آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 135تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 307
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 63696
کنفرانس دو سالانه بین المللی مکانیک جامدات تجربی
کنفرانس دو سالانه بین المللی مکانیک جامدات تجربی در تاریخ ۲۴ بهمن ۱۳۹۶ توسط دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران،دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات کنفرانس دو سالانه بین المللی مکانیک جامدات تجربی مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در کنفرانس دو سالانه بین المللی مکانیک جامدات تجربی
Reliability Design of the Hinge Kit System (HKS)in a CommercialRefrigerator Subjected to Repetitive Impact Loading
Utilization of Acoustic Emission Phenomenon and Its Applications in Mechanical Engineering
Utilization of the Most Recent Techniques Developed by Non- Destructive Methods for the Aerospace Industry
Utilization of Advanced Prognostic Methods for Gas Turbine
Physiotherapy Treatment Effects on Ground Reaction Force and Toeout Angles: A Case Study
Experimental evaluation of impact strength of cementitious composite by partially replacement cement with Fly Ash class F
Effects of randomly distributed discrete short PVA fibers on impact strength of cement based composite
Numerical and experimental analysis of delamination of Nomex honeycomb core from the Carbon/Epoxy facesheet in a sandwich structure
Mechanical Properties of Balsa Cored Sandwich Structures with Glass/Epoxy and Fiber Metal Laminate Skins: A Comparative Study
Durability Characteristics of Novel Fiber Metal Laminates for Marine Applications in Moist and Salty Environments
Experimental Study on Mechanical Behavior of Liquid Nitrogen Conditioned Fiber Metal Laminates as Potential Cryogenic Materials
Investigating Compression Properties of Healed Sandwich Structure via Epoxy and TETA Microcapsules
On the mechanical behavior of nano-calcium carbonate reinforced epoxy/carbon fiber laminates
Using the Failure Assessment Diagram Method to Evaluate Fracture Resistance of E7010-P1 Cellulosic Welding Electrodes
Two Fatigue Damage Models to Predict Life in SS304 and Al7050 Alloys undergoing Multiaxial Irregular Loading Spectra
Point to Point Path Planning of Railed Base Dual Arm Manipulators with Obstacles in Their Workspace
Numerical Investigation of Nose Sharp Changes in Ice Projectile with Conical Shape
Bogie Design for Freight Wagons with 25 ton Axle Load
Studying the Effects of Ultrasonic Vibration on Microstructure and Hardness of St14 Steel Sheet
An experimental investigation on the visco-elastic behavior of PP/ASF/CaCO3 hybrid nano-composites
Fatigue Life Prediction of Steel Alloys under Uniaxial Random Loading using Stress-Based Approach
Strain-Based Damage Models to evaluate Fatigue Life of Steel Alloys Under Uniaxial Variable Loading
Performance comparison of steel and composite pipelines under fault displacement
Investigation of matrix cracking formation in composite laminates under the bending loading
High velocity impact response of rubber panel
Numerical study of Impact on a panel made of hyperelastic rubber
A Novel Method to Obtain Material Properties through Knoop Indentation
Extracting Jc Based Upon Factor; a Challenge for Single Specimen Testing of Elastomers
Mixed Elastic Variational Formulation of Composite Plates Based on Dimension Reduction Method
Fatigue Damage Evolution of Notched Composite Multilayered Structures under Tensile Loads
Investigation of a Modified Stamping Process for Fabrication of PEMFC Metallic Bipolar Plates with Cascaded Flow Field
Quantitative Study of Contact Pressure Distribution over the Active Area of PEM Fuel Cell s MEA
Study of the Residual Stress Effect of Welding Process on the Life Estimation of Submarine
Measurement of the mode I delamination fracture toughness of composite materials based on the J-integral approach
Experimental analysis of delamination on mode III in composite materials and effects of adding nanoparticles on energy release rate
Design of a Pulsed Eddy Current Sensor for Characterization of Sub-surface Defects in Ferromagnetic Steels
Effect of encapsulated linseed oil agglomeration on the flexural behavior of epoxy/microcapsules composites
Experimental evaluation of Revolute-Prismatic joints manipulator with flexible links modeled by recursive Gibbs-Appell formulation
Investigation the effect of aging time and quenching on the surface residual stress of Al-Cu-Li 2198 alloy
Kinematic Singularity Analysis And Verification Of Hexapod Machine Tool
