آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 119تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 1219
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 60759
دومین کنفرانس دوسالانه بین المللی نفت، گاز و پتروشیمی
دومین کنفرانس دوسالانه بین المللی نفت، گاز و پتروشیمی در تاریخ ۲۳ آبان ۱۳۹۷ توسط دانشگاه خلیج فارس،دانشگاه خليج فارس در شهر بوشهر برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات دومین کنفرانس دوسالانه بین المللی نفت، گاز و پتروشیمی مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در دومین کنفرانس دوسالانه بین المللی نفت، گاز و پتروشیمی
Reference Energy System in Extremely Dense Industrial Regions: Bushehr Province
Simultaneously CO2 Capture and LPG Recovery from Raw Natural Gas Using Superpermeable Nanocomposite Membranes
Optimization of Gas Sweetening Plant with Specific Energy Consumption Approach
The Effects of Using Multi-Lean Amine Streams Approach in Gas Sweetening Plant Performance
Optimization of Factors Affecting Oil Recovery During Water Flooding by DE Algorithm
Optimization and Thermal Performance Analysis of Circular Porous Fins with Various Profiles in Fully Wet Conditions
Novel Hybrid Zero Liquid Discharge and Humidification-Dehumidification Desalination System for Waste Heat Recovery from a Gas Engine
Simulation of Olefin Caustic Wash tower with ProMax Software and Replacing Different Packing to Reduce Caustic Consumption
Simulation of Ethane Recovery Process from Natural Gas via Gas Sub-cooled Process with Cold Separator in Iran’s South Persia Gas Complex
Experimental and CFD Investigation for Predicting Weeping from Sieve Trays of Divided Wall Column
Effects of Flow Direction on a Sieve Tray of Divided Wall Column
Products Quality of Crude Oil Type on of the Refinery via Using ISO 14051
Modeling of an Integrated Membrane-Combustion Furnace to Study the Oxygen-Enriched Combustion Performance
Prediction of Natural Gas Hydrate Formation in presence of Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions by Updating the Parameters of Exsiting Thermodynamic Model
Importance of DRP Technology in Evaluation and Development of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
Modeling of Asphaltene Precipitation in a Light Oil Reservoir with High Producing GOR: Case Study
Polymer Flooding as One of the Most Promising Technologies in Enhanced Oil Recovery: an Update Review
Landfill Biogas Treatment Simulation: Mashhad Landfill Case Study
Process Optimization and Modeling of Salt Hydrates based on Na2SO4.10H2O as Phase Change Materials Using Response Surface Methodology
Investigate the Distribution of Residence Time and Determine the Pattern of Flow in a Non-Ideal Filled Tower by Simulating a CFD Stimulation-Response Method
Hydrodynamics of Conical Spouted Beds of Binary Mixtures
Synthesis of Ceramic Silica-Zirconia Membrane for Seperation of Hydrogen in SMR Unit
The Wax Crystal Effect on the π-Stacking Dimerization of Asphaltenes in Wax-Doped Asphaltene Model
Integrated Operation of Shiraz Petrochemical Complex by Using Multi-Carrier Energy Systems Approach Including Electricity and Steam
Modeling Asphaltene Precipitation in the Presence of Fe3O4 and NiO Nanoparticles Using the CPA EoS
In-situ Synthesis of Nanoparticles in Reservoir Model Oils and Their Effects on Asphaltene Adsorption, Pyrolysis, and Oxidation during In-situ Combustion Enhanced Oil Recovery
Effects of Flowrate and Wettability on Ultimate Oil Recovery during Nanofluid Injection into Glass Micromodel
Characterization of Condensate Banks Using Wavelet Transform Analysis of Well Test Data
Simultaneous Modeling of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Reactions to Estimate Porosity Refinement during Carbonate Acidizing
A Coupled B-Spline Based Multi-Step Method and Differential Quadrature for 2D Transient Heat Transfer Analysis of FG Truncated Cone
Two Dimensional Two Phases Numerical Solution to the Cathode Side of Pem Fuel Cell
Semiclathrate Hydrate Formation of TBAC + Methane: The Effect of Low Concentrations of TBAC on the Storage Capacity of Methane
Experimental Investigation of the Apparant Rate Constant of Methane Hydrate Fromation in Presence of Low Concentrations of TBAC
