آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 309تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 309
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 36469
بیست و سومین کنگره بین المللی هیبریدی پزشکی تولید مثل و هجدهمین کنگره هیبریدی فناوری سلولهای بنیادی رویان
بیست و سومین کنگره بین المللی هیبریدی پزشکی تولید مثل و هجدهمین کنگره هیبریدی فناوری سلولهای بنیادی رویان در تاریخ ۱۶ شهریور ۱۴۰۱ توسط ،پژوهشگاه رویان در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات بیست و سومین کنگره بین المللی هیبریدی پزشکی تولید مثل و هجدهمین کنگره هیبریدی فناوری سلولهای بنیادی رویان مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در بیست و سومین کنگره بین المللی هیبریدی پزشکی تولید مثل و هجدهمین کنگره هیبریدی فناوری سلولهای بنیادی رویان
Metabolic Checkpoint for Gametes and Embryo ReproductiveCompetence
Oxidative S tress and The S tructure and Function ofHuman Spermatozoa
Why Bother about Male Infertility? Implications forThe Male, Female and The Children
SARS-CoV-۲ and The Impact of COVID-۱۹ on MaleReproductive Health and Implications on The Use of ART
Myth and Facts of Sperm DNA Fragmentation in Assisted Reproduction
Is There A Role for Antioxidative Management in MaleInfertility Treatment?
Could Artificial Oocyte Activation following ICSI ImproveFertilization, and Pregnancy in Couples with MaleFactor Infertility
Transcriptome Profiling of Nlrp۲-null Mice Oocytes
On-target Knockin of Large Cons tructs into TheMouse Genome via Combining CRISPR/Cas۹ and Nocodazole
CRISPR Conservation: Synthetic Biology with EcologicalTherapeutic Applications
Enhancement of Developmental Competence in GoatSCNT with Sequential IVM by CNP, PGE۲ and AREG
The Application of Animal Models in Preservation ofMale Fertility
Varicocele and Autophagy: Cross talk between OxidativeS tress, Metabolic Disorders and Autophagy
Lab on A Chip Devices for Fertility
CRISPR-mediated gene-edited farm animals at theFLI in Germany
Male Fertility Preservation in Non‐oncological Disease
Indication and Success of Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation
Artificial Intelligence as A s trategy for Single-Embryo Transfer
Challenges of Oncofertility and Fertility Preservationin Cancer Patients in The Point of View of Oncology Aspects
Developmental Programming of Metabolic Dysfunctionsby Tes tos terone Excess
Lab Strategies Towards Single Embryo Transfer
Fertility Preservation in Boys
Toward Single Embryo Transfer, The Power of One
Assis ted Reproduction Techniques Challenges andManagement Options
Update on The Management of Poor Ovarian Responsein ART Cycles
Diagnos tic Accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging,Transvaginal, and Transrectal Ultrasonography in Deep InfiltratingEndometriosis
The Success of Various Endometrioma Treatments inInfertility: A Sys tematic Review and Meta-Analysis of ProspectiveS tudies
Empty Follicle Syndrome (EFS)
Why Endometriosis mus t be Considered as A Sys temicDisease?
Adjuant Therapy in Recurent Impantation Failure
Growth and Development of ART Children after GDM
Medical Management of Endometriosis
Updates on The Management of Uterine Myoma in InfertilityTreatment
Surgical Aspects of Adenomyosis
DIE-Related Infertility: How We Can Improve the ReproductiveOutcomes
Repeated Implantation Failure (RIF) and RecurrentPregnancy Loss (RPL): Immunological Aspects
Expanding The Scope of Preimplantation GenomicTes ting in IVF
Non-Coding RNAs in Ovarian Follicle Microenvironmentand Their Altered Regulation in Reproductive AgingDi Pietro C
NGS Based Male and Female Infertility Panels
How to Find The Cause of Male Infertility Factor?
