آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 213تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 2492
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 126816
پنجمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهشهای کاربردی در مطالعات زبان
پنجمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهشهای کاربردی در مطالعات زبان در تاریخ ۲۶ بهمن ۱۳۹۶ توسط ،دانشگاه بين المللي امام خميني (ره) در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات پنجمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهشهای کاربردی در مطالعات زبان مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در پنجمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهشهای کاربردی در مطالعات زبان
بررسی تطبیقی عنصر گفت وگو در داستان های کوتاه صادق هدایت و ویلیام فاکنر
نگاهی به داستان در راه ویلا ی فریبا وفی
An Overview of the Challenge of Publication Bias in Second Language Meta-Analysis
The Importance of Coding Stage in Meta-Analysis
Why Meta-Analysis
A Comparative Research on the Topic of Freedom from Rumi and Spinoza’s Points of View
Elementary EFL Learners’ Attitudes towards Using Code-Switchingas a Medium of Instruction in ELT Courses in Iran
The Evaluation of Textbook Development Process at the Iranian Ministry of Education: A case study of the New English Textbook of the First Grade of Junior High School
Developing an integrative Perspective on Dynamic Assessment Model: A Reconstruction of Vygotsky s Theory of ZPD
On Addressing Discursive Coherence and Topicality in the Medical Discourse ofSchizophrenia
Investigating Language Policy and Its Influence on U.S. Immigration Restriction and Citizenship Test
Implementing and Gauging Bakhtin’s Legacy of Dialogism for Classroom-Based Assessments: Ripe for Syllabus Innovation
The March of Sociolinguistics on the Wings of Time
Persian Literature in the World literature
The roles of Gender and Work Experience in Teacher Burnout
بررسی رویکردهای دستوری شدگی در مطالعات زبان شناختی
بررسی نشانه شناختی فیلم تراموایی به نام هوس
Investigating the Iranian University EFL Learners’ Sources ofMaking Errors with a Focus on the Prepositions At , On , and In
Globalization and translation of international law texts;A case study from English into Persian Joint Comprehensive Plan ofAction (JCPOA)
A comparative look at immortality (William Shakespeare & John Donne) Historical - biographical criticism
بررسی فرایندهای واژ- واجی واژه بست ها و حذف همخوان ها پایانی گویش تاتی تاکستان بر اساس نظریه بهینگی
تقطیع هجایی خودکار واژه های زبان فارسی بر اساس اصول هجابندی پولگرام
Iranian EFL Teachers’ Perspective on Four Corners Textbook Series
The Relationship between Identity Processing Styles and Learning Styles of Iranian EFL learners
Renewing Translation Quality Assessment in the Age of Globalization
The Hunting for the Quality: A New Methodology for Evaluating the Quality of Translation
The Interplay Between Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety and Willingness to Communicate in Advanced EFL Learners in Kerman
Visual Intelligence as the Predictor of Vocabulary Achievement in Advanced EFL Learners in Kerman
بررسی تاثیر زبان فارسی روی زبان ترکی به لحاظ ساختار دستوری ضمایر
Persuasive Strategiese in Focus A Political Discourse Analysis of Three Presidential Debates
بررسی ریشه شناختی - تطبیقی منتخبی از واژگان گویش شیرازی
The Effect of Word Order as a Global Cue on the Comprehension of Pseudoclefts in L2
Enhancing L2 learners Writing Abilities through Collaborative Learning Activities
on the Role of Task Repetition and Follow-up Consciousness-Raising in the Complexity and Accuracy of Oral Performance: The Case of Iranian EFL Learners
Variables affecting choice of second language writing strategies by university students
Second language acquisition of focus-sensitive presupposition triggers in Persian and English, the case of ‘even’ and ‘hatta’
