آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 79تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 992
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 139490
هفتمین کنفرانس بین المللی تجارت الکترونیک در کشورهای در حال توسعه با رویکرد بر امنیت ECDC2013
هفتمین کنفرانس بین المللی تجارت الکترونیک در کشورهای در حال توسعه با رویکرد بر امنیت ECDC2013 در تاریخ ۲۸ فروردین ۱۳۹۲ توسط ،دبيرخانه كنفرانس ECDC2013 در شهر جزیره کیش برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات هفتمین کنفرانس بین المللی تجارت الکترونیک در کشورهای در حال توسعه با رویکرد بر امنیت ECDC2013 مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در هفتمین کنفرانس بین المللی تجارت الکترونیک در کشورهای در حال توسعه با رویکرد بر امنیت ECDC2013
Establishing Trust in Social Commerce through Social Word of Mouth
Protection of consumer rights in Cyberspace
Factors Influencing Individuals’ Trust in Online Purchase through Social Networking Sites
Determining the Effects of E-Commerce on Internet Marketing Mix of Insurance Companies
Banking in the Internet and mobile era
Providing Security for E-wallet using E-cheque
Determinant of behavioral intention to mobile banking services in Iran
Dimensions of Brand Equity in E-Services, Case of Electronic Banking Industry
The Role of Mobile Commerce and Its Impact on E-banking
Effective Factors on the Success or Failure of the Online Payment Systems, Focusing on Human Factors
Bank Reputation in E-Banking, A study of the effect of E-Banking Service on Bank Reputation(Case of: Melli Bank customers
Banks and information technology: Marketability vs. relationships (Case Study: Sarmayeh bank
Selection of bank at the sights of customer based on website services quality using fuzzy logic
Investigating the Importance of Electronic Services of Banks on Customers Satisfaction based on Kano Model(Case study of Mashhad city bank)
The effective factors on the acceptance and willingness of Iranian users toward Electronic banking
The Effect of Electronic Commerce in Business Value in Iran Banking System
One Step in Advance Using Customer Knowledge Management to Make Co-Creation Value
The identification and prioritization of the affecting factors on electronic stores’ sales in Iran
Targeted Advertisement in Social Networks using Recommender Systems
The Effect of the Internet on International Trade in Services: Developing Countries’ case study
The Role of Ethics on E-Marketing
Study of factors affected on adoption and application of Radio Frequency Identification technology
Studying degree of workaholism among professors in Islamic Azad Universities of Isfahan Province, Iran
Strategic Planning to Implement E-Commerce in Handmade Carpet: A SWOT Matrix Approach
VF2V: A Novel Framework for Next Generation TVs, Based on VRML
Factors Influencing Brand Equity in the Age of Electronic Services (Case of: Educational Services of Safir Institute
The Effects of Electronic Customer Relationship Management on Customer Loyalty (Case Study: Pooya Negar Fanavar
Knowledge-Based Economy with E-Commerce and Free Information Offering E-business Models in Iran
The significance role of external factors towards global e-markets supply
Factors affecting buyer Trust through B2B Electronic Commerce
E-Business: ERP success and knowledge transfer
Barriers and Crucial factors affecting Iranian consumer mind during online shopping
Investigation the Relationship among Mobile Value-added Services Quality, Customer Satisfaction and the Continuance Intention:Case Study, Hamrah Aval Operator
Examining the Role of RFID Technology on SCM Effectiveness, Case: Food industry of Iran
Barriers and Crucial factors affecting Iranian consumer mind during online shopping
Ownership structure and dividend policies in listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange
Integrating management of customer value and risk in e-commerce
Design Context Aware Activity Recommender System in Social Networks Using Clustering Technique
Establishment Framework of Mobile Marketing in Iran
The Mechanisms of the Bullion Markets and the Return of Gold (and Silver) as Money
Software Reliability Prediction Model Based On Ica Algorithm and Mlp Neural Network
Performance Evaluation of organization dependent of market (Case study: insurance industry
Investigating the effect of Organizational Factors on Implementing E-Commerce in SMEs
Establishment of a Strong Mobility and Inter Thread Communication in Alchemi Grid Bed
A Comparison Study of Multi-Attribute Continuous Double Auction Mechanisms
Environmental and Economic Effects of E-Commerce
Topic Word Set-Based Text Clustering
Ranking of Financial and Electronic Debts Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP
Effects of ICT Applications on Reducing Corruption in the Selected Asian Countries
Feasibility of Implementing Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM)Case Study: Isfahan Municipality
Study of the Relation between e-HRM Indicators and Job Satisfaction a Case study
Identifying the Factors Affecting the Success and Failure of E-learning Students Using Cluster Analysis
Efficiency evaluation of e-learning compared to traditional education in human resource development(Case Study: Small and medium enterprises in Shiraz
Toward the Design of Rural Intelligent Public Transportation System Rural Public Transportation of Iran
A Survey of Security Risks in Public Mobile Cloud
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): A Technology for Enhancing Computerized Maintenance System (CMMS
Another Approach in Building a Secure Server OS, Based on Using Virtualization
An Anonymous and Efficient E-voting Scheme
Effect of Customers’ Emotions on Perceived Damage of the Probability of Fraud in online shopping
10 key answers about the importance of risk analysis and information security plan for senior managers
Presenting An Improved Electronic Voting Protocol
Control Data, Use XOR Bit Rotate Instead Shift Rotate And new Chaining Block In Cryptography Algorithm X.R.17
A Practical Implementation of ISMS
A novel file integrity monitoring method via introspection virtual machine
Using Template-Based passwords for authentication in E-banking
An approach for detecting profile cloning in online social networks
The Application of Web Usage Mining In E-commerce Security
E-SecQual: A New Approach for Measuring Quality of e-Security
Fuzzy logic and Takagi-Sugeno Neural-Fuzzy to Deutsche Bank Fraud Transactions
Presentation of model for Determination of Optimal Locationof the Parts in Series System in order to Increase System Reliability in Security Nodes of E-Commerce
Using ME-PSO Classification Algorithm for Clustering Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDOP
A dynamic nonlinear model for a real HRSG Boiler based on input-output data
Establishment of a Strong Mobility and Inter Thread Communication in Alchemi Grid Bed
A Trust Model for Epinion Dataset
A study of the effect of E-bank service on E-Trust: An E-Security approach
Developing a Model to Assess the E-trust of Customers in E-banking Services ,(Case Study: Mellat Bank
The Role of Third Party in E-Trust
A New Trust Model for B2C E-Commerce Based on 3D User Interfaces
ICT Capacities in Creating Sustainable Urban Tourism and Its Effects on Resident Quality of Life