آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 342تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 4306
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 212047
چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهشهای کاربردی در مطالعات زبان
چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهشهای کاربردی در مطالعات زبان در تاریخ ۵ آذر ۱۳۹۵ توسط ،موسسه آموزش عالي نيكان در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهشهای کاربردی در مطالعات زبان مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهشهای کاربردی در مطالعات زبان
A Utopian and Idealistic Evacuation inGood Night, Mister Tom
The Validity of Hybridity in Derek Walcott’s A Branch of the Blue Nile
A Jungian Reading of Derek Walcott’s Dream on Monkey Mountain
بررسی تاثیرات به کارگیری آموزش الکترونیک و فناوری های جدید در کلاس درس زبان انگلیسی
The Impact of Music on Learning of Reading Comprehension
Lexical Bundles in Research Articles: A Corpus-driven study
Iranian EFL Teachers Identity and Classroom Management
جلوههای ادب تعلیمی در ادبیات
Exploring the Possible Relationship between EFL Teachers’ Spiritual Intelligence and Perfectionism
A Lost Soul Headed for Eternal Damnation : Wright s Inability to Embrace God s Summon
The Comparative Effect of Glossing, Dictionary use, and Etymological analysis on Iranian ESP Learners Vocabulary Recognition
A Comparative Study of Hamlet and Haider as its Indian Adaptation by Vishal Bhardwaj: An Intertextual Approach
Madness in Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar: A Foucauldian Reading
TOEFL iBT Speaking, Goal – orientation and self-assessment A study of Iranian EFL learners
Teaching English in 21st Century; Opportunities and Challenges
The Development and Validation of Demotivation in Translation Scale
بررسی مشخصه فیزیکی اکوستیکی تکیه در گویش دزفولی
Translation Of Culture-Specific Itemes Of English Literary Texts Into Persian: A Study On Mark Twin S The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn & Its Persian Translations
Towards defining a specific text as a valid instrument in Translation quality evaluation studies: A conceptual paper
Pragmatic Knowledge: A Study of Learners’ Perceptions
The Comparative Effect of Using Guessing and Word Recognition Strategies on Contextual Collocation Improvement of Iranian EFL Learners
بررسی استعارهی فوتبال به مثابهی جنگ در گزارشهای ورزش فوتبال
The Comparative Effect of Online Self-Correction, Peer-Correction, and Teacher Correction in Descriptive Writing Tasks on Intermediate EFL Learners’ Grammar Knowledge. The Prospect of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)
The Comparative Effect of Corpus-Based vs. Process-Based Approach on Iranian EFL Learners’ Complex Sentence Knowledge
The Effect of Age on Iranian EFL Learners’ Listening Perception Regarding Different Varieties of English
The Significance of Cognition, and Cognitive Strategies in the Field of Second Language Learning
Introducing Cultural Linguistics as an Investigative Framework to Analyze Proverbs
The Effect of Word Length of Unknown Words on the Iranian EFL Learners Reading Comprehension
The Relationship between EFL Teachers’ Emotional Quotient and Professionalism
The Impact of Translating Ability and its Accuracy on the Oral Performance of Intermediate Iranian EFL Learners
An Analysis of Two Internationally Developed English Series Conversations
On the Effects of Task Load Involvement on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners Word Learning: Reading and writing Tasks vs. Translation Tasks
On the Relationship between Critical Thinking Ability and Translation Accuracy in SLA
Improving Willingness to Communicate of Intermediate Iranian EFL Learners Through Process-Based Writing Instruction
The Analysis of Persian Head- Initial Compound Adjectives: Cognitive Morphology
Agency in Persian Causative Constructions: An RRG Account
Heteroglossia in Social Networks: Discovering the Identity Performance and Linguistic Repertoire through Romantic Text- Messaging in Telegram