Effect of Illustration as a Visual Text on the Translation of Only Nooglebooglers Glow in the Dark Regarding the Level of Readability
The Effect of Illustration as a Visual Text on the Translation of Only Nooglebooglers Glow in the Dark Regarding the Level of Readability
The Role of Student–Teacher Participation Structure and Incidental Focus on Form in Improving Iranian English Students’ Grammatical Accuracy: the Case of Regular and Irregular Past Tense Forms
Effect of Different Types of MALL-based Feedback on Elementary Adult Learners Learning of English Tenses
The Effect of Teacher vs. Teacher-led Peer Corrective Feedback on Iranian English Learners Written Reproduction of Stories: The Case of Simple Past Tense
Analyzing English Translations of Polysemous Words of the Holy Quran in the Works of Arab Translators v.s Non-Arabs; a Case Study of Sura Yusuf
An Investigation into Item Information Functions of Reaching Comprehension of MCHE Using IRT
The Study of Variance Components in an MC Achievement Test with Parallel Items Using G-Theory
Attitudes and Motivations towards the English Language among Iranian Intermediate ESL learners
Critical Discourse Analysis of the Speech Acts of Netanyahu’s Speeches on Iranian Nuclear Power
The Impact of Metacognitive Listening Instruction on EFL Young Learners’ Listening Comprehension
روان شناسی بازی و اهمیت آن در یادگیری زبان انگلیسی یادگیری واژگان زبان انگلیسی در قالب بازی
The Effect of Age on Child Second Language Acquisition and Verbal Memory
Technology-Mediated Instruction and the Learners’ Vocabulary Development: Power Point Presentation vs. Telegram
The Effect of Concordancing on Iranian High School Students Learning of Phrasal verbs across Proficiency Levels
The Relationship between Translation Competence and Sociolinguistic Competence ofIranian Expert Translators
Examining the relationship between fear of negative evaluation and communication strategies by Iranian IELTS candidates
Language and Culture
Task-Based Teaching and Conditions for Language Learning
شناخت در نگاه پیاژه
مطالعه زبان شناختی معنایی کنایی در قالب ناسازواری درآیات طعنه دار قرآن کریم
The Effects of Retelling and Decision Making Tasks on Speaking Accuracy
Examining Raters’ Cognitive Processing in IELTS Speaking Assessment
Autonomy Supportive Environment for Teaching EFL: Changing theQuality of Teacher-Learner Relationship
Object Alternation in Consumption Verbs in Persian
تشخیص هویت سخنگویان در آواشناسی قانونی
Prediction of the Pragmatic Performance of the Iranian EFL learners for Speech Act of Request by Gradner s Multiple Intelligence Theory
Qualitative Evaluation and Critique of English Textbook of 1st Grade of High School with Focus on CLT from the Perspective of Iranian EFL Teachers
Hybridity and Unhomeliness in The Bastard of Istanbul
بررسی معنی شناختی واژگان چندمعنایی در دوره قاجار نسبت به فارسی امروز
A Greimassian Reading of Samad Behrangi’s Little Black Fish:Actantial Model
Investigating the Acquisition of the English Definite Article by Persian-speaking Learners of English Based on Lardiere’s Feature Reassembly Hypothesis
Translator’s Ideological Analysis of English to Persian Translations of Hillary Clinton’s Hard Choices Based on Critical Discourse Analysis
The Effect of Using Social Networks on DevelopingEFL Learners Pragmatic Competence throughSpeaking Accuracy and Fluency
A Comparative Study on the Impact of L1 Translation, L2 Equivalent and Pictures on the Acquisition of Proverbs
On the Relationship between Teacher’s Self-Actualization and Second Language Achievement of EFL Learners
Task Appraisal: A Comparative Study of Novice and Experienced EFL Teachers’ Attitudes
L1 and L2 Contrastive Explanation and EFL learners’ Learning of Relative Pronouns
Bakhtinian Study of Henrik Ibsen’s Play Ghosts and Dariush Mehrjui’s Film Apparition in the Light of The Theory of Adaptation
