آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 86تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 188
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 15203
هشتمین کنفرانس بین المللی مواد کامپوزیتی: ساخت، خواص و کاربرد
هشتمین کنفرانس بین المللی مواد کامپوزیتی: ساخت، خواص و کاربرد در تاریخ ۲۹ آذر ۱۴۰۱ توسط دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد کرمانشاه، در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات هشتمین کنفرانس بین المللی مواد کامپوزیتی: ساخت، خواص و کاربرد مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در هشتمین کنفرانس بین المللی مواد کامپوزیتی: ساخت، خواص و کاربرد
Prediction of damage in composite bolted joints under creep loading
Developing a micromechanical model to predict the elastic properties of plain weave composites
Influence of GNPs debonding on mode I fracture toughness of polymeric nanocomposites
Effect of woven fabrics harness on the dynamic tensile mechanical properties of woven fabric composites
Assessment of the effect of matrix cracking density in GFRPs on the time response of surface-mounted FBG sensors under Lamb wave propagation
On the optimum RVE size of the aligned-short fiber composites with random distribution
Theoretical prediction of equivalent stiffness of anode and cathode coatings in lithium-ion batteries
An overall Analysis of a Composite Sewer Manhole Cover
Investigation on the application of restrained recovery of prestrained SMA wires embedded in self-healing composites
Introduction and applications of shape memory alloy
Fatigue modeling of laminated composites using new strain-based failure criteria
Comparing UAV composite wing stress analysis with one-way and two-way coupled fluid-solid interaction methods
Modeling, analysis, and fabrication of a composite propeller of an ultralight aircraft
Residual strain measurement of polymeric composite materials using the FBG sensor
Detection of delamination damage in cross-ply laminated composites by wave propagation and machine learning, Numerical and experimental investigations
Analytical modeling of creep phenomenon of epoxy polymer reinforced with SMA
An investigation of the mechanical properties of synthetic leather made of PVC with organic and inorganic pigments
Simulation of solidification process of in-situ ۶۰۶۱ alloy metal matrix composite
Weld nugget zone composite of Al ۱۰۶۰-Copper subjected to uniaxial fatigue loading cycles
On the Mixed Mode I/II/III Translaminar Fracture Toughness of E-glass/Epoxy Laminated Composites
Effect of printing parameters on the tensile properties of ۳D-printed PLA material
Effect of short natural fibers length and weight fraction on the mode I fracture toughness of epoxy-based composites
Effect of Nano/Micro Reinforcement Type on Mechanical and Physical Response of Polyurethane based Micro-nanocomposites
Performance of rotary jet melt spun polypropylene fiber reinforced polyester composites
Investigating the effect of PVC and nanoclay on impact ability and mechanical properties of polyester nanocomposites
Modeling and analysis of thermoplastic composite pipe under tensile loading
CeO۲ nanocubes@TiO۲ core-shell nanocomposite: Synthesis, structural and morphological characterization
Influence of initial crack length on mode III delamination in composite materials by MSCB method
Fabrication and characterization of ZnO quantum dots heterojunction structures for photocatalytic treatment ofpharmaceutical wastewater
Finding transient angle in tension for unidirectional composites
Mass-specific flexural properties of a mycelium-based biocomposite
Effect of pre-pressure on compressive behavior of a natural biocomposite
Glass/Epoxy laminates with Novel Core Layers Under Quasi-Static Indentation: A Comparative Experimental and Numerical Study on Using Chopped Natural and Synthetic Fibers as a Core Layer
Damage Mechanism of Glass/Epoxy Laminates with a Novel Core Layer under Quasi-Static Indentation: A Comparative Study on Using Kenaf, Glass, and their Hybrids as Laminate Skins
Prediction of impact and fatigue life behavior of FML by finite element and mathematical simulation
Hydrothermal growth of CuCo۲O۴ spinel nanoparticles on TiO۲ nanosheets for photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline
The effect of different solvents on the dispersion quality of MWCNTFe۳O۴ hybrid nanofillers in nanocomposites
Experimental and numerical investigation of the strain energy release rate of composite adhesively bonded joints under mode II loading
An abaqus plugin for homogenization of woven composite fabric
An analytical solution for nonlinear static bending of a functionally graded Timoshenko beam
۴D printing utilizing bending thermal deformation of ۳D printed PLA specimens