A Case Study of Conversational Interaction among EFL High School Students
A Critical Textbook Analysis : A case of Four Corners Series
De-facement of the Subject in the Mirror of Fiction: A de-Manian Reading of E.L. Doctorow’s World’s Fair
Toni Morison’s Beloved as a Minor Art Practice: A Deleuze-Guattarian Reading
Exploring the Potential of Vocabulary Learning Through Task-Induced Involvement
An Exploration of Identity and Voice in L2 Academic Writing
Review of Dear Life by Alice Munro
A Comparative Genre Analysis of the Results Section of Research Articles and Postgraduate Theses in Applied Linguistics
The Role of Technology on Cognitive Test Anxiety and Grammar Achievement
Does Interactive Metadiscourse Markers in Research Articles deserve further research An Exploratory study in Applied Linguistics
The impression of EAP awareness in accounting students’ Reading comprehension
The corrective Feedback impression on Iranian students’ writing
بررسی فرآیند واجی اظهار عدم رخداد همگونی محل تولید خیشومی در قرآن کریم درچارچوب نظریه بهینگی
The Impact of Grammar rules Infusion on Writing Effectively by Upper-Intermediate Iranian EFL Learners
نگاهی سبک شناسی به نحو با مقایسه غزلیات سعدی و شهریار
Iranian High School Students Performance on Reading Comprehension of Their English Course book: Analyzing the Effects of Unknown Vocabulary
Relationship between Match or Mismatch of EFL Teachers and Students Thinking Styles and Reading Comprehension: The Case of Iranian Advanced Learners
Effect of Jigsaw Technique on Grammar Learning among the Impulsive and Reflective Iranian EFL Learners
Metacognitive Listening Strategy Use among EFL Learners with Different Personality Styles
Language Learning Styles: An Investigation into Iranian Female EFL Learners’ Preferences and the Reasons that Lie behind their Preferences
A Case Study of EFL Teachers Beliefs about Vocabulary and Their Practices
Situational Leadership and Situational Supervision: Implications for Language Teacher Supervisors
Vocabulary Learning and Retention through Semantic Mapping Strategies: A Comparative Study of Three Different Strategy Types
Collaborative vs. Non-Collaborative Feedback and EFL Learners’ Written Accuracy: A Socio-Cognitive Perspective
مطالعه کاربردی معنی شناسی در زبان
رویکرد نوینی به معنا با نگاهی به استعاره مفهومی فکر و ابر معنا
پرسپکتیو معنای یک واژه با نگاهی به واژه درجه درقرآن
منطقه مشکک درپدیده چندمعنایی در زبان فارسی و زبان قرآن
The Effect of NS Secondary School Students Peer Feedback (Through E-mail Exchanges) on NNS Students Writing: A Sociocultural Perspective
Improving Reading Performance among Iranian Engineering Students: To fill in the gap between Theory and Practice
The Study of Linguistic Deviations In F.Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby
On the Necessity of the Use of Systemic Functional Linguistics in Literary Criticism: A Case Study of Jane Austen s Pride and Prejudice
Extensive Reading and Writing Ability of EFL Students
The effect of instruction in developing Persian speech act of apology among high school Iranian students
An Exploration of Burnout Among EFL Students: A Study Using Person-Centered Approach
Commingling of History and Fiction in Julian Barnes’ A History of the World in 10 ½ Chapters
Whirlpool of The Superego: A Lacanian Perspective of Humbert’s Emotional Vicious Circle in Nabokov s Lolita
بسامدگیری و واکاوی واژهنامهی شعری ابراهیم ناجی
Sociolinguistic Aspects of the Speech Act of Greeting In Persian and English
A Comparative Study of the Cognitive Processes involved in Taking IELTS Academic Writing Subsets: A Grounded Theory Approach
Cultural discourse analysis in junior high school Prospect books
The Effect of Team-Teaching on Iranian Female and Male Pre- Intermediate EFL Students’ Listening Comprehension
The Impact of Using Multisensory Synthetic Phonics on Iranian Young EFL Learners Reading and Spelling: The Case of Diphthongs and Digraphs
