آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 236تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 1897
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 176035
دومین کنفرانس ملی تحقیقات کاربردی در مطالعات زبان انگلیسی
دومین کنفرانس ملی تحقیقات کاربردی در مطالعات زبان انگلیسی در تاریخ ۹ بهمن ۱۳۹۳ توسط ،دانشگاه جامع علمي كاربردي در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات دومین کنفرانس ملی تحقیقات کاربردی در مطالعات زبان انگلیسی مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در دومین کنفرانس ملی تحقیقات کاربردی در مطالعات زبان انگلیسی
A Study on Writing Anxiety among Iranian EFL Students
New Approaches Improve Accountability of English Teachers
مشکلات ترجمه در متون تخصصی علوم سیاسی و روابط بین الملل
Issues on Interpreting
Ensi in Trauma: A Psychoanalytic Reading of Jerahat
Students' De-motivation Factors in EFL Learning at Iranian Context
On the Effects of Global and State Self-esteem on Iranian EFL Learners’ Language Learning Strategy Use
Self-efficacy as a Function of Language Learning Strategy Use
Language Learning Strategies Predicting Resource Management Self-regulated Learning
Personality Type and language proficiency in an EFL context
Genre Analysis of Oxford and Tabriz Applied Linguistics Research Article Abstracts: From Move Structure to Transitivity Analysis
An Examination of Violence and the Formation of American Identity in Shepard’s Buried Child
An Existential Reading of A Clean Well-Lighted Place
The Study of Archetypal Patterns-Quest,Return to Paradize and Rebirth - of Jungian Theories in Beckett’s Fiction Trilogy:Molloy, Malone Dies and The Unnamble
The effect of Wireless communication on second Language Reading Comprehension
The effect of coherence proficiency on the development of gaining Fluency among Iranian intermediate EFL learners
Analysis of Poetry in Translation: The Textual and Extra-textual Approaches to the Persian and English Versions of Poem by Hafez in Contrast
Criteria for Naturalness of Conversations in English Textbooks
Death of the Teacher: What Humanistic Approach Has Brought about in Iranian Context
The Study of Relationship between Different Genres and Open- ended cloze test
Critical Thinking and their Listening Comprehension Test Performance
Comparing Immediate and Delayed Correcting Students’ Errors of pronunciation and its impact on Improving their pronunciation ability
The Effects of Listening to Music Just Before Reading Test on Students’ Test Score
Dynamic Assessment: A Humanistic Approach of Learners’ Writing Proficiency from a Vygotskian Perspective
The effect of competitive and cooperative teaching techniques on Iranian EFL learners’ use of direct strategies
The effect of competitive and cooperative teaching techniques on Iranian EFL learners’ autonomy
مقایسه تاثیر تدریس همتایان بر نگرش ریاضی،فیزیک و زبان انگلیسی
On the Effects of Self, Peer, and Teacher Assessments on Iranian EFL Learners’ General and Academic Self-efficacy
On the Effects of Self, Peer, and Teacher Assessments on Iranian EFL Learners’ Goal-orientation
The Effect of gender on Iranian EFL Learners ' Lexical Errors in Writing
Challenges of implementing ELT in an EFL context from students’ viewpoints
Discourse Analysis of Online Comments
Lexicogramatical and Linguistic Complexity of Readings Parts in English Books for Senior High School in Iran
A Cross Cultural Study of Violation of Gricean Maxims in Social Network between Iranian EFLs and Native American Students
The Effect of the Content of Teacher Talk on Iranian EFL learners Willingness to Communicate
The Effect of Pre-Reading Questioning on Reading Comprehension over time
An Exploration into the Nature of Obstacles to Developing Oral Communication Skills in Target Language among Iranian EFL Learners
A Contrastive Cross- Cultural Study on Apologizing Speech Acts among Persian, Turkish and English ative Speakers
Investigating Politeness and Academic Background: An analytical Approach
On Students' De-motivation, Gender, Major, and Educational Level in Iranian EFL Context
The Concept of Power in the Totalitarian System of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four
The Impacts of the Second World War on British Literature, A Case Study of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-our
English Teacher at Its Best: Developing Effective Teaching Knowledge for Efficient EFL/ESL Teachers
The Jungian Archetypes in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies
Presenting assessment for learning for EFL reading in an assessment of learning examination-driven system in Iran
Private and public EFL teachers’ level of burnout and its relationship with their emotional intelligence: A comparative study
