آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 662تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 1311
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 39940
بیست و دومین کنگره بین المللی شیمی انجمن شیمی ایران
بیست و دومین کنگره بین المللی شیمی انجمن شیمی ایران در تاریخ ۲۴ اردیبهشت ۱۴۰۳ توسط ،انجمن شیمی ایرانسازمان پژوهش های علمی و صنعتی ایران در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات بیست و دومین کنگره بین المللی شیمی انجمن شیمی ایران مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در بیست و دومین کنگره بین المللی شیمی انجمن شیمی ایران
Modified Sessile Drop Method for Experimental Investigation of Dynamic WettabilityAlteration of Oil-Wet Carbonate Surfaces in Contact with Seawater
Pore Polarity Engineering of Metal-Organic Frameworks to Enhance CO۲ AdsorptionCapacity and Selectivity Using Hydrogen Bonds
Investigating the Effect of Emulsifier on the Stability of Silicone Antifoam Emulsion
Preparation of nanocomposite hydrogels based on bio-polymers@TA/Cu MOF bionanoparticles:pH-responsive and Antibacterial carrier for potential targeted anticancerdrug delivery
Green Synthesis of pH-responsive nanocomposite hydrogels based on biopolymers@Fe/Cu LDH bio-nanoparticles: Antibacterial carrier for potential targetedanticancer drug delivery
Electrochemical Determination of Pyrogallol as an Important Anti-Oxidant using aModified Glassy Carbon Electrode with Poly (L-Cys)/AuNPs film
A Novel Zn(II) Complex of N–Nicotinyl-N, Nʺ-bis (Piperidinyl) phosphoric triamide, andInvestigating its anticancer activity
Practical One-pot Synthesis of Hydroquinolines using TiO۲ nano-photocatalyst fromNitroarenes or Aminoarenes
Photoinduced electron transfer using TiO۲-TEOA-NC self-assembled triad
The structural, stability and electronic properties of Li۲CoAl Full Heusler alloy form DFT
The structural, stability and electronic properties of Li۲CoB Full Heusler alloy form DFT
Oxidative addition of MeI to a new Pt(II) complex: kinetic and theoretical elucidation
Safe treatment of triethylaluminium waste: Extraction and characterization of aluminumhydroxide as a byproduct
DNA/BSA binding study of a new cyclopalladated (II) complex
Investigation of the CO۲ reduction reaction employing Cr single metal catalyst embeddedonto g-C۳N۴ (heptazine).
Dye Removal by Mixed Matrix Membrane Fabricated by Hydrogel and Covalent-OrganicFramework
Luminescence Depletion Imaging of SrAl۲O۴:Eu۲+, Dy۳+ by Solid State Laser in Dark FieldMicroscopy
Tautomerism and Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond Investigation in ۱,۳-di(۲-pyridinyl)-۱,۳-propanedione; Parameters Affecting the Strength of Hydrogen Bonds
Investigating the effect of soapwort extract (Saponaria officinalis) on the reduction ofchlorpyrifos pesticide residues in pistachio product
A facile synthesis of ۳-(۴-methoxyphenyl)-۷-propyl-۵H-thiazolo[۳,۲-a]pyrimidin-۵-one inurea/choline chloride (DES) as a green solvent: Antioxidant activity evaluation
Instrumentation and Analysis of ۱D & ۲D array sensors using labview for chemical analysis
Statistical Optimization of Hollow Fiber Liquid Phase Microextraction for SimultaneousPreconcentration and Determination of Bupivacaine and Dibucaine in the PostmortemFemoral Venous Blood
Determination of Brucine in Stomach Content using Hollow Fiber Liquid-PhaseMicroextraction Coupled with Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry: Optimization byBox-Behnken Experimental Design
Formation of unexpected product in the reaction of ۵-methoxycarbonylmethylydene-۱-۳-thiazolidine-۴-one with phenethylcarbamodithioic acid
Advanced oxidation of the pharmaceutical pollutant ciprofloxacin with activatedpersulfate radical on ferrite spinels
Bi-inhibition of carbazochrome compound on alpha-adrenergic and hyaluronidaseenzymes in wounds to stop bleeding and speed up healing and skin rejuvenation
Fabrication of some visible-light-induced photocatalysts based on oxygen vacancy-richCeO۲ towards wastewater detoxification
Synthesis and investigation of the efficiency of the MIL (۸۸) electrode as a cathode in theelectrofenton process to remove the antibiotic erythromycin from contaminated water
Bio synthesis and antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles using the extract of leaves ofCrataegus azarolus L. harvested from Deylaman - Guilan
Chitosan-Based Hydrogels for Heavy Metal Removal from Wastewater
Advanced Magnetic P۲W۱۶Ni۲O۶۲/Cr-MIL-۱۰۱/CuFe۲O۴ Nanoadsorbent as a highly efficientadsorbent for the elimination of Cationic dyes from aqueous solutions
Investigation of Free, Esterified and Bound Phenolic Acids of Stachys byzantine
A new method for immobilization and stabilization of sub-nanometric Pd colloids onsingle-walled carbon nanotube functionalized with TiO۲ for Stille coupling reaction
Machine Learning-Driven Deciphering of Structure-Activity Relationships in CoronavirusInhibitors
In Silico Deciphering of Angiotensin Receptor Inhibitors: Machine Learning Unveils KeyStructural Features for Activity and Selectivity
Aflatoxins reduction in rice flour by using ozone gas and cold plasma
PAMAM and polyester dendrimers as favipiravir nanocarriers: a comparative study usingDFT method
Co۳O۴ hollow sphere for conversion of CO۲ to cyclic carbonates
Designing a new method for preparation of Metal-organic frameworks: synthesis,aracterization and catalytic applications
An Ultrasensitive Genosensor for Amplification-free Detection of Clostridioides difficile
Adventures in Electrochemistry: Bubble Film- Mediated Electrochemical Sensing andDeposition
Fe۳O۴@SiO۲@۲-Aminothiophenol-Cu: a novel magnetically reusable nanostructuredcatalyst for the efficient synthesis of ۲,۳-dihydroquinazolin-۴(۱H)-ones
Computational Study of Carvacrol and Thymol: A Comparative Insight
Facile synthesis of ۳,۵-disubstituted isoxazoles using copper-hydroxyacetophenonethiosemicarbazone complex on silica-coated magnetite nanoparticles as an efficientheterogeneous nano catalyst
Aqueous-mediated synthesis of pyrano[۲,۳-d]pyrimidine derivatives catalyzed by a novelmorpholinium-based acidic ionic liquid
Fish scale derived hydroxyapatite silica propyl bis aminoethoxy ethane cuprous complex:An efficient hybrid nano catalyst for N-arylation of N-heterocycles with aryl halides
Short-range ۳۱P-X NMR coupling constants (X = ۱H and ۱۳C) in two new phosphoramides
Core-shell heterostructured nickel–cobalt sulfide decorated on carbon spheres as abinder-free electrode for an enhanced energy storage system
Application of Nitrogen, Sulfur co-doped carbon dots as fluorescence probes for tannicacid determination
Exploring Efficient Platinum Extraction from Choline Chloride Based Deep EutecticSolvents with Tri-Octylamine: A Feasibility Study
Investigation of Interaction of Synthesized Emulsion Mulch on Significant PhysicochemicalFactors of Soils
Effect of adding plasmonic Cu to CdS@SiO۲ to enhancing photocatalytic degradation ofRhB from water
Phosphoramido Acid Derivatives: QSAR Study of Anti-Urease Activity and DFT Calculation
Potential Application of Al and Si Doped Carbon Nanotubes for Metronidazole Detection:A Theoretical Study
Synthesis and Characterization of a New Thiophosphorylated-Thiourea,(C۲H۵O)۲P(S)(NHC(S)NH(C۴H۳N۲)), and Study of the Crystal Structure
Enhancement of the Internal Electric Field in BiFeO۳/ZnS Z-Scheme Heterostructure forRhB Degradation
Preparation of a Conductive, Self-Healing and Flexible Composite Hydrogel as A PressureSensor for Human Motion Sensing
Soft and Flexible Conductive Plant-Based Composite Film with Strain Sensitivity forMotion Detection
Prediction of Torque in Accelerated Sulfur Vulcanization of Radial Tire Tread Compound
Investigating the Heat Transfer and Vulcanization Reactionin Temperature Changes of thePoints of a Thick Piece in the Process of Accelerated Sulfur Curing
Secondary Residue of Sugarcane Bagasse for Removal of Dyes from Wastewater
Fabrication of Temperature-Responsive Membrane (PES/GO-g-PNIPAM) for EfficientSeparation and Recovery of Dyes in Wastewater Treatment
A Ligand from Amino Acides Gapped Mn Immobilized on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube:A New Nanocatalyst for Coupling Reaction
Development of a New Isotherm Model to Describe the Equilibrium Sorption of NonionicDyes by Semicrystalline Polymeric Fibers
Monitoring the Physical Aging of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) Fibers Using Dye SorptionMethod
Construction of a New Acidic Covalent Organic Framework and Its Application as RobustCatalyst for the Synthesis of Imidazoles
Research Development on Biochar Functionalized Cupper-L-Histidine: Application toAniline Synthesis
Fabrication of Cationic Antibiotic Affinity-Based Sulfated Alginate Nanofibers for DrugDelivery
Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization of P(O)(OC۶H۵)۲(NHC۶H۴-۴-Cl) andP(O)(OC۶H۵)۲(NHC۶H۴-۴-C۲H۵)
Synthesis and application of CuO and CuAl۲O۴ hollow sphere structures as active electrodematerials in supercapacitors
The new mercury-thiophosphoramide complex: Synthesis, crystal structure andspectroscopic characterization of {[(C۵H۹)NH]۲[(C۶H۱۰)NH]P(S)}۲HgCl۲
Assessment of the Thermal Properties and Operation Temperature for Metal-OrganicFrameworks and Amine‑Functionalized Metal‑Organic Frameworks/Epoxy/NovolacComposites: A Comparative Study
Synthesis and Characterization of Adamantane-Based Schiff Bases
Ultrasonic Degradation of Amylose and Effect of Concentration of Amylose onDegradation Kinetics
Influence of Thiopyridine Ancillary Ligands on the Stability and Resistance toReductive/Elimination Reactions in the Cycloplatinated(II) Complexes
Rational synthesis of Cu(OAc)۲ embedded ferrocene-based porous organicpolymer/carbon nanotube hybrid system: Catalytic application for the preparation oftetrazoles
A DFT Study on the Mononuclear Hg(II) Complex of ۱,۳-bis(۲-cyanophenyl)triazene ligand
DFT Study on Mononuclear Hg(II) Complex of ۱-(۲-Ethoxyphenyl)-۳-(۲-Cyanophenyl)triazene Ligand
