria strains as a mining tool for natural bioactive compounds
Evaluation of ensemble classifier (EC) machine learning methods for introduction of breast cancer genomic biomarkers
The roll of computational methods in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with an approach to Traditional Iranian Medicine (TIM)
Classification of proteins based on Difference of expression in healthy and cancerous tissue to identify biomarkers of prevalent cancers
Quantitative Comparison of Abundance Structures of Generalized Communities
Bioinformatics for Plant genome
Gene Prioritization for Breast Cancer
Big data analytics in bioinformatics
The yief protein application and its performance improvement in bioremediation
In silico evaluation and prediction of intra/inter-species relationships & properties of antigenic region 4 of HA protein of swine influenza H1N1 virus in Iran in order to present a proper candidate for vaccine
In-silico evaluation of Iran NDV fusion protein in order to present effective vaccine candidate
Analysis of Common Transcription Factors in SnRK2 Gene Family in Rice
Promoter Analysis of SnRK2 Gene Family in Arabidopsis
In silico analysis of the effective miRNAs regulating the rheumatoid arthritis
In-silico evaluation of Human papioma virus L1 protein in order to present effective vaccine candidate
Calculation and user-friendly reporting of anticipated amplicons from (un)specific primer-binding on bisulfite-treated genomes
Potential of genomics for discovering addiction
Stratification of breast cancer subtypes using somatic mutation and none negative matrix factorization
Meta-Analysis Approach to the Estrogen Receptor-Alpha Gene PvuII (T/C) Polymorphism and Preeclampsia Risk
Modelling a combined method based on SVM, NN and Boosted C5.0 decision tree for Hepatitis Disease Diagnosis
Effect of KLK2 nsSNPs on prostate related disease
Design of GST Target-Specific Primers for Polymerase Chain Reaction
Chronic inflammation leads ASD children to Cancer
Derivative free nonsmooth optimization algorithm for large data clustering
Cancer Biomarker Discovery Using High Performance Algorithm
In silico analysis of cis-acting regulatory elements in 5ʹ regulatory regions of Ca2+/cation antiporters gene family in Zea mays L
Up-regulated specific MicroRNA-4640 in Brain Tumor Metastasis of Breast Cancer
Investigating the difference in the gene expression profile of breast cancer metastasis to the brain with the lung, liver and bone tissues
Clustering colon cancer patients based on their gene expression
Large Scale Gene Expression Analysis towards Understanding the Crown Response to Cold Stress in Barley
Large Scale Gene Expression Analysis towards Understanding the Roots Response to Drought Stress in Wheat
Identification of Novel Members of miR166 family in Barley
Novel Features Ranking Method for High Dimensional Biological Data
In Silico comparison of Several Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Signal Peptides for Secretory Production of Recombinant Human Endostatin in E. coli
New Combining of SMOT and Tomek Links Sampling Methods for Functional Association Genes Prediction on Highly Imbalanced Data Sets
Classification and prediction of therapeutic compositions of a number of plants
The Role of Data Mining on Improving the Quality of Disease Treatment
UNaProd 1.0: Universal Natural Product Resource
Modeling polyclonality and mutation in Microbal Enhanced Oil Recovery
Investigation of the expression of glycolysis, pentose phosphate and fatty acid biosynthesis genes in aerobic and anaerobic conditions in E. coli
Influenza Bioinformatics Resources
In-silico analysis of nucleic acid and amino acids (Env, Pol,Gag,Vif,Tat) of the HIV-1 virus (human immunodeficiency virus) for evaluating of the genetic evolutionary and signature pattern of Iran strains
Sequencing the ovine pancreatic RNase A gene, a potent immunotoxin, in Iranian wild and domestic sheep
In silico genome wide analysis of aquaporins in Musa acuminata
Comparsion of Haplotype block stracture in Angus Bulls genotyped by 50k and 777k Bovine BeadChip
Comparision of ROH detection in Angus breed genotyped by 50k and 777k Bovine Beadchip
Estimation of effective population size (Ne) in Angus breed by 777K Bovine BeadChip
Evolutionary pattern of the genus Salvia L.
