آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 403تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 404
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 36237
بیست و دومین کنفرانس شیمی معدنی ایران
بیست و دومین کنفرانس شیمی معدنی ایران در تاریخ ۱ شهریور ۱۴۰۲ توسط دانشگاه کردستان ،انجمن شیمی ایران در شهر سنندج برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات بیست و دومین کنفرانس شیمی معدنی ایران مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در بیست و دومین کنفرانس شیمی معدنی ایران
Lanthanide Coordination Polymers as Heterogeneous Lewis AcidCatalysts for Glycerol Acetalization
Design, synthesis, properties, and applications of perovskite nanomaterials
Investigation of adsorption kinetics of phenobarbital on Fe۳O۴/SBA-۱۶-NH۲ nanocomposite
Synthesis, characterization, DFT studies, and molecular docking ofFe(III) complex containing β–amino alcohol ligand
A new mixed-ligand Cobalt(II) complex with synthesis, characterization,and docking study
Review of the synthesis methods of layers of double hydroxide and theirapplication in removing water pollutants
Behaviors of electrochemical energy storage sources, based onorganometallic frameworks and their composites
Isotopic effects on the hydrolysis of anticancer drug titanocene dichloride:a DFT study
Synthesis and investigation of biological activity of a magneticnanocomposite based on functionalized graphene oxide nanosheets by casein,Zn-Al LDH, and alginate hydrogel
Synthesis, structure, and catalytic activity of novel polyoxomolybdateC۲۲H۴۷Mo۴N۱۲O۱۵ in the azide-alkyne cycloaddition reaction
Synthesis of Cu-BTC@Fe۳O۴ nanocomposites for removal of arsenic fromwater followed by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometrydetermination
Structural, reactivity, and optical properties of homo and hetero binuclearcycloplatinated(II) complexes with bridging cyanide
A comparative study of Pd/Pt-cyclopropa[۶۰]fullerenes compounds withambidentate phosphorous ylide ligands; Synthesis and DFT calculations
Synthesis, X-ray structural and catalytic activity of new asymmetricpalladacycle complexes with bidentate (P,P- and P,O) ligands
Graphitic carbon nitride nanotubes grown on carbon paper for efficientelectrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction
Synthesis and Characterization of Nd۲CuFe۲O۷ Magnetic Nanocomposites
Investigating the Photocatalytic Application of Nd۲CuFe۲O۷Nanocomposite to Remove Organic Dyes
Investigating catalytic effects of a zeolitic imidazolate framework, ZIF-۸,on the phase transition and thermal decomposition of ammonium nitrate
Investigating the Catalytic Effects of MOF-۱۹۹ on the ThermalDecomposition of Ammonium Dinitramide (ADN)
Synthesis and characterization of a new green high energetic primaryexplosives Couper (I) with sodium ۵-nitrotetrazole
Investigating the interaction of the new copper complex with DNA andproteins: synthesis and structural characterization
Synthesis and characterization of the new Cobalt(II) amino alcoholcomplex: A combined experimental, computational, and docking studies
Synthesis and characterization of the copper(II) complex of a new β-aminoalcoholic ligand in the presence of the ۴,۴-bipyridine supported by moleculardocking
A new tetra-coordinated copper(II) complex: Synthesis, characterization,DFT studies and investigating interaction with Biomacromolecules
MIL-۱۰۱(Cr)@EDTA-Zn(II) complex as an Effective HeterogeneousCatalyst for the synthesis of polyhydroquinolines
Nanomagnetic Phosphotungstic acid-catalyzed Chemoselectivityesterification of Carbonyl bond of alpha-chloroacetic acid
Phosphomolybdic Acid Hydrate Encapsulated in Mil-۵۳ (Fe): A NewHeterogeneous Heteropoly Acid Catalyst for Friedel–Crafts acylation
Adsorptive removal of Rhodamine B from aqueous solution by azirconium fumarate metal-organic framework (MOF-۸۰۱)
Synthesis of MXene/MIL-۱۰۱ nanocomposite high adsorption capacity forMethylene blue dye removal
Lacunary Keggin-type Polyoxometalate-Based Framework: Design of aHeterogeneous Catalyst for Efficient Degradation of Dye from AqueousSolution
Synthesis and Characterization of nano γ-Alumina/β -Cyclodextrin asAdsorbent for Heavy Metal Adsorption
A Bioactive Rhenium(I) Tricarbonyl Complex Bearing a BidentateNitrogen Ligand: Experimental and Theoretical Calculations
A brief comment on salt-thermal methods to recycle lithium-ion batteries
Synthesis of substituted porphyrins for use in the structure of perovskitesolar cells
Decolorization of MB dye by Cobalt(II, III) oxide QDs linked to silvermolybdate as an impressive heterojunction photocatalyst under theirradiation of visible light
Boosted photocatalytic decolorization of MB, RhB, and MO by perovskitebasedheterojunction structures
Innovative p–n semiconductor heterojunction as a nanophotocatalysttoward the C(OH)–H bond activation
Self-assembly of L-cysteine–Ag–Au Nanoparticles for catalytic reductionof ۴-nitrophenols
Central Composite design (CCD) optimization and characterization ofremoval of Entacapone drug using copper zinc cobalt ferrite nanoparticlesmodified by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (Cu۰.۳Zn۰.۳Co۰.۴Fe۲O۴@CTAB)nanoparticles and Adsorption Characterization
Synthesize Ni۰.۱Cu۰.۱Zn۰.۸Fe۲O۴ nanoparticles by gel-auto combustion andmicrowave-assisted methods and investigate their photocatalytic activity
Study of the effect of Ag promoter over cobalt-based catalysts in COhydrogenation reaction
Preparation of cobalt-based Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Study of parameters affecting the assembly of linker-based goldnanoparticle core spherical nucleic acids (AuNP-core SNAs) for colorimetricdetection
Synthesis and modification of KIT- ۶ with Zn doped CdS nanoarchitectureand its application in photocatalytic degradation of methyl green
The effect of TPP concentration on levothyroxine release from nanoclay/chitosan nanocomposite
Evaluation of the relationship between intensity and effluent temperaturein a solar still
Potential electrospun Chitosan/Polyvinyl alcohol/Cyclophosphamidenanofibers for anticancer applications
Two Novel Triaza Quinoline Schiff base Ligands and Their MetalComplexes as Antibacterial Compounds: Synthesis, Characterization,structural elucidation and Thermodynamic Studies
