آمار مقالات کنفرانس
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چهارمین کنگره ملی و اولین کنگره بین المللی دخانیات و سلامت
چهارمین کنگره ملی و اولین کنگره بین المللی دخانیات و سلامت در تاریخ ۳ اسفند ۱۴۰۱ توسط ،دانشگاه علوم پزشکی هرمزگان در شهر بندرعباس برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات چهارمین کنگره ملی و اولین کنگره بین المللی دخانیات و سلامت مراجعه فرمایید.
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مقالات پذیرش شده در چهارمین کنگره ملی و اولین کنگره بین المللی دخانیات و سلامت
Values of ECG and Echo findings in COPD severity assessment
Study of the correlation between addiction to inhaling opium and radiologicfindings of COVID-۱۹ infection in heavy smoker patients: a retrospectivelongitudinal study
Study of the correlation between addiction to inhaling opium and earlypresentations of COVID-۱۹ infection in heavy smoker patients: aretrospective longitudinal study
Study of the correlation between addiction to inhaling opium and the severityof COVID-۱۹ infection in heavy smoker patients: a retrospective longitudinalstudy
The association between smoking behavior and fat-soluble vitamins: Areview on the related evidence
Investigating the relationship between emotional intelligence and smokingseverity in patients referred to substance abuse treatment centers in BandarAbbas city in ۲۰۱۸
Evaluation of the effects of PAKDAM, an invented device to get NitrousOxide and Oxygen, in the consumers – A new method tobacco control basedon the report of pilot study in Tehran ۲۰۲۲
Effect of passive exposure to cigarette smoke on blood pressure in childrenand adolescents: a meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies
Investigating the attributes related to water pipe, affecting the choice ofwater pipe tobacco smoking (using DCE)
Investigating the prevalence of smoking disorders in patients hospitalizedwith COVID-۱۹ in Bandar Abbas Shahid Mohammadi Hospital
Investigating the relationship between smoking and depression in cardiacischemic patients in ccu and post ccu departments of Bandar Abbas ShahidMohammadi Hospital in ۲۰۱۸
Pharmacogenetic Implications for Clinical Practice of Smoking CessationTreatment
Waterpipe smoking and risk of lung, bladder, and head and neck cancers:results from IROPICAN study in Iran
Parenting Styles' effects on adolescents' Smoking Behavior
The COVID-۱۹ vaccine acceptance in smokers compared to non-smokers inIran
Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Divergent Approach to Smoking Cessation
The relationship of mindfulness and medical students’ smoking in North-West of Iran
The Medical students’ smoking rate in North-West of Iran
The air concentrations of NOx related to tobacco smoke; a systematic review
The heavy metals in human body fluids related to the tobacco smoke; asystematic review
Qualitative study of strategies predicting smoking in Bandar Abbas boys"schools: application of protection motivation theory
The role of addictive substances in the occurrence of family violence: Areview
The Intertwining of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Alcohol, Tobacco Use,and the COVID-۱۹ Pandemic: A Review
Technology-based Interventions for Smoking Cessation: A SystematicLiterature Review
Sociocultural factors contributing to hookah tobacco smoking amongadolescents and young adult women
Perceptions of adolescence and young adults’ women about the Predictors ofHookah tobacco smoking: A Qualitative Content Analysis
The status of tobacco use among health and medical care personnel: Asystematic review study
The role of social support in frustration tolerance of pregnant women withdrug abuse in the referral center of southwestern Iran in ۲۰۲۱
The association of smoking with severity and mortality in COVID-۱۹ patients
Evaluation of smoking status among employees and measurement ofHypertension in Employees Smokers
Investigating the relationship between exposure to cigarette smoke anddental caries: A review article
Investigating the relationship between smoking and the spread and infectionof the COVID-۱۹ disease and related strategies
The association between smoking and COVID-۱۹ severity: possiblemechanisms
Attitude toward smoking and its relationship with loneliness and socialcapital among medical sciences students of Tabriz
The effect of electronic cigarette on smoking cessation: a review study
Passive Smoking induced Hearing Loss in Children
Association between Cigarette Smoking and Hearing Loss
Examining the relationship between smoking and COVID-۱۹: Review study
Health promotion interventions using community organization theory toreduce tobacco use
Tobacco use and skeletal muscle disorders in linemen of Hormozgan ElectricDistribution Company
Prevalence of chronic kidney disease among cigarette and hookah users andits associated risk factors in middle-aged and elderly Iranian population, across-sectional study (finding from Bandare-Kong cohort study)
The global lifetime prevalence of e-cigarettes: A systematic review and metaanalysis
Obtaining compounds to reduce the harm of smoking and cover theunpleasant smell of smoke in the family
Explaining the Tobacco Control Policy and Legislation Process in Iran andProviding Policy Solutions: A Review of National and InternationalDocuments
Promotion of tobacco control policies in Iran: operational solutions
Adolescents and Young adults’ women preferences Regarding Waterpipetobacco smoking prevention educational interventions: A Qualitative Studyin Iran
