آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 145تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 1231
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 189731
هفتمین سمپوزیوم بین المللی پیشرفتهای علوم و تکنولوژی
هفتمین سمپوزیوم بین المللی پیشرفتهای علوم و تکنولوژی در تاریخ ۱۷ اسفند ۱۳۹۱ توسط موسسه آموزش عالی خاوران، دانشگاه هرمزگان، در شهر بندرعباس برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات هفتمین سمپوزیوم بین المللی پیشرفتهای علوم و تکنولوژی مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در هفتمین سمپوزیوم بین المللی پیشرفتهای علوم و تکنولوژی
Benchmarking of the design principles of traditional architecture
Brand equity of Mashhad tourism destination
Effect of Ecological Factors in Sustainability of Iranian Vernacular Town (Meymand)
How to reflect spirit of the time in the current architecture of Iran
Interior of modern residential community on the basis of family stability
Investigating addition of organic matter at planting in the nursery to assess further growth responses of two poplars
Legal review Application of non-Islamic symbols architecture in the cities of Muslim
Mosques planning in Iran, Fashion or Culture?
Pedestrianization: A Step toward urban sustainability
Reclamation of Soil Contaminated by Chromium(VI) Using P.nigra L.
Recognizing the effect of food centre spatial dispersal on pilgrim's behavior patterns in food finding activities Case study: Mashhad City
Studying the relationship between urban green corridors And sustainable urban landscape
Surveying the EnvironmentalQuality of Coastal Cities to achieving urban Sustainable Development (Case Study: Bushehr Port)
Sustainable Architecture in Educational Space of Iran
The Effect of Leaf Litter on Phytoextraction of Cr(VI) by Two Salicaceae Species from Contaminated Soils
The Influence of Framework of Residential Neighbourhoods on the Social Sustainability
The Role of Middle Cities in Regional Sustainable DevelopmentCase study: Iranshahr
Understanding Smart Growth savings
Urban Planning Methods in Decreasing Damages of Earthquakes in Distressed Area of the Cities
Wind catcher technology (Past and Present)
A Logistic Regression Method for Urban growth modeling Case Study: Sanandaj City in IRAN
A Project Report On Exploration on the rocks
A Study on the Bearing Capacity Alteration of Shallow Foundation Resting on Anzali Sand after Applied Cyclic Loading
A study on the capacity of ductility and energy dissipation of Special Moment Resisting Frames (SMRFs)
A Study on the Effect of Flow Rule on the Bearing Capacity of Strip Foundations by Method of Stress Characteristics
A Study on the Effects of CNT’s on Hot Mix Asphalt Marshal-Parameters
Accurate Survay Effect of Jointing On Bearing Capacity for Rock Foundation (A Case Study of Safa Dam in Kerman Province, Iran)
An Elasto-Plastic Model for Analysis of Underwater Tunnels, Excavated in a Strain-Softening Hoek-Brown Rock Mass
An overview of Spatial-Spectral Unmixing in Satellite Imagery
Analytical Solution of Kinematic Response of Batter Pile under P and SV Waves Earthquake
Application of Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS for Estimating the Runoff of Sikhuran Watershed
Bamboo Housing Technology for Sustainable development: Case study in Nepal
CFD Analysis for 2D-Micro fin Array with Carbon Nanotube Structured Surfaces for Cooling Applications
Comparison Between PLAXIS Output and Neural Network in the Guard Walls
Comparison of different methods for evaluating the liquefaction potential of sandy soils in Bandar Abbas
Complexity of the Ground Conditions and Non Compliance with Basic Assumptions in the Trench Stability Analysis: A Case Study in Iran
Conclusion Evaluating Methods for 3D CFD Models in Sediment Transport Computations
Different Method to find Optimum Training Data in Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for Urban Growth ModelingCase Study: Sanandaj City in IRAN
Disposalmethods ofvibrationsin SurroundingEngineering structures
Drought and its effect on vegetation, comparison of NDVI for drought and non-drought years related to Land use classifications
Effect of bed roughness on flow dynamics at Open Channel Confluences
Effect of tire-chips on geotechnical properties of clayey soil
Effects of Lime and Sawdust Ash on the Plasticity and Compaction Characteristics of Lateritic Soil
Estimate of Seismic Displacement of the Hump-Back Block Type Gravity Quay Wall