On the Power of Poetry Reading in Improving Iranian EFL Learners’ Critical Reading Skills
An Investigation of the Teachers’ Sense of Plausibility in Reduction of Advanced EFL Learners’ Phonetic Fossilization
An Investigation of the Effects of Cumulative and Concurrent Formats of Group Dynamic Assessment on the Improvement of Iranian upper-intermediate EFL Learners’ Email Writing Skills
A Comparative Study of Victor Higo s Les Miserables and Charles Dickens s A Tale of Two Cities Based on Hermeneutics Framework
The Study of Postmodernist Narrative Technique of Chinese Box in Michael Cunningham s The Hours
The Study of Brian McHale s Ontological Foregrounding in Diane Satterfield s The Thirteenth Tale
Iranian EFL Learners Speaking Errors: Identifying their Frequency and Underlying Reasons
The Comparative Effect of Oral Questions and Written Quizzes as formative assessment techniques on EFL Students Learning and Retention of Phrasal Verbs and Lexical Collocations
The Effect of Explicitation on Translation Coherence: A Case of English Translation of Qur’anic Verses
The effect of formative assessment on the Iranian ESP university students’ achievements of vocabulary learning in General English courses
Cultural exploration of self-perceived communication competence in Iranian Kurdish and Armenian subcultures
The relationship between the Iranian university students’ emotional intelligence skills and English language speaking ability
An Investigation of the Discourse Markers in Casual Conversation: EFL Dormitory Context
Effect of Oral Implicit and Explicit Feedback on Iranian EFL Intermediate learners’ lexical Collocational Knowledge
Suppressing Agency: Transitivity Analysis of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale
Representation of Female Body in the Social Context of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale
The Integration of Emotional Intelligence Activities in Bilingual Stories for Children
Loss and identity: A semiotic analysis of Munro’s Leaving Maverley
مقایسهی فرآیند ساختواژی تکرار در زبان فارسی و کردی بر پایه نظریه بهینگی
ملاک انتخاب آثار ادبی و نقش ترجمه در شکل دهی به انقلاب مشروطه ی ایران
A Comparative Study on Translatability of Topicalisation in English Translations of the Holy Quran
The Reaction of Iranian EFL Institute Learners to an Unfairness Test
Extrovert vs Introvert Teachers’ Preferences towards Techniques of Teaching Pronunciation
Language and Identity
Marked themes in the translation of English poems
Pedagogical Effectiveness and Feasibility of Focus on Form vs.Focus on Meaning in a Reading Class: Compatibility of Teacher- Learner’s Perspectives
The Impact of Brainstorming ( Note taking and Clustering ) Strategies on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ writing skill
Computer Mediated Diagnosis and Enhancement of L2 Learners Listening Abilities
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Textual and Cultural International Advertisements
Evaluating EAP materials Used in a Pre-university Course Offered in a Branch of Islamic Azad University (MIS)
The Effect of Observational Learning on Iranian English Learners’ Vocabulary Development
The Effect of Teaching Metacognitive Reading Strategies on Reading Comprehension Ability of Iranian Intermediate EFL Students
ردپایی از زبان سبز در اشعار فارسی: یک بررسی زبانی-زیست محیطی
The Effects of Reciprocal teaching versus Skill-based teaching on Reading Comprehension of Iranian EFL Learners
بررسی داستان زن زیادی از منظر فرانقش میان فردی
Analyzing Iranian Engineering Students’ English Needs and ESP Courses at the University
The Role of Persian Elaboration on Incidental Vocabulary Learning from Reading by EFL Learners
Women without Men and Women’s Time
On the Relationship between Learning Styles and Inner Speech among EFL Learners during Reading Comprehension Tasks
The Effect of Code-Switching on Iranian Elementary EFL Learners’Oral Fluency, Accuracy, and Willingness to Communicate