An Exploration of the Role of Family Influences on Waterpipe TobaccoSmoking among Women
The effect of smoking on the quality and rate of fertility in women and men
Assessment of the correlation between smoking with the intensity andnumber of vessels involved in angiography of patients with acute coronarysyndrome referred to Shahid Mohammadi Hospital, Bandar Abbas, ۲۰۲۲
The individualization of tobacco products hinders the achievement of atobacco-free city:A conceptual look at self and society
The prevalence of smoking and diabetes mellitus in Fars province in ۱۴۰۰AH: A cross-sectional study
Effects of tobacco on oral cancer: A Systematic review
Estimating The Prevalence and Cost of Smoking Cigarette and Water-pipe inIran, ۲۰۲۱
The effect of secondhand smoke on children"s health
Examining the nature of smoking and occupational diseases in the workplace
The effect of interventions to prevent and reduce hookah smoking: Asystematic review
Effectiveness of E-learning program in preventing Waterpipe smoking inadolescent females in western Iran
Effects of tobacco inhalation on liver cancer: a brief review
Investigating sociological factors affecting drug use among women referringto Iranshahr NA Center
Gender differences of high blood pressure in smokers versus non-smokers inFars province population: a registered data-based study
Electronic-Cigarette (Vapors) Smoking and the Risk of COVID-۱۹
E-cigarette as a smoking cessation or encourager tool
The Prevalence and ۵-Year Incidence Rate of Cigarette Smoking and Water-Pipe Tobacco Smoking and Their Associated Factors among ۱۵ to ۸۰ YearsOld Urban Population in Southeast Iran: Results from KERCADR Study
An evaluation of features in tobacco-free city from the perspective of thegeneral public in bandar khamir
Investigating the effect of education on the reduction of smoking and nicotineaddiction among students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Assessment of the relationship between tobacco and occurrence of thesymptoms of musculoskeletal disorders in the service workers of BandarAbbas city
A review of the effect of smokeless tobacco on oral health
The Most Common Occupational Cancers: A Brief review
The effect of exercise training on lung interferon gamma gene expression inrats induced by cigarette smoke
Smoking Cessation Pharmacotherapy; Varenicline or Bupropion?
Does Smoking E-cigarettes Result in Seizures? A Review
The relationship between smoking cessation and time perspective in patientswith coronary artery disease
Cigarettes and tobacco are the most important factors in increasing the riskof active tuberculosis and lung cancer and increasing the death rate
the relationship between exposure to cigarette smoke in pregnant mothersand type ۱ diabetes in their children
A Ethnographic study of the contexts of hookah consumption amongteenagers in Shiraz
Effect of Aripiprazole on Smoking Rate in Schizophrenic Patients: ARandomised triple blinded clinical trial
The impact of smoking on anti-COVID antibody titers after vaccination: anarrative review in some Asian countries
The factors of the tendency of Iranian adolescents to smoke/A systematicreview
Investigating the harms and dangers of smoking on different aspects of life,especially human health
Designing a Social Marketing Intervention for Decreasing Hookah Supplyand Demand in Public Places in Iran
The Effect of Education Based on Transtheoretical Model on theTemptation/Self-Efficacy of Tobacco Products Consumption
Determinants of salivary cotinine among smokeless tobacco users
Prevalence of smokeless tobacco products and its related factors among highschool students in Chabahar
Classification and analysis of guild merchants using smokeless tobacco inChabahar, Iran, based on the transtheoretical model
The status of smokeless tobacco use and its ssociated factors among thebusiness guilds population of Chabahar
Examining Smoking Status Among Students in BandarAbbas city:Application of the Health Belief Model
Effect of Community-Based Health Education Campaign Based on theTheory of Planned Behavior on Reduction of Hookah Smoking AmongWomen in Hormoz Island in the South of Iran
Knowledge and attitude of medical students towards cigarette smoking inTabriz University of Medical Sciences
Predictors of Smoking Preventive Behavior based on EmpowermentComponents among Male Students of High Schools, Iran
Reasons for women's tendency to use hookah: A systematic review
The effect of drug use on periodontal diseases and oral cancer and the role ofdentists in prevention and treatment of drug using
Treatment solutions for smoking cessation in Iranian traditional medicine
Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices Towards hookah smoking cession duringCOVID-۱۹ among women: a cross-sectional study in southern Iran
COVID-۱۹ and hookah smoking behavior: a cross-sectional study insouthern Iran
Factors affecting the prevalence of smoking in Bandar Kong cohort study insouthern Iran
The impact of hookah use on women"s health
Smoking Prevalence and its related to self-control and social support inpeople over ۱۵ years old in Hormozgan province
Investigating the effect of training male smokers on the effects of secondhandsmoke during pregnancy on their self-efficacy
Comparison of water pipe smoking and cigarette between medical and nonmedicalstudents in Larestan city.