Cs@Resorcinarene network as an organocatalyst for the three-componentreactions
An experimental study of the effects of graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticlesin enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
Immobilization of copper complex on the surface of SBA-۱۵: As anefficient nanocatalyst for the synthesis of pyranopyrazole derivatives
Synthesis and characterization of MCM-۴۸@Dithizone@Ni and itscatalytic activity in the synthesis ۲-phenyl benzimidazole derivatives
Synthesis, characterization, spectroscopic investigation and crystalstructure determination of new derivative of N-phenylpyrazine-۲-carboxamide ligands
Synthesis, characterization, spectroscopic investigation and crystalstructure determination of a new copper (II) complex with N-phenylpyrazine-۲-carboxamide derivative ligand
Synthesis and identification of cross-linked chitosan/tripolyphosphat/dacarbazinenano-composite
Nanomagnetic Cu(II) complex catalyzed synthesis of ۲-amino-۳-cyano-۴Hchromenes
A novel Cu(II) complex immobilized on ZrFe۲O۴ magnetic nanoparticlescatalyzed synthesis of pyranopyrazols
Synthesis and electrochemical properties of MIL/Fe۲O۳/PANI/rGOnanocomposite electrode materials for supercacitor applications
Synthesis, spectral and antimicrobial studies of derivative salicylaldehydeschiff base oxidovanadium (IV) complexes
Singlet oxygen effect on lipid oxidation in the presence and absence ofsynthetic/natural antioxidants, using sheep erythrocyte hemoglobin
Synthesis of novel chiral heterogeneous bisoxazoline-based catalyst and itsapplication in the synthesis of chiral allylic esters by synchronousdehydrogenation and allylic oxidation of alkanes
Evaluating anticancer activity and DNA-binding properties ofcycloplatinated (II) water-soluble complexes
Virtual screening of human glyoxalase I inhibitors: A structure-based approach
A comparison of organic and inorganic-supports for –SO۳H functionalityand their application in known reaction
Dye decomposition by inorganic−organic hybrid base on Preyssler-typepolyoxometalates
Synthesis of Fe۳O۴ nanoparticles by co-precipitation method and study ofthe solvent effect on morphology and crystallinity of particles
Dye decomposition by organo-inorganic catalytic nanocomposite materialbased on polyaniline (PANI) with Preyssler polyoxometalate
Solvothermal synthesis and characterization of nano molybdenumdisulfide
Interrelation of crystal morphology and intermolecular contacts in a newthiophosphoramide structure: an energy framework analysis
Synthesis and characterization of ZIF-۶۷-NiO/graphene sponge forsupercapacitor applications
Investigation of electrocatalytic properties of MnO۲-ZnO/rGO aerogelnanocomposite
Synergistic effect of graphene oxide on Fe/ZIF-۶۷ for the electrocatalyticreaction of oxygen evolution
Catalytic effect of CuX (X=F, Cl, Br, I) on nitroso−Diels−Alder reaction, atheoretical study
Tuning the catalytic activity of a Zn-MOF by tandem post-synthetic surfacefunctionalization in the synthesis of benzimidazole derivatives
Post-synthetic modification of a ۲D water-stable Zn-MOF; from exfoliatednanosheets to the formation of ۳D supramolecular structure functionalized byacid/base groups
Post-synthetic metal exchange on an amine-functionalized zinc coordinationpolymer for hydrogen sulfide capture
Investigation of structural and optical properties of Ba۰.۶Mg۰.۲Ca۰.۲Al۲O۴ceramic
Structural, electrical, and dielectric properties of Mg۰.۸Ba۰.۲Al۲O۴ ceramicfabricated by gel-combustion route
Degradation of an anti-inflammatory drug using magnesium ferrite in theFenton oxidation process
New zinc(II) mixed ligand coordination polymers at nano and bulk size,precursor for preparation of ZnO nanoparticles
New flour link Cu-V mixed ligand-mixed metal nano coordinationpolymers, study of antitumor activity
Synthesis, characterization, thermal and gas sensing properties of newscandium(III) nano coordination polymers
Synthesis and characterization and application of zirconate(IV) complexfor C–C coupling reactions
Synthesis, characterization of cyclopalladated complexe and Itsapplication as efficient catalysts for Suzuki-Miyaura and Heck-Mizorokicoupling reactions
Unusual porosity behavior in a new zinc-based MOF with the heptanodaltopology
Synthesis of zinc-based metal organic frameworks modified as highlyefficient and recyclable catalysts for Suzuki and Heck cross-coupling reactions
Rational design of organic-inorganic metal halide perovskites with deepblue emission and encapsulation in metal organic frameworks as a stableplatform with improve emission characters
Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue dye by nanocomposite basedon Mg-Al layered double hydroxides
Functionalization of HMTA and investigation of its catalytic activity in thereaction of CO۲ and epoxide
Synthesis and characterization of a nickel(II) unsymmetrical salencomplex as an efficient catalyst for selective oxidation of alcohols
Oxovanadium(IV) unsymmetrical Schiff base complex as an efficientcatalyst for selecive oxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides with H۲O۲
Investigation of catalytic activity of oxovanadium(IV) unsymmetrical salencomplex in the oxidative coupling of thiols to disulfides with UHP
A Zn-based coordination polymer with good ability for selective detectionof mercury ions in solution
Interaction of a new Pd(II)-piperidine complex with CT-DNA usingfluorescence spectroscopy
Synthesis, characterization and biological study of cyclopalladated(II)complex bearing bioactive ligand
In vitro assay of targeted drug delivery platform based on ZIF-۶۷nanocarrier containing curcumin on MCF-۷ cells
Synthesis and modification of zeolite beta for studying aggregated species
Replacing impact modifiers based on mineral craft (mineral polymer)instead of chlorinated polyethylene in hard PVC pipes and fittings industries
Photodegradation of some organic dyes by Nd-doped pyrotitanate nanospongesas visible light catalysts
Synthesis, characterization and DFT calculation of naphthalene-basedcrystal structure with pyridylimine-binding units
Fabrication and charaterization of PAN/Zn-MOF fibrous composites fordye removal
Preparation of chitosan-coated Zn-MOF@PDMS nanocomposites spongefor antibacterial activity