Prediction of subcellular localization of multi-location proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana using a probabilistic model integrating family-driven and protein-protein features
Evolutionary study of PHOSPHOLIPID: DIACYLGLYCEROL ACYLTRANSFERASE (PDAT), an enzyme in neutral lipid biosynthesis between plants with high and low oil content
Molecular dynamics simulation study of Protein- Nanoparticle Interactions
Evaluation of the structure of catechole 2,3 deoxygenase in Aneurinibacillus migulanus strain Znu12 via bioinformatic studies
Whole-Genome Based Molecular Phylogeny of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus for More Accurate Identification of the Virus Origin
MiRProvide: a comprehensive database of predicted and validated microRNA-target interactions
Investigation of phylogenetic, protein network and cis regulatory elements of TPRN: A key gene causing deafness, autosomal recessive 79
In silico analysis of USH1C gene causing deafness autosomal recessive 18 and Usher syndrome type 1C
Chemoselectivity of acetylene hydratase towards a few amines and alcohols
Bioinformatic study on the structure of catechol 1,2 deoxygenase in Paenarthrobacter nitroguajacolicus strain Znu14
Molecular docking study on the interaction of LU AF64280 and LU AF33241 with PDE2A
In Silico Analysis of Non-Synonymous Single Nucleotid Polymorphisms (nsSNPs) in Human IL-6 Gene
Analysis of Physicochemical Properties and Structure of Laccase
Determination and Identification of Important and Influential Nodes Involved in the Pathology of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Using Improved TOPSIS Method
Bioinformtic analysis of microbial phytase
Bioinformatics analysis on the physicochemical properties and structure of bacterial chitinase enzyme
Bioinformatic Analysis and Stability Assessment of Cold-adapted Xylanases
Computational designing of poly-epitopic vaccine by Targeting E6 Protein Sequences
Designing of Polyepitopic Vaccine by Targeting E7 Protein Sequences: An Immuno-Informatics Approach in Human Papillomavirus 16
Important Nodes Detection in Biological Networks: A Graph Kernel based Approach
Effect of Point Mutations in the Clostridium thermocellum Cellulase on the Thermostability: A Study by Molecular Dynamic Simulation
In silico analysis of a new Brucella vaccine candidate
Investigating the different environments of active site glutamates of Glyoxalase І
Thr-101 and HOH-404 in proton exchange of glutathiohydroxyacetone by Glyoxalase І
Investigation of interaction between two anti-diabetic drugs and human serum albumin, through molecular docking simulation
In silico analysis of different signal peptides for secretory production of truncated keratinocyte growth factor in escherichia coli
In silico Structure Analysis of Acinetobacter baumannii Outer Membrane Protein, BtuB, as a Potential vaccine candidate
Investigation of the temperature-sensitive gating of TRPV2 channel by molecular dynamics simulation
The role of α-Synuclein misfolding in Parkinson s disease
Enhancing thermal stability of the Streptomyces chitinase enzyme using In Silico point mutation
Protein Analysis of phosphate transporter (Tapt2) protein sequence in crop plant, Triticum aestivum
Bioinformatics Study of Heat Shock Protein 90 (HSP90) among Animalia classes, Especially in Tardigrada (Ramazzottius varieornatus)
Using an active learning semi-supervision algorithm for classifying of ECG signals and diagnosing heart diseases
The K461Q mutation increases the thermo-stability of β-xylosidase: an in silico study
Preference of dipeptides for adopting helix conformation
The bioinformatical analysis Artemis defected protein in a subset of SCID patients
In silico analysis of TREM2 gene involved in Alzheimer’s disease
Molecular Docking of secondry metabolite in agrimonia as Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors in Alzheimer s disease Treatment
In Silico Epitope Mapping of Acinetobacter Baumannii Outer Membrane Protein, FilF, As a Potential Vaccine Candidate
In Silico Structural Analysis of Acinetobacter Baumannii Outer Membrane Protein, FilF, As a Potential Vaccine Candidate
Computational analysis of pathogenic mutation effects on human acyl-CoA dehydrogenase structure and stability
Atomistic insights into the binding process in the column chromatography
Atomistic insights into the Protein-functionalized nanoparticles
Stability and affinity analysis of commercial anti-TNF-α antibodies: in-silico study
An improved model of class C GPCR family member sweet taste receptor : construction and dynamics
Bioinformatics study on the role of aromatic amino acids in the position of residue Leucine 25 in Aequorin with site-directed mutagenesis
Investigating the effect of lysine 89 residue alteration using a site-directed mutagenesis on the structure and function of mnemiopsin 2 photoprotein via bioinformatics study
Protein Sequence Analysis of Heat Shock Protein (HSP) protein sequence in medicinal plant,Capsicum annuum
Predicting RNA Secondary Structures of ADC and ODC Genes Involved in Putrescin Biosynthesis in Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graceum L.)