Estimation of Creep Deformations in Circular Tunnels Considering Elasto-Plastic Behavior
Evaluate the permeability Damsite Jamishan with Emphasis on engineering geology
Evaluation of Biogrouting Method in Sandy Soil improvement in Column Injection Experiments
Evaluation of liquefaction potentialbased on SPT and CPT data in the Bandar-Abbas city
Evaluation Rock Mass Deformation Modulus based on Fuzzy Logic
Evaluation the influence of aerator ramp on reducing the cavitation risks in Shafaroud, Azad and Gotvand dams
Experimental Investigation of Nano Zinc Oxide Effect on Creep Compliance of Hot Mix Asphalt
Finite volume modelings of flow in T-junction open channels
Geographical Information System in Geotechnical
Investigation Depth of Buried Pipeline on Stress
Laboratory investigation on the Effects of Coconut Fibres on Bearing Capacity Of SM Reinforced Soil
Modeling and Analysis of Risk Factors on Soil Anchoring
Numerical Simulation of Contamination Distribution in Bushehr Bay
Numerical Study on Effect of Barriers on Vibrations Induced by Construction Activities
Optimize the Placement of Nails in Soil Nailing By Three Dimensional Numerical Modeling
Performance evaluation of microbial carbonate precipitation method compared with resin and fiber stabilization on the strength of compacted sandy soils
Prediction of chloride penetration in the concrete containing magnetite aggregates by using Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
Hydrothermal Alteration in Ramand Region
Residence Site Selection According to Combination of PSO Algorithm & Linear Regression Case Study: Sanandaj City in IRAN
Stability Assessment of Concrete Gravity Dams Using Fracture Mechanics Criteria; Case Study Zavin Dam
Stabilization of rock slops using geosynthetic materials as new approch and its comparison with conventional methods
Strength evaluations for treated peat with cement and polypropylene fibres using CBR tests
Study on Seismic Waves’ Speed Changes under Different Conditions and Determination of Soil Parameters by Using Them
studying of the prying action effect in steel connection
The investigation on the effect of the aggregate type in the modulus of elasticity and tensile strength in high strength concrete
The Investigation of Negative Effects of Salt Dome on the Quality of Water in the Gotvand Olya Dam and the use of Cut-off Wall as Treatment
The phenomenon of liquefaction in the foundation of the Persian Gulf dams using numerical modeling
The polymeric Property in stabilization of the clay soils
The risk ranking of drinkable water sources of sarkhun plain aquifer villages (case study: Sarkhun village- Ghal'e Ghazi district of Bandar abbas)
The Strength Characteristics of Silty Soil Stabilized Using Nano Clay
Unconfined Compressive Strength of Lime-Stabilized Peat
Using Concrete Caissons as a Foundation for Double- Circuit 230 KV Transmission Line, Qeshm Island, Iran
Various types of Portland cement concrete used in pavement and dam constructions
A Comparative Study of Customer Relationship Management Systems in the Market of Iran
A comparison between self-similarity of network traffics for different protocols
A comprehensive image ofWeb-based Learning
A DNA Approach in Mining and Ranking the Classification Rules
A Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification System for classification of protein structural classes
A model based on Bayesian Network for prediction of IVF Success Rate
A New Approach for Modeling Vehicle Safety Based on Cooperative Awareness in Emergency Scenarios
A path protection method using congestion control in IP/MPLS networks as an underlying network in Smart Grids
A Scheduling Algorithm for Interactive IPTV over WiMAX
Adaptive Rate Allocationfor Unequal Budget Images Transmissionover Time-Varying BSC Channels
An algorithm for noisy Blind Source Separation with nonlinear autocorrelation and noise reduction using wavelet
An Approach for Displaying the Relations among Main Elements of Object-Oriented Programs
Analysis The child nodes dependence coefficient to parent node in tree structure services
Application of neural networks in normal frequency computing of gauged arch shape
Assessment of New Languages of Multicore Processors
Automatic Generation of Attack Signatures for implementing anew Plugin to Honeyd
Automatic Hypertext Construction in Persian Texts Using Self-Organizing Map Neural Network