Challenges of Radiological Diagnos tic Methods inART
Effect of Sperm In Vitro Incubation with Pentoxifyllineand Pentoxifylline Oral Adminis tration in As thenozoospermicPatient; Evaluation of Sperm Parameters and ChromatinCondensation
Effect of A Synthetic Platinum-Based Complex on AutophagyInduction in Sertoli TM۴ Cells
Effects of Conditioned Media of Human UmbilicalCord Wharton's Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal S tem Cells onThe Antioxidant Enzymes Gene Expression in GranulosaCells of Healthy and Polycys tic Ovary
Cross talk between Metabolic Interruption and OxidativeS tress in Hyperglycemia Condition; Evidence Revealedafter Insulin Therapy in Rats Tes ticles
The Right to Abortion in Surrogacy Contracts
High Intensity Interval Training and EndothelialFunction in Women with Polycys tic Ovary Syndrome
Relationship Between Ovarian Reserve Markers withUterine Myomas
Identification of Candidate Genes in Recurrence andNon-Recurrence Endometrial Carcinoma Patients by an IntegrativeAnalysis
Increased Expression of LBX۱, EN۱ and ISL۲ Genesin Plasma of Women with Endometriosis Compaiired toWomen without Endometriosis
Evaluation The Effect of Coenzyme Q۱۰ on The ExpressionLevel of Sperm TFAM Gene in Patients with IdiopathicOligoas thenoteratospermia (OAT)
The Effect of Dopamine D۲ Receptor Inhibition onCatSper۱ Gene Expression in Tes tes of Male Rats
Aspartame Induced Tes ticular Toxicity in HealthyMice; Evidence for P۵۳, BAX, Caspase-۳, Bcl-۲, and Hsp۷۰-۲ Genes Expression
Correlation Analysis of Sperm Count with TelomereLength and Sperm Functional Tes ts
Assessment of Sperm Function in Advanced GlycationEnd-products (AGEs) Diet Mice Model
The Effect of Apigenin Antioxidant on Human SpermQuality after Frozen-Thawed Procedure
Assessment of Sperm Chromatin S tatus and OxidativeS tress in Rat Varicocele Model
Correlation Between Sperm DNA Fragmentation Indexwith Semen Parameters in ۵۰۰ Oligozoospermic Samples
The Effect of Caffeine-Treated Mesenchymal S temCell Secretions on Sperm Nucleus Maturity, Tes ticular andEpididymis Weight and Tes tos terone Concentration in MaleRats with Type ۲ Diabetes Mellitus.
Afamin Concentration Correlates Inversely with VitaminE Levels and Antioxidant S tatus in Seminal Fluids ofIraqi As thenospermic Patients
The Key Role Peroxiredoxin Enzyme in AttenuatingFerroptosis in As thenospermic Patients
Evaluation Of Genetic Variants in the Pmfbp۱ Genein Patients with Acephalic Spermatozoa Syndrome Referringto Royan Ins titute
VASA Protein and Gene Expression Analysis of HumanNon-Obs tructive Azoospermia and Normal Cells
Ameliorative Effects of Sildenafil Citrate on SpermBiochemical Parameters during Cryopreservation in TheAs thenozoospermic Men
Effects of Sperm Cryopreservation in Presence ofDeep Eutectic Solvents on Sperm Fertility Potential andROMO۱ Gene Expression
The Effect of Surface Roughness on Sperm Motility
Protective Approaches of Fraxinus Excelsior Compoundson The Implantation Based on Infertility via Bioinformaticsand Chemoinformatic Analysis
The Protection Effect of Naringenin on Apoptosis andOxidative S tress Induced by Varicocele: An Animal Model
In Vitro Evaluation of Cell Viability in Mouse SertoliCells Exposed to Cannabinoid Sys tem Components, ۲-Arachidonyl-Glyserol and Delta-۹-Tetrahydrocannabinol:Friends and Foes of Male Fertility
Antioxidant Effects of L-Proline on Human SpermCells during The Freezing-Thawing Process
Sperm Medium Supplementation: Effects of L-Prolineon Human Sperm Function In Vitro
Effect of Microparticle Based on Polys tyrene on His tomorphometricFactors of Tes ticular Tissue In Vivo
