آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 93تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 186
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 37630
کنفرانس دو سالانه بین المللی مکانیک جامدات تجربی
کنفرانس دو سالانه بین المللی مکانیک جامدات تجربی در تاریخ ۲۹ بهمن ۱۳۹۸ توسط دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران،دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات کنفرانس دو سالانه بین المللی مکانیک جامدات تجربی مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در کنفرانس دو سالانه بین المللی مکانیک جامدات تجربی
Mathematical Modeling of Unequal Rivets’ Shearing Load Distribution
A Novel Surface Nanocomposite of Carbon Nanotube/Poly Ether Ether Ketone Fabrication via Friction Stir Processing for Orthopedic and Dental Application
Experimental Study of Low-velocity Impact on Polyurethane Foam Core Sandwich Panels Reinforced by Steel Wire
Experimental Investigation of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Tensile Strength Using Brazilian Test Method
Mechanical Crystallization of Fe-Ti Alloy during Ball Milling
Phase Analysis of Mg-Si-Ni In-situ Composites
Kinetics Study on Size and Morphology of KTP Nanoparticles Synthesized by Co-precipitation Method Using PVA as Capping Agent
Experimental and Numerical Study on Impact Resistance of Aluminum-Copper Cladded Sheets
Experimental and Numerical Study on Fracture in Notched Functionally Graded Metallic Biomaterials
Experimental Study on the Fatigue Behavior of Conventional and Severe Shot Peened Molybdenum Alloy Steel
Investigation of Mechanical Properties of PMMA Cement Impregnated with Ciprofloxacin and Vancomycin
Microstructure and Phase Formation in the Mg-Zn-Ca-RE Magnesium Alloys
In-plane Fracture Assessment of Cracked Bone Cements by means of the Generalized Strain Energy Density Criterion
Geometric Simulation of Surface Topography in Unstable Boring Process Using 3D ACIS Modeler
Torsion of a Thin Film Coated Shaft Using FEM
Tensile Characteristics of Through-the-thickness Stitched E-Glass/Epoxy Composite
Buckling Enhancement of E-Glass/Epoxy Composite Laminates by Through-the-thickness Stitches
Experimental and Numerical Analysis on Compression Behavior of Smart Composite Sandwich Panel with Cor1gated Core
Experimental and Numerical Analysis on Compression Properties of Corrugated Core Composite Sandwich Panel
Experimental Investigation on Compression Properties of Hollow Composite Cylinder Reinforced by Glass Fiber and Shape Memory Alloy Wire
Tribology Investigation on Aluminum Sheets for Forming Applications
Effect of Heat-treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of an Automotive Body Steel
Effect of Post Weld Heat Treatment on Tensile Behavior of Al 2024-T8 Friction Stir Welded at Different Rotational Speed
Experimental Analysis of Effect of Shape Memory Alloy Wires on High-velocity Impact Response of Corrugated Core Composite Sandwich Panel
An Experimental Study of the Internal Space of Hand in Strength-grip Position for the Ergonomic Design of Hand Tools
Effect of Probe Indentation Depth on Mechanical Behavior of Friction Stir Spot Weld of Al 6061-T6
Troubleshooting Mill Fan in Kerman Cement Company by Vibration Analysis Method(Case Study)
Effect of Loading Rate on the Adhesive Bonding of E-glass/Epoxy Composites to Polyethylene: Experimental Approach
Viscoelastic Behavior of SMA Reinforced Polymers
Adhesion Improvement of Silicone Rubber Coatings to Ceramics
Using Shape Memory Alloys to Improve the Fatigue Performance of Polymeric Laminated Composite Materials: Modeling Philosophy
Hydrophobicity Improvement of Cycloaliphatic Epoxy-based Nanocomposite Coatings
Optimization of Mechanical and Self-Healing Properties of Thermally Reversible Self-Healing Polymer Composites
Effect of Acid and Thermal Aging on the Mechanical Properties of E-glass Fibers
Computational Study for the Characterization of Fiber-metal Laminates Using Lamb Wave Propagation
Assessment of the Effect of Carbon Nanofibers on Matrix Cracking in Laminated Composites Using Lamb Wave Propagation
Importance of Grain Growth during Intercritical Anneal of Advanced High-strength Dual-phase Steels
The Effect of Raster Orientation on the Mode I Fracture Toughness of Additively Manufactured PC Specimens Printed in the Out-of-plane Direction
Effects of Extension Rate on Mechanical Behaviors of PMMA
Estimation of Mechanical Properties in Non-homogeneous Body Using Surface Displacement Measurements
Image Based Micromechanical Method for Simulation of Damage Zone
Experimental Investigation on Stacking Sequence of Glass Fiber Composite Tubes under Quasi-static Axial Compression
Biomechanical Analysis of the Effect of Temperature and Humidity on Intervertebral Segments under Impact Load
Study on Fatigue Life of Engine-Exhaust Pipe Flexible Couplings
Sensory Configuration of Stewart Platform-A Numerical Study