An exploration of scaffolding strategies employed by Iranian expertexpert dyads for a collaborative reading comprehension task
واژه بست های ضمیری در گویش لکی ترکاشوندی
Mixed or Matched Feedback in learning General English : An Analysis of Mobile-Learning
تاملی در نحوه ی کاربرد ادبیات پایداری در کتاب فارسی دهم
Comparative Study of Sura Al-Nas Translations
گفتمان شناسی انتقادی نظرات آیت الله خامنه ای درباره زبان فارسی
The Role of Bourdieu’s Social and Cultural Capital in L2 Learners’ Use of Language Learning Strategies
An Experimental Investigation in to the Effect of Students’ Collaborative Writing in an Online Milieu
Ethnography of Speaking: A Comparative Analysis of Exclamatory Sentence Stress Patterns Between English and Farsi
The Relationship between and Effectiveness of Depth and Breadth of Vocabulary Knowledge in Terms of Reading Comprehension Performance; a Critical Look at Related iterature
Modelling EFL Learners Internal Lexicon Development: Spreading Activation Model vs. Hierarchical Network Model
The Influence of the Social and Political Backgrounds on Shaw’s Attitude towards Women in General and Candida in Particular
بررسی مختصات آوایی روضه خلد مجد خوافی
The Impact of Reciprocal Teaching on Reading Comprehension
عنصر زبان در جمال شناسی شعر مهاجران افغان
بررسی تاثیر گویش بوشهری و تنگستانی در رمان تنگسیر
The Impact of Gender and Task Nature on Iranian EFL Learners’ Oral Corrective Feedback Preferences
A Comparison of the Effect of Glossaries in L1 and L2 on Vocabulary Learning, Recall, and Retention of Iranian Advanced EFL Learners
Lori Language Attrition
بررسی نقش فناوری و تکنولوژی های کمک آموزشی در سهولت آموزش زبان انگلیسی
The effect of personal self-regulated learning strategies on vocabulary learning by impulsive vs. reflective EFL learners
شاخصه های رمانس در منظومه همای و همایون بر مبنای نظریه نورتوروپ فرای
Issues in Language Planning and Medical Neologism
An Explanatory Model of Word Selection in Exploring English translations of Quran Chapter Al-FALAQ
The Effect of Class Blogging on EFL Learners’ Meta Linguistic Awareness in Writing
L2 Grammar Knowledge Development through Edutainment:MALL in Focus
تاثیر فرهنگ و ادبیات فارسی در جهان
عنوان : مقایسه میزان تغییرات دیرش در صدای زنان فروشنده در مواجهه با مشتریان مرد وزن در شهر اصفهان با تکیه بر بافت اجتماعی
بررسی نکات تعلیمی به کاررفته در کتاب فارسی پایه دهم
On The Impact of Motion Info graphics on Reading Comprehension of Iranian EFL learners
The Detection of Mental Illnesses in Pinter’s The Caretaker: Psychological and physical (Davies vs. Aston)
Post Modern Study of Christian Bobin’s The Eighth Day of the Week
Pintersque crisis: The Dilemma of Cartesian Dualism or Sarterian Choice
The Analysis and Evaluation of New American English File Series based on Tentative Textbook Evaluation Checklist of Joshua Miekley (2005)
An Investigation into the Relationship between Willingness to Communicate (WTC), Selfefficacy,Self-regulation, and writing ability of Iranian EFL Learners
بررسی تاثیر شبکه های اجتماعی بر زبان و ادبیات فارسی
A Study on the Effect of Structured Inquiry-Based L2 Teaching Approach on Intermediate Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
Unthinking Coloniality Refashioning Paracolonial Identity through History in Neocolonial Contexts
Literary Language Betrays Itself: The Role of Anticipations inLiterature
Revisiting Space in Thomas Hardy’s Jude the Obscure: a Foucauldian Reading
معماری ویتروویوس در شاهنامه فردوسی و هفت پیکر نظامی گنجوی
Long Term Effects of Lip Reading vs. Sign Language on Deaf IranianEFL Language Learners’ Vocabulary Acquisition
بررسی ویژگی های صوری و زبانی روزنامه های دوران مشروطیت
The Impacts of Comprehension and Structured-based Production Tasks on Iranian EFL Learners Grammar Acquisition (A study in Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran)