High-Dose and Chronic Nano-Micelle CurcuminConsumption Impairs Sperm Progressive Motility by Disruptingthe Sperm Redox Sys tem; An Experimental S tudy
Impaired DNA Demethylation in Germ Cells CloselyDepends on Suppressed TET Proteins Expression Level inAn Experimental Varicocele Condition
Expression of Cys tathionine β-Synthase and Cys tathionineγ-Lyase in Infertile Men: A Case-Control S tudy
Sperm Protamine Deficiency in Different Groups ofInfertile Men
High-Fat Diet Consumption Further to Total BodyWeight Can Negatively Affect The Sperm Quality; An ExperimentalTrial
Evaluation of Sperm Cryopreservation Using DeepEutectic Solvents on Gene Expression of Spaca۳ and SpermQuality
Reduced Sperm Oxidative S tress Level in VaricocelizedRats after Alpha-lipoic Acid Therapy
Altered Methyltransferase Gene Expression, MitochondrialCopy Number, and ۴۹۷۷-bp Common Deletion inSubfertile Men with Variable Sperm Parameters
Evaluation of Human Sperm Parameters After CryopreservationProcess With Follicular Fluid Treatment in AsthenoteratozoospermiaPatients
Sex-Specific Effects of High-fat Diet on Insulin Resis tanceand Anxiety-Like Behavior in Wis tar Rats
Mitoquinone Improves Roos ter Sperm Quality IndicatorsDuring Liquid S torage
Mouse Spermatogonial Cells Differentiation in DecellularizedHuman Placenta Matrix
Exercise Training Ameliorates The Sperm Motility byBoos ting β-Defensin Expression and Antioxidant S tatus ofEpididymis after Nandrolone Consumption in Rats
Protective Effects of Equisetum Arvense MethanolicExtract on Epididymal S tructure in Diabetic Male Mice
The Effects of Acrylamide on Fertilization Potentialand Sperm Parameters in Mice
Vitamin D Deficiency Modulator Regulation of S teroidogenesisin Male Mouse
Protective Role of Aloe Vera on Tes tis Tissue in Embryos of Diabetic Mothers
Effect of Nano-Micelle Curcumin on Autophagy inTes ticular Tissue of Wis tar Rats
Effect of Lactobacillus Reuteri on Heat S tress-inducedEffect on HSP۷۰-۲a and HSP۹۰ Heat Shock ProteinsExpression in Rat Tes ticles
The S tudy of Taraxacum Officinale (Dandelion) FlowerExtract Effect in Infertility Induced by Cadmium Chloridein Wis tar Rats on Tes ticular Tissue
Hyperketonemia and Serum Levels of Oes trogen andProges terone at Firs t Insemination in Hols tein Cows
The Effect of Achillea Millefolium Hydroalcoholic Extracton Tes ticular Tissue of Male Wis tar Rats
Chronic and High-dose Consumption of Nano-MicelleCurcumin Negatively Affects Lactate and Glucose TransportationProcess in Rats Tes ticular Tissue
Comparing the effect of broccoli extract, broccoli incombination with soy isoflavones and diphereline on endometrialimplants and antioxidant markers in female ratmodel of endometriosis
Effects of Omega-۳ Fatty Acids and Vitamin E onmRNA Levels of Desaturase and Elongase in Ovarian and Adipose Tissue of Laying Hens
Growth Factor Improves In Vitro Maturation of Domestic Cat Oocytes
Carbon Quantum Dots Are Able to Rebalance Carbohydrateand Lipid Foci S torage in Germ and Somatic Cells;An Experimental Trial
Assessment of Apoptotic Related miRNA in As thenozoospemicand Normozoospermic Bull Semen
The Role of Rosmarinic Acid Loaded to Serum-derivedExosome as A Factor to Resucing Inflammation inMice with Induced Endometritis
The Protective Role of Sambucus Nigra Extract inSpermatogenesis
Effect of Mito-Tempo on Quality Parameters of BuckSperm during Semen Cooling Process
Effect of L-carnitine in Freezing Extender on Motility,Viability and Lipid Peroxidation of Ram Semen
The Effect of Acesulfame-K Adminis tration duringPregnancy on Spermatogenesis
Cytarabine Effects on Caspase-۳ Gene Expression onBALB/C Mice Ovary Tissue
Evaluation of Human Spermatogonia S tem Cell Differentiationon Decellularized Tes ticular Tissue