Romantic Terrorist on Stage: Tracing Terrorism back to Two Romantic Plays, The Cenci and The Robbers
On the Comparison between The Sound Systems of Persian and English topology and Potential Phonological Error Prediction
مرور و نقد مقالات رشته مطالعات ترجمه : مطالعه فراتحلیل
The Effect of Text Familiarity on Listening Comprehension A Case of ESP Electronics Students
بررسی توازن واژگانی در شعر فروغ فرخزاد
English Language Teacher Education Program in Farhangian University: Appropriacy to Teacher Trainee’s Future Professional Needs
زیبایی شناسی قرآن و نمود آن در ترجمه
The Role of Explicit Correction versus Metalinguistic Corrective Feedback in Increasing Iranian EFL Learners’ Oral Proficiency
بررسی ریشه شناختی منتخبی از واژگان گویش زفره ای
The Impact of Iranian EFL Learners Lifestyle on their English Learning Motivation
The Effect of Peer Coaching on Iranian EFL Teachers’ Attitude Towards Professional Development
تحلیل محتوای کتابهای زبان انگلیسی عمومی ازنظر تیوری هوشهای چندگانه گاردنر
Iranian EFL Teachers Attitudes toward Using Open Educational Resource (OER)
Uptake in Formulaic Focus on Form in Advanced EFL Communicative Interactions
The effect of Neuro- Linguistic Programming on Iranian EFL learners‘ vocabulary learning
The Effect of Guided Discovery, Climbing Mountain Game and Battleship Game on Written Production
A Comparison of Preschoolers’ Language Performance: Story Retelling vs. Video Description
بکارگیری پرسشنامه در پژوهشهای زبانی
The Impact of Drama on Iranian EFL Young Learners’ Reading Comprehension Performance
The Effect of Consulting COCA on Quality, Readability and Lexical Diversity of news translations from Farsi into English: A Corpusbased Study
تحول زبان فارسی و گونه های آن
Investigating Rater effect on Foreign Language Writing Performance Using Bi-factor Analysis
بررسی فرهنگ نویسی درزبان فارسی
نگاهی به تاریخچه و تطول زبان انگلیسی
بررسی ترکیب اضافی ازمنظردستورساختی
بررسی تطبیقی سه قطره خون و یک گل سرخ برای امیلی
A New Building on an Old Foundation: Re-evaluation of Traditional Strategies for Translating Conceptual Metaphors
The Effects of Pre-teaching Vocabulary Tactic on Learners’ Reading Comprehension (A Study in Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran)
Impact of written corrective feedback on development of two functional uses of English article In iranian English learners
A Study of Reading Strategies used by English Major Students in Group Learning
A Study of Reading Strategies used by English Major Students in Individual Learning
Empowering Gains of ESAP Course Design through Operationalization of a Synergic Model: Suggestions and Implications
Form and Function of Citations in Discussion Sections of Research Articles
The Subtitling of Discourse markers: A corpus-based study of well , I mean , and you know and their Persian translations in Sherlock series
The Role of Professional ethics and Peronal ethics : A Case Study of the Persian Translations of The Sound and the Fury
فرایندهای واجی واکه ای درگویش کردی کلهری
Teachers Awareness of Pedagogical Competence and Students Learning Achievement Based on a Psychometric Measure Development of English Language Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence (ELTPC)
آموزش حرف اضافه از، به ، در،با به غیرفارسی زبانان بارویکردمعناشناسی شناختی
A Comparative Study of Metacognitive Strategies in One-way vs. Two-way Speaking Tasks among Iranian EFL Learners
An Investigation of the Efficiency of In-service Programs on Iranian EFL Teachers‟ CLT Perception
نقش اینترنت درآموزشهای الکترونیکی و فناوریهای جدیدزبان فارسی
The Effects of CF Techniques on Students’ Vocabulary Pronunciation
Unusual but Honest: Kamala Das and Confessional Poetry
Investigation of patterns of reciprocal English-Persian translation of idioms by Iranian EFL learners
A Comparison of EFL Teachers and Students’ Perceptions on the Use of L1 in English Classrooms: A Case of Persian Language in Iranian Institutes