Effect of Extrusion Ratios on Microstructure, Microhardness and Corrosion Behavior of Magnesium/Hydroxyapatite Bio-composites
Effect of Hot-Forging process on Microstructure and Microhardness of AZ31/Al2O3 Nanocomposites
The effects of geometric parameters under small and large deformations on dissipative performance of shape memory alloyhelical springs
Investigation of in-plane shear behavior of multi-layer woven and weft knitted fabric reinforced composites
Tensile properties of multi-layer woven and weft knitted fabric reinforced composites
Investigation of compressive properties of multi-layer fabric reinforced composites
Comparison Different Ankle Foot Orthotic for Drop Foot Caused by Spine injury
Effect of Sheet Thickness on the Static Strength and Fatigue Behavior of the Friction Stir Spot Weld of Al 6061-T6 Alloy
Lateral Control of Long Combination Vehicle by Active Braking Control of Converter Dolly
Characterization of biodegradable PLA and carbon fiber reinforced PLA produced by 3D printers
Mechanical properties of epoxy composites filled with silane modified graphene nanoplatelets
Synthesis and Investigation of the crack growth in SCB-shaped nanocrystalline forsterite samples under mode-I and mode-II loading
Investigation and Presentation of a Non-destructive Test Method in Electrofusion joints of Polyethylene Gas Piping for City Gas Network
Finite Element Analysis of Thermo-Mechanical Vibration and Instability of Double Wall Boron Nitride Nanotubes Conveying Fluid Resting On Viscoelastic Medium Using Nonlocal Elasticity Theory
Finite Element Analysis of Thermo-Mechanical Vibration and Instability of Single Wall Boron Nitrid Nano Tube Conveying Fluid Embedded In an Elastic Medium Using Nonlocal Elasticity Theory
Modeling and Control of an Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robot
Investigation on maximum aggregate size effects on damage pattern and ballistic limit velocity of cementitious composite subjected toimpact loading
Influence of fiber ratio of composite materials on mode III delamination in ECT specimens
Center of Mass State Estimation for a 2 DoF Mechanism Based on Sensor Data Fusion
The Simultaneous Effect of Graphene and XNBR on the Tensile Properties of Epoxy
The Effect of GnPs and Curing Condition on the Flexural Properties of Epoxy/XNBR Composite
Fault Detection in Centrifugal Pumps using Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Immune Network
Kinematic Modeling of a Two-link Robot with Flexible Arms
Modified BESO Topology Optimization Algorithm for Fundamental Frequency Considering Geometrical Symmetry Constraint
Brittle fracture of PMMA under combination of in-plane and out-ofplane shear loading
Free vibration of a Timoshenko Hybrid composite beam considering the Rayleigh–Ritz method
The effect of hydrostatic test simulation on the formation of stress in three-layer of polyethylene layers of gas transmission lines
Investigation of mixed mode fracture in cracked Brazilian disk specimen under compressive mode I loading
An experimental crashworthiness investigation of aluminum 6061-T6 tube under axial compression
Impact Behavior of Aluminum Composite Laminates: Architectural Lamination and Interfacial Bonding
Influence of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles on the Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene: Experimental Studies and Simulations
Influence of Short Glass Fiber Particles Addition on the Vibration Properties of Polypropylene
Effect of Different Production Temperatures on the Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Polypropylene Foam
Effect of Carburizing Process on Fatigue Life
Fracture Modes in Resistance Spot Welding of AISI 316 Stainless Steel Sheets
Fatigue investigation of Metallic Diaphragm in Sonic Soot Blower
Brittle Fracture of Metallic Diaphragm in Sonic Soot Blower
Low velocity impact properties of basalt/Jute fibers hybrid composites
Passive Vibration Suppression of Rotating Plates Using Piezoelectric Patches
Barrier and Mechanical Properties of PVA Films Reinforced by Nano TiO2
Optimum Investigation of Suspension Parameters for Dynamic Performance Improvement of an Off-Road Vehicle
Design of composite cross arm based on the experimental results obtained from the 5% lower exclusion limit
Low velocity impact response on Nano-FG plate
Investigation of dimensional accuracy in spinning process using experimental work and FE simulation
A Survey of Linear Guideway Vibrational Behavior
Parametric study of single and multi-bolted joints in composite structures
Low velocity impact properties of sandwich panels with FML face sheets
