آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 112تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 685
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 249173
چهاردهمین کنفرانس بین المللی سالانه انجمن کامپیوتر ایران
چهاردهمین کنفرانس بین المللی سالانه انجمن کامپیوتر ایران در تاریخ ۲۸ مهر ۱۳۸۸ توسط دانشگاه صنعتی امیرکبیر،انجمن کامپیوتر ایران در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات چهاردهمین کنفرانس بین المللی سالانه انجمن کامپیوتر ایران مراجعه فرمایید.
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مقالات پذیرش شده در چهاردهمین کنفرانس بین المللی سالانه انجمن کامپیوتر ایران
Providing Consistent Global Sharing Service Over VANET Using New Plan
Using Supervised and Transductive Learning Techniques to Extract Network Attack Scenarios
LF-RDTODMRP: A Robust and Efficient On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks
Cellular Learning Automata based Scheduling Method for Wireless Sensor Networks
Ontology-based Distributed Intrusion Detection System
Job Failure Prediction in Grid Environment Based on Workload Characteristics
Distributed Resource Discovery in Grid with Efficient Range Query
A Novel Approach towards QoS Provisioning in Delay-sensitive Flows over Wireless Networks
An Improved Resource-based Performance Model for Optical Core Switches
A Distributed Algorithm for Node Localization by Connectivity in Large Scale Wireless Mesh Sensor Networks
Multiprocessor Scheduling with Evolving Cellular Automata Based on Ant Colony Optimization
Hard Real-Time Multiobjective Scheduling in Heterogeneous Systems Using Genetic Algorithms
An Improved Ant Algorithm for Grid Scheduling Problem
Resource discovery using rough set in Grid environment
High throughput Interference –Based routing in Multihop CDMA Cellular Networks
Efficient Sensor Selection Based on Spatial Correlation in Wireless Sensor Networks
A Multi-Path Routing Protocol with Fault Tolerance in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
A Clustering Algorithm to Improve Routing Stability in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
Improving Coverage in Mobile Sensor Networks Using Overlap Concept
A Novel QoT-Aware Routing and Wavelength Assignment Algorithm in All-Optical Networks
Energy Aware Multi-path and Multi-SPEED Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks
Using agent-oriented reasoning engine and SDC graph for optimizing semantic web services discovery
Program Phase Detection in Heterogeneous Multi-Core Processors
Dynamic Strength Scaling for Delay Fault Propagation in Nanometer Technologies
Multi Parametric Optimized Architectural Synthesis of an Application Specific Processor
A Flexible Design of Network on Chip Router based on Handshaking Communication Mechanism
New high-performance majority function based Full Adders
An Innovative Fault Injection Method in Embedded Systems via Background Debug Mode
An Efficient Hardware Implementation for H.264 Binary Arithmetic Encoder
Comparison of Dual Rail and an Enhanced Bundled Data Asynchronous Protocols Noise Robustness in the GALS NoC Link Application
A Novel Arbitration Scheme for Bandwidth and Jitter Guarantees in Asynchronous NoCs
Power Comparison of an Asynchronous and Synchronous Network on Chip Router
K-Anonymity Privacy Protection Using Ontology
Adaptive and Cooperative Multi-Agent Fuzzy System Architecture
Learning Automata Based Artificial Immune System for Data Classification
Identification of Web Communities using Cellular Learning Automata
A Technique Based on Chaos for Brain Computer Interfacing
Hybrid Feature and Decision Level Fusion of Face and Speech Information for Bimodal Emotion Recognition
A New Wavelet Thresholding Method for Speech Enhancement Based on Symmetric Kullback-Leibler Divergence
Planning a Robust Path for Mobile Robots in Dynamic Environment
Skin Detection using Contourlet Texture Analysis
Job-Shop Scheduling Using Hybrid Shuffled Frog Leaping
Robust Pupil Boundary Detection by Optimized Color Mapping for Iris Recognition
Deconvolution of Non-Minimum Phase FIR Systems Using Adaptive Filtering
Bit-width Optimization of CS-ACELP Speech Coder by SIMULINK: Core Layer of the New G.729.1 Standard
Tensor-Based Face Representation and Recognition Using Multi-Linear Subspace Analysis
Dynamic and memory efficient web page prediction model using LZ78 and LZW algorithms
Facial Feature Detection and Extraction using Symmetry and Region-based Deformable Template Matching
A Contrast Independent Algorithm for Adaptive Binarization of Degraded Document Images
Application of Neuro-Fuzzy models In Short Term Electricity Load Forecast
Quantitative Similarity-based Evaluation of Text Retrieval Algorithms