Evaluating the Accuracy and Reliability of Digital Image Correlation in One-dimensional Rigid Displacement
Deflection Study of Circular Auxetic Thin Plate Under Static Loading
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Ability of New Material from Aluminum Casting on Pumice Particles to Reduce Shock Wave
Laser Measurement Technique in Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar
Numerical Simulation of Grooved Heat Pipe Deformation by Extrusion Process
Fatigue Finite Element Analysis of a Notched 8630 Alloy Steel Sample under Cyclic Axial Loading
Identification of Non-linear Vibrating Systems based on Instantaneous Frequencies and Amplitudes of Dynamic Response
Sensitivity Analysis of Continuum Damage Parameters on Error and Scatter-band for Predicted Low-cycle Fatigue Lifetime of AZ61A Magnesium Alloy
Evaluation of Flexural Properties of Auxetic Core Sandwich Beams under Three Point Bending Test
Small Wind Turbine Propeller: A Special Design and Manufacture Issue for Optimal Renewable Energy Production
Disc Brake Analysis and Design: Improve the Thermal Performance Based on Test and Simulation
The Effect of Silane on the Curing Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Natural rubber/Nanoclay/Calcium Carbonate Nanocomposite
Influence of Fiber Twisting Angle on the Fracture of Layers of Multilayer Composite Pressure Vessels
Effect of Thickness and Number of Layers on the Failure of Multilayer Composite Pressure Vessels
Analysis and Optimization of Training Structure Called Car Lifter Lever
Initial Stability Analysis of Spine Pedicular Screws Using Modal Analysis Method
Improvement of welding tubes using magnetically impelled arc butt welding (MIABW) machine
Effect of Fluid Level on Thermal Buckling Behavior of Different Reinforced Water Storage Tanks Adjacent to Pool Fire
Effect of Prolonged Bed-rest on Thigh Muscle Atrophy
Mechanical Behavior of Natural Sheepskin Leather in Tension
Recognition of Optic Disk by Utilization of Histogram of Gradients
Feature Selection in Milling Process Utilizing Wavelet Analysis
Identification of the Optimum Level of Wavelet Decomposition for Acoustic Emission Signal Denoising of a Milling Machine
Quasi-static Axial Compression of Eccentric Thin-walled Aluminum Tubes
Experimental Analysis on Tensile Properties of Smart Sandwich Panels with FML Face Sheets Reinforced by SMA Wires
Experimental Investigation of Short-term Creep Behavior of Carbon/epoxy Unidirectional Laminates
Experimental Study of the Low-Velocity Impact (LVI) on CFRP Composite
Modeling of Delamination in Composite Laminates under Fatigue Loading
Experimental Study of Deformation and Failure Mechanisms in Unidirectional Fiber-reinforced Polymers
Effect of SMA Short Strips on Mechanical Properties of Adhesive joints For Joining Fiber Metal Laminate to Steel Subjected to Tensile loads
Experimental Study on Reducing Wear Damage of Gas Turbine Combustor Components Using Hardface Coatings at Elevated Temperatures
Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of Surface Roughness on Wear Damage of Gas Turbine Combustor Components
Uniaxial Tensile Behavior of Steel 1.4835 at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures
Experimental Investigation of Oxidation Rate of Thermal Barrier Coating for a Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber
Experimental Investigation of Axial Forces in Centrifugal Compressors Based on API617
Introducing a New Mechanism as a Breakwater and Energy Harvester
A Novel Mechanism that Harvests Energy via Ideal Hydraulic PTO Units
On the Interlaminar Shear Strength of Basalt Fiber/Epoxy Composite Filled with Nano-ZrO2/Graphene Oxide Nanohybrid
Effect of CaCO3 Nanoparticles on the Flexural Properties of E-glass Chopped Strand Mat/Epoxy Composites
Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Al/Mg Composite Sheets Manufactured by Roll Bonding
Effect of Nano-particle Dispersion Methods on Mechanical Behavior of Al-GFRP Bonded Joints under Bending Moment
Designing and Manufacturing of a ۳D-printed, Open-source Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Dynamic Splint for Rehabilitation of Fingers Flexor Tendon Injury
Analysis of Fused Deposition Modeling Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Dynamic Splint for Rehabilitation of Fingers and Hands by Finite Element Method
Effect of Moisture on Mechanical Properties FML Composite (GLARE) Based on Experimental and FEM Simulation
The Effect of Thermal Spray Parameters on the Tensile and Temperature of the Coated Equipment
Investigation of Nonlinear Torsional Oscillations on Functionally Graded Nanorod
Investigating the Effects of Aerodynamic Force Model on the Response of a Galloping PZT Energy Harvester
Effect of Hydroxyapatite Sub-micron Particles on Microhardness and Corrosion Behavior of Mg-3Zn Magnesium Alloy