In-Situ Formation of the Adsorbent Based on Octadecylamine for The Extraction of Ag+Ions from Aqueous Solutions and Its Determination by Microinjection Fame AtomicAbsorption Spectrometry
Development of Salt-Induced Homogeneous Liquid–Liquid Extraction Using a DeepEutectic Solvent Performed in a Narrow-Bore Tube for the Extraction of Zn(II), Cu(II), andCd(II) Ions from Honey Samples
Introduction of Dispersed Solid Extraction Method Based on Magnetic Adsorbent withOctadecylamine to Extract Cu (II) and Cd (II) Ions from Dairy Products
Synthesis Of Carbon Spheres by Green Way for Catalyst Preparation of PyridopyrimidineCompounds
Design, Synthesis, And Biological Properties of Novel Triazine Based Ampicillin Derivatives
Co-Delivery System of Triple Anticancer Drugs Using Chitosan Modified Single-WalledCarbon Nanotube: Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
Synthesis and Application of a Novel Ion-Imprinted Polymer as A Colorimetric Sensor forthe Detection of Lead Ions
Preparation of CQDs from natural resources for applications in optical sensors
Reduction in microbiological content of bee pollen by application of gamma irradiationfollowed by its phytochemical properties
The ZnO-NiO Nano-Composite: Kinetic and Thermodynamic Study on The SulfasalazinePhotodegradation
Oxygen vacancy mediated TiO۲ -MoS۲ Heterostructure as an efficient photocatalyst for theRhodamine B photodegradation
Determining the Fatty Acid Profile of Tomato Seed Oil and Optimize the Extraction of OilUsing a High Shear Mixer Reactor
Ag-Catalyzed Cyclization Reaction of N′-(۲-Alkynylbenzylidene)hydrazides andAcetylenedicarboxylate
Aryl sulfonyl hydrazide-Induced ۱,۶-Enyne Radical Cyclization under Copper Catalysis:Access to ۳,۴-Dihydronaphthalen-۱(۲H)-one Derivatives
Synthesis of derivatives of Sulfonyl acyl hydrazine under solvent free condition
Synthesis of ۶/۷/۵-Fused Heterocyclic Skeletons through Transition-Metal-FreeIntramolecular Double Hydrofunctionalization of Alkyne
Diastereoselective Construction of Spirocyclic Isobenzofurans via a Tandem MichaelAddition/ ۵-exo-dig Cyclization Reaction
Synthesis of ۲-sulfonamidoindolizine by ۱,۳-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Pyridinium Ylideswith Benchtop Stabilized Ketenimines
Metal- and solvent-free domino reaction of ۲-isocyanophenol esters to benzoxazines:long-range ۱,۵-acyl migration on ۱,۴-diazabutatriene
Synthesis Of New Derivatives of pyrazol-۵-yl benzenesulfonate Under Solvent-FreeConditions
Immobilization Of Humicola Insolens Lipase on Magnetic Nanoparticles ZrFe۲O۴@ UiO-۶۶-NH۲
Synthesis of Flower-Like SnIn۴S۸/SmVO۴ Heterostructure Via a Hydrothermal Approach
Study of photocatalytic removal of hexavalent chromium ion from aqueous solutions bySnIn۴S۸
Using A Plant Exosome to Improve the Biocompatibility of Zeolitic Imidazolate FrameworkNanocarriers
Wound Healing of Nanofiber Comprising Chitosan Thiourea/Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) EmbeddedMpeg-CUR for Second-Degree Burn Injuries
Synthesis of Amorphous Porous Organic Polymer Functionalized With Nitrogen RichGraphitic Carbon Nitride
Cationic Dye Removal from Industrial Wastewater by Chemical Surface Modified Celluloseas an Adsorbent
Magnetic hydrogels in cartilage repair
Impact of Mechanical Stress on the Swelling Capacity of Polyacrylamide/AMPS Hydrogelduring Folding Cycles
Synthesis and Characterization of Keratin Electrospun Nanofibers Containing OrganicMetal Framework for Skin Restoration
Onion Extract: A Green and Eco-friendly Catalyst for MW-Assisted Solvent-less Synthesisof Pyrroles via Paal–Knorr Reaction
Onion Extract (Allium Cepa L.): A Green and Eco-friendly Catalyst for the MW-AssistedSolvent-Free Synthesis of ۵-Substituted ۱H-Tetrazoles
Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Malachite Green Residues in Fish Tissues Using Hand-HeldIon Mobility Spectrometry
Computational Study of CO, NO, and NO۲ adsorption on A۱-xA’xB۱-yB’yO۶ (A: Ce, La & B: Fe,Cu, Zn) bouble perovskites
Morphology of A۱-xA’xB۱-yB’yO۶ (A: Ce, La & B: Fe, Cu, Zn) bouble perovskites with Zndoping in B-site
Structural and Electro-chemical Properties of Double Perovskites Based on Rare EarthElements (Ce/La) and Transition Metals (Fe, Cu, and Zn)
Determining the optimal amount of D۲EHPA and TBP extractants in the solvent extractionof nickel and cadmium from the filter cake of cold purification of zinc production factory.
Application of GO-g-PCA Composite as a Coating for Paperboards
Study of Soy Protein as an Unique Biopolymer in Modern Bio-Composite Systems
Investigation of stability criteria for asphaltene in crude oil
Proposing the most environmentally friendly bio-methanol production process fromsynthesis oil through waste heat recovery and environmental optimization
An efficient one-step process for the synthesis of hexahydro-۶H-thiazolo[۳,۲-a]quinolin-۶-one derivatives based on heterocyclic ketene aminals
A one-pot four-component approach to synthesis of novel spiro[acenaphthylene-۱,۴'-chromene]-۳'-carbonitrile and spiro[acenaphthylene-۱,۱'-pyrano[۲,۳-c]chromene]-۲'-carboxylate derivatives
An efficient synthesis of new diphenyl-hexahydroquinoline-۳-carboxamide derivatives viaa fourcomponent cascade reaction
An efficient, novel, simple and recyclable α-Fe۲O۳@MoS۲@Ni nanocomposite withexcellent catalytic function for the degradation of Acid Blue-۱۱۳ as an organic pollutant
Extraction and purification of safranal and crocin from saffron in pilot-scale
Low saturated fatty acid frying oil formulation by rice bran oil as a substitute for palm oil
Magnetic dispersive solid phase extraction of diazinon in onion using a sphericalnanostructure magnetic nanobiosorbent
Magnetic dispersive solid phase extraction of nickel and cobalt from water samples usingmagnetic nanofluid
Recovery of Zinc and Copper from Brass Slag by Hydro-metallurgical Method withSelective or Cumulative Approach
Feasibility study of sulfate baking of leaching residue in the process of Zn extraction withFe۲(SO۴)۳
NO۲ Adsorption in Carbon Nanocone with Various Apex Angles by Monte Carlo Simulation
Temperature Effect on the SO۲ Adsorption in Carbon Nanocone by GCMC Simulation
Effect of light stress on Spirulina platensis productivity and phycocyanin and chlorophyllcontent
The effect of magnetic field produced by neodymium magnets on the productivity andchlorophyll content of Spirulina platensis
Chemical Reactivity of Amrinone’s Tautomers: A Theoretical DFT Study Using FukuiFunctions Analysis
Synthesis of N-Tosyl Aldimine Derivatives in the Presence of Magnetically NanocatalystFe۳O۴@Cuo and Ionic Liquids
Enantioselective Reduction of N-Soulphonyl Ketimine by Heterogeneous Chiral Ligand
The effect of ultrasonic waves on the synthesis of yttrium oxide nanostructure and itsapplication in the degradation of methylene blue pollutant
Simultaneous extraction of nitrogen and sulfur contents from fuel Using Deep EutecticSolvents: A Parametric Study
Elimination of methylene blue from aqueous solutions by using a magneticnanocomposite containing zinc ferrite spinel
Hydrogels With Self-Healing and Multi Responsive Properties as Wound Dressing for SkinWound Healing
Synthesis of Coumarin derivatives using biobased Ti (IV) under different conditions
Investigating Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding of Triketone Compounds with N and SHeteroatoms
Investigating different parameters of hydrogen bonding of bicyclic compounds
Lanthanide Complex Based on Urea Ligand as Homogeneous Catalyst
Reaction of arylidene malononitriles and N-۱-adamantyl acetoacetamide: Synthesis ofnovel adamantane-۴H-Pyran Hybrids
Spectroscopic (FT-IR, UV-Vis), first-order hyperpolarizability, HOMO and LUMO analysis ofN-phenylpyrazine-۲-carboxamide ligand Derivatives by density functional methods
Synthesis, characterization, spectroscopic investigation, and crystal structuredetermination of a new copper(II) complex with the N-(۲-methoxyphenyl)pyrazine-۲-carboxamide ligand
Using a flower-like MoS۲ as a sunlight-assisted photocatalyst for degradation of Eosin Y
Investigating the Effect of Mn Addition on Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis during COHydrogenation on Graphene Oxide using DFT
Phytochemical study of the lichen Species Evernia prunastri in Iran and investigation of itsantioxidant biological activity
Exploring Antibacterial Properties of Acetone and Ethanol Extracts from Usneaarticulata Lichen Using the Antibiotic Sensitivity Test
Novel in silico designed inhibitor for BTK enzyme and B-cell lymphoma treatment bynatural fragments
Synthesis of pyridopyrimidines using borane trifluoride supported on nanocellulose as acatalyst
Eco-Friendly Synthesis of Highly Efficient Nanocomposite for the Treatment of TanneryWastewater
Synthesis of ۲,۴,۵-tri substituted imidazole derivatives in the presence of nano kaolinsupported by Sn(IV) tetrachloride under ultrasonic conditions
Simultaneous kinetic spectrophotometric determination of nitroglycerin andnitrocellulose in double base solid propellants
Synthesis of polysubstituted pyridines via nitrogen-doped graphene catalyzed one-potmulticomponent reaction under solvent-free conditions
Development of Conductivity Methods -Cation Conductivity or Acid Conductivity andSuppressed Conductivity - for the Measurement of Trace Anions
Green CO۲ capture using carbonic anhydrase model enzyme: DFT approach
Synthesis, characterization and catalytic application of Fe۳O۴/ ethyleneammoniumtungestophosphate Nano-composite in the synthesis of Spiro[۴H-chromene-۴,۳'-indolin-۲-one]s
One-pot synthesis of pyridopyrimidines via reaction of enaminones or uracils with in situgenerated Chalcones
The use of chromium hexacarbonyl as carbon monoxide source in the synthesis ofpyrido[۲,۳-d] pyrimidines
Theoretical Study of the Structural, Electronic, and stability properties of LiBeN half-Heusler Compound from DFT Methods.
