آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 225تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 2484
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 118597
ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهشهای کاربردی در مطالعات زبان
ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهشهای کاربردی در مطالعات زبان در تاریخ ۴ بهمن ۱۳۹۷ توسط ،دبيرخانه دائمي كنفرانس و با حمايت انجمن ها و گروههاي آموزشي دانشگاههاي كشور در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهشهای کاربردی در مطالعات زبان مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهشهای کاربردی در مطالعات زبان
Using Computer Language Learning Games to Teach EnglishGrammar to Iranian Elementary EFL Learners
Discourse Markers and Their Functions in L2 Teachers’ Speech and Their Relation to Gender
Socio-Cultural Barriers and the Translator’s Subjectivity
The impacts of Ideological Orientations on the Persian Translations of Virginia Woolf’s Feminist Book-length Essay A Room of One’s Own
Judging Books by Their Visual Features: A Case Study of the Three Persian Translations of Virginia Woolf’s Feminist Book-length Essay A Room of One’s Own
Translation as Text. Albrecht Neubert, Gregory M. Shreve
بایدها ونبایدها در فراتحلیل مقالات آزمایشی و شبه آزمایشی حوزه آموزش زبان انگلیسی
An Investigation into Metadiscourse Elements Use In Research Articles Written by Nursing and Midwifery Students: A Corpus- based Study
تحلیل و مقایسه سیرالعباد سنایی و معراج بایزید
نظام مطابقه ی دوگانه در زبان فرانسه
Using Rubrics in Writing Assessment: Iranian EFL Learners and Teachers Perspectives on the Use of Rubrics in the WritingClassroom in Institutes
The effect of context and dictionary use on EFL vocabulary learning and retention
بررسی هنجارگریزی معنایی در شعر محمد الماغوط
Developing a digital literacy questionnaire to measure the undergraduates’ digital literacy level
Exploratory Study of Function and Efficacy of Explicit and Implicit Prompt: Focus on Teacher’s Reformulations
The Impact of Reciprocal Teaching, Peer Tutoring Approaches and Prior Knowledge on Metacognitive Reading Strategies:Think Aloud Protocol in Perspective
Epistemological Beliefs, Self-Regulated Learning and Learning Approaches through the Lens of Multiple Regression Analysis
An introspective study of Reading Interest influence on Reading Comprehension
The Role of Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge in Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
Stages of concern of EFL teachers in implementation of a new English textbook in junior high schools of Ahvaz
Comparing The Romantic Concepts in William Wordsworth and Sohrab Sepehri’s Poems
EFL learners’ Perception towards English Language Teaching in Private Language schools in Iranian Context
نگاهی بر چگونگی به کارگیری نظریه های شناختی یادگیری در آموزش مهارت خواندن و لغات درزبان انگلیسی در ایران
Pragmatic Analysis of Political Speech: Analysis of Existential Presuppositions Used in Jorge Carlos De Almeida Fonseca’s Speech, President of the Republic of Cabo Verde, in 73th Session of the United Nations General Assembly Annual General Debate
The Role of Creative Thinking in the Writings of Iranian EFL Learners
ارزیابی توانش بینافرهنگی در دو کتاب آموزشی زبان رشته گردشگری
Language Learning Motivation in Iranian EFL: An exploration of the motivational orientations and psychological reactance
Glossing as an Aid for Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Reading: Is it Useful and Practical
Conceptualization of Dast as Persian Equivalent for ‘Hand’ in Iranian Expressions and Proverbs
Assessing the Quality of Persian Translations of Munro’s Dear life Based on House’s Model: Overt-Covert Translation Distinction
آسیب شناسی شاخص های موجود در آموزش زبان انگلیسی و ارائه راهکار مبتنی بر ساخت مسیر عصبی (مورد مطالعه: زبان آموزان مراکز آموزشی منتخب اصفهان)
Boosting Self-efficacy in Oral Production of Stories in ESL Classroom
The Effects of Digital Storytelling on EFL Students’ Learning Self- Efficacy
An Exploration of Iranian EFL Students’ Emotional Intelligence and Foreign Language Anxiety
Relationship between Neural System Processing and Error Occurrence in Language Performance of Iranian EFL learners
The Image of Utopia in the Renaissance