Anticipation of the secondary structure of nifs and CAP2 genes using Sfold, Mfold and RNAfold softwares in Fenugreek (Trigonellafoenum-graecum L.)
Bioinformatic Study of miRNAs Involved in Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Vernalization
Bioinformatic analysis of acyl carier protein (ACP) in eukaryotes and prokaryotes
Structural modelling the of fatty acid ester in Rhizopogon luteolus Mushroom
In silico analysis of mitochondrial tRNAlue(CUN) structure in the presence of A12308G polymorphism in patients with non-dystrophic myotonia
In Silico Design, Analysis and Structure Prediction of Tow New Chimeras of VK210/VK247CSP Antigen for Development of a Malaria Pre-erythrocytic Subunit Vaccine Candidate
Immunogenic epitopes prediction of SP15 protein of Phlebotomus papatasi salivary gland by bioimmunoinformatic
ACon: predicting protein contact-map using additive neural networks and subgroups balancing method
Assessing the stability of a drug-like inhibitory peptide in complex with β-Catenin using umbrella sampling
Prediction the structure of the psbU protein using the method homology modeling
PSSMFG: a bioinformatics tool for generating descriptors based on PSSM profiles
Effect of Acetylation of Substance P on the Binding to NK1 Receptor by Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Detection of Critical Genes Associated with Bovine Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Cattle
Trade-off shapes diversity in eco-evolutionary dynamics
Evaluation of 6 scoring systems in emergency department
A Mutally information method for initialization of K2 alogorithms in Bayesian Gen Regularity Network
Imputation of non-genotyped parents using genotype information of their relatives
Statistical Analysis of Dihedral Angles Perturbation
Analysis of a Hepatitis C Virus Infection Model with Interval Drug Effectiveness and Target Cells
A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for multimodal functions with application to the drug therapy of cancer
Breast Cancer Detection via Tree Algorithms
Epilepsy Recognition Using Mixture Autoregressive with Two First Order autoregressive Components
Assessment of population structure in cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) genotypes using bioinformatics STRUCTURE 2.3.4 software
Introduction and investigation of the Top scoring pair method by detecting the efficiency of drug in breast cancer
Differential Game Theory Approach in SIR Epidemic Model
Investigation of the diffusion regime of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense
Game theory approach in analyzing biological networks
Reconstruction of intercellular signaling network in mouse immune system
Identification and Validation of UGE1 Candidate Gene Associated to Drought Stress in Plants by Gene Expression Analysis
Analysis of gene co-expression weighted network identifies specific module related to Parkinson
Esophageal cancer: insight into protein network and identification of proteins related to this cancer using bioinformatics tools
Network parameters to detect hubs and bottlenecks in the gene regulatory networks
Mycophenolic acid treatment alters gene regulatory network of gastric cancer cell line AGS
Detection of hub genes and protein complexes in gastric cancer cell line AGS exposed to mycophenolic acid by network-based analysis
Bioinformatic analysis of cis acting elements and protein analysis of DREB6 gene in Triticum sativum
Codon usage and protein analyses of UDP-Glycosyltransferase in the medicinal plant, Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana)
The comparision between Distance and character based methods in Phylogentic study
The advantages and disadvantages of using three different kinds of character-based method in phylogenetic study
An improved control strategy for gene regulatory networks using batch reinforcement learning
The gut microbiome: when autism makes a connection to cancer!