Evaluation of Knowledge and Attitude of Gerash University of MedicalSciences Students Towards Water Pipe Smoking
Prevalence and Associated factors of Inclination towards cigarette Smokingamong Students in Gerash University of medical science.
Dynamics of tobacco use, scenarios and combat policies
Pet dogs at risk of passive smoking
Environmental tobacco smoke exposure during pregnancy
Causes of addiction in Adolescent
Effects of smoking on survival of HIV-positive individuals
Effects of hookah use on health outcomes
A review of factors affecting nurses' tendency towards tobacco, psychoactivesubstances and narcotics
The impact of smoking on oral cancer: A review
Susceptibility to smoking in adolescent : a cross sectional study
Association between smoking and death in patients with COVID-۱۹ in Iran:A Meta-analysis study
The impact of tobacco use on COVID-۱۹ outcomes: A brief review
Green Tobacco Sickness: a review
Social factors related to the prevalence of smoking among students; asystematic review
The relationship between spouses' substance abuse and sexual self-concept ofwomen in the family
The effect of a motivational interview on psychological distress of tobaccoconsumers visiting the health centers of Bandar Abbas in the south of Iran
Investigating the effect of smoking on fetal height and weight; a systematicreview
Ways to prevent and quit smoking, how to play the role of sports in society,to use it in the prevention of addiction
The effect of a motivational interview on temptation to consume tobacco,tobacco-related beliefs and aggressiveness in tobacco smokers visiting thehealth centers of Bandar Abbas in the south of Iran
Investigating the causes of smoking among the youth of Khorram Abad cityin ۱۴۰۱
Congenital anomalies and maternal risk factors: systematic review onTobacco-products consumption
A new argument about tobacco role in muscle disorders: a systematic review
Is Buerger(Thromboangiitis Obliterans) an autoimmune disease? Asystematic Scoping Review
The effect of a training for life skills on tobacco users’ resilience in healthcenters of Bandar Abbas in southern Iran
The effect of smokeless tobacco consumption on the gastrointestinal tract
An evaluation of interventions in tobacco-free cities in the Khamir County ofHormozgan Province
The effect of Cigarette and Hookah smoking on Anti-Mullerian Hormonelevels: A review study
Consequences of breastfeeding in pregnant and lactating women exposed tocigarette smoke
Prevalence and expenditure of tobacco use among Iranian households
The effect of smoking on sleep disorders: A review study
Strategies for preventing and quitting smoking
Usage of Smartphone Apps in Self-care of Patients who smoking: ANarrative Review
The effect of tobacco on male infertility
The effect of tobacco on female infertility
Tobacco smoke and increased risk of coronavirus transmission
Health changes due to e-cigarettes and combustible tobacco cigarettesconcomitantly (dual users)
Investigating the Reasons for Using Smokeless Tobacco AmongAdolescents:A narrative review
A Systematic Review of Smokeless Tobacco Use in Iran
Evaluation of relationship between life expectancy and smoking: A simplereview study
Effects of using smokeless tobacco during pregnancy on babies' birth weight
The response of circulating omentin-۱ concentration, insulin resistance andlipid profile to exercise training in male smokers
An overview of the laws governing in Iran regarding
The relationship between smoking and periodontal disease
The inclusion of the rule "harmless and harmless in Islam" regarding the useof tobacco and harm to the soul
Tobacco and COVID-۱۹ disease
Comparison of personality traits Between Smokers and Non-smokers: TheRole of Sensation Seeking and Core Self-Evaluations
Investigating the status of tobacco smoking on the short-term outcomes ofpatient’s post-acute myocardial infarction: a longitudinal study
A systematic review about factors related to hookah Smoking among theIranian population
Long-term COVID-۱۹ syndrome and smoking
The effect of smoking and non-smoking parents on the attitude of malechildren towards smoking
Comparison of the rate of corona infection in smoking and non-smokingpregnant mothers
Second-hand smoke threatens the health of fetuses and pregnant mothers
Prevalence of high risk smoking behaviors among adolescents of Qomprovince
Investigating a solution to prevent and reduce the harms and diseases causedby smoking by consuming herbal teas
Effect of Educational Intervention Based on The Theory of Planned Behavioron Preventing Water Pipe Smoking in Secondary School Students
The effect of the educational intervention on empowerment of male highschool students in prevention of smoking
The Effect of Educational Program based on Health Belief Model on OralCancer Prevention in Smoker Men
Effectiveness of web-based educational intervention on the exposure ofhousewives to second-hand smoke in the rural pupulation of Abdanan city