Supported Language Learning through Assessment Strategies: Washback Effects of Multiple Choice, Cloze, And Meta Linguistic Tests on EFL Students writing
Enhancing the development of speaking skills for Iranian EFL speakers of English
Metaphor of Freedom: A Cognitive Black Feminist Study of The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead and Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Ecocritical Reunion of Man and Nature in The Ruined Cottage
Ecofeminist Ties in Maya Angelou and Mary Oliver’s Selected Poems
Measuring the Degree of Translation Difficulty and Text Readability: A Statistical-mathematical Praxis
زمینه های تشابه و اختلاف الگوهای شاخص در حماسه های بزرگ جهان
On the Challenges of Shiraz University Undergraduate Engineering Students in EAP
On the Impact of New Inventory Hot-Seat Game on Enhancing L2 Motivation among Iranian (Upper-intermediate) EFL Learners
An investigation of Teacher s Deliberative Training on EFL Teacher s Sense of Self-Adequacy and Independence
Evaluation of English Listening Mobile Application for Iranian Intermediate level students: Based on Hubbard’s Framework
The Effect of Topic Type Strategy on Iranian EFL Writing Achievement
A Critical Review of Silent Way in Teaching English
The Influence of Share Reading on Student s Reading Comprehension in Elementary School in Iran
Test Administration Conditions of the English Placement Test of the Iranian National PhD Entrance Exam: Are the PhD Exam CandidatesSatisfied
Analysis of Hedges in Televised Iranian and American Presidential Debates: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad& Donald J.Trump
The analysis of Interactions in Iranian EFL Classes from Classroom Discourse Perspective
The washback effect of discrete-point and integrative tests on the retention of content in knowledge tests
Analysis of Language Systems of Iranian EFL Coursebook
The Inhumane Theme of Threat in Stienbeck’s The Moon is Down
The Survey of the Descipline Expressions in Alex Huxley’s The Brave New World
The Survey of the War Refugees’ Condition in Two poles apart Settings via the frame work of Literature
The Effect of Collaborative Pre-Reading Activities on English Foreign Language Learners Incidental Vocabulary Learning
From Intertextuality to Monstrosity; The Representation of the Impact of Cultural Signs on Identity in A.S Byatt’s Medusa’s Ankles
The Effect of CALL-Based Tasks on EFL Learners Grammar Learning
حرکت خیالی در دو ترجمه ی انگلیسی به فارسی رمان سالار مگس ها
بررسی استعاره ی دستوری بینافردی در متن اصلی و دو ترجمه از رمان سالار مگس ها توسط حمید رفیعی و مژگان منصوری
استعاری دستوری گذرایی در ترجمه: بررسی دو ترجمه از رمان سالار مگس ها توسط حمید رفیعی و مژگان منصوری
بررسی استعاره ی دستوری متنی رمان سالار مگس ها و دو ترجمه از رفیعی و منصوری
بررسی عوامل موثر در تغییرات زبانی و مرگ گویش دامغانی از دیدگاه جامعه شناسی زبان
نقد و تحلیل پیرنگ، موضوع، درونمایه، صحنه، سبک، فضا و رنگ در انواع داستان
The Study of the Relationship between EFL Teacher Burnout and their Personality Traits
Blending Blended Instruction with EFL Learning Practices of General English for Academic Purpose Courses
Zohreh Rajabi MA student, Faculty of Humanities Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
The effect of semantic and literal translation methods versus writing tasks on vocabulary learning of Iranian male students
The effect of Input Enhancement and Noticing the Gap on recognition of Conjunctions among Iranian EFL Learners
توصیف زبان شناختی ویژگی های واژگانی گفتمان زنان و مردان در جلسات دادگاه های خانواده شهر زاهدان
راهبردهای زبانی و فرازبانی مردان خواهان تمکین زوجه، جهت اقناع قاضی در دادگاه های خانواده؛ رویکرد زبان شناسی حقوقی
The relationship between Critical thinking skills and Iranian advanced English students’ writing performance
مطابقت اسامی مذکر و مونث با فعل در گویش تاتی تاکستان
Language and Music: Conjoined Twins or Complete Strangers A Review
Relationship of Musical Intelligence and L2 Proficiency to Iranian EFL Learners’ Perception of Word Stress and Intonation
زیباشناسی بلاغی آرایه تکرار در آثار قیصر امین پور
An Investigation of Linguistic Modality in Melville’s ‘Bartleby the Scrivener’
بررسی طرحواره های تصوری در گزارش های ورزشی فوتبال با رویکردی شناختی: بررسی موردی 6 نمونه گفتمان ورزشی