Assessment and extension of Interaction network of the salinity responsive genes in plants
Personalized Cancer Driver Gene Identification, A Network Based Approach
Sleep Apnea Detection from ECG Signal based on MLP-NN and GA
In silico microRNA analysis binding to Tomato spotted wilt virus in tomato
Functional and promoter analysis of conserved gene coexpression network of 4-Coumarate 3-hydroxylase in Brachypodium distachyon and Glycine max
A novel algorithm to identification of breast cancer biomarkers
Haplotype Assembly Using Rank Minimization
Prediction and evaluation of driver genes based on TCGA somatic mutations data in breast invasive carcinoma patients
Molecular mechanisms of mastitis susceptibility in dairy cattles
Transcriptomic analysis for compactness of Sistan Yaghooti grape clusters
How to analysis methylation sequencing data using DMRFusion
The comparison of assembler using transcriptome data from Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss
Metagenome Assembly: Explanation, Challenges and Future Trends
Study of Nucleotide Diversity and its Frequency in NPY Gene in Indigenous Turkeys of Iran
Evaluation of quality-related parameters in raw NGS data and implementing tools to obtain them
In Silico Analysis of DREB2 Transcription Factor Gene family in Aeluropus littoralis
Sequences, molecular and protein structure bioinformatics analysis of the NGF gene in goats
Heat shock protein 70 gene in Bos Taurus: Protein Network, Evolution and Molecular phylogenetic
Exploring Genomic Traits of a Midgut Bacterial Symbiont of the Stinkbug Acrosternum arabicum (Hem., Pentatomidae)
Haplotype Inference from Genotype Data Using Evolutionary Method (ARO)
Discovery of novel Mycobacterial lasso peptide biosynthetic gene clusters and structure prediction of the resulting peptide
Transcriptome Analysis in Medicinal Plant Leaves of Citrullus colocynthis to Identify the Genes Related to Production of Pharmaceutical Compounds
Transcriptome Analysis of Male and Female Inflorescence of Medicinal Plant Citrullus Colocynthis to Identification the Effective Genes in Determination of Flower Sexuality
A development framework for data analytics in genomics
Approximation of knowledge-based potential function using b-splines in discrimination of native structure
Genome-wide analysis of drought and salt involved responsiveness genes in Brassica napus
Identification of Potential Factors to Enhance RPE Differentiation from ESC by Bioinformatics Analysis of Mesenchymal Cells
A Network-Based Drug Repositioning Approach
Computational Drug Repositioning: A Review on Databases and Approaches
Reconstruction Of Intercellular Signaling Network: A Review On The Databases And Methods
In silico prediction of preferred substrate of some HAD-Related Acid Phosphatase of A. thaliana
Designing specific primer to replication partial sequence of the PgaA gene responsible for the synthesis of endo-polygalacturonase enzymes in Aspergillus niger
Engineering of ovine pancreatic Ribonuclease for increasing of cytotoxicity activity: an in silico approach
Step by Step from Machine Learning Algorithm to Making QSAR model: Present a Combined Feature Selection with a Case Study
Protein design using native secondary sub-structures and solvent accessibility
Designing and screening of a biomimetic peptide library to select blocking peptides interupting β-catenin/LRH-1 complex in pancreatic cancerous cells
Feature Selection in Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) Study: Combining Firefly and Neural Network methods
Role of Glycosylation in Developing Anti-cancer Therapeutics
Rational Design of a peptide aptamer targeting P53 tumor suppressor protein by Computational Methods
Design and Synthesis of the Novel Coumarin-Quinoline Hybrids as Multitarget Inhibitors of the Acetylcholinesterase, Butyrylcholinesterase and Monoamine oxidase-B
Molecular Dynamics Studies of Truncated Human Cathelicidin LL:37 Peptide Interacting with a Bacterial Model Membrane
The study of characteristics of structural and functional of membrane antigens related to pulmonary malignancy, an Introduction to Diagnosis and Lung Cancer
Drug Repurposing for Human HER2 Positive Breast Cancer based on Gene Co-expression Data
Design, Molecular Dynamic Simulation and Docking of An Anti-angiogenic Peptide
Hightroughput structure-based virtual screening to repropose new inhibitory compounds against FoxM1 transcription factor overexpressing in pancreatic cancerouse cell lines
Molecular docking study on anticancer activity of phycocyanobilin
Molecular Docking and structure-based Rivaroxaban novel analogs