Hamlet’s fifth soliloquy
Evaluating ILI Advanced Series through Bloom's Revised Taxonomy
The processing of ambiguous sentences by Iranian EFL learners
The Effect of Forward Recollection on Retrieval of Iranian EFL Male & female Learners’ Vocabulary
Teaching Experience and Teachers' Beliefs about Grammar Instruction and Corrective Feedback: Building a Bridge or Wash it Away
A critical discourse analysis approach to legitimization strategies: Obama’s speeches on Libya in focus
The Effect of Cultural Knowledge on Reading Comprehension of Iranian EFL learners
The effects of Explicit and Implicit Instructional Techniques on Iranian EFL Learners' comprehension of Lexical Collocations
The effects of Explicit and Implicit Instructional Techniques on Iranian EFL Learners' production of Lexical Collocations
An Overview of Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis
Metadiscourse Markers in Discussions Section of Humanities Research Articles Written in English and Persian
Think Aloud Protocols in Translation: Iranian English Translation and Non-Translation Students’ Translation Strategies
Short Stories; A Creative Method to Improve Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
Development and Evaluation of a Reading Comprehension Achievement Test to Assess Iranian EFL Learners’ Text Organization Knowledge
Body Language in Iranian EFL Classroom: Concentration on Age and Culture
Typology of Persian Politeness Markers based on Persian and English Journals
Towards the Typology of Persian Politeness Markers based on Persian and English Conversations
بررسی مقایسه ای مقوله های تصریفی شمار و معرفگی اسم در گفتار کودکان عادی و سندرم داون با سن عقلی 4 تا 7 سال فارسی زبان
Reflecting on performance-influencing factors in English course from high and low achieving students
The impact of discourse markers instruction on improving writing of intermediate EFL learners
The Effect of Teaching Idioms on Iranian EFL Female Learners’ Intrinsic Motivation
Prior knowledge of Cohesion Factors and their Effect on Reading Comprehension of English Texts in Pre-university Students
Taboos in IRIB’s Dubbed Hollywood Movies: A Look at Translation of Culture-Bound Elements
Team Teaching Tips for Foreign Language Teachers
Vocabulary Levels Test and Word Associates Test: Can they Measure Language Proficiency?
Farabi's Logico-Linguistic Ideas in Comparison with Theories and Principles in Contemporary Linguistics
The Philosophy of Foreign Language Teaching and Teacher Training (with special reference to translation)
Translation Studies and Language Teacher Training
The Effect of Supplementary Materials (Reading Short Stories and Related Word lists) On the Acquisition of New Vocabularies among Iranian Intermediate Female EFL learners
The pathology of English textbooks in high school level from students and teachers' viewpoint
Patterns of ICT Use at Home/ School and Factors Supporting/ Hindering its Use: The Case of Iranian EFL Teachers
Strategies in Cultural Dubbing of the Humorous Parts of a Drama Series: The Case of Due South , Episode 60
Formal Study of the Greatest Poem of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Music, when soft voices die
The quality of English textbook in Iranian high school from the view point of teachers
The best method to teach English based on a result of 15 years teaching in an institute
Languaging and Writing Skill: The Effect of Collaborative Writing on EFL Students’ Writing Performance
The reflection of Iranian Character in Saadi’s Bustan
Computer-assisted Language Learning takes into account Individual Differences
A Brief Review of Behaviourism
A Comparative Study of Learning Style Preferences of Monolingual and Bilingual High School Female Students and the Impact of Such Preferences on Language Learning Achievement
Exploring Reading Comprehension Anxiety and Performance on Reading Comprehension Item Types of Iranian EFL Learners
The effect of task type on complexity, accuracy, and fluency of Iranian EFL candidates' oral production: IELTS interview test in focus
Individuality in Higher Education: The Use of the Multiple-Method to Boost ESP Students' Vocabulary Development and Retention
A Nietzschean Approach to Thoreau’s Walden: The Appearance of the Self
Do We Practice What We Persistently Preach? A Critique on the Second Language Teacher Education: Based on sociocultural views of education
Analysis of EFL Learners’ Preferences for Error Correction in EFL Academic Context
On the Relationship between Students’ Language Learning Strategies and Their Level of Language Proficiency in University Context