Self-direct, Self-access and Autonomy in language learning and Teaching
Data-Driven Decision-Making in TEFL Curriculum Development
Analyses of TEFL Teachers’ Principles in Classroom Management
بررسی تاثیر زبان تبلیغات بیلبوردی بر مخاطب
Improving EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary by using Retelling and One Question-One Comment as Formative Assessment Techniques
The Relationship between Non-native English Speaking Teachers’ Perception of their English Pronunciation and Their Self-Reported Pronunciation Teaching Practices
تجزیه و تحلیل ساختمان فعل در زبان ترکی آذربایجانی و قاعده مند بودن آن
The Impact of Mobile Learning on EFL learners’ Listening Anxiety and improving their receptive skills
Cognition and aesthetics in fiction: Barth s Autobiography and Carver’s Cathedral
Constructed oppositions in postmodern poetry:A case study of Jorie Graham s 2/18/97
The Comparative Effect of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP),Critical Thinking, and a Combination of both on EFL Learners Vocabulary Retention
The Difference between Reported Speech in Standard English And Standard Persian
The Influence of Rehearsal on Speaking Fluency of IranianIntermediate EFL Learners
Differential Item Functioning of Persian Adaptation of English Writing Apprehension Test
Exploring when, why and how EFL learners use translation when learning English by using Think Aloud protocol
Exploring the Right or Left Ear Advantage for EFL Listening Comprehension
The Relationship between Teacher Beliefs, and Written Feedback of Iranian EFL Teachers
A Comparative study of the Use of Discourse Markers in Spoken Narratives by Teenager EFL Learners in Persian and English
بررسی نقش ویراستاری متون آموزشی در خواندن و درک مطلب فارسی آموزان غیرفارسی زبان: مطالعه موردی مراکز آزفای دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد و مکتب نرجس
بررسی رابطه بازی در افزایش یادگیری زبان انگلیسی در دانش آموزان
Death Desire in Sylvia Plath s Ariel: A Krietevan Reading
English or Englishes: The Case of Language Assessment
On the Effect of Teaching Critical Academic Writing on Complexity and Accuracy of Classroom Written Discourse
Teacher’s Pupil Control Ideology and Learners’ Perceived Progress:the General English Classroom Perspective
English Language Teaching in Post-Fundamental Evolution Era: a Case of Hidden Curriculum in Kalaleh
Iranian School Teachers’ Readings on Linguistic Imperialism of English
Teaching Pronunciation and the New EFL Curriculum in Iran: The Wind of Change is Blowing
A Comparative Study between the Effectiveness of Focus on Form vs.Focus on Meaning regarding Reading Skill Instruction
Persuasion in Obama’s Speeches: A Case Study of Nowruz Greetings
The Study of Mnemonic Vocabulary Instruction on Content Vocabulary Learning of Students
هماهنگی، هم تولیدی و گرایش واکه ها به یکدیگر
EFL Teachers Reflective Practice: Peer Group Versus Supervisor Feedback
بررسی انواع آغازگرها در مناظره های انتخابات ریاست جمهوری سال 6931 ایران براساس دستور نقشگرای هلیدی پژوهشی در حوزه زبانشناسی
Peer Assessment vs. Teacher Assessment of Iranian EFL Learners Dictation: Gender Groups in Comparison
Positive Classroom Management by a Proactive Instructor
کارکرد بلاغی حرف جر باء در قرآن کریم
روز شمار یک ماه زرتشتی در اندرز انوشهروان آذرباد مارسپندان
Attitude Resources of Appraisal Theory in Popular Science Articles
An In-depth Study of Students’ Conception of Writing in L2 Context
بررسی مکالمات فیلم سن پطرزبورگ براساس اصول گرایس و اصول ادب لیچ
The Effect of Using Movies in the Class on Improving EFL Students’ Listening Comprehension
Diasporic Narrative, a Unique Approach toward Gender
نیایش های بارانی: الهه آب در گویش مردمان مشهد و استرآباد
بررسی واژه عشق در دیوان شاه نعمت الله ولی
Socratic Maieutics as A Strategy to Promote EFL learners’ Reading Comprehension