Impact of cigarettes and hookah smoking on coronary artery disease
Investigating the relationship between smoking and semen quality in infertiletaxi drivers in Tehran province
Investigating the Relationship between Internet Addiction and VariousAspects of Family Functioning in Adolescents in Khomeinishahr, Iran
Islamic teachings against smoking
Pattern of smoking among women in Hormozgan
Analysis of infrastructural factors related to adolescent smoking behavior: apath analysis study
Assessment of the questionnaire of cognitive factors and adolescent smokingbehavior: A psychometric study
Assessment of the questionnaire of environmental factors and adolescentsmoking behavior: a psychometric study
Attributable fraction of tobacco smoking on selected cancer deaths in thepast decade using mortality case-control study in Isfahan, Iran
Factors Affecting Water Pipe Smoking (WTS)Trend in students: A ScopingReview
New methods in the treatment of addiction and tobacco : a review of thetechnologies used to quit tobacco
Relationship between smoking and hookah using with the occurrence ofnephropathy complication among diabetic patients in southeast of Iran, ۲۰۲۲
Impacts of COVID-۱۹ on cigarette use, smoking behaviors, and tobaccopurchasing behaviors
The relationship between falls leading to fractures in the elderly andsmoking: a case-control study
Investigating the factors of destruction of social security and health in thecountry
Investigating the relationship between smoking and Hypertension andPrehypertension among Under ۴۰ Years Old Health, Medical andAdministrative Staffs, A comprehensive study in East of Iran,۲۰۲۱
Investigating the effect of smoking as a risk factor in the occurrence ofosteoarthritis
Evaluating daily cell-phone use in elderly and its association on lifestyle,Isfahan comprehensive health care centers
Investigation of smoking behavior among university students based on theProtection Motivation Theory
Prevalence of mucosal lesions in people consuming chewable tobacco inHormozgan province
Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places and the Coastline of Bandar AbbasCity in ۱۴۰۱
Persuasive smoking cessation messages based on Elaboration LikelihoodModel (ELM) from the perspective of medical students: a structured contentanalysis study
Persuasive message criteria for smoking cessation from the perspective ofmedical students: a structured content analysis study
Investigating the Prevalence of Job Stress and Drug Use in Nurses Workingin Teaching Hospitals in Bandar Abbas
Tobacco Products: A Global Threat from Pre-production to Postconsumption
The relationship between spiritual health and emotional intelligence withattitude towards smoking in nursing students
Effect of smoking on thyroid disorders
Explanation of Tobacco Use Screening in Hormozgan Health NetworkSystem
Effect of Educational Intervention Based on Theory of Planned Behavior onReducing Smoking and Hookah Use among High School Male Students
Lived experience of smoking students: A phenomenological study
The Effect of vaping on occupational Musculoskeletal Health
The effect of electronic cigarette on oral health:review
Prevalence and localization of oral lesions in patients with tobacco smokinghabits
Investigating the Relationship be tween Smoking and Colorectal Cancer
Prevalence of mortality in alcoholic motorcyclists
Investigating the prevalence of smoking among women aged ۱۵-۶۰ referringto comprehensive health centers covered by Mashhad University of MedicalSciences ۱۳۹۹-۱۴۰۰
Exploring the Casualties of Hookah Consumption in Beaches of BandarAbbas: A Qualitative Study among Southern Iranian Men
Explaining the experience of Exposure passive smoking on children's healthin Zahedan city
The effect of smoking on the time of occurrence cardiovascular complicationsin type ۲ diabetes using survival analysis
The effect of quitting smoking on the rate of change in blood pressure andthe occurrence of high blood pressure
Relationship between metabolic cardiac parameters in non -smokers, currentsmokers and diabetes crackers: a systematic and meta -analysis survey
Smoking and Diabetes: Dangerous Communication and PopularRelationships
Estimating the Optimal Excise Tax Rate on Cigarette in Iran
Investigating the effect of smoking on the exacerbation of symptoms andmortality caused by COVID-۱۹
Invasive Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Induce by Consumption ofSmokeless Tobacco : Presentation of Five Cases with Review of Literature
Is vaping a safer alternative to cigarette smoking? A review article
Incidence of Trichomonas vaginalis infection among female smokers
Relationship between smoking and the COVID-۱۹ infection outcome amonghospitalized patients
Relationship between Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder and substanceabuse among college students in southeastern Iran