The Interplay of Learning Approaches and Preferences for Methods of Assessment of Iranian EFL Learners in academic Context
Emotional Intelligence, Tolerance of Ambiguity, and Language Learning Strategies Use of EFL Learners: A Study of Relations
The Relationship between Sense of Humor and Burnout among EFL Teachers in Private Language Institutes
The Relationship between Classroom Management Self-efficacy and Burnout among Iranian EFL Teachers
Multi-Competence Theory & SLA
Artistic Weakness: A Thematic Analysis of D. H. Lawrence’s St Mawr
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on EFL Learners’ Comprehension of Different Genres
On the relationship between students’ politeness and respect and teachers’ scoring in the classrooms
Analysis of subtitling of the movie Gladiator on the basis of Venuti’s domestications and foreignization theory
The impact of ideology on press translation from English into Persian (A case study)
The Effect of Teaching Critical Reading Strategies on Making Advanced Iranian EFL Learnersthe Critical Readers
The Semiotic study of the Icons of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? By Edward Albee
Translating Idiomatic Expressions in Subtitling of Animations
Knut Hamsun’s Hunger:A Self- arrative towards a Self-Discovery Tehran University
Edgar Lawrence Doctorow's Lives of the Poets, (A Collection of Six Short Stories and a Novella) Embodiments of Good and Evil with Two-Dimensional Characters and Situations
Study of Scrambling in Simultaneous Interpretation
A Lost Area in Translation: Heterotaxy as a Passive Shift in Translation
The Rejuvenation of Equivalence Paradigm in Literary Texts: Equimediation as the Seul et Alleiniges Paradigm in Translation
The Sympathetic Phase of ature in a Mythical Adventure
تکیه واژگانی در زبان فارسی : از نظریه واج شناسی نوایی تا بهینگی
تظاهر همخوان ها در آغازه و پایانه : زبان اول و دوم
Text analysis of puns in Persian and English advertising discourse
A Study of the Diachronic Influences of French on English Language
Iranian English language teachers’ perception of task-based language teaching (TBLT) principles and challenges to its implementation
Bound morpheme frequencies in the performance of Iranian English language undergraduates and English language materials developers in written descriptive tasks
Translator ideology translation of political novels: A case study of 1984 and Homage to Catalonia
Explicit Interlanguage Pragmatics Instruction: Role Plays and the Analogy of L1 /L2
A quantitative test analysis: Implementing an interpretive approach to validity argument
The effect of context on Iranian EFL students’ amount of speech production of English languageand their ways of using hedging devices
Variety in Grammatical Equivalence and its Application in Translation
The Effect of ScaffoldedCorrective Feedback on EFL Learners’ Accurate Use of Articles and Past Tenses in Writing
Cultural Context: A Comparative Study of Raymond Carver's Cathedral and Ebrahim Golestan's the Stream and the Wall and the Thirst
The Role of Translators & Interpreters in Reporting the ews; Comparing of ews Based on Baker’s Model
Contrastive Study of Logical Mechanisms Causing Incongruity in Persian and English Sitcoms
Shakespeare’s Shylock, The Everlasting Character of all Times
All My Sons - The Tragic Conflict between Family Loyalties and Social Responsibilities
The Investigation of Patterns of Iranian EFL learners’ Request Speech Act in Three Different Levels
Developmental Stages in Child Language Acquisition: A Case Study of Persian Consonants
Cultural Studies: A Perspective
The Effect of Mediation by Self through Private Speech Versus Artifacts on Writing Proficiency of EFL Learners
Logical Markers in Research Article Abstracts: A Comparative Analysis Across Gender
Testing Approaches and Psycholinguistic Processes in Input Modification Studies: A Critical Review
Let's See If E-mail Resembles Writing or Speech: A Comparison of English Business E-mails Written by Iranians and !ative English Speakers
on-culminating Unity and Aparallel Evolution in Matthew Quick’s The Silver Linings Playbook
The Differential Use of Print Publications by Iranian English learners as Vocabulary Input
The Desirability of Vocabulary Input Sources Relating Media in Learning English Vocabularies among Iranian English Leaners
The Comparison of Strategy Preferences of Monolingual and Bilingual students in EFL Learning
A critique on Postmethod Pedagogy
The Comparative Effect of Individually created and collaboratively created Concept Maps on EFL Learners’ Essay Writing
Development of the character of protagonist of The Sorrow of Young Werther by Goethe.