The Effect of Teacher, Peer, and Self-Assessment on Writing Performance of Iranian Intermediate High School Learners
Poetry Translation in English and Kurdish Short Review on Hazhar and Fitzgerald Translation for the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
The effect of Iranian teachers burnout on using paralanguage signals in EFL context
The Comparative Effect of Preemptive and Reactive Focus on Form on EFL Learners’ Essay Writing
Iranian EFL Teachers and Students Viewpoints Regarding the Newly Developed English Textbooks of 7th and 8th Grades
Examining the Cultural Representation in Four Corners ELT Textbooks
The Relationship between Non-native English Speaking Teachers’(NNESTs) Perception of their English Pronunciation and Their Selfreported Pronunciation Teaching Practices
The Use of Code-Switching in EFL Classrooms: A Survey Study
بررسی توصیفی تحلیلی مقالات دوره چهارم (1389) مجله پژوهش های ادب عرفانی (گوهر گویا)
هرمنوتیک معنایی شکر و مراتب شاکرین در کلیات شمس تبریزی
Self-efficacy, self-concept, and attitude as predictors of EFL learners’ course performance
The Impact of Dynamic Assessment Through Mediational Strategies on Iranian Elementary EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension
The Relationship between Attribution Theory, Meta-Cognitive Self- Regulation, Motivation, and Speaking Performance of Iranian EFL Learners
بررسی مضامین قرآنی درآرمان شهرنظامی
کاربست کهن الگوی خود در راستای تحقق هویت فلسطینی (نمونه تطبیقی شعر محمود درویش، شاعر برجسته ی ادبیات پایداری)
بررسی ارتباط متقابل زبان و جامعه
Observing students’ attitudes towards teachers’ code-switching in EFL classes Does gender have any impact
On the Effectiveness of Technology Use in EFL Classrooms, An Investigation of Teachers Perceptions
A Contrastive Study of Reflexive Metadiscourse Markers in Medicine articles
Pre-posing to the Beginning of the Sentence: Topicalization or Focalization
A Contrastive Analysis of Syllable and Stress Patterns of English and Persian
The Effect of Task-based Language Teaching in Comparison with GTM on the Reading Comprehension of students in ESP courses in Zanjan and Sanandaj University
Exploring Students’ Linguistic Behavior in Islamic Azad University of Zanjan: A Gender Study
Evaluation of Iranian Second-Grade High School English Textbook from Teachers’ Perspectives
کاربردهای کهن دستوری درگستره دیوان ادیب پیشاوری
بررسی هنجارگریزی های معنایی در صد غزل از صایب تبریزی (بر اساس الگوی فرزان سجودی)
مقابله فرایندهای واجی لهجه آباده طشک و زبان فارسی معیاردر قالب نظریه بهینگی
The Application of G-Theory on MSRT (MCHE) Score Dependability; Variability Due to Persons, Gender, Subject Fields, Sections, and Items
Study on the Relationship between Iranian Intermediate EFL Students’ Writing Performance and their Writing Apprehension and Grammatical Knowledge
Persian Translators and English Phrasal Verbs: Challenges and Strategies
The Effect of Education on the Socio-Pragmatic Competence: A study on Greeting Forms of English and Farsi
The Effect of Translation Strategies Instruction on BA Junior Translation Students Translation Ability
The Impact of Awareness of the Differences between American English and British English on Iranian EFL learners Listening Comprehension Skill
Portrayal of Psychoanalysis, Wounded Female and Self-Knowledge in Walker’s The Color Purple
The effect of alternative assessment on internal motivation of foreign language learners
Creative problem solving skill and reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners
Test-taking strategies possible means of improving reading test performance of EFL learners
Can reflection increase motivation
The Relationship between Critical Thinking, Vocabulary Size, Vocabulary Depth, and Reading Comprehension of Iranian EFL Learners
EQ, Metacognitive Reading Strategies, and Reading Comprehension Achievement in Undergraduate EFL Students: A Study of Relations