BiOIBr/Polydopamine coated on TiO۲ nanotubes arrays-based signal-offphotoelectrochemical sensor for high sensitivity detection of Betamethasone sodiumphosphate
Three-component reaction of Isoquinoline and acetylenic esters in the presence ofphenylthiourea derivatives
Synthesis of ۱,۳-thiazole derivatives catalyzed by ZNO-nanorods
Investigating the Physical Properties of Paperboards and Their Applications in theFiltration of Cadmium Ions
Introduction of MoS۲-FeS۲ with S-Vacancy Defect as an Efficient BifunctionalElectrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction and Ferrocyanide and Iodide OxidationReactions
Phosphatidylcholine: A green catalyst for one-pot synthesis of pyrido[۲,۳-d:۵,۶-d’]-dipyrimidines
Preparation of modified carbon paste electrode to potentiometric determination ofmercury
A comparative DFT study of absorption of amoxicillin drug from wastewater by FAU andZSM-۵ zeolites adsorbents
Development of ۱-(۱,۳-benzothiazole-۲-yl)-۳-phenylthiourea Modified Carbon Paste Electrodefor Sensitive Detection of Cu۲+
The role of electron-donating and electron-withdrawing groups in tuning theoptoelectronic properties of heteroleptic dithiolene complexes
A comparative theoretical study on the structural, electronic and optical properties ofpalladium(II) dithiolene complexes
Predicting suitable ligands as drug candidates for Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) targetin the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
Fabrication of polyamide thin film nanocomposite membrane with enhanced antibacterialproperties
The dopamine detection using of the boronic acid-modified magnetic CQD nanoparticles
In-situ forming ZnAl layered doubled hydroxide in the presence of Zeolitic ImidazolateFramework as an efficient system for antibacterial drug delivery
Modifying Chitosan with Arginine Peptides to Prepare Novel Nanocomposites forBiomedical Applications
Optimizing Tensile Strength and Flexibility in Eco-friendly Chitosan Biocomposites UsingGlutamic Acid as Crosslinking Agent
Thiocyanate coordination mode in a cycloplatinated(II) complex: a fraction of whole
Preparation of eco-friendly nanocomposites based on immobilization of magneticactivated carbon with citric acid: Application for catalytic activity in C-N coupling reaction
The synthesis of a catalytic composite comprising MOF@POM@IL compounds using novelmethods for application in the oxidative desulfurization process
Synthesis, characterization, and anticancer activity of a Ru(II) complex bearing afluorinated cyclometalated ligand
Enhancing Photocatalytic Decomposition of Rhodamine B Using Mo Nanoparticle-Enhanced CdS Nanorods for Effective Wastewater Treatment
Investigating the kinetics of wastewater treatment contaminated with allyl alcohol inFenton's reaction using the chemical oxygen demand method (COD)
Synthesis of N-alkanoyl valsartan derivatives using desvaleryl valsartan
Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction Coupled with HPLC-UV for Benzoic acid and Sorbic acidanalysis
Selective oxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides with tert-BuOOH catalyzed by ruthenium(III)unsymmetrical salen complex
Selective oxidation of benzylic alcohols using hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by iron(III)unsymmetrical salen complex
Electrical and Optical Properties of AlN and P@AlN Nanosheets: A DFT Study
Efficient removal of methylene blue from water using MIL-۱۰۰(Fe) as an adsorbent
Investigating the anticancer activity of a silver phosphoramide complex and comparing itwith cisplatin
A New Co(II) Complex of a PyridineCarbacylAmidoPhosphate(PCAPh) Ligand, N–Nicotinyl-N, Nʺ-bis (Hexamethylene imine) phosphoric triamide
New Co(II) complex of N-nicotinyl-N',N''-bis(piperidinyl) phosphoric triamide synthesizedas potential prodrug
Synthesis of a Novel Co(II) Complex of N–Nicotinyl-N, Nʺ-bis (۴-methyl piperidinyl)phosphoric triamide, as a Potential Prodrug Compound
Solid phase extraction and determination of Sulfathiazole by Spent coffee ground as greenadsorbent
ZnO-SO۳H nano photocatalyst synthesis and its application for PCB ۱۳۸ degradation
Quantitative investigation between Structure and Retention time (QSRR)of phenol andnaphthalene derivatives using quantum calculation and chemometrics methods
Application of QSPR study in design of selectophores for lanthanoid sensors
Influences of metal oxide additives in the positive active material of lead-acid batteries toimprove capacity
Hydrogen bonded organic framework for pipette tip micro-solid phase extraction: aneffective approach for determination of meloxicam in Urine and plasma samples
Simple synthesis of novel CrFe۲O۴@SiO۲-SO۳H: a green, reusable, and versatile catalyst forthe production of biodiesel fuel from oleic acid
Uremic toxins elimination from simulated intestinal serum with mesoporous silicananoparticles coupled with molecularly imprinted polymers and amino linker
Synthesis of Polymer-immobilized Covalent Organic Frameworks and Investigation ofTheir Efficiency as Oil and Metal Ions Absorbent
Preparation and Characterization of Β-Cyclodextrin Dialdehyde as a Drug Carrier
Ionic Liquid-Impregnated Metal-Organic framework (MOF-۷۴) for CO۲ Capture
Hierarchical Gold Mesoflowers in Enzyme Engineering and Biodiesel Production
Synthesis and characterization of mxene modified with tannic acid and its applications asnew sorbent for removal of organic dyes.
Preparation and Characterization of Cellulose Nanowhiskers-graft-Poly glycerol as NewDrug Delivery System
The effect of counterions on the structural characteristics and intermolecular interactionsin the heterobimetallic Pt‒Au complexes
Performance evaluation of the composite prepared from multilayer fullerene withmesoporous carbon nitride in the extraction of tacrolimus and everolimus from plasmasamples prior to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
To study the effect of the organic additive polyvinyl alcohol on the electrocatalyticproperties of dimensionally stable anodes (DSA)
Catalytic N-(hetero)arylation by an active and reusable Cu-based metal-organic framework
Synthesis of metal organic framework based on magnetic iron nanoparticles using thenatural compound of curcumin and its application in some chemical reactions
Inhibitory effect of cigarette smoke on singlet oxygen
Synthesis, biological evaluation and molecular docking of new dihydropyridine derivationsas tyrosinase inhibitors
Measuring of Aromatic Amines in Water Samples using Online Pre-Concentration andCapillary Electrophoresis
Application of head space in-tube microextraction for the determination of volatileorganic compounds in aqueous samples by capillary electrophoresis
Photocatalytic Degradation of Anticancer Drug Capecitabine using Nonmetal-doped TiO۲Nanoparticles
Fluorescence Sensor Based on Methionine-Modified Silver Nanoparticles Embedded in Fe-BTC metal-organic framework (Meth-AgNPs@Fe-BTC) for Trace Detection of FenitrothionPesticide in Aqueous Samples
Fabrication of Pd/HNT-SiB catalyst for optimizing the process condition usingcomputational method for lubricant hydrogenation
Suppression Effect of ۲-Nitrobenzaldehyde on Oxidative Spoilage of Meat UsingErythrocyte Models
Lewis acid ionic liquid supported on kaolin as a heterogeneous acidic catalyst for thepreparation of ۵-hydroxymethylfurfural
Improving tetracycline removal of polysulfone-based nanofiltration membranes byincorporation of MOF-۸۰۸ nanoparticles
Extraction of Lignin-silica from Rice Husk by Alkaline Process
QSAR study of some GSK-۳ inhibitors such as Benzamide, Pyrazolopyrimidine, and β-phenylalanine derivatives as anti-diabetic agents by support vector machine
Branched titanium dioxide nanorods array with molecularly imprinted polymer syntheticreceptors: A novel material for sensitive photoelectrochemical platform
Synthesis of organometallic framework ZIF ۸-graphene oxide as electrode material forhigh performance supercapacitors
Synthesis of silica iodide as a new heterogeneous reagent and its application toconversion of alcohols to alkyl iodides
Synthesis, biological evaluation of novel ۶-Amino-۱,۳-dimethyluracil derivatives as alphaglucosidaseinhibitors
Synthesis of Ni-Al layered double hydroxide nanoparticles and the investigation of theabsorption of acid Brown ۱۲۱ dye by them
High efficient oxygen evolution using the nanocarbon containing-layered doublehydroxides
Intercalation of Atorvastatin Ions in Mg-Fe Layered Double Hydroxides
Extraction of the anti-inflammatory drug from biological material: Experimental designand optimization of effective parameters in extraction
Evaluating the effects of various factors on the concentration and efficiency of neurostimulatingusing the response surface methodology
Investigating the performance of anti-cancer drugs through ultrasound extraction indifferent laboratory conditions
Survey of the catalytic activity of functionalized multi-wall carbon nanotubes asheterogeneous catalysts for the synthesis of ۴-aryl-۴,۴a-dihydro-۱H-indeno[۱,۲-d]pyrimidine-۲,۵(۳H,۹bH)-dion derivatives
Examining the hydrogenation of CO۲ utilizing a single metal catalyst of Mn embedded intog-C۳N۴ (heptazine).