Experimental Investigation on Flexural Properties of Sandwich Panels with FML Face Sheets Reinforced by SMA wires
Comprehensive Monte-Carlo Simulator for Industrial X- ray Radiography in Non-destructive Testing
High strain rate study of OFHC copper by experiments and simulations
Study the effect of friction stir processing on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4v
The Effect of Fiber Content on Cohesive Properties of Fiber Reinforced Cemented Sands
An Investigation of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Graphene/ FBE Coatings
Suppressing Vibration of Flexible Beam by Adaptive Sliding Mode and Back-stepping Control Systems
Non-destructive testing of large area aluminum plate using stroboscopic shearography
3D Positioning of Defects by Ultrasonic Time-of-Flight Diffraction (ToFD)
Bench mark equations for Transverse vibration of Timoshenko beams
Fatigue Life Prediction of Notched Specimens Using a new model in the framework of Entropy Generation Theory
Classification of human brain EEG signals for orientation detection in visual stimulus
Design and Prototyping a Novel 3D Passive Biped Walker with Compliant Ankle and Flat Foot
Thermal and electrical contact conductance measurement in resistance spot welding of magnesium alloy sheets
A novel model to predict the stiffness of single-lap multi-bolt composite joints
A dynamic micromechanical constitutive model topredict the mechanical behavior of glass/epoxy composites
An investigation on the safe slitting interval in measuring the residual stresses
Investigation on the effect of acid etching duration on adhesive bonding of E-glass/Epoxy composites to polyethylene
The effect of interface fiber angle on the delamination growth of DCB specimens made of woven fabric composites
A new thermoplastic composite made of knittedglass/ polypropylene
An experimental-theoretical model to predict mechanical behavior of single-lap bolted composite joints
Measurement of residual stresses in laminated polymer composites using the digital image correlation and incremental hole drilling methods
Investigation of Composites-Metal Joints in Repaired Oil Storage Tanks
Loading Rate Effects on the Fracture Toughness of Unidirectional Laminated Composites under mode I Loading
Sensitivity-based finite element model updating of fiberglass/foam core sandwich panel with natural frequencies
Effects of seashell powder as a bio-filler on mechanical properties of seashell/epoxy composites
Evaluation of non-linear Effects in Piezoresistive PDMS/MWCNT Sensing Elements
Design and Fabrication of a New Robot Finger
Epoxy Resins under Repeated Hygrothermal Conditions
Utilization of metal additive manufacturing (AM) in precision oriented mechanical part production
Dominant Environment Approach in Thin Film-Substrate Systems: Mechanical Behavior of a Coated Cylinder
Wrinkling of a Thin Film-Substrate with Non-Uniform Thickness
Simulation of fluid-structure interaction in a smallscale wind turbine composite blade
Using functionalized nano-alumina for improving the flexural properties of E-glass chopped strand mat/epoxy composites
Maximum Yield Tensile Stress Evaluation for Investigating the High Cycle Fatigue Loading of Stainless Steel 316L: Experimental andNumerical Study
The Automotive Aerodynamics Influenced By Active Airfoil-Shaped Rear Wing
Experimental investigation of cutting tool geometry effect on residual stress in turning of St316
Wettability behavior studies of ZnO-NiO composite nanostructures fabricating on the stainless steel meshes
One-step synthesis of the nanostructured ZnO/CuO composite with highly hydrophobic properties
Influence of the E-coating process on the mechanical properties of aluminum welds
Experimental Investigation of Sheet Metals Bond Strength Produced By Cold Roll Bonding Method (CRB)
A Comparison between Acoustic Emission Approach and Vibration Analysis in Detection of Failure Mechanisms in Carbon/EpoxyComposites
Energy-based low-cycle fatigue lifetime prediction models of gray and nodular cast irons for engine exhaust manifold applications
Scatter-band and Reliability Analysis on High-cycle Fatigue Behavior of Bovine Compact Bones
Experimental Investigation on Flexural Behavior of Concrete Slabs Reinforced With Prefabricated GFRP Grating
Tensile characterization of composite adobe specimens reinforced with short fibers, an experimental study
Employing Flaws Caused by FSP to Fabricate Miniaturized Channels
An Analytical and Experimental Investigation on Scaling of Flange Couplings