Exploring the Relationship between Learner Variables and Application of Reading Strategies: The Case of Iranian EFL Learners
بررسی ویژگی های ادبیات پسااستعماری در داستان گتسبی بزرگ
The Impact of Formative Assessment on EFL Learners’ English Vocabulary Enhancement
Iranian EFL Teachers Emotional Intelligence and their use of Speaking Strategies
The Effect of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) on Iranian Advanced Adult EFL Learners’ Listening Skill
Investigating the Problems of Persian EFL Learners on Acquisition of Consonant Cluster of English Syllables
A Cognitive Grammatical Study of Mass-Count Distinction among Young and Middle-age Persian Native Speakers
Is Simultaneous Interpretation Speed Dependent The Case of Pragmatic Strategies in Interpretation
The Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Emotional Intelligence among Iranian EFL Teachers
Reconstruction of Memory through Photographs in Postmodern Autobiographies
بررسی توالی واجها در آواهای زبان تالشی
The Effect of Portfolio Assessment on EFL Teenager Learners Speaking Ability
The Difference between Male and Female Teachers’ Job Satisfaction and Resilience in English Language Institutions of Iran
رویکردکاربرد شناختی به طنزمطبوعاتی ایران
The Use of Translation Strategies in Converting Advertising Texts to Persian: A Think-aloud Protocol Study
تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی در تعاملات زبانی پزشک – بیماربا توجه به متغیرهای اجتماعی سن، شغل و جنسیت
Blake’s poem (Poison Tree) was answered by Mystic poet, Hafez (sonnet 447)
بررسی هنجارگریزی در شعر سیاوش کسرایی بر مبنای الگوی لیچ
The Effects of Strategic-based Instruction on EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Ability
EFL Teachers’ Perfectionism as a Predictor of Job Burnout
Diagnostic Assessment of the Barriers to Comprehending Academic Articles: A Case Study of EAP Students and Teachers at Two Universities
The effects of Input Enhancement and Explicit Teaching of Formulaic Language on the frequency of Formulaic Language use
Critical Thinking and Writing Ability of Iranian EFL Learners
Persian EFL Learners; The role of EQ, Creativity, and Language Achievement
Topic: A Sociocutural Perspective on the Learning of Complaint Strategies in Learner-learner Interactions by Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
The Effect of Form Focused Writing Conferences on the Use of Word Associations in EFL Essay Writing
The Effect of Intercultural Awareness Raising on Iranian EFL Learners Cultural Sensitivity.
Investigation of the Representativeness and Distribution of AWL in Academic Texts of Sociology
The Effect of Metacognitive Writing Strategies Instruction on Tense Accuracy in Writing among Low Proficiency EFL Learners
An Investigation into the Voice Energy Level of Pronounced Persian Explosive Consonants by Signal Processing Approach
Efficacy of Explicit Correction on Iranian EFL Learners’ ILP development: A Qualitative Research
Recast on Pragmatic Errors of the Iranian EFL Learners: A Quantitative Research
The Relationship among learners’ Autonomy, Language Learning Strategies and Beliefs
A Comparative Study of English Education at Iranian and Finnish Schools
A Comparative Genre Analysis of the Conclusion Section of Research Articles written by Native and Non-native English Speakers in the field of Applied Linguistics
Exploring Grammatical Complexity across Proficiency Levels in Argumentative Essays by Iranian EFL Learners
Form Following Function in New Playwriting: Proof by David Auburn
Comparing the Effects of Different Kinds of Tasks on Students Learning Grammar
بررسی برخی از دینهای ایران باستان
برخی از اعتقادات اجتماعی در مثنوی معنوی
The Psychoanalytic- Feminist Study of the Relationship Between Dualism and Shadow Archetype in Ursula Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness
Examining Teachers and Students‟ Perspectives on English Only Policy in Universities of Bandar Abbass