Harnessing an amide-based covalent organic framework in solid-phase extraction forchlorophenol analysis in industrial wastewaters
Catalytic cracking of n-hexane over fluoride-modified ZSM-۵ catalysts for enhancedproduction of light olefins
The impact of magnetic field on the extraction of alcohols through headspace single dropmicroextraction coupled to GC-FID
An eco-friendly environmental nanocatalyst for the synthesis of the amino carbonitrilechromene derivatives
Synthesis, characterization and catalytic application of a novel Pd۴S/SBA-۱۵ mesoporouscatalyst in Suzuki−Miyaura reaction
Transition metals embedded ۸-۱۶-۴ graphyne: Investigation of the structural, electronicand magnetic properties
Synthesis and characterization of the complex resulting from the reaction ofdimethylpyridine-۲, ۶-dicarboxylate with mercury
Synthesis and characterization of the complex resulting from the reaction ofdimethylpyridine-۲, ۶-dicarboxylate with Zinc
Electrochemical Performance of Sn-Co Alloy as Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries
A profcient catalytic reduction of nitroarenes and organic dyes using MOF-derived palladatednano-hydroxyapatite
Properties of Asphaltene and Factors Effecting its Stability in Crude Oil
Graphene Oxide-supported Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles: Solar Light PhotocatalyticActivity for Efficient Dye Degradation
Regioselective, Biginelli-type Reaction of Aldehyde, Phenylacetone and Urea/ThioureaKinetic vs Thermodynamic Control
Synthesis of Functionalized Quinolines from Aniline, Isocyanides and Acetylenedicarboxylate via Intramolecular C-H Activation Reactions
Synthesis of Functionalized Benzothiadiazine ۱,۱-dioxide Derivatives via the Reactions ofBenzenesulfonylchloride and Trichloroacetamidine
Cu-Catalyzed Synthesis of Highly Functionalized Benzo [۱,۳] thiazin from Isocyanides,Aniline-Benzoyl(acetyl) isothiocyanate Adduct
Copper-Catalyzed Synthesis of a Novel Fused-Ring Heterocyclic Systems BearingStructurally-Diverse Benzazoles
Theoretical Investigation of electronic properties of a Group of Transition Metal-Decorated B۱۲N۱۲ Nanocages
DFT Study of Nonlinear Optical Properties of a Group of Transition Metal-Decorated B۱۲N۱۲Nanocages
Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of CrFe۲O۴ Immobilized on Graphene Oxide and Chitosanfor Solar Light-Driven Applications
Core-shell Cu-based metal-organic framework coated with doxorubicin imprintedpolymer: As a PH-responsive anticancer nanocarrier
Preparation of polylactic acid-Piroxicam coatings on metal implants as a drug deliverysystem
Synthesis of bio-nanocomposite hydrogel beads based on sodium alginate and β-cyclodextrin with modified magnetic nanoparticles: pH-responsive oral delivery systemsfor anticancer potential in colorectal cancer
Quantum chemical and photovoltaic modeling of D-π-A organic dyes based on substitutedarylamine electron donors in dye sensitized solar cells
Construction of Ir(III) Complexes containing Diphosphinoferrocene Ligands:Electrochemical and Biological study
Density functional theory study of the structural, electronic and optical properties of thestannate perovskite oxides, ASnO۳ (A = alkaline and alkaline earth elements)
Defect-rich MOF-۳۰۳(Al) as a fast, selective and dual nature adsorbent of phosphate fromwater
Enhanced photocurrent signals by branched CdS nanorods on TiO۲ nanotube arrays: Amolecularly imprinted photoelectrochemical anodic sensor for rapid and sensitiveerythrosine detection
QM study on inhibition mechanism of carbonic anhydrase model enzyme and new class ofanionic inhibitors
The Impact of Low-density Polyethylene on The Physical Parameters of Glossy CupPaperboard Made from Recycled Materials
Significant effect of biocompatible protic ionic liquids on the solubility of indomethacin
Probing Electron Transfer Kinetics in Ferrocene-Capped Self-Assembled Monolayers onGold Electrodes
The application of Fe۳O۴-L-proline in the synthesis of ۲-amino-۴H-chromenes andremoving of heavy metal from waste water at ambient temperature under ultrasonicirradiation
One-pot multicomponent synthesis of ۲,۶-diamino-۴-arylpyridine-۳,۵- dicarbonitrilesusing prepared nanomagnetic Fe۳O۴@SiO۲@(CH۲)۳NHCO-adenine sulfonic acid
Oxygen-Evolution Reaction on Nickel Oxyhydroxide's Surface at Ultra-Low Overpotential
Synthesis of uniformly layer-by-layer TiO۲ nanaowires/carbon nitride quantum dots: Asensitive photoelectrochemical sensor for glutathione monitoring in human blood serum
Novel acidic nanomagnetic catalyst; FeAl۲O۴@SiO۲@CTS@melamine@SO۳H foresterification of oleic acid
Design and construction of active site of copper (I) proteins using pyrazole and dioxodithiotungstate anion ligands
Structural comparison of thiometal compounds obtained from nitrogen-containing andsulfur-containing heterocyclic ligands
A functionalized mixed linker Zr-MOF for efficient and selective adsorption of heavy metalions
Photocatalytic removal of cationic dye via magnetically decorated MIL-۱۰۱(Fe)
Novel Copper Complexes Based on N, O-Chelate of Heterocyclic Azo and Schiff-baseLigands Derived from Benzimidazole and Benzothiazole: Construction and Investigation ofPhotophysical and Electrochemical Properties
Construction of Benzimidazole and Benzothiazole-based Heterocyclic Azo and AzomethineDyes and their Boron Mononuclear Complexes, Investigation of Photophysical andElectrochemical Properties
Gastroretentive Drug Delivery System: Exploring a Novel Hydrogel loaded withMetronidazole.
Study of the Interaction of modified of β-cyclodextrin for hydrophobic drug delivery
Dispersive Solid-Phase Extraction of Methyl, Ethyl, Propyl, and Butyl Parabens byMnO۲@tea polyphenols
Fluorescence Sensing of Carbon Quantum Dots toward Commonly Encountered HeavyMetal Ions
Prediction of CO۲ uptake by porous organic polymers using new effective method: GMDHapproach
Preparation and evaluation of Zein/chitosan@PVA nanofibers by electrospinning methodfor wound dressing
۳D nickel nanoparticles decorated with trimetallic hydroxide for asymmetric microsupercapacitor
Bent Ladder-Like Heteropolynuclear Architectures through Cyanido Bridges and Pt(II)-Tl(I)Linkages: Exploration of Structural and Emission Properties in Solid State
Adsorption-Release of Diclofenac and Ibuprofen on Nano Zn-Al-LDH as Drug Carriers
Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan-Schiff‑Bases as absorbent bio-polymers forCopper(II) Ion in Aqueous solution
Preparation and Characterization of ZnCrCe-Layered Double Hydroxide as Photocatalystfor the Photodegradation of Methylene Blue Dye
Engineering Hierarchical Metal Organic Framework-Derived NiCoZnS for MiniaturizedFiber Supercapacitor
Nanoporous Ni-Cu Foam Decorated with Sphere-Like Bimetallic Selenide for FlexibleMiniaturized Fiber Supercapacitor
An electrochemical sensor, using a nanocomposite of EDTA-functionalizedpolyorthophenylene diamine and g-C۳N۴, for the precise detection of melamine in milk
Development of electrospun composite nanofibers: an efficient adsorbent for spincolumn-micro solid phase extraction of five petroleum pollutants in water samples priorto GC-FID analysis
The effect of changing Si/Al ratio on main products and byproducts in the conversionreaction of methanol to olefins (MTO)
Impact of Non-Hydrocarbon Impurities on Dense Phase Natural Gas Pipelines
Novel acidic ionic catalyst besed on ۴-dimethylaminopyridine for the synthesis of [۱,۲,۴]triazolo-quinazoline derivatives
Theoretical Study of H۲ Storage Capacity on Na-Graphdiyne Structure
Computational Investigating on CO۲ Capturing Capacity of N-doped Graphdiyne
Pseudo-polymorphic Mercury Coordination Polymers: Synthesis, Crystal Structure andHirshfeld Surface Analysis
Kinetic study of photocatalytic degradation of dye by using composite of graphenequantum dot and manganese dioxide
Synthesis of nanocomposite hydrogel based on kappa carrageenan and study of itscatalytic application for the generation of hydrogen gas using sodium borohydride
Synthesis of Efficient Porous Nanocomposite Based on Metal-Organic Framework UiO-۶۶-NH۲ On Metal-Organic Framework UiO-۶۶-(COOH)۲ Coated with ۵-Aminotetrazole/Pd-NPsfor Preparation of propargyl amines
Interfacial Synthesis of Hollow Silica Nanoparticles on Surface-Modified PolystyreneNanoparticles as a Template
Template synthesis of a rare ۱۴-membered macrocyclic complex using cadmium(II) ion asa collector
Microencapsulation and characterization of hydrated salt using silica precursors
Quantum Mechanics Computations on Berotralstat Drug
Ni-prism Catalyst as a High Throughput Electrocatalyst Towards Ethanol OxidationReaction in Alkaline Media
Synthesis of new derivatives of ethyl ۲-hydroxycinnamate based on ۲-hydroxy-۵-(۲,۴,۵-triphenyl-۱H-imidazol-۱-yl)benzaldehyde
One-pot tandem reaction of N-methyl barbituric acid with aldehydes in the presence ofcyanogen bromide and N-methyl morpholine