Artificial Intelligences Tools for Prediction of Hydrate Formation Conditions for the System of Methane + Tetra n-butylammonium fluoride + Water
Image-based Fluid Flow Simulation on Unconsolidated Porous Media with Considering REV Concept
Numerical Investigation of Melting PCMs in Thermal Storage Systems
Experimental Investigation of Forced Gravity Drainage in Fractured Porous Media
Rheological Properties of Light Crude Oil and Its Emulsions in Saadatabad Oil Field
Investigation of the Effect of Gravity Drainage Mechanism on the Recovery Factor
Effects of Specific Gravity of Natural Gas on Pressure-Volume-Temperature (PVT) behavior According to NX-19 Method
Effect of SDS and CTAB on Stability of CO2 and Air Foam in Enhanced Oil Recovery
Improvement of Capillary Behavior in Oil-Wet Limestone Reservoirs through Seawater Injection
Population Balance Model for Separation of Water in Crude Oil Emulsion in Batch Gravity Coalescer
Optimize the Performance of a Variety of Inhibitors from Adhesion of Clay to Drill
The Integration of Core and Pressure Transient Data for Reliable Reservoir Characterization
Catalytic Steam Reforming of Glycerol: A Simulation with MATLAB
Experimental and Modeling Study on Polymer Flooding Using Micro-Model
Forecasting Iran’s Natural Gas Demand in Household and Commercial Sectors based on Fuzzy Logic Inference System
Consequence Assessment of Gas leakage in Dalan Treatment Plant (DTP) by PHAST Software
Investigation of Environmental Pollution Caused by Gas and Petrochemical Industries and Its Effects on the Health of Residents of Assaluyeh Region, Iranian Energy Capital: A Review Study
Molecular Simulation of Carbon Dioxide and Methane Adsorption on 4A Molecular Sieve
Modeling CO2 Solubility in Ionic Liquids with the CPA EOS Using Flash Calculation
Measurement and Evaluation of Environmental Pollutant in one Gas Refining: A Case Study in South of Iran
Combustion and Emission of a DI Diesel Engine Fueled with Oxygenate Additives
Characterization of Hydrogen Titania Nanotubes Synthesized via Hydrothermal Treatment
Graphene Oxide Functionalized with Iron (III) Oxide for the Removal Crude Oil from Wastewater
Treatment of Water Contaminated with Petroleum Using Expanded Bed Adsorption Process
Investigation of CO2 and CH4 Adsorption on 5A Zeolite, Effect of Zeolite Structure
Modeling the Absorption of Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Dioxide in Ethyl Ammonium Nitrate [eam][NO3] by PHSC Equation of State
The Comparison Between Membrane and Bubble Column Photo Bioreactors in Nitrate Removal Efficiency
Study of LEL of Straight-Chain Paraffin Hydrocarbons (C1 to C9) by Pasquill Resistance Degree Affected by Parameters of Ambient Air
Biosorption of Pb(II) by Enteromorpha Prolifera
Investigation of Low-Temperature Surface Absorption of Mercaptan from Gas by Reformed Mezo-pore SBA-15
Preparation of Ceramic Microfiltration Membrane from Natural Clay for Black Coal Mine Washery Waste Treatment
An Optimal Regularization Neural Network for Historical Mapping of Global CO2 Emissions
Predicting of Forest Fire Behavior Pattern Using FARSITE Simulation Model
Removal of Toxic Cd2+ from Aqueous Solutions by Amine-Functionalized Core-Shell Magnetic Mesoporous Silica
CFD Modeling of Ultrafiltration Membrane Fouling Reduction Under Ultrasound Field
Adsorption study of Reactive red 33 from Aqueous solution by Light Expanded Clay Aggregate (LECA)
Laboratory Study and Mathematical Modeling of Aluminum Metal Adsorption using Blended Algae
Application of TOPSIS and Analytic Network Process (ANP) Methods in Landfill Site Selection of Industrial Wastes
Comparision of Isotherm Models for Cadmium Uptake onto Entromorpha Algae and Magnetic Iron Particles Supported by Eucalyptus
The Kinetic Study of the Carbonation Behavior of a Calcium-Based Sorbent in the Calcium-Looping CO2 Capture Process
Preparation and Characterization of Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Polyethersulfone Composite Membrane for Application in Direct Contact Membrane Distillation
Experimental Investigation of CO2/N2 Ideal Separation Using Propylene Carbonate Supported Liquid Membrane