Investigation of Porphyrin-Based Porous Organic Polymers for EnhancedCiprofloxacin Adsorption from Water
Theoretical Study of Effects of Changing the Metal Inos on Glyoxalase II Reaction Mechanism
Molecular Dynamics Approach in the Comparison of Wild-Type and Mutants of D-hydantoinase
Design and synthesis a highly selective chromogenic prob based onhydrazide schiff base reagent for naked eye detection of CNˉ and AcOˉ ionsand its application in real samples
A new Ce-Schiff base complex on modified KIT-۶ as a reusablenanocatalyst for the synthesis of tetrahydrobenzo[b]pyrans and sulfoxides
Preparation and characterization of MCM-۴۱@Schiff-base@La as arecyclable heterogeneous nanocatalyst for the synthesis oftetrahydrobenzo[b]pyran derivatives and oxidation of sulfides
Micorelectrochemical sensing and deposition within bubble film
Dye removal from aqueous solution using ferrite-based nanocomposite inthe photocatalytic process
Investigation of the effect of surface functional groups on iodine sorptionproperties of a ۲D zinc (II) coordination polymer
Evaluation the Performance of Polyaniline Graphene OxideNanocomposite Coating toward Corrosion Protection of Carbon Steel inAcidic and Saline Environments
Mesoporous KIT-۶ as a support for the immobilization of a palladiumorganometallic nanocatalyst and its application in C–C coupling reactions
Design, preparation and characterization of Zr(O)@Creatine@KIT-۶nanoparticles as a nanocatalyst for the synthesis of various tetrazole derivatives
Modified Sol-Gel Processing of NiCr۲O۴ Nanoparticles; StructuralAnalysis and Optical Band Gap
Synthesis, X-ray crystallography, and Hirshfeld surface analysis of a NewCarbacylamidophosphate
The interaction of Phosgene gas with the pristine and B-doped Si۱۲C۱۲nanocluster: A DFT, TD-DFT, RDG and AIM
Investigation the impact of surfactant on the stability of nanofluids in thepresence of aluminium oxide as an additive in ignition engines
Evaluation of the Specific Ignition Delay Time for the DMAZ withNanoparticles for the Rocket Engine
Investigating the effect of time on the morphology and crystallinity ofMIL-۱۲۵ in the solvothermal synthesis method
Copper-Decorated Core–Shell Structured Ordered MesoporousContaining Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles as High-Performance HeterogeneousCatalyst toward Synthesis of Tetrazole
The computational study of the interaction of Hydroxycarbamide moleculewith pristine, Ni-doped C۲۰ nanocage: AIM, NBO, DFT, and TD-DFT
Co-(PYT)۲@boehmite as an efficient and reusable nanocatalyst in thesynthesis of tetrazole derivatives
A La-Schiff base complex on MCM-۴۱ as a recyclable nanocatalyst in thehomoselective synthesis of tetrazoles
Boehmite magnetic nanoparticles as a practical and magneticallyrecoverable nanocatalyst in the synthesis of tetrazoles
Nd-LArg-۵BrSalen@MNC as a practical and reusable nanocatalyst in thesynthesis of tetrazoles with antifungal properties in agricultural
One-step synthesis of titanate microstructures as efficient light scatteringlayer for dye-sensitized solar cells
Investigation and optimization of the n-heptane isomerization reactionover the Pt-Zr-HMS catalysts with RSM method
The kinetic study of toluene hydrogenation with response surface methodover three Pt-supported catalysts
A Sm@Schiff-base@MCM-۴۱ as a reusable and practical nanocatalyst forthe synthesis of tetrazoles
A novel complex of samarium on boehmite nanoparticles as an efficientand reusable nanocatalyst for the synthesis of tetrazoles
Investigation of the interaction of boron nitride nanosheets (h-BN) withcyanogen fluoride (FCN) by density functional theory method
Immobilization of tris hydroxyaminomethyl methane on hercynite MNPsas a magnetically recoverable organocatalyst in the synthesis oftetrahydrobenzo[b]pyran derivatives
Fabrication of Core−Shell-Structured Organic−Inorganic HybridNanocatalyst for the Synthesis of polyhydroquinolines
New phosphorus-nitrogen compounds: synthesis, spectroscopiccharacterization and fungicide studies
The computational study of adsorption of cyanide ion on the surface ofPristine and Al doped boron phosphide nanotube: AIM, NBO, RDG, TD-DFT
New insights into the intrinsic cooperativity of intermolecular orintramolecular bonds
Nature and cooperativity of metal−ligand bonds in groups ۵, ۷, ۹ and ۱۱half-sandwich cyclopentadienyl complexes
The effect of light on manganese porphyrin catalyzed oxidation of olefinswith periodate under different conditions
Evaluation of central-metal effect on anticancer activity and mechanism ofaction of isostructural Cu(II) and Ni(II) complexes containing pyridine-۲,۶-dicarboxylate
γ-Al۲O۳ catalysts synthesis with different aluminum sources for methanoldehydration to dimethyl ether
Influence of preparation parameters of γ-Al۲O۳ catalysts on itsperformance in methanol dehydration to dimethyl ether
Synthesis and Characterization of nanoClinoptilolite /cobalt oxidenanocomposite
π- Extended Dinuclear Ruthenium(II) Complex for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell
Decoration of CdS nanorods with Cu nanoparticles for photocatalyticremoval of Rhodamine B contaminant
Synthesis and characterization of multi-metallic electrocatalysts withgraphene pencil core substrate for electro-oxidation of alcohols in fuel cells
Synthesis of Zr-metal organic frameworks modified for the Suzuki andHeck reactions as an effective and heterogeneous catalyst
Enhanced emission intensity and stability of perovskite nanocrystals byusing metal organic frameworks
Biochar production from agro-industrial wastes and its application inwater treatments
Synthesis and Application of Cellulose-Chitosan Sponges for the Removalof Oil Pollution and Other Organic Pollutants from Water
Synthesis, identification and investigation of group ۱۲ metal complexesbased on polydentate ligands
[Cu(lys bipy)]Cl/GO Synthesis, Identification and Application inOxidation of Olefine
Beyond Heterobimetallic Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications
Design and Ultrasound-Assisted Synthesis of an anthracene-based Cu-MOFfor Hydrogen Sulfide Sensing
Synthesis of the urea-formaldehyde resin@MnO۲ core-shellnanoparticles and investigation of their performance in supercapacitors.