Synthesis and characterization of Mn complex: investigation of BSA interaction
Chemical compositions of Stachys lavandulifolia Vahl. obtained by Microwave-assistedhydrodistillation (MWHD) and hydrodistillation (HD) techniques
Chemical characterization of volatile components of four Thymus species using hydrodistillation(HD) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry(GC/MS)
Synthesis and application of spinel ferrite nanostructures based on ZIF-۶۷ for removal offurazolidone from water
Electrocatalytic Reaction of Oxygen Evolution of rGO Decorated by CuOx and CeO۲Nanoparticles
Effect of copper doping on the performance of electrochemical hydrogen storage ofLaCoO۳ nano-perovskites
CoFe۲O۴@Tricine.Ni as a organocatalyst for the reduction of nitro compounds to amines
Ast and Mild Asymmetric Catalysis utilizing Hierarchically Chiral Metal-OrganicFrameworks
Evaluation of the environmental effects of PDMS/UiO-۶۶-SBSE-HPLC-UV method with thegreen metric tools
Ultrasensitive Enzyme-free glucose sensor based on CuCoP nanosheets deposited onCu(OH)۲ arrays
Effect of Novel Surface Active Ionic Liquid on Thermodynamic Properties of AqueousSolutions of Gabapentin Drug
Investigation of effective secondary metabolites derived from the methanolic extract offlowers of Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. from Rafsanjan, Kerman - Iran
Evaluation of phytobioactive compounds of the methanolic extract of the flowers ofPetunia hybrida from Rafsanjan, Kerman - Iran
Identification of bioactive compounds in hydroethanolic Extracts of (Mentha pulegium L.and Rosmarinus officinalis L.) harvested from Rafsanjan, Kerman - Iran
DFT study of structural, vibrational and electronic properties of Triheptanoin drug
Quantum-mechanics DFT Computations of the Elacestrant Drug
Quantum Mechanical Calculations of Doxepin
Electronic properties of pure and hydrogenated BSb nanosheets:A density functionaltheory study
Synthesis, Characterization & single-crystal X-ray Diffraction Studies of a New Co(II)carboxamide Complex
Synthesis, Characterization & single-crystal X-ray Diffraction Studies of a New Mn(II)Carboxamide Complex
Quantum mechanical calculations on Tolterodine drug
Performance of Functionalized Carbon Nanotube in Drug Delivery to Breast Cancer Cells
Surface-functionalized Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) for the Delivery of TwoMedicinal Compounds with Responsiveness to External Stimuli
The effect of magnetic nanoparticles on the removal of dye pollutants
Schiff base Complex of Cu(II) Immobilized on CoFe۲O۴@SiO۲ Nanoparticles: RecoverableCatalyst for the Synthesis of Bis(۶‑amino‑۱,۳‑dimethyluracil‑۵‑yl)methanes
Synthesis, identification and characterization of micro composite of NiTiO۳ micro rods andsilver plasmonic nanoparticles to increase the efficiency of photocatalytic decompositionof methylene blue for effective wastewater treatment
Visible light-driven photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants by nanocompositebased on layered double hydroxides
Effects of Diameter distribution of electrospun nanofibers for diverse applications
Investigating the electrochemical behavior of two flavonoids extracted from the leaves ofMyrtus Communis L. on the surface of two glassy carbon electrodes (GCE) and multiwalledcarbon nanotubes (MWCNT) modified electrode
Application of zeolite-based modified electrode for determination of nicotinamideadenine dinucleotide (NADH)
Zinc ion supercapacitors based on V۲O۵ nanostructures
Synthesis of Dihydropyrano[۲,۳-g]chromenes Catalyzed by Metformin Under AmbientConditions
Antioxidant activity of Aluminum(III) complex with hydrazonic Schiff base ligand
Introduction of an ionic liquid based on melamine as a catalyst for the promotion of theKnoevenagel reaction
Ultrasound assisted emulsification microextraction using cholin chloride based deepeutectic solvent for preconcentration and determination of vanillin by differential pulsevoltammetry
Removal of triiodide by chitosan-modified Fe۳O۴ nanoparticles from aqueous solution
Determination of α-chaconine and α-solanine in Commercial Iranian Potato cultivars by SolidPhase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography tandem Mass Spectrometry
Efficient photocatalytic oxidation reaction on Ni/ZnO nanoparticles under visible lightirradiation
Efficient photocatalytic coupling reaction on Ru/ZnO nanoparticles under visible lightirradiation
Ultrasonic assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction based on hydrophobic deepeutectic solvent for extraction and spectrophotometric determination of brilliant blue
Phyto-Synthesis, characterization, and antibacterial, antioxidant activity of silvernanoparticles using the aqueous of extract of leaves of Geranium robertianum L.
Preparation of magnetic tar-based activated carbon impregnated by copper oxide as aheterogenous Fenton-like catalyst for the removal of phenol from water
Solid phase extraction of acetaminophen by magnetic expanded graphite sorbentfunctionalized with glycine and its quantitative determination by gold-silver nanoparticlefunctionalized with polyethyleneimine as a colorimetric sensor
Impact of Fundamental Parameters on Effluent Wastewater Quality
Chemical functionalization of chitosan nanoparticles to enhance antibacterial activityagainst Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli pathogens
Investigating operational parameters for fuel desulfurization by electrochemical method
Synthesis and Characterization of a New Chemical Sensor for the Detection of Zinc Ionswith A Significant Red Shift in Emission
Amphiphilic polyurethane nanomicelles responsive to enzyme in drug delivery system
Determination of cefixime in biological samples by dispersive liquid–liquidmicroextraction based on magnetic deep eutectic solvent(Font: Calibri ۱۲ Bold
Liquid phase microextraction of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in plasma samples byeffervescent tablet-assisted deep eutectic solvent based on magnetic nanofluid
Using of MOF-۸۰۸ for Methyl Orange Adsorption
Modification of bacterial cellulose with starch gel cross-linked with borax
A CPE/ MOF/MIP electrochemical sensor for Diclofenac detection by differential pulsevoltammetry
The Application of NanoCatalyst Fe۳O۴-Guanidine/Go-Guanidine in Knoevenagel Reaction
EPR parameters of Boron-Vacancy and Nitrogen-Vacancy in Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Design and manufacture of zinc nano catalyst for decontamination of environmentalpollutants
Comparative study of bio-hydrogels with natural additive for enhancing water retentioncapacity in soil
Bio-hydrogels With Plantanus Additive As Water Retainer Agent In Soil
Surface Energy Analysis of Nylon ۶ and Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Coated Copper Layers:Implications for Corrosion Prevention Strategies
Green synthesis of melamine-based covalent-organic framework@ZIF-۸ as efficientsorbent for Cr(VI) removal from water
Nano-encapsulated limonene: Utilization of drug-in-gama cyclodextrin to improve thestability and enhance the antioxidant activity
Boosted performances of dye-sensitized solar cells fabricated with plasmonicAg/La۰.۶Sr۰.۴CoO۳/TiO۲ nanostructured photoanodes
Uncertainty Estimation for Purity Determination of Adalimumab Using Size Exclusion High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (SE-HPLC)
Design and Synthesis of -hydroxyalkyl benzymidazolyl thioethers as PotentialTherapeutic Agents
A novel Bacterial Strain as Removal Agent of Reactive Red ۱۲۰ Dye
Revealing the Influence of Cyclometalated Ligand in platinum complexes on the RateLimiting Step for C−H Bond formation: A DFT Analysis
Designing new candidates of CBP/EP۳۰۰ bromodomain inhibitors for prostate cancertreatment through docking and quantitative structure-activity relationship methods
Benzil as new sorbent in Solvent-assisted dispersive solid phase extraction for tracedetection of triazole fungicides in water, fruit, vegetable, and agricultural soil samples
Novel nanocomposite based on Fe۳O۴ nanoparticles modified with creatine as a newnanosorbent for dispersive magnetic solid-phase micro extraction of copper from water,food and soil samples
Determination of acetanilide herbicides in cereal and agricultural soil samples withdispersive solid phase microextraction based on MIL-۸۸(Fe) coordinated to carboxymethylcellulose fibers as a new nanosorbent
A molecular dynamics (MD) study on the ether functionalized COF۴۲ as temperaturesensitivedrug delivery system for taxol anti-cancer drug
The application of Schiff's base covalent organic framework with ester functional group inthe release of the anticancer drug taxol in different temperature conditions usingmolecular dynamics method.