Effect of nozzle temperature on the mechanical properties of FDM ۳D-printed PLA materials
Prediction of mechanical properties of Al-C nanocomposite: a machine learning approach
A deep learning approach to estimate the contact force of a fiber metal laminate: a finite element analysis
Composite lithium-ion battery panels to be used as electric and hybrid car bodies
Numerical modeling for thermographic inspection of subsurface defects in fiber-reinforced polymer composites
The influence of annealing heat treatment on the interface evolution of Al ۱۰۵۰/Mg AZ۳۱B bilayer sheet
The Effect of Water Immersion Ageing on Low and High-Velocity Impact Behavior of Marine Sandwich Panels with Different Skins
Investigating the Effect of Fiber and Core Type on the Bending and Buckling Behavior of Bio-Based/Green Sandwich Structures
Investigating the Effect of Fabric Surface Texture in the Tensile Properties of Hemp/PLA Bio-Composites
Effect of sewing on the strength of foamy core composite sandwich panels
A magnetic nanocomposite based on gelatin-chitosan hydrogel containing Zinc chromite as a novel nanostructure for water treatment
Study of a composite thermal fin performance with uncertain parameters
Dielectric Characterization of Polymer Composite Materials for Antenna Radome Applications
Investigating the Biological Properties of Metal Nanocomposite Synthesized with Alhagi Plant extract
Iron and Magnesium Nanoparticles Adorned on Mesoporous Zeolites: Investigation of Nanocomposite Catalytic Properties
Study the effects of reinforcing elements on the flank wear when milling Al۵۲۰-MMC
An investigation into the fabrication of reinforced Al-MMC with the stir-casting process
Definition of Transition Time in Machining Titanium Metal Matrix Composites (Ti-MMCs)
A proposal for a composite hand cane using the analytical solution and numerical simulation of coaxial orthotropic cylinder
In-situ Synthesized nanocomposite Containing Copper/Silver Nanoparticles with Red Cabbage extract
Surface Functionalization of Di-Nuclear Schiff base with Ag and Ni Nanoparticles as a Novel Bio-nanocomposite
The effect of chitosan/silk film loaded with Anti-inflammatory, Antibiotic, and Angiogenic drugs in chronic wound healing
Investigating effect of nanofillers alignment on conductivity of polymer/CNT nanocomposites
Effects of Shot-peening on the mechanical properties of extruded Mg/۲.۵%HA biocomposite
Wear Behavior and Microstructure Characteristics of A۳۵۶/ZrO۲+Al۲O۳ Hybrid Composite
Effect of interlayer dry area extent and interlaminar delamination on the tensile strength of composite plates manufactured by vacuum infusionprocess
The effect of the presence of bubbles inside resin on the tensile strength of composites manufactured by vacuum infusion process
Magnetic gelatin-chitosan hydrogel incorporated with graphene oxide as an effective nanocomposite for methylene blue adsorption
Mechanical response of honeycomb and chiral metastructures under axial compression loading
Piezoelectric Effects of Bone Scaffolds of Poly (L-lactic Acid) and Gelatin with Carbon Nanotubes
Numerical permeability measurements of a woven fabric preform for different clear-fluid and porous medium interface conditions
Improvement of the electrochemical behavior of polymer electrolyte using covalent organic frameworks nanofiller
Evaluating the effect of standing waves on morphological properties of spinodal topologies
Investigation of thermal behavior of epoxy coatings containing surface-modified hollow glass microspheres
Toughened Biodegradable PLA: Comparison Between the Mechanical Performance of EPDM and PBR
Simulation of mixed-mode I/II delamination growth in laminated composites considering fracture process zone
Numerical analysis of face material effect on the bending behavior of honeycomb sandwich structure
Reuse of thermosetting polymer matrix composites reinforced with glass fibers as filler in epoxy flooring
The effect of water absorption on the shear properties of glass-Epoxy laminates include woven fabric with different areal density
Comparison of first-order and higher-order basic theories in calculating critical buckling load of marine sandwich panels
Numerical analysis of vibration behavior of sandwich composite structure with three different types of core
Developing an Empirical Model for Predicting Short Fibers Alignment Angle
Fabrication of metal matrix composite on A۵۱۶ steel and investigation the effect of powder composition on microhardness
Effect of Friction stir process (FSP) and surface compositing on tribological properties of pure copper
Analysis and optimization of stacking sequence of thin-walled composite pressure vessel using finite element