Investigation on catalytic activity of Cu-complex immobilized on ModifiedCarbon Dots for Carbon-Carbon Homocoupling Reaction
High selective, sensitive, paper-based probe for Cu(II) detection: Aprospective form Nano-scale turn-on to Micro-scale turn-off states
CQD-Based Sensing Platform for Cu۲+ Detection in Wilson’s Disease
Preparation of Ni-microsphere using Ascorbic acid as coordinating ligandand study of its catalytic properties in sulfoxidation reactions And synthesis of۵-substituted ۱H-tetrazoles
Synthesis and Characterization of Cu Coordinated L-Ascorbic Acid ascoordination Polymer and its Catalytic Performance in the Multi-ComponentReactions
Effect of ZSM-۵ seeds in the synthesis of SAPO-۳۴ catalyst in methanol tolight olefins
Decolorization with magnetic ferrite magnetic nanoparticles
Porphyrin Molecules Decorated on Metal-Organic Frameworks forMulti-Functional Biomedical applications
N‑doped carbon nanospheres as selective fluorescent probes for mercurydetection in contaminated aqueous media: chemistry, fluorescence probing,cell line patterning, and liver tissue interaction
Green modified-UiO-۶۶/MXene sandwich composites for gene chemotherapysynergistic cancer suppression: Co-delivery of doxorubicin and pCRISPR
Application of multi-drug chemotherapy for cancer treatment usingmagnetic CoFe۲O۴ nanoparticles
Fabrication of Zirconium Metal-Organic-framework/PolyTriazinephosphanimine Nanocomposite for Dye Adsorption fromContaminated Water: Isotherms and Kinetics Models
A novel magnetic nanocomposite based on alginate/pumice: an efficientheterogeneous nanocatalyst for synthesis of [۱,۲,۴]triazolo[۱,۵-a] pyrimidines
Overview on synthesis, Applications of Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles
Investigation of nitrate removal from aqueous solution by Clinoptilolitezeolite modified with Cu and Zn
Optimization of nitrate removal process from aqueous solution byClinoptilolite zeolite using surface response method
Photocatalytic activity of alumina supported meso-tetra(۳-pyridyl)porphyrin
Fabricated a Novel and High Capacitance Symmetric SupercapsitorElectrode by Electrosynthesis NiCo LDH@Vertical Oriented Graphen Sheetson Graphite Sheet
Design, preparation, and catalytic activity of the new nanocellulose-basedcatalyst
The construction of electrochemiluminescence new sensor by Using of Si/Cnanostructures for signal amplification in order to measurement ofCyanotoxins in water samples
Aluminium -based ionic liquid grafted on Biochar as a heterogeneouscatalyst for the synthesis of ۲,۳-dihydroquinazolin-۴(۱H)-one
Cu immobilized on Fe۳O۴@Biochar nanoparticles: a novel, inexpensive andhighly efficient heterogeneous magnetic nanocatalyst for C-O couplingreactions in green media
Salting effect of tetraalkylammonium salts on the cloudingthermodynamic functions of aqueous butanol system
Aerobic photooxidation of ۱,۳-diphenylisobenzofuran in the presence ofmanganese and iron porphyrins
Synthesis of a new potentially octadentate macroacyclic N۸ ligandcontaining two pyridine groups and its corresponding Cu (II) complex andinvestigation of its biological property
Oxidation of organic compounds with nanostructured iodosylbenzenecatalyzed by manganese porphyrins
Removal and determination of heavy metals in real samples andindustrial wastewater with nanosorbent
Thermodynamic Study of TiO۲/SBA-۱۶-NH۲ as Drug Delivery System
NiFe Oxide-Based Electrodes Loaded on Indium Tin Oxide as EffectiveElectrocatalysts for Oxygen-Evolution Reaction
Synthesis of nanosized ZSM-۵ zeolites by different amounts of sodiumhydroxide and their catalytic performance in methanol to propylene reaction
Synthesis of hierarchical SAPO-۳۴ crystals with different preparationprocedures for the conversion of methanol to olefins
Investigating the effect of crystallization temperature in the synthesis ofSAPO-۳۴ catalyst in the process of converting methanol to light olefins
Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic performance of Pd/CNT-MOFnanocatalysts in C-C bond formation reactions
Reaction between nickel hydroxide and cerium(IV) ammonium nitratein aqueous solution
Facile and Efficient Synthesis ۲H-indazolo[۲,۱-b]phthalazine-trionesDerivatives Using Fe۳O۴/eggshell/CS@HSO۴ NPs as a heterogeneous andrecyclable nanocatalyst
Carbon dioxide (CO۲) adsorption by HKUST-۱ (MOF-۱۹۹)
TiO۲/H۳PMo۱۲O۴۰ decprated SBA as Photocatalyst for DyeRemoval from Wastewater
Synthesis and study of zinc (II) and copper (II) complexes with mixeddeferiprone and lamotrigine pharmaceutical ligands
Synthesis, Characterization and Anticancer Evaluation of NovelMacrocyclic Schiff Base Complexes of Cu(II), Ni(II), and Co(II).
Assessment of the Anticancer Activity of Novel Macroacyclic Complexes ofCu(II), Ni(II), and Co(II) with a Newly Synthesized N۱,N۲-bis(۲-aminobenzyl)-N۱,N۲-bis(pyridin-۲-ylmethyl)propane-۱,۲-diamine Ligand.
Synthesis and characterization of new copper-based metal-organicframeworks
Investigating the effect of copper(II) coordination compound withCarbonylbis(azanediyl)dibenzoic acid ligand on the phase-stabilization ofammonium nitrate
Efficient Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from Water Using Urea-Functionalized Metal-Organic Frameworks
Synthesis of Fe-MOF nanostructure: A Study of Peroxidase-Like behaviorfor Sensing of H۲O۲
Less-lead FAPbI۳ (۱۰۰) Surfaces, A theoretical Study
A first principles study of carbon monoxide hydrogenation on cobalt (۰۰۱)surface.