Molecular docking of glucosyltransferase enzyme (The most important factor in development of dental plaque) with Myrtus compounds
In silico prediction of Anti-infective properties of therapeutic chemicals at Medicinal Plants
CoMFA and CoMSIA 3D-QSAR and Molecular Docking Studies on Biaryl Benzamides derivatives as Histone Deacetylase 1 Selective Inhibitors
Design and evaluation of new genetic structures capable of digesting carcinogenic aromatic hydrocarbons to develop strains of probiotics
In silico analysis of the miR-200 family target genes as diagnostic biomarkers in prostate cancer
In silico study the natural APC3 inhibitor
Designing and molecular docking studies of deferasirox and its derivatives
Drug Clusterng and Recommender System for Drug-Drug Interactions by Using Singular Value Decomposition
A new antimalarial approach for designing an anticancer regiment by in silico methods: The iron chelating multitarget hybrid HPO drivatives
In silico docking evaluation of α-Amylase inhibitory activity of N-(pyridine-2-ylcarbamothiol)benzamide
Study of the interaction of Crizotinib with serum albumin protein by functional density theory method
Molecular effects of Ganoderma lucidum: a bioinformatical approach
Theoretical investigation of antimicrobial property of native histatin-3 and its four mutants via molecular Dynamics simulation method
Theoretical investigation of antimicrobial property of native histatin-3 and four mutants of D1H, G23A, D1H+G23A and D1H+G9W via molecular Dynamics simulation method
In Silico prediction of putative antimicrobial targets in Legionellaceae family: A homology based methods
Categories protein secondary structure using soft computing(Combined with genetic fuzzy and neural network)
The rational design of the new anti-alzheimer drugs via in-silico approach
Insights into the inhibitory mechanism of rimantadine drug against p7 viroporin by molecular dynamic simulation
In silico analysis of drug resistance in HIV-reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Vision and Mission of Bioinformatics in Toxicology
Alignment Independent 3D-QSAR Study of AT1 Inhibitors as Anti- hypertensive Drugs
Simulation of para-substituted phenyl propionic acid derivatives interactions with GPR40 in the treatment of type 2 diabetes disease
Calculation of amino acids propensity for secondary structures
Evaluation of peripheral effects for gamma carboxylase effective in blood coagulation and relating proteins using QM/MM methods
New Algorithm for Protein Catalytic Site Recognition, Based on Graph Matching
Evaluation of bioinformatics characteristics of NPC1 protein (Niemann-Pick C1)
Molecular modeling and dynamics simulation of a histidine-tagged TGFβ
Finding genes involved in HA production a Systems Biology Approach
Identification of unstable points in protein using analiysis prepheral of each residue
CSFinder (Cleavage Site Finder): A Web-based Software for Identifying Potential Cleavage Site of Protein Based on 3D Structure
Structural Analyses on aromatic-aromatic Interactions in Proteins
Study of Red/ox Dynamics of Human Protein Disulfide Isomerase by Machine Learning and Network Analysis
Protein Structure Reduction in Protein Fold Recognition
A two layers hybrid approach for integration and first stage analysis of bioinformatics data based on hypergraph
Notch pathway Gene Network in Colorectal Cancer Drug Treatment
Regulatry Network in MKN-45 Cell Line in Response to Ibuprofen
Differentation gene expression of Notch signaling pathway response to Ivermectin
Identification of Transcription Factors in Gastric Cancer Cell Line Response to Ibuprofen
Comparative coexpressed network study of phenylalanine ammonialyase in Brachypodium distachyon and Glycine max
CBTH: a New Algorithm for MRTC Problem
Investigating the effect of solvent type on the formation of Epaxal liposome (DOPC-DOPE) using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation
Simulation Studied of Conjugated anti-Hepatitis B antibody to Streptavidin
QSAR and Molecular Docking Studies on Phthalazinone Derivatives as H1 and H3 dual inhibitors: A New Approach to Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis
Identification of important volatile organic compounds as cancer biomarkers
Efficient Determination of Dead Markings of Petri Nets in Systems Biology
Efficient Computation of Steady States of Logical Models of Biological Systems
Association between Estrogen Receptor-Alpha Gene XbaI (A/G) polymorphisms and Preeclampsia Risk: A meta-analysis
Application of Computational Systems Biology in Drug Discovery