TeunVan Dijk’s Socio-Cognitive Model of Critical Discourse Analysis
Investigating Engineering Students’ Academic Listening Self-Concept
Exploring the Use of Self-Directed Listening Skills and Strategies by Engineering Students
The Effects of Scaffolding on Young Learners’ Perceptions and Vocabulary Knowledge
Examining Factors Affecting EFL Learners’ Writing Ability
Translation of Cultural Specific Items in Khayyam s Quatrains by Fitzgerald Based on to Newmark s Strategies
Motivational Partnership in ESL: Increasing of Student Self-Efficacy
آفرینش و بیان هنری در قرآن و بازنمود آن در نگارگری
خصوصیات، قوانین و ملاحظات ترجمه فیلم
A Functional Discourse Analysis of Two Candidates’ Interviews in 2017 British Parliamentary Election
Common mistake by English Foreign Language learner
Exploring the Effect of Working Memory and Cognitive Control on the EFL Learners Listening Ability
Implementing Digital Problem-based Learning on Language Learning Strategies, Learning Autonomy and Critical Thinking Skill
Impacts of Applying Crossword Puzzles on Improving Spelling Among Iranian Intermediate EFL Male and Female Learners
تاثیر مستمر خواندن داستان بر رشد واژگان کودکان 4 سال
An Eco-postcolonial Condition of Cyborg
Mediated Learning Experience and EFL Teachers
غلبه و نفوذپذیری زبان های در تعامل، جامعه های زبانی فارسی و فرانسه
Using Linguistics in Teaching English as a Second/ Foreign Language
بارقه های پایداری در مجموعه داستان انا و جمانه محمود شقیر
اسطوره در ترازوی علم
اهمیت نگاشت در استعاره های مفهومی
Effects of Using SMS Texting on Improving EFL Learners Writing
Applied Motivational Module for EFL Learners: From Theory to Practice
Mega-words in Sinclair Lewis’ Main Street: Under the Light of Laclau-Mouffean Insights
Efficiency of professional interpreter or translator with psychotherapeutic procedures for the psychotic clients with different cultures and languages linguistic varieties
بررسی واژه بست -ægæ در گویش کردی ایلامی
نقد و تحلیل مقوله های دستوری نحوی کتاب فارسی جدیدالتالیف سال دوم متوسطه 2
مقایسه گویش لری مرکز خرم آباد با زبان فارسی معیار و برخی فرایند های واجی آن
The Writing Process and Error Analysis in Student Texts
Sources of Burnout Prevention for the Iranian EFL Teachers Practicing at Private Language Institutes
Exploring the Available Resources for Alleviating EFL Teachers Burnout at Private English Institutes
An Archetypal Alternative: the Im/Possible Heroic Journey of the Postmodern Antihero in Catch-22
بررسی اجمالی نقش های اسم، در دستور زبان گشتاری و تجویزی
The Effect of Pre-Writing Activities on the Learners with Down syndrome Composition Skills
The Impact of Using Mind Mapping Strategy on the Enhancement of EFL Learners’ Grammar
Comparative Study Of The Effects Of Ethnicity (Kurd And Persian) On Developing Reading Comprehensiuon Skill Through The Use Of Language Learning Strategy In An Iranian EFL Context
Investigating the Compensatory Techniques Accounted For the Distortion of Parallel Constructions in the English Translation of Masnavi Manavi
خاستگاه و حوزه عمل مبحث چندمعنایی و نقش آن در فهم مضامین عالی قرآن کریم
نقش زبان و ادبیات در فرهنگ عامه
Tendency to use social networks for fun and entertainment rather than for learning: is there any problem with platform
جهان وطنی در شعر شهریار
Introducing Correlative Feedback as an Investigative Framework to Analyze Motivation on EFL Students
Investigating the Effect of Translation of Metadiscourse Elements as an Input Enhancement on Reading Comprehension of Academic Texts
The Effect of Age on the Learning Motivation of Second Language Learners in EFL settings
On the Impact of Web-based Interactionist Dynamic Assessment (WBIDA) on EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Skill
تجلی آرمان های فردوسی در چهره بهرام گور
Mahabharata and the Story of Nala and Damayanti