DFT study on the hydrogenation of carbon monoxide on a SiO۲-basedcatalytic surface
Introduction of a new DABCO-based ionic liquid as an efficient catalystfor the synthesis of benzimidazoquinazolinone derivatives
Mechanistic insights of the key role of methylammonium iodide in thestability of perovskite material
Shedding light on the environmental impact of the decomposition ofperovskite solar cell
Biological Studies of upconversion nanoparticles
Modifying commercial sponges using magnetic nanoparticles andinvestigating the separation of organic pollutants from water
Tuning the topology from (۴,۴)-connected to (۶,۳)-connected net in Cd (II)coordination polymers: synthesis, crystal structure and Hirshfeld surfaceanalysis
Concomitant crystallization of supramolecular isomers: ۲-foldinterpenetrated and non-intenterpenetrated coordination polymers
Synthesis, specteral characterization, structure, and application oftridentate ONO hydrazone Schiff base metal complexes
Investigation of the catalytic activity of Mo and V complexes withtridentate pyridyl hydrazone Schiff base ligands in oxidation reactions
Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure determination of Ni(II)complex with N۲O۲ symmetrical tetradentate Schiff base ligand
Full protonation and also metal cation affinity of adenine in gas andsolution phases; a theoretical study
Phytosynthesis of silver nanoparticles on the woolen yarn with synthesizedby sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) seed extract
Investigating the synthesis methods of alumina nanoparticles
Synthesis of quinoxalines accelerated by a new nanocatalyst based on ionicliquid stabilized on TiO۲ and Kaolin
Preparation and Characterization of Chitosan/Borax NanocompositeBased on Copper Iodide: An Efficient Nanocatalyst for Synthesis of Imidazo[۱,۲-a] Pyridines
Oxidative desulfurization of model diesel using natural kaolin claymodified with MoO۳/Ni/Fe
Removal of Abamectine from wastewater by Fe-kaolin modified
Synthesis and investigation of antibacterial behavior of Zn ۱-xCuxO(Ag)hybrid nanocomposite
Evaluation of inhibitory potential of phosphoramide compound OP[NH-۲Py(۴-CH۳)]۳ against acetylcholinesterase and urease enzymes by usingmolecular docking method
Nanomagnetic Schiff Base Complex of Copper(II): Synthesis,Characterizations, and Its Catalytic Application in synthesis of ۵-substituted-۱H-tetrazole derivatives
Synthesis and characterization of new nano organic-inorganic hybrid film(TBA)۴PW۱۱Fe@TiO۲@PVA for oxidative desulphurization of gasoline
Synthesis of chiral (R)- and (S)-Betti bases and investigation the coppercomplexes of them in asymmetric allylic oxidation of olefins
Electrochemical Water Oxidation Catalyst: Iron/Nickel/Zinc mixed oxide
Simultaneous dehydrogenation and allylic oxidation of cycloalkane in thepresence of chiral heterogeneous oxazoline-based catalysts for the synthesis ofchiral allylic esters
Preparation and application of alginate-graphene oxide magnetic beads toremove Zn۲+ cation in aqueous solutions
Synthesis and characterization of nanocomposite hydrogel based onnanobead chitosan in the presence of Fe۳O۴@SiO۲-Ag nanoparticles and itsuse to study surface absorption of vitamin B۱۲
Solid-liquid equilibrium measurements on aqueous ternary systemscomposed of amino acids and tetraalkylammonium bromides
Soluting-out effect of amino acids on aqueous solutions oftetraalkylammonium salts revealed by isopiestic measurements
Enhanced decolorization of organic dyes using CeCoO۳/PbSheterojunction as an excelent photocatalyst
Photocatalytic heterojunction of CeCoO۳/CdS for conversion of organicdyes
Efficient photoactivity of Ag/CeCoO۳ toward the conversion of MB dyeunder the irradiation of light source
Supported Diamond-like carbon films on anodized titanium oxide as highefficientelectrocatalyst for electrochemical Ozone production
Synthesis, crystal structure, DNA/BSA interaction, Molecular Docking, andcatecholase activity of a new phenoxo-bridged dicopper Schiff base complex
Some new cadmium halide Schiff base complexes: preparation, thermalstability and antibacterial/antifungal bioassay
Investigation of the performance of carbon quantum dots as pseudoenzymaticcatalase in inhibiting hydrogen peroxide in the body.
Ce/SiQDs as pseudo-enzymatic catalase to inhibit H۲O۲ inside the cells ofthe body
The performance of , CQD/Sb۲Wo۶ catalase-like enzyme in inhibitinghydrogen peroxide
Green Synthesis of Zinc Oxide with Polyvinyl alcohol by lavandulifoliaExtract and development of hydrogen storage capacity
Green Synthesis of Zinc Oxide with Hydrocharby lavandulifolia Extractand development of hydrogen storage capacity
Reduction of aldehydes and ketones using NaBH۴ catalyzed by DABCObasedionic liquid
Some new zinc pseudohalidebis-imine complexes: Synthesis,characterization, thermokinetic decomposition study and antimicrobialproperties
Preparation, spectral characterization and thermal study ofsomebiological active mercury(II) complexes
Computational Calculations of pKa Values of Metal Ligands in Proteins
Synthesis and Characterization of Co۲SiO۴as Ceramic Pigment
Synthesis and Characterization of praseodymium zircon as Yellow Pigment
Pereparation and Characterization of(Co-Si-Mg)Al۲O۴Spinel:New Bluepigment
Nature of metal-ligand bond in some metal complexes of a number oftetradentate(N۲O۲) asymmetric Schiff baseligands
DNA interaction studies on the drug sotlol and its Cu(II) complex usingviscosity measurements, UV-Vis spectroscopy and molecular dockingsimulation methods
Study on the mode and strength of DNA interaction with Thiamine andsome of its metal complexes
A fluorinated cyclometalated Pt(II) complex bearing a phosphine ligand:photophysical and theoretical investigations
Green synthesis of Nickel oxide nanoparticles by extract of Nigellasativa
Evaluation of inhibitory potential of phosphoramide compound [۲,۶-F۲-C۶H۳C(O)NH]P(O)[N(CH۲CH۳)۲]۲against coronavirous and monkeypox by usingmolecular docking method