The Role of Textual Enhancement Devices on the Acquisition of English Conditional Sentences
Estimating EFL Learners Reading Ability through Level-Specific CEFR- and DIALANG-Based Self-Assessment
The Impact of Computer-Assisted Language Learning Applications on Incidental Vocabulary Recall and Retention
Gender Representation in EFL Materials: An Analysis of Prospect Series as New Iranian EFL Textbooks
Virtual Identity Construction Among Iranian EFL Learners: A Grounded Theory
بررسی موردی فعل آدم در کتیبه های هخامنشی واژگان مزدا، کفشدوزک
An Investigation of Relations between Experience, Burnout, and Work Engagement: The case of Iranian EFL Teachers
On the Relationships between Personality Traits, Work Engagement, and Burnout among Iranian EFL Teachers
Exploitation of Language in Orwellian Dystopia through Foucauldian Power
Investigating Identity, Ambivalence, hybridity: A Bhabhaian Reading of J. M. Coetzee’s Foe and Disgrace
Acquisition of English Vowels /ʌ/, / a/, / ə/ and /e/ by Azerbaijani EFL Learners: An acoustic account
تحلیل فرایندواجی بزرگسالان شهربیرجند برپایه نظریه واج شناسی تولیدی
Iranian EFL Teachers’ Professional Self-concepts and Teaching Practices Regarding Intercultural Communicative Competence (The Case of Knowledge Dimension)
تبیین جایگاه آموزش نوشتن در فرایند برنامه درسی
کتاب فارسی پایه ی هفتم دوره ی اول متوسطه در ترازوی نقد
واکاوی اعلام و پی نوشت های کتاب فارسی پایه ی نهم و تطبیق آن با مطالب متن
A linguistic analysis of two sample political speeches based on Munday’s (2012) appraisal model
A Study of Iranian Arabic teachers‟ Beliefs about Teaching and Learning Second Language in Iranian high schools
بررسی آرایش سازه های بنیادین و ساخت سازه ای غالب در ادبیات داستانی فارسی از منظر رده شناسی زبان
The Relationship between Self-concept and Language Performance among 3rd grade High School Students
رویکردها و روش های آموزش قرآن در صدر اسلام
تاثیر مثل ها و کنایه های عامیانه ی ایرانی در شعر رودکی
طرح نوی شعر سنایی
Is Inquiry-based Learning More Effective for Critical Thinking than Traditional Methods: A Case Study of Iranian EFL Learners
The Effect of Task-Induced Involvement Load in oral Modality on L2 Vocabulary Comprehension, Production, and Retention
تاملی در جامعهشناسی زبان، با تاکید بر جنسیت و تفاوتهای زبانی
The Impact Of Drama-Based Instruction As Effective Language Learning Strategies On Improving Primary Iranian ESL Learners’ Speaking Abilities
Convergence phenomena in bilingual children
روابط مفهومی واژگان با بهره گیری از آزمون تداعی
The Relationship between Self-efficacy and Resilience among Iranian EFL Teachers: AMultivariate Approach
The Effect of E-tutoring and E-partnering on Iranian EFL Students’ Writing
The Social Practice in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman: A Study Based on Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis
The case study of cohesion shift and explicitation in English- Persian translation of the literary texts
The Effect of the IWB-mediated Corrective Feedback versus Conventional Approach to Corrective Feedback on L2 Vocabulary Learning by Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
Dominant and Balanced Bilinguals: Who Performs Better in English Vocabulary Retention
Critical Thinking Skills as Predictors of EFL Learners Critical Reading and Foreign Language Reading Anxiety
Analyzing the translations of Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) in terms of standardized PIL sections
Overcoming Marked Thematic Challenges in Literary Translation: The Case of J. D. Salinger
The Relationship between Media Literacy and Listening Comprehension among Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
The Relationship between critical thinking and Listening Comprehension among Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
The effect of analogy phonics v.s phonics approach through spelling on reading skill in EFL classroom
Tracing Metadiscursive Stance over Time and across Disciplines:A Comparative Study of English Research Articles