Checking multiple choice question exams
Curvature Correction and Shadow Images of Scanned Documents based on Boundary Lines of Text and Brightness Estimation Function
Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Metamorphic Engine
Developing Arabic Event Extraction SystemUsing Rule Based Method
Dimensionality reduction and improving the performance of automatic modulation classification using genetic programming
Estimation of Software Complexity within an Optimized Time Period Using a Multi Agent System
Gene Express Programming in optimum shape of concrete ogee arch under earthquake loads
How to Design Effective Multimedia Presentations
Impact of Dimensionality ReductionOn Outlier Detection Techniques
Intrusion Detection System based on Support Vector Machine and BN-KDD Data Set
Learning Algorithm for Training CMAC by Using Reinforcement Learning and Comparative Discount Rate
Lighting techniques in machine vision
Mapping fuzzy formal model (FPN) to fuzzy extended markup language (FXML) (FPNML)
Maximizing the Robustness of Wireless Sensor Networks with Optimal Sink Designation
Noise Reduction and Kidney Ultrasound Image Enhancement Based on Multi-Scale Transform and Curvelet Transform
Particle Swarm Optimization In Solving Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
Prediction of Future Computers Using State of the Art Developing Technologies
Presenting a multicast routing protocol for enhanced efficiency in mobile ad-hoc networks
Presenting Metrics for Evaluation of Expert Systems Based on Service-Oriented Architecture
Proposing a Method for Measuring the confidentiality of Enterprise Architecture Based On COBIT
Study of long-term Trend in Dust Distribution over Persian Gulf: Satellite Imagery Application and Weather Charts interpretation
The Effect of Semantic Constraints on Ontology Alignments using Neural Network
Utilizing Public Transportation System as a Delay Tolerant Network
Wireless Health Care Monitoring System with Data Security And Privacy
A Low Computational Method in Maximizing the Throughput of An OFDM based Cognitive Radio System
A Method for Determining the Critical Parts of Electronic Circuits into EFT/B
A Novel Compact Dual-Band Slot Antenna with slot resonator
A Novel Compact Triple Bandpass Filter Using Loaded Microstrip Resonator with Interdigital Capacitor
A Novel Evolutionary Method for Designing Optimized Multifunctional Logic Modules
An Efficient Spectrum Handoff Method to Improve the QOS of Secondary Users in Cognitive Radio Networks
Appropriate Codec for VoIP Services in Digital Power Line Carrier Systems
Comparative Analysis of Different Denoising Techniques for ECG Signal
Design and Implementation a Digital Teleprotection System
Difference between requirements for reactive power in a traditional and a restructured power system using monte carlo method
An effective combination for router placement optimization problem to improve the performance of wireless mesh networks
Effects of UPFC for Transient Stability Improvment after a Fault in Power Systems
Electronic Business Model SelectionUsing The Analytic Hierarchy Process
Frequency Analysis and Phase Measurement of vibration Data to detect shaft Failure, A case study of Vibration system for Bently Nevada Corporation
Intelligent Detection of Intrusion into Databases Using Extended Classifier System (XCS)
Numerical study of turbulent flow and heat transfer of a nano fluid in a circular tube with twisted tape insert
One-Dimensional Simulation of a Polymer Electrolyte MembraneFuel Cell Performance
Performance Comparison between Classic and Intelligent Methods for Position Control of DC Motor
Production of Iridium Metal Thin Films for Application as electrodes in DRAMs and FRAMs
Replace magnetic waves instead of a laser to read data signals (RML.ID)
Study of resistance changes impact on power of resistive-load inverter by using 90nm and 65nm technologies
Comparing suspended sediment concentrations derived from a model and collected in a tidally dominated area
Extraction and Characterization of Alginate from Sargassum angustifolium collected from northern coasts of Persian Gulf, Bushehr
Formation and Evolution of a heavy dust storm over Middle East: A Numerical Case Study
Sensitivity Study of Cyclone Gonu Intensity and Track to Surface Exchanges Parameterization: Advanced hurricane WRF model application