Electronic Tuning of the Cycloplatinated(II)-Thiolate Complex throughBorane Interaction in the Secondary Coordination Sphere
Fenton degradation of methylene blue (MB) using Nanosized ZSM-۵ typeferrisilicate
A Novel Procedure for Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles onActivated Carbon
Asymmetric Henry reaction catalyzed by chiral heterogeneous Betti baseligands
Green Synthesis of CuO@PVAby lavandulifolia s Extract and developmentof hydrogen storage capacity
Green Synthesis of CuO@Hydrochar by lavandulifolias Extract andEvaluation of Extract effects on the Nanoparticles Morphology and Size
Immobilization of L-proline on functionalized MCM-۴۱ and its applicationin the synthesis of chiral allylic esters
Oxygen-evolution Reaction by Silicate Stabilized Manganese Oxide
A novel coordination complex based on amidine-functionalizedpolyacrylonitrile fiber/copper (I) : A recyclable solid acid catalyst for clickreaction
Adsorptive removal of tetracycline from water using MOF-۸۰۸nanoadsorbent
Synthesis, Characterization, and Electrochemical Properties Study of aNovel Polyoxotungstate/Metal-Organic Framework/MWCNTs-COOH NanohybridMaterial
Comparison of structure, nature of bond, fluorescence response andbiological activity of Cu(I) and Ag(I) complexes of a known tetradentate Schiffbase ligand derived from tren and its reduced form
Synthesis of chiral homogeneous and heterogeneous Betti bases andinvestigation of their catalytic activity in the Kharasch-Sosnosky reaction
Investigation on effect of nanoclay particles on curing of unsaturatedpolyester resin and evaluation synthesized nanocomposite properties
Optimization of preparation and process conditions for production of lightolefins via FTS on the Fe-Co catalysts
Synthesis of mesoporous MCM-۴۱ silica nanoparticles and surfacemodified by chitosan functionalized with folic acid for targeted drug deliveryand controlled release
The effect of potassium promoter on the activity of wustite-based ammoniasynthesis catalyst
Theoretical study of the thermodynamic stability of the alkali metalcomplexes with ammonia as a ligand
Synthesis of β-nitroalcohols in the presence of amino acid-based chiral metalorganicframework
Preparation and characterization of a metal-containing ionic liquid DABCObasedLewis acid catalyst for the synthesis of quinoxalines
Theoretical studies on the effect of substituents of the N-heterocycliccarbene ligand present in the Pd-PEPPSI complex on the formationmechanism of the Negishi cross-coupling reaction
Synthesis, characterization, molecular dockingand DFT calculation of a copper(II) mixed-ligand complex
Energy Decomposition Analysis of Metal-Ligand Bonding inTransition Metal Complexess with Carbenes and Ylides Ligands: Significanceof Electrostatic Interactions in Bond Analysis ‡
Investigating the effect of mullite on the permeability of distilled waterthrough geopolymeric membrane based on blast furnace slag
Application of Zinc oxide nanostructures as a promising nanocarriers for ۵-ALA in drug delivery system based on DFT-MD simulations
Synthesis and characterization of bentonite/Co۳O۴(Be/CO) nanocomposite
Tuning the performance of a novel functionality Zn-based MOF byincorporating a secondary linker in heavy metal ions absorption
Competition between hydrogen bond , halogen bond and chalcogenbond in complexes of N-methylidenemethanamine(C۲H۵N )with HYX(Y=O, Sand X=F, Cl, Br and I).
Intercalation of Mefenamic Acid in Inorganic Nanomatrices with LayeredStructure
۰Facile preparation of layered double hydroxide materials for highefficiency oxygen evaluation
Effect of microwave-assistant intercalation on photoluminescence emissionsand photo-stability
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of the efficiency of abiofilm reactor with a moving bed using a combination of Monte Carlosimulation and artificial neural network.
A theoretical study of two local minima for the structures of [۴Fe–۴S] clusters
The Reaction Mechanism of Aphid Myrosinase, A Theoretical Study
Catalytic applications of metal-organic framework modified by yttriumcontaining sandwich polyoxometalate
Application of Metal-Organic Framework containingHydroxyapatite(MOF/HAp) in Tissue Engineering to improve Bone function
Theoretical Study on the cooperativity/anticooperativity of metal–carbonyl and metal–dihydrogen bonds in some complexes of group ۶transition metals
Zinc/Cobalt-based metal-organic framework (Zn/Co-MOF)compositeassuperhydrophobic and superoleophilic materialfor potential oilwaterseparation application
Synthesis and characterization of MXene/metal-organic frameworks(MXOF) nanocomposite for dye removal application
Facile synthesis of muscovite-supported metal-organic framework(MUS@MOF) composite forpotential antibacterial activity
Application of tropine as a suitable base for the preparation of an activecatalyst in acceleration of synthesis of ۱,۲,۴-triazolo[۴,۳-a]pyrimidines
Preparation,characterization and investigation of thermal andantimicrobial behavior activity of some new bis-imine Zinc(II) complexes
A novel Palladium(II) complex of α-keto arsonium ylide: Synthesis,characterization, and application in the Suzuki−Miyaura cross-couplingreaction
Supramolecular Frameworks of Zinc-Pyridine-۲,۶-dicarboxylic acidCompound: Synthesis and Characterization
Synthesis and Characterization of Mercury(II) SupramolecularCompoundfromPyridine-۲,۴-dicarboxylic acid
Synthesis and catalytic applications of metal-organic frameworknanocomposite modified by ferric ions containing sandwich polyoxometalate
A theoretical study on the anionic metal bis(ditholate) complexes[M(S۲C۲R۲)۲]۲–(M=Zn(II), Cd(II), Hg(II); R=H, CH۳, CN)
Strength and nature of metal-dichalcogenolate bond in homoleptic metalbis(۱,۲-dichalcogenolate) complexes [M(C۳E۵)۲]۲–(E=S, Se; M=Ni(II), Pd(II),Pt(II)); A theoretical study
Investigating the effect of pressure and concentration on permeability ofmethylene blue through a geopolymeric membrane based on phosphorus slag
