آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 97تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 1150
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 45037
هشتمین کنگره ملی تازه یافته ها در مطالعات زبان انگلیسی
هشتمین کنگره ملی تازه یافته ها در مطالعات زبان انگلیسی در تاریخ ۳۱ شهریور ۱۳۹۹ توسط ،انجمن فناوری های بومی ایران در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات هشتمین کنگره ملی تازه یافته ها در مطالعات زبان انگلیسی مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در هشتمین کنگره ملی تازه یافته ها در مطالعات زبان انگلیسی
مروری: کووید- 19 و شیوع آموزش مجازی
Needs analysis of Iranian Law Students’ English Language Use and Evaluation of a Law ESP Book
مفهوم "بازنمود ذهنی" واژه ها در معنی شناسی فلسفی و معنی شناسی تجربی با استناد به پژوهش های انجام شده در زبان فارسی
An Investigation of Teachers' Profile and Their Teaching Experience: The Case of Jihad Daneshgahi Language Institute
The Effect of Teachers’ Thoughts and Perceptions on Raising Iranian EFL Learners'(Energy)Sustainability Awareness
The Effect of the Reading Strategy on EFL Iranian Learners’ Reading Comprehension Performance
The Evaluating OF Using Bilinguals And Monlingual EFL Learners in Reading Comprehension
English Language Teaching Professional Development: A Qualitative Study on Face-to-Face and Online Interaction
Graduate Students' Satisfaction with Quality of Content Delivery of Online Course of English Language Teaching Methodology
Investigating EFL Pre-Service Teachers’ Knowledge of Teaching Academic Speaking: The Cases of Skills and Competences, Technology Use, Feedback and Assessment Strategies
A Study of the Concept of Indolence in the Romantic Period: John Keats' 'Ode on Indolence', A Deviation
رویکرد جاذبه محوری در ترجمه ای نو از قرآن کریم به فارسی
A Postcolonial Reading of Jhumpa Lahiri’s “Mrs. Sen’s” Through the Lens of Homi Bhabha
Chance and the Matter of Possibilities in Paul Auster’s Fiction
“I Came Only to Use the Phone”: Márquez’ Existential Nightmare of Conformity
The Effect of Multimedia Messages via WhatsApp on Iranian EFL 12th Grade Students’ Recall of Proverbs of Vision 3
The Endemic Ideological State Apparatuses in Edward Bond’s Lear: An Althusserian Reading
Decolonized Trauma: Memory and Identity on Lahiri's When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine
Institutional Ideology and Repression in Harold Pinter’s The Dumb Waiter
بررسی تطبیقی رمان های هنری و کیتو اثر آیریس مرداک و پدر آن دیگری اثر پری نوش صنیعی بر اساس نظریات اریک برن
Analyzing The Translation Strategies of Idiomatic Expressions from Persian into English Based On Mona Baker's Theory: The Case Study of Sadegh Hedayat's Stray Dog Translated from Persian into English
The Effect of Pictures and Real Instruments on Vocabulary Learning of Iranian EFL Young Learners
بررسی کاربرد و معنای برخی حروف ربط و اضافه در شعر سنایی غزنوی
EFL Teachers’ Codeswitching; Major Types and Functions
Second and Third Language Motivations Compared: A Case Study of Iranian Language Learners Using Factorial Model
A Comparative Study of Stance-Markers in the Introduction and Discussion Parts of M.A Applied Linguistics and Translation Theses of Non-native Students
بررسی تاریخ نگاری ترجمه در ایران
Colonial Mimicry Strategy in the Third Space: Merrick and the Colonizer
Broadbent, Larry and Keegan: The Colonizer and the Other in the Third Space
The Interplay between EQ and Metacognitive Reading Strategies Pertaining to Reading Comprehension in an Iranian EFL Setting
Writing Teaching: Cognitive/Metacognitive Reading Strategies, Metacognitive Awareness Writing, Writing Apprehension In Focus
English Teachers’ Attitudes towards Cultural Teaching through Short stories in English Language Institutes in Iran
بررسی زهد در دیوان حافظ
بررسی و تحلیل عناصر داستان در رمان ملت عشق اثر الیف شافاک
The relationship between Reading Strategy Use and Reading Comprehension as Mediated by Reading Rate: The Case of Eye Movement Training by Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP)
Class Discourse Analysis with a Dialogic Approach Focusing on Teachers’ Role in Managing Classroom Interactions
The Strategies of Translators Training: A Review Paper
Status of Grammar in English Language Teaching
مطالعه ی چند راهکار آموزش زبان انگلیسی
Investigating the Frequency and Function of Lexical Bundles in the Conclusion Section of Applied Linguistics Research Articles Published in Iranian Journals
Bridging the Gap between English Classes for International Students