Register Analysis in Quran
تقابل و خنثی شدگی همخوانهای انسدادی در گویش تالشی بر اساس سرنخ های ادراکی و بهینگی
The study of Ideological State Apparatuses in Howard Barker’s Claw
The Effect of age on Acoustic Dissimilation in Colloquial Persian
On Deconstructionalism: A Logocentric Case Study on Tom Stoppard’s Selected Plays: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead and Arcadia
Investigating Different Linguistic Levels in the Case of Stress Pattern in Persian and French
Examining Formative Evaluation in the Courses of French Language: A Case Study of Iranian Teachers and Learners ofFFL
The Impact of Contextualized Texts on ESP Learners Vocabulary Retention (A Case Study of ESP Course for Mechanical Engineering Students)
The Impact of Shyness Awareness Training on English Pronunciation of Young EFL Learners
A comprehensive review of literature on corpus methods over three decades to study gender and politics
نگاهی به منظومه آرش کمان گیر سیاوش کسرایی و مضامین آن
The Effect of Needs Analysis on Designing ESP Courses in Iranian Context A Case Study
ESP Class Is Like a Box of Chocolates... : A Closer Look into Subject-Related Critical Incidents
The Relationship between Working Memory and Accurate Relativization under Pre-Task Guided Planning Condition: DoesProvision of Explicit In struction Serve Planning’s Purpose
World Literature and Supersaturation with the Market: Perspectives and Solutions
Translation of Taboos in Dubbing of SpongeBob Series Based on Venuti
The Role of English Practitioners Epistemological Beliefs in their Pedagogical Effectiveness
On the Incorporation of Critical Pedagogy in the Context of ESP Classes: The Case of an Iranian ESP Class of Teacher EducationProgram
Toxic Discourse and Environmental Apocalypticism in Margaret Atwood s Selected Novels
Relationship between Job Satisfaction, Job Performance, and Job Commitment among English Language Teachers (Case study: Golestan Province)
Iranian Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English for Specific Purposes: The Case of Tourism Management and Hospitality
Analysis of the Strategies Used to Translate Neologisms in English Persian Dictionaries of Psychology
Teachers’ Mobile Assisted Oral Feedback: Characteristics and EFL Learners’ Attitudes
The impact of Second Language on First Language in terms of Speech Act of Complaining in an EFL Context: A Pragmatic Study
The Effect of Prompt Types (Metalinguistic Clues versus Elicitation) on Iranian EFL Learners’ Immediate versus Delayed Speaking Accuracy
The Effect of Summarizing Through Podcasting on the Vocabulary Learning of the Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners in Extensive Reading
Iranian K-12 EFL learners’ digital literacy: Echoing the voices of learners, t eachers, and decision-makers
Critical Investigation of Innovation and Change in English Language Education Book Ken Hyland and Lillian L. C. Wong
Critical thinking and listening comprehension ability: The case of Iranian ESP students
An Appraisal of Methods Investigating DIF in Language Assessment
The Pedagogical Applications of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning in Improving the Iranian EFL Learners Oral Performance
The National Curriculum Changes and their Effects on English Language Teaching in Iran
The Effect of Task Types with Different Involvement Loads on Receptive and Productive Vocabulary Knowledge of EnglishLanguage Learners
Linguistic Study of (Im)politeness in Adiga’s The White Tiger
The Impact of Task Type and Involvement Index on Incidental vocabulary learning
An analysis of Iranian Online EFL Teachers Technological, Pedagogical, and Evaluation Skills
The Coalescent World of Literature and English Language Teaching
The effects of Pre-teaching Key Words and Features As a Help-giving strategy in comprehending Arabic Texts
Evaluation of Generel English textbook of Payame Noor University in Kahnooj city
The Impact of Task-Based Composition on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Argumentative Essay Writing
Teacher Beliefs and Autonomy among Iranian Advanced EFL Teachers
Teacher Autonomy and Written Feedback among Iranian Advanced EFL Teachers