Thin-film microextraction based on COF /PPY adsorbent for the determination of BTEXs inwater samples
Libraries of Symmetrical ۱,۴-Disubstituted ۱,۲,۳-Triazoles derivatives containing perfluoropyridine moiety
Investigation of the Performance of Bio-hydrogels with Magnetic Nanoparticles (Fe۳O۴)in Targeted Drug Delivery
Synthesis, characterization and DFT study of a nickel(II) complex of a pyrrole-based ligandcontaining N۴S۲ donor
Synthesis and coordination study of a cobalt (II) complex of a multidentate ligand havinghydroxyl group by experimental and theoretical Methods
A Quantum Mechanics Study on the Palovarotene
Green synthesis and evaluation the antioxidant activity of some ۴H-chromene compounds
Theoretical descriptions the conductivity and electronic properties of zigzag polymerproduced from poly(۱-alkyl ۲,۵-pyrrylene vinylene) monomer using molecular orbitaldiagrams
Facile synthesis of sulfonamide-functionalized melamine-based covalent organicframework incorporating bimetal oxide MnFe۲O۴ as an efficient catalyst for thepreparation of chromenes
Pernate extraction from molybdenum oxide samples and synthesis of rhenium oxidenanoparticles and investigation of its application to remove methylene blue
The influence of Bi۲Ce۲O۷ metal oxides for the photocatalytic degradation of tetracyclinein water
Construction of Electrochemical Sensor Based on ZnO-PANI Nanocomposite ModifiedCarbon Paste Electrode for the Determination of Methotrexate
Spectroscopic study of [(C۲H۵)(C۶H۵)(S)-(–)CHNH۳][(C۶H۵)(NC۵H۴NH)P(O)(O)]
Quantitative analysis of Citrullus colocynthis fruit and seed extracts by GC-MS coupledwith Multivariate curve resolution method
Synthesis and study of E/Z isomerization in ۳-(۲-(۲,۴-dimethylphenyl) hydrazono)-۶-fluoroquinolin-(۱H, ۳H)-۲, ۴-dione
Development of Curcumin-Loaded PCL-PEG Nanofibers as a Sustainable Drug DeliverySystem for Cancer Treatment
Development of an efficient and simple method for the synthesis of dimethyl fumarateAPI at room temperature via one-pot, one-step reaction
Synthesis of Hydrogels by Deep Eutectic Solvents to Increase Absorption Power
Zeolitic imidazolate framework-۸ (ZIF-۸) as an adsorbent for vortex assisted dispersivesolid phase microextraction of Co(II) ions from environmental samples prior to flameatomic absorption spectrometry
Preparation of IL@ZIF-۸ composite as a new adsorbent for preconcentration of Cd(II) ionsfrom environmental samples with vortex assisted dispersive solid phase microextraction
Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction (HF-SPME) with ZIF-۸@GO reinforced sol-gel forpreconcentration of paraquat prior to determination by UV -Vis spectrophotometry
From Waste to Wealth: Synthesis of Silica Nanoparticles from Almond Peel AgriculturalWaste
In Situ Generation of ۱,۱-(Dithiolate) Anions as Key Intermediates in the Synthesis of Sulfur-Containing Hybrid Compounds
A microfluidic paper-based Analytical device for simultaneous measurement of totalphenol and flavonoid contents and antioxidant power of plant extracts
Design of ۰D Particle-۱D Nanobelt Plasmonic Ag۲CrO۴/AgVO۳ Nanophotocatalyst forDeletion of Toxic Organic Dyes from Polluted Water
Removal of Zn۲+ from Aqueous Solution Using Peat Mass from Oshnavieh
Theoretical study of conductivity and electronic properties of poly(-۴Hcyclopentadithiophene)using HOMO and LUMO orbitals
Electrochemical Characterization of Nanocomposite Metal-Organic Framework
Synthesis and spectroscopic study of (X)(C۶H۵CH۲NH)۲P(O) (X = C۶H۵ and CCl۳C(O)NH)
Synthesis and Evaluation of Lap Shear Strength of Polyurethane Hot Melt Adhesive
Effect of Silica Nanoparticles on Tensile Strength and Hardness in Polyurethane Hot MeltAdhesive
Copper nitrate as a powerful and eco-friendly natural catalyst for mediator-free aerobicoxidation of ۱,۴-dihydropyridines under mild conditions
Copper nitrate as a catalyst for mediator-free aerobic oxidation of ۲,۳-dihydroquinazolinones mild conditions
Phosphoramidate synthesis via Atherton-Todd reaction in the presence of Dimethylsulfoxide as a mild oxidant
Synthesis of gold nanodendrites on hollow carbon spheres as an electrochemical sensorfor the determination of morphine in biological samples
Synthesis, characterization and application of nanonet composite of Co۳O۴/g-C۳N۴ tophotocatalytic degradation of sertraline at visible irradiation
Solvent-based microextraction (SBME) of mercury(II) in water samples using anecofriendly agent: Synthesis and application of a task-specific imidazolium-based ionicliquid as green extractant
Simultaneous Determination of ۱۳ Preservatives in Cosmetics by High-Performance LiquidChromatography
Simultaneous Determination of ۱۲ artificial colors in food samples by High-PerformanceLiquid Chromatography
Sorbitol-Nitrate Microwave-Combustion Synthesis of CuO(۱۵%)-CuFe۲O۴(۸۵%)Nanophotocatalyst with Substantial Removal of Pharmaceutical
Synthesis of polyethylene glycol hydrogel and investigation of its application
Removal of sarafloxacin from aqueous solution through Ni/Al-layered doublehydroxide@ZIF-۸
Application of CdS–ZnS quantum dots as sensitive fluorescence probe for detection ofcopper ion
Exploring the Quantum Mechanics of Iptacopan Drug: A Comprehensive Analysis ofStructural, Vibrational, and Electronic Characteristics
Preparation and application of a Deep Eutectic Solvent based on Choline chloride as acapable and new catalyst for the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds
Polymeric Prodrugs of Mefenamic Acid Based on Glycidyl Methacrylate: Synthesis,Characterization and In-vitro Evaluation
Non-invasive salivary detection of progesterone by the ultrasensitive and selectiveelectrochemical aptasensor consisting of the nitrogen-doped hollow carbon nanospheres
Green nanocomposite consisting of nitrogen and sulfur co-doped carbon dots derivedfrom eggshell and silver nanocube as a low-cost platform for ultraselective aptasensing ofmetronidazole
CuMn۲O۴/CuMnO nanocomposites: Co-precipitation synthesis and investigation of theirapplications for removing EBT
Mn/Cu/O/chitosan nanocomposites: hydrothermal synthesis and its application forremoval of MB
Photoassisted Degradation of salicylic acid on the Dye Modified TiO۲ Particles
Microwave-Combustion-Sonoprecipitation Hybrid Synthesis of MgO/CaMn۲O۴-Ca۲Mn۳O۸Nanocatalyst for Biodiesel Production via Transesterification Process: Influence ofCarbonaceous Hard Templating
Polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of different Stachys byzantine extracts
Isostructurality in Pseudo-Polymorphic Cadmium Coordination Polymers
Microencapsulation of lime (Citrus aurantifolia) essential oil by spray drying Technique
Electrochemical detection of glucose in human blood serum using modified glassy carbonelectrode
Paclitaxel-Loaded Nanofibers: A Promising Approach for Improved Cancer Treatment
Quantum Mechanical Simulation of Bevacizumab Drug Interaction with C۶۰ Fullerene
Quantum Calculations Investigation of the Ibandronate Drug
Quantum-mechanical DFT Investigation of the Budesonide Drug
Quantum-mechanical DFT Calculation of the Memantine Drug
Biological and thermodynamic Studies of Schiff base Vanadium Complexes
A Quantum Mechanical Investigation on Vortioxetine Drug
Preparation of Copper(Ⅱ) Complex Stabilized on Magnetic Iron Nanoparticles as a Newand Recyclable Catalyst in One-Pot Preparation of Aminonaphthoquinone Compounds
Analysis of phenolic acids in juice and waste of Berberis integerrima
Conversional carbon dioxide to cyclic carbonates via mn۲o۳ hollow sphere
Theoretical study of Photophysical properties of hole-transporting material quinoxalinebasedin perovskite solar cells
Theoretical study of charge transfer properties of hole-transporting material quinoxalinebasedin perovskite solar cells
The choline chloride-based DES is a capable and new catalyst for the synthesis ofbenzo[۴,۵]thiazolo[۳,۲-a]chromeno[۴,۳-d]pyrimidin-۶-one
Improving the photovoltaic performance of CdS/CdSe quantum dot-sensitized solar cellsusing an Al-ZnS ternary passivation layer
The substituent and solvent effect on the salicylaldehyde-based azine ESIPT fluorophores
Palladium‐supported periodic mesoporous organosilica based on imidazolium ionic liquidframework (Pd@PMO‐IL) as an Efficient Catalyst for Heterogeneous Oxidative HeckReaction
Optimization of electrospun polycaprolactone /polyethyleneimine nanofibers usingresponse surface methodology
Application of box–behnken design for optimizing methyl orange removal from aqueoussolutions using electrospun polyethyleneimine/ polycaprolactone membranes
A new strategy for the synthesis of macrocycle linkers in metal organic frame workscompounds
Enhancing crude oil recovery using Gemini imidazolium ionic liquid based-deep eutecticsolvent
Synthesis and characterization of a novel Gemini imidazolium ionic liquid-based deepeutectic solvents
Fabrication of Bi-based plasmonic photocatalysts as efficient visible-light-activephotocatalysts for pharmaceutical and organic contaminants degradation
Electrochemical and supercapacitive study of self-assembled thin film of ۲, ۲’-bis (ethylferroceneyl)propane on graphite electrode
Synthesis, Characterization and Investigation of Fluorescence Properties Copper (I)Complexes with Nitrogen- Sulfur Donor Pyrazole Besed Ligands
Investigation of the Antitoxic Effect of a Novel Mn (II) Nano Particle on A۵۴۹ Cell Line
DNA-Binding and molecular docking of a copper complex with Schiff base ligand
Phytochemical analysis of the Ethyl Acetate Extract of the Leaves of Hyoscyamussenecionis
A Bis(NHC)-Pd(II) Complex Supported on Magnetic Mesoporous Silica for Hydroxylation ofAryl Halides With Boric Acid
DFT study on the mechanism of the cycloaddition reaction of azaheptafulvene withfulvene
Synthesis of hydrogel composites based on bacterial cellulose membrane modified byPSMA and gelatin for anti-microbial wound healing applications
Preparation and study of physicochemical properties of Anti bacterial biocomposite filmsbased on Alginate-Carboxymethyl kappa carrageenan
Electrodeposition of transparent tungsten oxide film as a potential electron-transportlayer in optoelectronic devices
One-pot and sequential synthesis of bis-imidazopyridine disulfide derivatives
Computational Analysis of Pentostatin Drug Using Quantum Mechanics