Polynomial Kernel Function and its Application in Locally Polynomial Neurofuzzy Models
A New Classification Approach Based on Cooperative Game
Feature integration for adaptive visual tracking in a particle filtering framework
Long Term Electrical Load Forecasting via a Neurofuzzy Model
Document image binarization by using texture-edge descriptor
A Novel Hybrid Algorithm for Binarization of Badly Illuminated Document Images
An optimal fuzzy system for feature reliability measuring in particle filterbased object tracking
Effective Hierarchical background modeling and foreground detection in surveillance systems
Improving EEG Signal Prediction via SSA and Channel Selection
Video Summarization Using Genetic Algorithm and Information Theory
Sparse Modeling of Heart Sounds and Murmurs based on Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
A Novel Functional Sized Population Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm for Fractal Image Compression
A Heuristic Approach for Value at Risk Based Portfolio Optimization
XML Document Clustering Based on Common Tag Names Anywhere in the Structure
A High Capacity Image hiding Method based on Fuzzy Image Coding/Decoding
Improvement of Language Identification Performance Using Generalized Phone Recognizer
Fast and Parsimonious Self-Organizing Fuzzy Neural Network
Cellular Learning Automata-Based Color Image Segmentation using Adaptive Chains
Coronary Heart Disease Risk Assessment Using Dempster-Shafer Theory
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Application in Bacteria Recognition
Adaptive Parameter Selection Scheme for PSO: A Learning Automata Approach
A Multi-Role Cellular PSO for Dynamic Environments
Particle Swarm Optimization with Voronoi Neighborhood
Real-Time Multiple Face Detection and Tracking
A New Similarity Difference Measure in Multi Agent Systems
Various Strategies for Partitioning of Memeplexes in Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm
A New Distance Measure for Free Text Keystroke Authentication
Building Deep Dependency Structure from Partial Parses
A Watermarking Method Based on Optimizing SSIM Index by using PSO in DCT Domain
Hierarchical Bayesian Reservoir Memory
Speaker Identification in Noisy Environments Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks
A New Evolutionary Algorithm for Structure Learning in Bayesian Networks
A New Real-Time Target Tracking Algorithm in Image Sequences Based on Wavelet Transform
Effective Tracking of the Players and Ball in Indoor Soccer Games in the Presence of Occlusion
Adaptive Target Tracking in Sensor Networks Using Reinforcement Learning
Support Vector Machines for Speaker Based Speech Indexing
Speaker Clustering Performance Improvement using Eigen-Voice Speaker Adaptation
Face recognition using Local Multi Dimensional Statistics
English to Persian Machine Translation exploiting Semantic Word Sense Disambiguation
A Novel Vehicle Tracking Method with Occlusion Handling Using Longest Common Substring of Chain-Codes
High Maneuvering Target Tracking Using Fuzzy Fading Memory
A New Approach in Feature Subset Selection Based on Fuzzy Entropy Concept
Improving the Classification of Unknown Documents by Concept Graph
Evolution of Neural Network Architecture and Weights Using Mutation Based Genetic Algorithm
Random Indexing and the episodic memory metaphor.Application to text categorization
Fisher Information Based Signal Compression in TDOA Estimaion Application
Feature Selection and Dimension Reduction for Automatic Gender Identification
Performance Improvement of AOA Positioning using A Two-Step Plan Based on Factor Graphs and the Gauss-Newton Method
Improving Source Localization in LOS and NLOS Multipath Environments for UWB Signals
A Predictive Reinforcement Learning Framework for Modeling Human Decision Making Behavior
A Refinement Approach for Developing Probabilistic Programs
Multi Agent Based Web Service QoS Management Architecture
An Approach for Re ning JML Speci cation To Object Oriented Code
Using Domain-Specific Languages to Describe the Development Viewpoint of Software Architectures
Path Simplification under Difference Area Measure
Visibility of a Moving Segment Observer
Compound of Reversible One-Dimensional CA Rules for Two-Dimensional CA with Cryptographic Applications
New Approach for Tracing Quality Attributes in Service Oriented Architecture Using Graph Transformation Systems
SWML: A Workflow Modeling Language Based on Stochastic Activity Networks
Optimizing Information Systems By Realizing the Autonomy around Business
A Unified Framework for Evaluating Deductive Databases with Uncertainty