Animated Pedagogical Agents as Attention Grabbers: On Agent Based Instruction and Its Implications for Teaching L2 Collocations
On the Comparison of the Effects of Computerized Textual and Compound Glosses on the Learning of L2 Idioms Among Iranian EFL Learners
بررسی جلوه های بینامتنی مقامات حریری با قرآن کریم
Attitudes of Male and Female Translators in Semantic and Communicative Notions of Newmark in Verb Based Collocationsof the Novel Lord of the Flies
Attitudes of ELT Students towards Semantic and Communicative Notions of Newmark in Verb Based Collocations of the Novel Lord of the Flies
Examining the Cultural Representation in World English1, Second Edition ELT pre-intermediate Textbook
تاثیر ظرفیت پیرنگ در رویکردگزینی ترجمه آثار داستانی دیداری- شنیداری کودک و نوجوان
Workings of Foreign Body in John Milton’s Paradise lost: A Spectral Reading
Satan’s Power of Mind in John Milton’s paradise Lost: A Psychoanalytic Reading
The Impact of Form-Focused Instruction on the Development of Iranian EFL Learners’ Pragmatic Awareness: A Focus on ‘Apology’ Speech Act
The Impact of Project-Based Learning through Portfolio Assessment on EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Ability and their Attitude towards Reading
Effects of Task-based Short Stories Instruction on Iranian Upper-Intermediate EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
Desperate American Dream’ in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman
Poison of Jealousy in Othello
Structuralization of the Concept of Time in Persian Language According to Cognitive Linguistics
Exploring the Effect of Blended Learning on Vocabulary Knowledge of English Language Learners
EFL teachers discursive construction of professional identity
Pragmatics Strengths and Weaknesses in Children with Down syndrome
کانونی سازی در ساختار زبان عربی
Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Reading Comprehension Ability and Vocabulary Knowledge of Iranian EFLLearners in Tehran Azad Universities
Effect of Young Learners Attitude toward their Teacher on their Performance in Cambrigge Young Learners English Test (CYLE)
The Effect of Input Flooding and Noticing on Vocabulary through Extensive Reading
The Effect of Critical Thinking Skill Training on Iranian Field- dependent/Field- independent Learners Reading Comprehension
The Correlation of Shyness, Risk taking and Anxiety among EFL Male and Female Sophomore University Students
Effects of Receptive and Productive Tasks on Learning Vocabulary among Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
Critical Pedagogy and Language Teacher Education
Promoting Railway Engineering Students’ Knowledge of Domain Specific Vocabulary and their Self-Regulation through the Use of Vocabulary-Learning Scaffolding Strategies
Exploring EFL Instructors’ Metacognitive Strategy Use
Exploring Engineering Students’ Challenges of Listening to Academic Lectures
A Comparative Study of David Lean and Roman Polanski’s Oliver Twist
Becoming Corporeality in Toni Morrison’s Jazz
The Correlation among Iranian EFL Teachers’ Social Intelligence and EFL Students’ Willingness to Communicate (WTC) as well as EFL Students’ Self- Efficacy
The Relationship between EFL Learners’ Motivation and Autonomy
The Effect of Virtual Instruction via Imo Application on Intrinsicmotivated and Extrinsic-motivated EFL Learners VocabularyDevelopment
Communication Strategies Used by Male and Female Iranian EFL Upper Intermediate Learners in Defining Abstract Words in Writing
Communication Strategies Used by Male and Female Iranian EFL Upper Intermediate Learners in Defining Concrete Words in Writing
Investigating Hedges in English and Persian Novels
Towards Reflective Teaching: Case Study of a Semi-Private Class in Iranian Context
On the Use of Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment (CDA) in the Improvement of IELTS Reading Score of Iranian EFL Learners
Proficiency and Educational Standing as Predicates of EFL Teachers’ Approach for Different Writing Evaluation Standards
A Reaction Paper to Postmethod pedagogy of Kumaravadivelu
The Relationship between EFL Reflective Teaching and Teachers’ Burnout
Translating Humor for Subtitled Persian Comedy Movies
An Analysis of English Subtitling of Humorous Expressions of Persian Comedy Series