Exploration of Pentostatin and C۶۰ Fullerene Interaction for Improved Drug Delivery: AQuantum Mechanics Analysis
Novel, Reusable and Green Magnetically Nano Catalysts of Heteropolyacid; Preparation,Characterization and Application in Pyranopyrazoles Synthesizes
Investigation of the Crystallinity and Morphology of Copolymer-Templated TitaniumDioxide Layer
Natural Halloysite Nanotubes as an Efficient Catalyst in Strecker Reaction: The Synthesisof α-Amino Nitriles Under Solvent-Free Conditions
Investigation of Quantum Computing and Structural Characteristics of Deferiprone Drug
A theoretical study on the interaction of cyclophosphamide drug with adenine, guanine,cytosine, thymine, and uracil
pH Sensing Using Phenylene-diamine Derived Carbon Dots
Carbon Dots as Iron Ion Probes
Study of the enhanced visible-light-sensitive photocatalytic activity of the N,S-co dopedcarbon dots/CuBi۲O۴ micro particle composite for organic dye removal
A novel strategy for stabilization of Pd colloids on multi walled carbon nanotube as arobust catalyst for Stille coupling transformation
Selective Dehydration of Carbohydrate into ۵-Hydroxymethylfurfural and Levulinic acidusing Acidic Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas (PMOs)
Design and Synthesis of ۲-Benzomidazolylmeyhyl Chalcone Hybrid Conjugates as potentialTherapeutic Agents
ZnO-CdS heterostructure as a potential photocatalyst for preparing substituted chromenesand its anti-liver cancer activity
Novel green synthesis of Ni-NiO nanoparticles by licorice root extract towardsphotocatalytic synthesis of some substituted bis(indolyl)arylmethanes as anti-gastriccancer agents
Photoinduced synthesis of ۲-substituted benzimidazoles as effective anti-cancer drugsmediated by new heterojunction Fe۳O۴/ZnO nanoparticles
Studying the possibility of using covalent organic framework based onbenzidine/triformylbenzene for temperature-sensitive release of doxorubicin by moleculardynamics simulation method
Effect of synthesis time on properties of Ce-UiO-۶۶ MOF
A Computational Investigation on Chain Structure and Thermoelectric Properties ofLi(CaPd)۲ Based on DFT calculations
Electrochemical behavior of cobalt ferrite spinel in capacitive deionization
Fabrication of MgAl۲O۴/MnFe۲O۴/Zeolite ۴A magnetic nanocomposite for methylene blueremoval from aqueous solutions
Electrochemical Oxidation and Detection of Verbascoside and apigenin in etanolic leafextract of Aloysia Citriodora (Lemon verbena )
Green Synthesis of CuO -Ni Foam Heterojunction nanoparticles via Dip-Coating forEfficient Visible Light Photocatalytic Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol to Benzaldehyde
Optimization of Ganoderma lucidum mushrum growth in soild state bioreactor
Synthesis, characterization and studies on host-guest interactions of inclusion complexesof metformin hydrochloride with sulfobutylether-β-cyclodextrin
Electrochemical sensing of hydrazine and hydrogen peroxide based on copper oxidespheres decorated with flake-like CoFeS
Dyeing of wool fibers by aqueous extraction of Rhubarb stem using various mordants
Streamlined Aerobic Synthesis of α-Aminophosphonates from Alcohols UsingTetrabutylammonium Tribromide (TBATB)
More natural more effective: introducing a new β-cyclodextrin and spermine polyaminebased polymer
Integrating the Mn۲O۳ nanocubes and triangular Ag nanoplates as the green aptasensingplatform for impedimetric detection of Penicillin G
MOF/MSN Composite as an Effective Adsorbent for Solid-Phase Microextraction Samplingof PAHs from Soil Samples
Improving Cell Adhesion and Differentiation in cell delivery: The Innovation of Gelatin-Coated Whitlockite Microcarriers
Unveiling the Secrets of Quantum Mechanics in the Thermal Formation of Pyrrole andFuran
The Use of Fullerenes in Cancer Therapy: A Promising Advancement
Synthesis, Characterization and Solvatochromism Studies of a New Mixed-ChelateCopper(ΙΙ) Complex
Green in-situ preparation of pectin/zeolitic imidazolate metal-organic frameworknanocomposite hydrogel beads as an antibacterial agent
Mononuclear copper(II) complexes containing chelating ligand of N-(pyridin-۲-ylmethyl)butan-۲-amine as chromotropic probe
Metal-organic framework Cu-BDC/SS electrocatalyst for efficient oxygen evolutionreaction
Elimination of Cyanide by native bacterial strain
Synthesis of allyl acrylate and ۱,۲-ethanedithiol copolymers via Thiol-Ene click reactionand investigating the effect of initiator on polymerization
Investigating the condition of the clarified water of Ramin power plant and providingcorrective solutions to improve the quality
A Large Scale HTL-Free Carbon-Based Perovskite Solar Cell
FeCoNi oxide derived from MIL-۸۸ as an efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen evolutionreaction
Highly efficient electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction on a trimetallic zeoliticimidazolateframework/nickel foam electrode
Physico-Chemical and organoleptic Properties of Biscuits enriched with pomegranate seedpowder
Effect of sourdough addition on qualitative and sensory characteristics of brown ricebasedgluten-free bread
Enhancing Nanofiber Stability for Drug Delivery: Novel Crosslinking Strategy betweenThiocarbonyl and Amine Groups in Polymer Chemistry
۳D bioprinting of waterborne polyurethane scaffolds for the regeneration of bone defects
The effect of Si/Al ratio in the synthesis of B/H- ZSM-۵ catalyst in methanol to Propylene
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Olive Leaf aqueous extract and itsencapsulation with β-CD
Bio-base pigment based on waste pomegranate peels for Natural Ink
Activation of the carbon-hydrogen bond of phenols
Synthesis and antibacterial activity evaluation of some new Triazole methyl salicylatesulfonamide derivatives
Electrochemical Study of ۳,۵-Dinitrosalicylic Acid and Its Use in Paired Electrosynthesis
Synthesis and antibacterial activity evaluation of some new sulfonamide derivatives
Isotherm, Kinetic, and Thermodynamic Study of Nickel Adsorption from Synthetic SampleUsing Aminated Magnetic Mesoporous Silica
Photocatalytic degradation of acetaldehyde from polluted air by Ag/LaCoO۳nanoperoviskite
Synthesis of La۲MnTiO۶ double perovskite loaded with graphene and study ofphotocatalytic activity for removal of toluene in the gas phase
Synthesis and characterization of ۳,۵-dinitrobenzoate salts of transition metals (Pb, Mn,Fe, Zn, Cr, Co, La and Ce)
Synthesis of new polysubstituted chromenone-based imidazoles via Knoevenagel reaction
A convenient ultrasound-promoted synthesis of polysubstituted imidazole-linkedbenzoxazole derivatives
Designing some new effective inhibitors for SARS-CoV-۱۹ main protease enzyme usingmolecular docking studies
Design and Synthesis of Graphene Oxide Aerogel (GOA)/Vanadium Oxide (VOX)Nanocomposite for Supercapacitor Applications
Deep eutectic solvents and their application in food analysis
Synthesis and identification of heterogeneous molybdenum catalyst supported ongraphene oxide and investigation of its catalytic performance in the oxidation reaction ofalcohols
Synthesis of Co-Mg-Al/layered triple hydroxide@ZIF-۸ nanocomposite as an efficientadsorbent for the removal of diazinon pesticide from aqueous media
Intermolecular Interactions between Sacubitril and Valsartan in Entresto: A QTAIM Study
Two-step, Three-component Process, for One-pot Synthesis of ۲-methyl alkyl thioetherbenzimidazole Derivatives as Potential Therapeutic Agents
Comparison of Curcumin Microencapsulation Using Maltodextrin, Whey protein, andArabic gum
Comparison of the enzymatic extraction efficiency of chicken abdominal waste fat using ۳different proteases
Evaluating the effectiveness of Eucalyptus-based nanoherbicide on preventing the growthand germination of Amaranthus retroflexus seeds
Facile electrodeposition synthesis and electrochemical investigation of MnO۲ nanostructure on conductive carbon fiber substrate used as supercapacitor electrode material
Design and synthesis of covalent organic framework by sulfonic acid tags as a catalyst forthe preparation of imidazoles
Evaluation of the Anti-Oxidant Activity and Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents ofHippophae rhamnoides
Synthesis of ethyl ۵-aryl-۱H-tetrazole-۱-carboxylate and ethyl ۵-aryl-۲H-tetrazole-۲-carboxylate through the reaction of tetrazole derivatives with ethyl chloroformate in thepresence of N,N-diisopropylethylamine
Comparison of the effect of treated kaolin and metakaolin as the matrices in the SAPO-۳۴spray-dried catalyst for converting methanol to light olefins
Thin-Film Composite Membrane Containing Nanoparticles and Covalent-OrganicFramework for Diminishing Dye
Design and synthesis of a quinoline-۴-carboxilic acid-linked covalent organic framework asa catalyst in the synthesis of new pyridine-sulfonamide hybrids
NLO properties of newly designed molecular switches using C۲۰&C۴۰ nanowires
Photoelectrochemical investigation of synthesized Echinops shape nanocomposite ofcupreous oxide/carbon nitride/ZnO towards water splitting
Investigation of the effects of the cobalt-doped tin diselenide nanostructures for highperformanceelectrochemical supercapacitors
Nanostructured Ni oxide electrocatalyst modified with Fe to enhance oxygen evolutionreaction
Evaluation of the efficiency of chemical precipitation method in removing organic loadfrom urea formaldehyde glue wastewater
Perovskite based-oxides: LaCrO۳, LaMnO۳ and LaFeO۳; synthesis and electrochemical study
Enhanced Data Point Importance for Subset Selection in Partial Least Square Regression: AComparative Study with Kennard-Stone Method
Interaction of Trofinetide with C۶۰ Fullerene; A Quantum Calculation Study
Quantum Mechanics Computations on fostemsavir Drug
Experimental and computational studies on some thiazole derivatives as corrosioninhibitors for mild steel in HCl medium
Cyclometalated piano-stool Iridium(III) complexes: structural Characterization andtheoretical calculations
Fabrication of novel efficacious nanocomposites on the basis of modified graphic carbonnitride for wastewater detoxification upon visible light
Professional approaches to synthesizing WZnO and TiO۲ materials for Photocatalyticactivity and Catalytic
Synthesis of sulfuric acid nanocatalysts stabilized on the Nanostructures of carbon and itscatalytic property in the esterification process.