انسجام در متون فارسی آموزی : بررسی موردی کتاب دوره عمومی زبان فارسی
The Effect of Summarization on the Reading Comprehension of Grade Nine Junior High-school Students
The Effect of Smart Interactive White-board Technology on Vocabulary Learning of Students
پیوند نحو و اندیشه در غزلی از حافظ
Analysis of Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Vocabulary Size: A Comparative Study of Iranian English and Non-English Major Students
نیم نگاه تحلیلی به پیشینه هنجارگریزی در زبان شعر کانکریت
آیا ترجمه میتواند روشی مناسب برای آموزش زبان انگلیسی در دانشگاهها باشد
Wax and Wane of Translation in Language Teaching
بررسی تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی سوره یوسف (ع) بر اساس الگوی نورمن فیرکلاف
Comparative Analysis of Speaking and Listening Sections of one Common English Book series in Mashhad Language Institutes
بررسی واگویه های منظوم کودکان در خراسان جنوبی بررسی چهار بازی منظوم
An Investigation of LLS in Iranian Non-English Major University Students
Reflection of the discourse of power in speech: A case study of the Iranian Foreign Minister, M.J. Zarif
The Relationship between Reading Strategies and Translation Strategies Used by Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
بررسی مقایسه ای پردازش پرسش واژه ها در کودکان هشت ساله دختر و پسر شهر قزوین
Different Factors that Affect Inferential Comprehension in EFL Learners
Impact of Task planning on Young Iranian EFL learners’ Fluency, Accuracy, and Complexity in Writing
Selecting Reading Materials for Academic Iranian EFL Students
بررسی عوامل تیرگی صرفی در واژگان مشتق فارسی
Baudrillardian Concepts of Hyperreality and Simulacra in McCarthy’s The Road
Othering and Identity in Nadine Gordimer’s The Pickup: A Saidian Reading
Quality of Islamic Classroom Life: A Panacea for Classroom Stigma
The Relationship between Motivation and Self-assessment of Writing Ability: A Case of Iranian EFL Learners
The Impact of Teaching Meta Discoursal Markers on Iranian ESP Learners Expository Writing
تحلیل گفتمان اخبار رسانه از منظر گفتمان شناسی انتقادی
Text Typology and its Impact on Iranian EFL Learner s Reading Willingness
Proximity, distance, and literary interpretation: A case study of Munro’s story, Haven
The Comparative Effect of Perfectionism vs. Optimalism on Iranian Intermediate Learners Willingness to Communicate (WTC) and their L2 Speaking
Meta-discourse Markers in the Discussion Section of Research Articles Published in ISI and non-ISI journals of Applied Linguistics
واژگان معرب، تعاریف، تاریخچه ویژگی ها و قواعد حاکم بر آن
The Role of Gender in reading skills of the Second Language Learning
ابدال در زبان شناسی قرآن
The Illusion of American Dream in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman
Playing Video Games and Concrete Vocabulary Acquisition among EFL Learners: The Case of Popular Clash of Clans in Iran
A Method for Teaching Intercultural Competence in Iranian University English Programs: Cross-cultural Website Analysis
Investigating the Use of Different Types of Dictionaries: Perceived Usefulness versus Practical Usefulness
Concurrent Group Dynamic Assessment: Shedding New Lights to Mediational Strategies of Listening Comprehension
Iranian secondary School EFL Learners’ Attitude towards English Vocabulary Learning through SVP (Spiral Vocabulary Procedure)
تصویرگری یا پیوند عاطفه و تخیل در زبان هنجار
The Effect of Strategic (pre-task) Planning on the Fluency and Complexity of the Oral Production of Iranian EFL Students (Focusing on Meaning, Form and Form-Meaning)
بررسی گویش غربت (جوکی) در شرق مازندران
بررسی تطبیقی سه کتاب دستور تاریخی زبان فارسی از سه استاد پرویز خانلری، خسرو فرشیدورد و محسن ابوالقاسمی
بررسی نمادها و نشانههای جنسیت سازی شده در واژهگان بر مبنای زبان فارسی
بررسی قدرت الگوهای جایگزین زبانی بر جنسیت ساختگی در تعیین هویت سوژه
نقش جنسیت زدگی زبان در جامعه و فرهنگ ایرانی
The Effect of Using Drama on Reading Comprehension through the Strategies of Reading for EFL Young Learners