Teaching constructivism
Narrating Trauma, a Redemption of Mind
Psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud on portrait of the artist as a young man
Discursive Assessment in Contrastive Rhetoric-oriented Pedagogy: Integrating Multiple Levels of Assessment in a WritingClass
Gender Differences in Metacognitive Reading Strategy Use among Iranian EFL University Students
The Relationship between Iranian EFL Students’ Personality Trait and use of Metacognitive Reading Strategies
‟Iranian Students Interest in Learning English as a Foreign Language
جایگاه آموزش زبان خارجی در اسناد بالادستی
Investigating the Role of Formative Mobile-based Assessment in Vocabulary Learning of Pre-intermediate EFL Learners
Computational Simulation of Contemporary Standard Colloquial Persian Phonological System
بررسی و آسیب شناسی شعر آیینی معاصر
Learner Proficiency and Pragmatic-Related Episodes during Collaborative Tasks
The effect of peer scaffolding on Iranian EFL learners acquisition of request and apology speech acts
استعاره تصویری بیلبورد تبلیغاتی (مطالعه موردی: اعتیاد)
Iranian EFL Learners’ Use of Condolence Expressions in English: From Pragmatic Awareness to Intercultural Sensitivity
The Effectiveness of Peer and Teacher Correction on Speaking Skill of Pre-Intermediate Iranian EFL Learners
انتخاب راهبردهای کنش گفتاری تقاضا در زبان کردی بر اساس دو عامل اجتماعی جنسیت و قدرت
مقایسه اصطلاحات استعاری جنگ و بازی فوتبال
بررسی تطبیقی دیدگاهای روانشناسی و مولوی در خصوص انسان خودشکوفا
بررسی علل نخبه کشی در ادب فارسی
The impact of intervention program on self-efficacy, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of Iranian English learners in reading comprehension Skill
Study of Fantastic Characters of Child literature in terms of some social concepts in Persian and English
A Kristevan Psychoanalytic Reading of Doris Lessing’s The Fifth Child
Is There any Relation Between Better English Knowledge and higher Internet Gratification A Small-scale Study in EFL Context
Do Females Read Faster than Males An Empirical Study on Speed Rate of Reading Poetry and Prose between Iranian Youth
Gender Differences and Related factors Affecting Internet Addiction among Iranian Highschool Students
Cross-cultural Study of Metadiscourse Markers in English and Persian Political Newspaper Articles
Cross-linguistic Study of textual Metadiscourse Markers in the Abstract Sections of National and International English AppliedLinguistics Conferences
جریان ها و گرایش های نقد فمنیستی در ادبیات جهان، از هیاهوی غرب تا تکاپوی زنانه درایران
جلوه های حضور زنانه در شعر معاصر فارسی، بررسی موردی ژاله اصفهانی
بررسی و تحلیل فرایندهای آوایی و ویژگی های دستوری گویش دزفولی با فارسی معیار
تحلیل روانشناختی محتوای کتاب های فارسی دوره ی دوم دبستان از نظر حضور و کارکرد تربیتی کهن الگوی سایه
مراتب چهارگانه سلوک از منظر مولانا در مثنوی معنوی
Ideological Victimization of Individuality within Contrasting Colors: A Study of Althusserian ISAs and RSAs in Rhode’s GhostBoys
زن در تکاپوی زایش صلح در ادب پارسی: خوانش کریستوایی نمایشنامه و پاره ای از نقاشی های صادق هدایت
بررسی مولفه فرهنگی پوشش در مجموعه کتاب زبان فارسی: تحلیل محتوا و سند
The Impact of Instructing Critical Thinking Activities on Reading Specific academic Texts of Iranian EFL Learners
An Analysis of Two English Translations of Nahjul-Balaghah Regarding Translation Quality Assessment Model
Critical Thinking Skills, Critical Reading and Foreign Language Reading AnxietyA Study on Iranian EFL Learners
Sparkle of Hope for Veiled Voices: Tracing Iranian Women’s Memoirs
نگاهی به مفهوم سازی حرکت زمان در چارچوب معنی شناسی شناختی: بررسی موردی فیلم سینمایی گذشته
بررسی روان شناختی رویکرد مدرنیسم در مضامین شعری و تحلیل ویژگی های شخصیتی علی احمد سعید (آدونیس) با تکیه بر نظریه شخصیت فروید و یونگ
طبقه و جایگاه افعال یک شناسه در دستور زبان فارسی
بررسی موسیقی درونی شعر عبد الله بردونی و تناسب آن با معنا
Feminist Ethics of Care in Khaled Hosseini s A Thousand Splendid Suns
بررسی فرایند تکرار در گویش تاتی تاکستان
فرایند وامگیری واژگانی در گویش تاتی تاکستان
تحلیل اشکالات نوشتاری زبان انگلیسی دانش آموزان ترکزبان پایه نهم متوسطه دوره اول مدرسه شهید رحیمی شهر نرجه
بررسی تطبیقی واژگان گویش تاتی تاکستانی با گونه های تاتی اسفرورینی، چالی وسگزآبادی
تاثیر فصل بهار بر اشعار علی پدرام شاعر تات زبان تاکستانی