Investigation of electronic and structural properties of B۶C۶ boron- graphyne
Overcoming Limitations in CO۲ Conversion by Ethaline -Based Electrolyte
Theoretical Study of the Structure of Pyridine-۲-methylene Isonicotinohydrazide Based onDFT Function
Ultrasound-Based Nano-Encapsulation of Geranium Essential Oil in Alginate Biopolymer: AControlled Release system
Trapping Formic Acid from Ether As a Degradation Intermediate and Its UniqueApplications
Synthesis of ۶',۸'-diisocyano-۷'-phenyl-۳'H-spiro [indene-۲,۲'- [۱,۲,۴] triazolo[۱,۵-a]pyridine]-۱,۳,۵'(۱'H)-trione derivatives under microwave irradiation
Formamidine sulfonic acid Functionalized Fe۳O۴@SiO۲: Organocatalyzed Paal-Knorr pyrrolesynthesis
Comparative Analysis of Thin Layer Fabrication Methods in UiO-۶۶ and Synthesis ofAg۲O@UiO-۶۶ Thin Composite Layer for Photocatalytic Reactions
Removal of benzene and toluene in gas phase by activated carbon fabrics
Cauliflower-Like nanostructured mixed Mo-Zr-Fe oxide: Synthesis, characterization, andapplication as heterogeneous catalyst for selective oxidation of benzyl alcohols
Investigation of the impact of operational parameters on the performance of a tubularreactor in removing organic dye pollutant from water using photocatalyst and persulfate
The effect of silica and aluminum hydroxide fillers on the insulating properties ofEpiran_۰۶SPL epoxy resin
Preparation and investigation of mechanical properties of composite based on epoxy resinand cellulose fibers functionalized by amine groups
Application of N, S-doped ordered mesoporous carbons as solid acid-base bifunctionalcatalyst in one-pot cascade Biginelli reaction
Application of carbon quantum dots for fluorescence imaging and drug delivery: a DFT study
Synthsis of ۲-Arylamido۴-metylthiazol-۵ylacetate andcomparison of its experimental andtheoretical NMR spectra
Analysis of trifluralin pesticide in food samples by MOF/COF hybrid solid-phasemicroextraction followed by ion mobility spectrometer
Study of essential oil composition of fresh and dry peel of orange fruits peel(Citrus sinensis)
Effect of Ultrasound on Chemical Composition of Thymus vulgaris L. Essential Oil
Combination of Thin Film Microextraction and Dispersive Liquid-Liquid MicroextractionMethod Followed by Ion Mobility Spectrometry for Analyzing of Chlorpyrifos Pesticidefrom Food and Water Samples
Developing Visual and Instant Copper Metal Sensors in Aqueous Environments UsingPolymeric Nanocomposite for Detection of Trace Amounts
Removal of heavy metal zinc from wastewater by microbial fuel cell
۳, ۴-dihydropyrimidin-۲(۱H)-ones: Synthesis, anticancer activity evaluation, and Molecularmodeling studies
Investigating the treatability of latex glove wastewater using chemical coagulation
Phase Diagrams of the ATPSs composed of PVP۱۰۰۰۰ + Li۲SO۴ + Water, and the andPartitioning of Ciprofloxacin Drug: The Effect of Temperature and pH
Liquid-Liquid Equilibria of PEG۶۰۰۰ + Na۲WO۴ + water ATPS at Different Temperatures
PES and Transport Properties for He…ZnH۲ van der Waals Complex Using Quantum andClassical Kinetic Theory Methods
Evaluation of PVA composite nanofibers for drug delivery
Synthesis of COF-POSS-PCL nanocomposite scaffold and investigation of its characteristics
A high-performance hybrid supercapacitor based on CuNiTe nanoarrays
A Hyper Cross-Linked Imidazolium-Based Magnetic Ionic Nanomaterial: As an EfficientSupport for Acid-Catalyzed Esterification
New Approaches to Direct Electroanalysis Ascorbic Acid in Bio-samples Using a CombinedUltra-microelectrode
ZnFe۲O۴@SiO۲@n-pr@PYD-Ni: A novel, green, recyclable, and highly versatile catalyst forthe synthesis of polyhydroquinoline derivatives
Hydrogenation of CO۲ catalyzed by ZIF-۶۷ framework assisted by DBD-plasma
Engineering Core-Shell Heterostructure Arrays for Enhanced Bi-Functional Electrocatalysisin Alkaline Water/Seawater Electrolysis
Simple synthesis of novel Pd-EDTA-MOF: a green, reusable, and versatile catalyst for theproduction of biodiesel fuel from oleic acid and palmitic acid
The Preparation of Nanocomposites Based on CMC/Graphene Quantum Dot in DrugDelivery
Amperometric determination of glucose in human serum using cobalt manganese sulfidenanostructure
Preparation and performance evaluation of Chitosan-Thiourea cathode on the titaniummesh substrate in the Electro-Fenton process for removal of ofloxacin from water
Synthesis of ۲-aryl -۳H-indol-۳-ones via oxygenation of ۲-aryl indoles with molecularoxygen
Pocl۳ is an efficient catalyst for the synthesis of quinazoline-۴(۳H)-ones by ۲-aminobenzoicacid, organic acid, and ammonium phosphate
Perlite-Supported SbCl۵: A Promising Approach for Sustainable CO۲ Fixation Under SolventFree and Atmospheric Pressure Conditions
Optimized Perlite Filter Aid: A Key to Minimizing Oil Retention and Enhancing Efficiency inEdible Oil Industry Filtration
Effects of the Nanowire Length and Metal-Doping on Nonlinear Optical Responses ofDrum-Shaped Boron Cluster Assemblies
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Isophthalate Tetracarboxylic Acids on Graphite Surface
Water production enhancement from the air moisture using thermoelectric cooler
The morphological effect in power conversion efficiency of quantum dot solar cells:carbon-based materials
Preparation of nanocatalyst base on Fe۳O۴ NPs modifed with ionic liquid and its applications in some oforganic reactions
Design, preparation and identification of SnCl۴ catalyst stabilized on nano-kaolin for thesynthesis of spirooxindoles under different conditions
Synergistic Action of Hierarchical Porosity and Multifunctionality for Efficient Catalysis ofAsymmetric Reactions
Water Decontamination over Functionalized Defective Zr-MOFs: Investigation theCompetitive Roles of -NH۲ and -SH Sites in Removal of As(III) Species
Water Decontamination over Functionalized Defective Zr-MOFs: Investigation theCompetitive Roles of -NH۲ and -SH Sites in Removal of of Hg(II) Ions
Experimental investigation of different concentrations influences of Polyuronate onthe reaction rate between carbonate rock and hydrochloric acid in matrix acidizing
Heterobimetallic complexes: structural characterization, and cytotoxic investigations
A novel environmental optimization methodology proposed for propylene/propaneseparation: aiming the cleanest feasible distillation system
Revolutionizing Electrocatalytic Water Splitting: Unveiling the Extraordinary Potential ofNovel NiBi-LDH for Overall Activity
From Arylamines to Strongly Polarized Multiple Azahelicences: A Fascinating Journey
Amino acid-based derivatives of pyromellitic diimides; Photo and electrochromic features
Extractive Desulfurization of model Fuel oil with variety of Deep Eutectic Solvents atambient temperature
Optical Trapping for Concentration of Micro and Nanoparticles
Investigating the Corrosion Resistance of Multi-cation Zinc Phosphate Conversion Coatingusing Transition Metals and Alkaline Earth Metals
Monitoring intramolecular proton transfer with ion mobility-mass spectrometry and insourceion activation
Isolation and Identification of Urease-Producing Bacteria from Cow's Rumen Fluid
Synthesis of homogeneous organophotocatalyst and C-C cross coupling in the presence ofvisible light
Utilizing Platinum Complexes to Detecting Toxic Heavy Metal Ions
Synthesis of Sequence and Molecular Weight-Controlled Poly (Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid)
Bimetallic NiCo MOFs decorated on carbon felt as a binder-less anode electrode for directethanol fuel cell
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Modified Vanadium Pentoxide@PolypyrroleNanocomposite for Determination of Creatinine
Formulation of a New Natural Fungicide containing Carum carvi Essential Oil AgainstFusarium Oxysporum, a Tomato Pathogenic Fungus
Water-oxidation reaction in the presence of manganese compounds
Preparation of boron nitride with hexagonal structure doped with carbon impurity forproducing single photon
Challenges of Heterogeneous Photocatalysts as Promising Materials for AddressingEnvironmental and Energy Crises
New solid state hydrogen carriers: Crystal Structure and Thermal Behavior of(NH۴)۳X[B۱۲H۱۲]
Design and Construction of a Hand-Held Detector
Synthesis and characterization of graphene oxide - silver nanowires composites for EMIshielding
Prediction of sub-equilibrium drilling rate in oil and gas wells (UBD) using geneticalgorithm
Estimating the penetration rate of the drill bit in deviated wells using Anfis
Synthesis and antibacterial activity evaluation of novel Triazole indole thiazolesulfonamide hybrids
ZrFe۲O۴@SiO۲-Glycine-Pd: green, magnetic, and versatile catalyst for the C-C coupling reaction
Enhancing the properties of electrospun polyvinyl Alcohol/Oxidized sodium alginatenanofibers with fluorescence carbon Dots: Preparation and characterization
Organophosphorus Compounds Synthesis Using Phenylhydrazine, Aniline, and TheirDerivatives
Synthesis of novel Poly(glycerol-sebacate/poly(۳-hydroxybutyrate) composite filmscontaining bioactive glass microparticles for tissue engineer applications
Study of the Interaction energy of ۱-Ethyl-۳-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate inOrganic Solvents
Studying the Industrial Process of Extracting Crude Soybean Oil
Why early diagnosis of Sepsis!? Sepsis biomarker detection methods
Ionic liquid matrix-immobilized, magnetic activated carbon: Application as recyclablecatalyst for synthesis of diazepin derivatives
One-Pot synthesis and assessment of the anti-corrosion effect of mercaptobenzimidazolein an environment with hydrochloric acid
Fabrication of a new SPME fiber using phosphotungstic acid/Fe۳O۴/polyanilinenanocomposites for extraction and determination tetracycline
The interaction of Cyclophosphamide anti-cancer drug with Graphene nanosheets: A firstprinciple study
CuMn۲O۴/CuO nanocomposite: Hydrothermal synthesis and investigation of itsphotocatalytic activity for elimination of MG
Synthesis of pyrimidines derivatives using Titanium tetrachloride supported onNanocellulose as catalyst under ultrasonic condition
Iron doping into graphitic carbon nitride (FeIII/g-C۳N۴) as the powerful photocatalyst thatfacilitates benzimidazoles preparation from benzylamine
Easy Access to Up-to-Date Pharmacology Information for Improving PharmacotherapyLiteracy: Designing an eHealth Application for Persian Speakers
Preparation and Characterization of MIL۸۸-Fe@polysiloxane and Investigation of ItsPhoto-catalytic Application
A facile in-situ synthesis of terephthalic acid-layered double hydroxide/bacterial celluloseas an adsorbent for solid-phase microextraction of ۱۶ pesticides in vineyard soil using gaschromatography-mass spectrometry
A soft synthesis of ۲,۳-dihydro-۱H-perimidines Fe۳O۴@Sal@Cu as a novel multi-functionaland magnetic nanocatalyst