Language Learning Styles and Writing Strategies as Predictors of Writing Anxiety among Iranian EFL Learners
The Comparative Study of Interactional Metadiscourse Markers in English Scientific Articles of Hard and Soft Disciplines
Designing ESP Materials for Iranian Nurses based on Needs Analysis
The Effect of Task Repetition on the Grammatical Accuracy
The Effect of Active Learning on Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension: Interactive Classroom Procedures
The Effect of Active Learning on Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension: clear objectives
A Comparative Study of Transposition of Form in English Translations of Gulistan-e-Saadi: A Case of Thackston (2008) and Rehatsek (1964)
Discourse Markers and Reading Comprehension
The Study and Evaluation of Main Current Trends and Approaches in Teaching Reading in ESP Courses at Islamic Azad University
Authorial Identity in Argumentative Writing: Exploration vs. Commitment
The Role of Narratives Used by an EFL Teacher in a Foreign Language Classroom: A Case Study
The Actor Network Theory Approach to Action Research in an EFL Classroom Context
Alienated and Displaced at Home: Aydeen in “Symphony of the Dead”
Modelling forImprovement on Vocabulary Knowledge of Male vs. Female Iranian EFL Learners with Executive Functions Difficulties
The Relationship among the Use of Oral Communication Strategies, Self-Regulation and Identity Processing Styles of Iranian University Students of English Translation
The Effects of Task Repetition and Task Recycling on Iranian EFL Learners’ Grammar Acquisition
The Effects of Computer Assisted Flipped Model of Instruction on Upper- Intermediate EFL Learners’ Inference- making in Reading Comprehension
زهراالسادات اسماعیلی نژاد
Pragmatic Content Analysis of Interchange Intro EFL Text Book
An Attempt for Recognizing the ESP Course Challenges to Explore the Ways of Improving the Quality of ESP Program in Iran Universities
Nightmare of Reality in Ceremony by Leslie M. Silko
A Critical Review of the Impacts of Behavioral Approaches on Second Language Learning and Teaching
The Association between Learner Differences and Language Curriculum Development
The Impact of Pre-questions, Collocations, and Contextualization Activities on Reading Comprehension of Iranian High School Learners of English Authors
Twinning Comparative Literature and Arab Diaspora
Comparing Tenses among Articles That Are From Two Fields, Agriculture and Emotion
Self and Identity as Situational in Congreve’s The Way of the World
The Effect of Flashcard and Wordlist Strategies with Persian vs. English Definitions on Iranian EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Development
Studying Robots’ Capability in Loving and Being Loved in Science Fiction
The Attitude and Perspective of an Iranian EFL Teacher towards Online Instruction: A Case Study
زبان شناسی تاریخی با استفاده از رویکرد تالشی
زبان شناسی اسلامی و زبانشناسی جدید : کدامیک برتر است؟
مشکلات و راهبردهای تدریس به زبان فارسی در مناطقی که دوزبان دارند
Post Method and Post Modernism
مطالعۀ کارکرد دشواژه در سینمای معاصر ایران
Taboo Types in Iranian Cinema
Investigating Iranian EFL Teachers’ Assessment Literacy at Different Educational Contexts
Reading the unwritten: Reader- response Analysis of Gillian Flynn’s The Grown-up
“World trapped in its own bad faith” The Message of Arthur Miller’s “ALL My Sons”
The Effect of Peer-led instruction on Writing Process of Second Language Learners
the effect of problem-based learning on the improvement of Iranian female high school students English writing ability
Configuration of trauma and memory bond in Auster’s invention of solitude
Psychological Cycle of Lacanian Reading of Destined for The Space of Self-knowledge in Paulo Coelho selected fiction
Enhancing EFL learners critical thinking in a blended language learning Classroom
درک عبارات اصطلاحی: قابلیتی چند وجهی
دو زبانگی و کنترل شناختی: شواهدی از دو زبانه های فارسی زبان
روند ساز و کارهای نحوی در بیماران زبان پریش فارسی زبان: شواهدی در زبان فارسی در مورد رویکرد جایگاه گرایانه مغز
Analyzing the use of Vague Language in Political Context: The Case of President Rouhani and PM Boris Johnson
روش های تدریس سنتی و مدرن زبان انگلیسی
دموکراسی و آزادی خواهی در شعر ملک الشعرای بهار
بررسی ویژگی دستوری نفثه المصدور با تکیه بر اسم و ترکیبات آن
بررسی انطباق بین محتوا و اهداف کتابهای زبان انگلیسی مقطع متوسطه
روش های ترجمه و نموداری کردن بخش عربی صرف ساده
بررسی نگاهی تاریخی در حوزه رئالیسم به ادبیات روسیه و ایران