بررسی مقایسه ای مناظرات انتخابات ریاست جمهوری بر اساس نظام گذرایی دستور نقشگرای نظام مند هلیدی مورد پژوهش : مناظرات نامزدهای انتخابات ریاست جمهوری دو کشور ایران (۱۳۸۸) و آمریکا (۲۰۱۲)
Poetic Reflections in a Cemetery: A Comparative Study of English and Persian Graveyard School of Poetry
Samsara, Karma, and Self-enlightenment: A Buddhist Perspective on Mo Yan’s Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out
From Text to Hypertext: Manipulating ew Media in the Classroom
Politeness strategies and markers in email-requests sent by Iranian EFL learners to professors
منطق موجهات در زبان شناسی
The Effect of Cognates on vocabulary retention of Iranian bilingual EFL Students
Investigating the Effects of Using Supplementary Visual and Audio Tasks on Developing Speaking Skill of EFL Learners
Language Teacher Education in Age of Globalization
English Teaching Simulator (ETS),(A review research)
The Effect of Advance Organizers on Iranian EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension
An Investigation into the Effect of Personality Type on the Quality of Literary Translation
The Formalist Approach: Sonnet of Hafez
An evaluation of Iranian students’ attitudes toward English language learning in terms of some crucial variables
The Effect of Exercise Types on EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Retention
The Effects of Different Motivational Strategies on Iranian EFL Learners’ Motivation
Child Bilingual Acquisition: A Case Study on Persian and English Acquisition of An Iranian Two Year Old
Principles of Creative Language Pedagogy: A case study of Iranian teacher trainers’ perspectives
The Relationship Between Skimming Skill and Cloze Test Performance
The Effect of Bilingualism on the Developing of English Reading Skill
Assessing Speech Acts of Curses and Prayers in Turkish
An Investigation into the Effectiveness of the Adopted Strategies through Dynamic Assessment and Their Comparison with Reference to Washback Effect
Comparison of Rosetta stone English software vs Tell Me More English software on Iranian EFL Student Achievement toward English learning
Translating Interjections of English Movies to Persian Subtitles
The Effect of Intra-sentential, Inter-sentential and Tag- sentential Switching on Teaching Grammar
Relationship between type of education (co-education and single-sex) and anxiety and moderating role of Setting among Iranian students of English
Older and younger Facebook users: Do they differ in using hedges while making online conversations?
A study on Iranian English teachers’ attitudes on Social Justice in ELT setting
فراگیری قیدهای زمان و مکان در انگلیسی در بین نوجوانان دو زبانه عرب-فارس
On the role of Attitudes and Motivation in students’ performance in Iranian university entrance exam
The Effects of Collaborative Assessment on Fostering EFL Writing Proficiency: A Sociocultural Perspective
Gender Differences in the Use of Question in the Context of Iranian Language
The Effect of Task-based Teaching on Incidental Vocabulary Learning in English for Specific Purposes
From Classical to Postclassical Narratology: A Comparison
The Effect of Intensive- and Extensive-Reading-to-Write Tasks on L2 Learners’ Written Lexical Density
the position of translation in Iran: Occupation, Semi-profession, or Profession
زبان و معنا دلیلی بر نقد معرفت فلسفی و عقلی از دیدگاه مکتب تفکیک
On the Practicability of Skill Acquisition Theory in Second Language Acquisition Contexts
A many-facet Rasch measurement of randomness in peer-assessors
A mixed-methods study of factors affecting the acceptance of m-learning
The Relationship between the Parroting and Listening Comprehension Abilities of the Undergraduate EFL Learners
The Effect of Content Familiarity on Reading Comprehension Performance of Iranian Secondary Students Learning EFL
A study on the Lexico-Semantic Errors of Iranian Students LearningEFL
TITLE: The effects of SiminDaneshvar works on the 1960s and 1970sgeneration of Iranian women.