Knowledge Assessment of Employees on Kyoto and Montreal Conventions and its Relation with Level of Education in Boushehr Chamber of Commerce, one of the Stockholders in Petroleum Products Trading
A Method for Estimating Porosity of Asmari rock Types using X-ray CT Technology
Experimental Study on the Rate of Asphaltene Aggregation at the Oil-Brine Interface Utilizing Refractive Index Technique
Effect of Residual Catalyst Levels on Polyethylene Degradation Behavior
Polyethylene Degradation Monitoring during the Multiple Melt Processing
Effect of Temperature and Atmosphere on the Thermal Degradation of Polyethylene
Enzymatic Lipid Extraction of Nannochloropsis Microalgae for Biodiesel Production
Calcium Fructoborate Nanoparticles: Plant-Based Carrier Boron as Potential Medicine for Neutron Cancer Therapy
Simulation and Optimization of an Ammonia Synthesis Reactor Using Genetic Algorithm
Simulation and Optimization of a Methyl Ethyl Ketone Synthesis Reactor Using Genetic Algorithm
Thermal Performance Analysis of Circular Porous Fins with Rectangular Section
The Power of Numerical Pressure Transient Analysis for Heterogeneity Characterization
Thermodynamic Modeling of Solubility of Acid Gases and Sulfur Compounds in Ionic Liquids Using Electrolyte PC–SAFT Equation of State
Formation Damage Analysis of Organic Acids with Limestone Rocks during Acidizing: A Case Study on an Iranian Carbonate Formations
Void Formation during Tensile Stretching in Irradiated Polyethylene Films
An Overview of the Application of Ultrasound in the Oil Industry
Usage Ultrasonic Technology to Improve Oil Recovery with an Environmental Aspect
Identification of Hydraulic Flow Units in a Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir: Case Study One of the Iranian Gas Fields
Review of the Hydraulic Fracturing Process based on Preceding Studies Conducted in Iran and the United States
Oil Recovery Factor Analysis Along with Investigation the Effect of Rock Type, Oil Type and Gas Flow Rate
New Correlation for Estimation of Water/Oil Relative Permeability Using Multi-Gene Genetic Programming
The Prediction of Liquid-Liquid Equilibria of Water/Alcohol/Ionic Liquid Ternary Systems using Support Vector Machine Model
Preparation and characterization of PVA /Pebax-1657 Composite Membrane for CO2/CH4 Separation
Review Of The Relation Between Kazerun Fault And The Geology Of Dashtestan And Dashti Regions In Bushehr Province
Simulation and Investigation of the Influence of Operational Parameters in the Metathesis Process
Removal of Multifunctional Magnetic Mesoporous Silica by Novel High Gradient Magnetic Separation System (HGMS)
Mathematical Modeling of Dimulsification of Oil-in-Water Emulsion
Ultrathin PEBA Composite Membrane for CO2 Capture
Measurements of Non-Wetting Phase Trapping in Porous Media using Sand Packs
Experimental Study of Gravity Drainage Mechanism due to Continuous Gas Injection
Gas Permeation through PEBAX Block Copolymer Membranes-A Review
Effect of Ammonia/Nitroxyl on Hydrogen Enhancement in Dry Reforming of Ethanol: A Thermodynamic Analysis
The Impact of TiO2 and Water as Additive on Thermodynamic Behavior of PVC / NMP / Water System on Membrane Morphology
Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer Performance and Flow Characteristics of Nanofluids and MEPCM Slurry in the Microchannel Heat Sinks
Numerical Investigation of Metal Oxide Nanofluids Heat Transfer around a Cylindrical Tube Bundle
CFD Investigation of Al2O3/Water Nanofluid Heat Transfer Performance and Flow Characteristic in a Tube with Different Cross-sections
Optimization of Hydrogen Production in Methane Steam Reforming by Simulation of a Single and Double Reformer and Excess Steam Injection
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation on Surface Tension of Aqueous Surfactant Solutions
Effects of Magnetic Irrigation on Soil Moisture
Measurement of Selenium Metal Biosorbent Accumulation in Scomberomorusguttatus Muscle Tissue in Bushehr port
Study of the Performance of Al promoted Ni/FSM-16 Catalyst in Dry Reforming of Methane
Morphology of Alpha-Alumina Ceramic Membrane Made by Gelcasting Method
Preparation and Characterization of a SiO2/ Mullite-Alumina-Zeolite (MAZ) NF Membrane by Cross-Flow Filtration Process