Enhancing Oxygen-Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Conditions with AnodizedFeNi Alloy
Adsorption of Metronidazole Drugin MOF by Monte Carlo Simulation
Selective Carbon−Carbon Bond Forming Reductive Elimination fromCycloplatinated(IV) Complexes
The Study on Structural and Optical properties of Binuclear PlatinumComplexes with various bidentate Ligands
Preparation of Ni-Fe layered double hydroxide/ graphitic carbon nitridenanocomposite for enhanced sonocatalytic degradation of tetracyclinehydrochloride
Synthesis, Characterization and Catalysis by Highly ActiveCationicCopper(I) Complexes in the Cycloaddition of Azides and Alkynes
Tris(۲-aminoethyl)amine-based metal complexes as newpH-sensitive drugvehicles
Synthesis modulation as a useful tool to improve oxidation desulfurization inPOM@UiO-۶۶ nanocomposite
Fabrication of Novel WO۳ /NiCo۲O۴ magnetic photocatalystswith UV-lightdriven photocatalytic activity in MB degradation in an aqueous solution
Zif-۶۷ Drivate Nanocomposite as Efficient Peroxymonosulfate Activatorfor Degradation of Sulfamethoxazole
Preparation of SBA-۱۶/g-C۳N۴/Fe۳O۴magnetic nanocomposite and kineticinvestigation of absorption of cefazolin and cefixime antibiotics on it
Fabrication and characterizationof new Co(II)-MOF/polyvinylidenefluoride (PVDF) bead composites as visual sensors for detection of industrialacid vapors
Cooperative effect between the chalcogen (Ch…N) and dihydrogen(H…H) bonds in the series of XHTe…NCH…HY (X=F, Cl, Br, I, H, Y=Li,Na, BeH, MgH) and FHCh…NCH…HNa (Ch=Te, Se, S) triads
The First Row Transitional Metals Effects on Stabilization of BiliverdinComplexes, Theortical Study
Investigation of Spin-Charge-Structure in Human Verdoheme Using TheDFT Method
Introduction of a new member of bipyridine-based molten salt containingcopper as an efficient and reusable catalyst for the synthesis of isoxazolederivatives
Theoretical Kinetics and Thermodynamics study peripheral substituenteffects on the hydrolysis of verdoheme
Evaluation of photocatalytic performance based on nanomaterials as aneffective advanced oxidation process (AOPs) in oil pollution treatment
Investigating the effects of operational parameters on the electrochemicaltreatment of water containing p-nitrophenol
Synthesis and characterization of bimetallic metal-organic frameworksbased on Cu and Zr for absorption and photocatalytic degradation oforganophosphorus compounds
Synthesis and characterization of bimetallic metal-organic frameworksbased on Zr and Cdand composite it with g-C۳N۵for absorption andphotocatalytic degradation of organophosphorus compounds
Cs@MCM-۴۱ network as a organocatalyst for the reduction of nitrocompounds to amines
Synthesis, spectral characterization and thermal study of some biologicalactive Zinc(II) halide complexes
Copper-functionalized magnetic mesocellular foams: as a magneticallyrecoverable nanocatalyst for carbon-selenuim bonds formation
Utilization of a new ionic liquid based on tropine as an efficient catalystfor the acceleration of the synthesis of spiro-۲-amino-۴H-pyran-oxindoles
Synthesis, characterization, computational study and covalentimmobilization of H۲saldien ligand on dendrimer functionalized magneticnanoparticles fordrugdeliveryapplication
Functionalization of chitosan to prepare an appropriate catalyst andinvestigation of its catalytic properties
Modification of Clay Mineral Montmorillonite via Graphene QuantumDots for Use as a Nanofiller in Bio-Based Hydrogel for Wastewater
Copper oxide on graphene oxideaerogel (CuO/rGO) nanocomposite ascatalyst forhydrogen generation from hydrolysis of sodium borohydride
Pumicepowdersupportedbimetallic Fe-Ag nanoparticles: as a new,powerful magnetic nanocomposite for the aqueous reduction of nitrocompounds to amines
Construction of Organoplatinum(II) Complexes by a Tripod Phosphine Ligand:A Joint Experimental and Computational Investigation
Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization and Crystal Structureof(EtO)۲P(S)[۱-(NHCH۲)C۶H۴-۳-(CH۲NH)]P(S)(OEt)۲
Catalytic oxidation of alcoholsby new Fe(III) oxazolidine complex
Synthesis and Characterization of a New Copper Complex withOxime Ligand as a Catalyst for Alcohol Oxidation
Comparison of the Antiitch Activity of Avenanthramidesin OatsUsingMolecular Docking Study
Antiitch Efficacy of Henna Bioactive Components by Inhibition of Kappa-Opioid Receptors
Preparation, identification and investigation of catalytic activity ofsandwich polyoxometalates nanohybrids with graphene oxide
Plant-mediated synthesis and characterization of iron oxide nanoparticlesusing Tribulus terrestris
SiO۲ nanoparticles catalyzed the synthesis oftetrahydro-۲,۶-dioxopyrimidin-۴-yl)-۲,۳-dihydrophthalazine-۱,۴-diones
Nanocomposite based molecular sieve, a green, highly efficient andrecyclable catalyst for the reduction of medicine
Synthesis of allylic esters using phenyl glycine-functionalized metalorganicframework and copper salts
Adsorption performance of Cerium-based MOF toward malachite greenremoval
Synthesis of ETS-۱۰ and its modification
Theoretical investigation of the elastic and structural properties of theLaLi۳Sb۳ compound by the pseudo-potential method
synthesis magnetic nanoparticles of Fe۳O۴ for the harvesting of native microalgaeChlorella sorokiniana.pa۹۱ from municipal wastewater by using RSM
The effect of calcination temperature on the characteristics and propertiesof titanium dioxide
A new bisphosphinamide: X-ray crystallography, spectroscopy andthermogravimetry
Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Two-dimensional MetalorganicFramework by Using BTZ Ligands
Synthesis of new Co-MOFs with bithiazole ligands
Sono-synthesis of a new Pb complexe based on ۴,۴′‐bithiazole
Enhanced photocatalytic conversion of organic dyes using CeFe𝐎𝟑/𝐌𝐨𝐒𝟐heterojunction as a highly effective visiblelight-driven photocatalyst
Immobilization of zinc complexes on magnetic nanoparticles and theirapplications as catalyst