An Initial Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Prospect 1 , English for Iranian Junior High School Students Based on Local Criteria
حالت نماهای زبان ترکی
بررسی نشانگرهای گفتمانی در سور مکی و مدنی قرآن کریم از دیدگاه زبان شناسی متن
بررسی حروف اضافه حجمی در داستان های کوتاه کودکانه در زبان فارسی
General Interferences Performed by Iranian Arab Speakers of Khuzestan Learning Persia as L2
A Comparison of the Effects of Explicit and Implicit Use of Instructional Techniques (Glossing, Semantic Mapping, and Imagery) on L2 Vocabulary Comprehension and Production
Study of Null Subject in Persian Language on the Optimality Theory
Cliticisation in English and Persian: A Minimalist Approach
How Iranian requestors make arequest: The effect of request mode
A Survey on Structural ambiguities in interpreting Arabic Text into Persian
How are Learners’ Willingness to Communicate and Their Oral Language Proficiency Related in an EFL Context?
Exploring the Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Burnout: The Case of Iranian EFL Teachers
Gender-based Variation of Language Strategy Use in Advanced EFL Students of Ahvaz
Strategies and Errors in Translating Tourism Brochures: the case of EFL Learners
A Minimalist Approach to Subject-Verb Agreement in Persian
A Study of the Construction of Female Identity: John Fowles’ The French Lieutenant’s Woman
The Difference between the EGP Texts and ESP Texts in Terms of Readability
The Representation of Islamophobia: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Yahoo News
Building Text Structure Awareness Technique and its impact on Reading Comprehension performance, an Iranian case
The Relationship between Reflectivity in Teaching and the Sense of Self- Efficacy among ovice and Experienced Iranian EFL Teachers
The Effect of Phonological Short-Term Memory on L2 Vocabulary Development in L1 Persian Learners with Down Syndrome
بیان موزون و آهنگین قرآن کریم
لری زبان،گویش،لهجه
Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies among Internalisers and Externaliser Locus of Control
The Effects of Task-based, Cross-linguistic Comparison, and Implicit Presentation Techniques on Iranian EFL Learners’ Comprehension, Production, and Retention of Suggestion Speech Acts
The Role of Proficiency in the Politeness of Electronic Requests of Iranian Students Made to Their Teachers
The Effect of Using Listening Strategies on EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Retention
Age, experience, gender, and teacher efficacy in the EFL context of Iran
A Comparative Study of Two Romances: The English Morte d'Arthur and the Persian Samak-e-Ayyar
The Effects of Metacognitive Strategy Instruction on L2Leartners’ Oral Production Skill
Implementation of Task-based Language Instruction on Foreign Language Learner Task Performance at Different Proficiency Levels in Terms of Written Accuracy
The relationship between perceptual learning styles, multiple intelligences and task performance of Iranian non-English academic EFL learners
بررسی و مقایسه ابزار انسجامی ارجاع در گفتار بیماران سکته ی مغزی نیمکره ی راست و افراد سالم بر اساس الگوی هلیدی و حسن(۱۹۷۶)
The Effect of Using a Digital Computer Game (SIMS) on Children's Incidental English Vocabulary Learning
Investigating Ilami EFL Performance in Observing the Rules for Intonation Patterns Based on Their Gender.
Iranian EFL Teachers' Non-verbal Immediacy, Assertiveness- Responsiveness and Students' Interpersonal Trust and Personality Traits; A Structural Equation Modeling Approach