Synthesis and characterization of Ni complex supported on MCM-۴۱ as anefficient and reusable nanocatalyst the synthesis of Polyhydroquinolinederivatives
Synthesis of synthesis ۱H-indazolo[۱,۲-b]phthalazine-trione derivativescatalyzed by Ni complex supported on MCM-۴۱ as an efficient and reusablenano catalyst
Theoretical studies on the nature of metal-ligand bonds in some cylinderliketrinuclear hexacarbene complexes of Cu(I), Ag(I), Au(I), Pd(II) andHg(II) ions
Structural, magnetic, and photocatalytic characterization of zinc-dopedcobalt ferrite nanoparticles
Zinc-cobalt ferrite magnetic nanoparticles as an environmentally friendly,cheap, and effective catalyst for solvent-free one-pot multi-componentsynthesis of ۳,۴-dihydropyrimidin-۲(۱h)-ones
Synthesis and photocatalytic investigation of zinc doped nickel ferrite inthe degradation of organic dye under visible light
Microwave-assisted multicomponent reaction for the synthesis of ۲, ۴, ۵-triarylimidazole derivatives using zinc-nickel ferrite magnetic nanoparticlesas a catalyst
Green synthesis of copper doped magnesium ferrite nanoparticles for theevaluation of their photocatalytic properties
Solvent-free one-pot synthesis of octahydroquinazolinone derivatives usingcopper-magnesium ferrite magnetic catalyst: an efficient approach
Introduction of a bipyridine-based molten salt containing cobalt as anefficient and reusable catalyst for the Biginelli reaction
Theoretical study of Kumada reactions on the formation mechanism ofseveral p-carborane compounds
Theoretical study of Sonogashira reactions on the formation mechanism ofseveral p-carborane compounds
Electronic structure and properties of a new series of fac-Re(I) tricarbonylcomplexes: a DFT study
A DFT investigation on the effect of ligand substitution on photophysicalproperties of some new cyclometalated Ir(III) complexes
Preparation of amorphous MOF based biomimetic nanozyme (Me-Cu)with laccase-like activity for the aerobic oxidation of ۱,۴-dihydropyridinederivatives
Photodegradation of organic compounds using MOF-۷۴ nanocomposite
Investigating the effect of active metal percentage composition on catalyticperformance in the oxidative coupling reaction of methane
Tragacanth gum-stabilized Cobalt nano catalyst for hydrogen generation;Hydrolysis of Sodium borohydride
Removal of Dibenzothiophene from model diesel oil by adsorptivedesulfurization using ZIF-۸
Synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles ZIF-۸ to immobilize in ionic liquid forthe adsorptive desulfurization of gas oil
Hydrogen Generation via Tris(acetylacetonato)cobalt(III) as aHeterogeneous Nano Catalyst; Kinetics Study
Cu(I) Complex of N-benzoyl, Nʹ, N˝ -bis (tert-butyl) Phosphoric triamideas an anti cancer agent
N-nicotinyl-N',N''-bis (cyclopentyl) phosphorictriamide as an antibacterialagent
Synthesis and characterization of copper bismuth oxide nanostructure bysonochemical method
The effect of doping zinc ions on the antibacterial activity of nitrogencarbonquantum dots
Synthesis of Pt-Cu alloy nanoparticles on sulfur-modified graphene aselectrocatalysts for methanol oxidation reaction
Theoretical studies on nature of bond in some pharmaceutical Nheterocycliccarbene complexes with general formula [NHC(R)(R')MCl];M=Cu, Ag, Au, R= C۱۲H۱۳N۲O; R'=C۱۲H۱۳N۲O, CH۳, C۱۵H۱۱, C۱۰H۱۲N, C۷H۷,C۵H۴N, C۱۴H۱۵O۹ and investigation of correlation between metal-ligandinteraction energies and IC۵۰ values.
PMo۱۲/PANI Supported on Activated Carbon Derived from Waste TirePyrolysis as Electrode Material in Supercapacitor
MXenes in separation science
Prussian blue analog-derived Fe-Co-P as excellent electrocatalyst for oxygenevolution reaction
Theoretical studies on the cooperative effects of π…M-X bonds incomplexes [{μ۲-E۲(NHC(R)۲)۲}(MX)۲](E=B , Al; R=H, CH۳, SiH۳, Dipp, F, Cl,Br, Ph; M=Cu, Ag, Au; X=F, Cl, Br) containing E≡E fragment stabilized byN-heterocyclic carbene
Effect of addition of indium on corrosion resistance of AZ۶۳-۱.۵La anodefor seawater batteries
Synthesis and characterization of Bismuth / Bismuth Sulfide / BismuthVanadate nanocomposite by hydrothermal method
Synthesis and crystal structure of a dinuclear Cu(II) complex withmultidentate Schiff base ligand
Zinc cobalt telluride@nickel cobalt selenide as a battery type electrode inasymmetric supercapacitor
Effect of catalyst on benzene chlorination process
Synthesis of a green magnetic nanocatalyst through the functionalizationof ۲,۴,۶-trichloro-۱,۳,۵-triazine and boric acid
Synthesis and characterization of bismuth iron oxide nanostructure bysonochemical method
Synthesis, Characterization and spectral properties of new Schiff baseligand derived from “(E)-۴-((nitrophenyl)diazenyl)-۲-hydroxy-۳-methoxybenzaldehyde” with amine and its metal complexes
Synthesis and Characterization of new Azo-Schiff Base Ligand and itscomplexes derived from N-aminonaphthalimide with azo-aldehyde andinvestigation of photophysical properties
Synthesis and characterization of a new nano complex derived from (E)-۲-hydroxy-۵-(۲-nitrophenyl)diazenylbenzaldehyde and Fe۳O۴@SiO۲ andinvestigation of its catalyst and photophysical properties
Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of two new phosphoramides
Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of a new Eu(III)/Cr(III)double-complex salt
Synthesis and Characterization of Mononuclear Cobalt(II) and BinuclearCopper(II) Complexes with Tetradentate Ligand(L)
Easy synthesis of highly fluorescent carbon dots from tomato lycopene andtheir biological imaging applications
Electron flux at the Schottky junction of Bi NPs and MoS۲‑supportedRGO for degradation of Tetracycline
Visible-light-induced In,S-TiO۲@rGO with enhanced photocatalyticactivity for detoxification of atrazine
Photocatalytic wastewater purification under visible light irradiationusing multi-doped TiO۲/rGO cross-linked ۳D aerogel; Mechanistic catalyticexperiments and cytotoxicity assessment