The Effect of Copper Nanoparticles on In Vitro Maturationof NMRI Mouse Oocyte
Generation of Haploid Spermatids on Silk Fibroin-Alginate-Laminin-Based Porous ۳D Scaffolds
Alginate Made Core-Shell S tructure for In Vitro Cultureof Ovine Preantral Follicles
The Improvement Effect of Thymoquinone on OocyteMaturation and In Vitro Fertilization in NMRI miceInduced by Cyclophosphamide
S tudy of The Effect of N-Acetyl Cys teine (NAC) onApoptotic Factors in Granulosa Cells of Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Cryopreservation of Human Sperm: Comparing theEffects of Vitrification Versus Rapid Freezing on The SpermParameters
Effects of Different Vitrification Solutions and Protocolon Follicular Ultras tructure and Revascularization ofAutografted Mouse Ovarian Tissue
The Altered Expression of Toll-Like Receptors ۲, ۴, NFKBand Trap May be Represent a Possible Molecular Explanationfor Decreased Implantation in Hydrosalpinx Patients
Evaluation of Cauda Epididymal Sperm in Rat FollowingAdminis tration of Acrylamide and Wheat SproutExtract
The Effect of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles on In VitroMaturation of NMRI Mouse Oocyte
The Effect of Myoinositol Antioxidant on Sperm Parametersand DNA Damage in Vitrification Compared toConventional Freezing
The Effect of Inactivated SARS-CoV-۲ Vaccinationon Assis ted Reproductive Technology (ART) Outcomes inRoyan Ins titute
Increased Expression of Klotho Gene in CumulusCells of Women with Polycys tic Ovary Syndrome
Ultras tructure of Human Ovarian Tissues Transplantedto Chick Embryo Chorioallantois Membrane(CAM) after Vitrification or Slow Freezing
Comparing The IVM Laboratory Outcomes betweenS timulated IVF with Uns timulated Natural Cycles
The Firs t ۱۰ Days Events of The Human OvarianTissue Transplantation onto The Chick Embryo ChorioallantoicMembrane (CAM), Ischemia and Vasculogenesis InductionFollowing, Slow Freezing Versus Vitrification
Non-Invasive β-Thalassemia Diagnosis Using Cell FreeDNA Recovered from Blas tocele Fluid and Spent CultureMedium from Pre-Implantation Human Embryo
The Relationship between Shift Work Disorder andSleep Disorder with Endometriosis
The Impact of Energy Res tricted Low Glycemic Index(LGI) Diet on Depression and Self-Es teem
Treatment of Ovarian Hypers timulation Syndrome inA Mouse Model by Cannabidiol, An Angiogenesis PathwayInhibitor
The Effect of Simvas tatin on Uterine Fibroids Developmentand ART Outcome in Infertile Women: A PilotS tudy
Association of Increased Body Mass Index with LipidPeroxidation in Patients with Polycys tic Ovary Syndrome(PCOS): A Review, and Meta-Analysis
The Protective Effect of Co-Adminis tration of SalviaOfficinalis Extract and Vitamin E on The Polycys tic OvarySyndrome
Nutrigenomics: Future Prospect of Personalized Assisted Reproductive Technology S trategiesBinaafar S
Expression of ۳-BHSD Protein in Abdominal SubcutaneousAdipose Tissue of Pregnant Women with Polycys ticOvary Syndrome (PCOS)
Evaluation of Toll-Like Receptors ۳, ۹ and Their SignalingPathway (Il-۶, Myd۸۸ and Irf۳) Genes to Unders tandingHow Hydrosalpinx Affect Endometrial Receptivity
Vitamin D and Calcium Independently Mediate theFemale Reproductive Performance
Early Onset and Atypical Severe Preeclampsia in AWoman Undergone In Vitro Fertilization
Ectopic Pregnancy Rates in Frozen Versus Freshin IVF/ICSI Cycles: A Retrospective Analysis of EmbryoTransfer Cycles at Royan Ins titute
PRKACG as A Potential Diagnos tic Molecular Biomarkerfor Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma
Correlation between Meiosis and Homologous RecombinationGenes Expression with Diminished OvarianReserve
Evaluation of TSH Level in The Firs t Trimes ter ofPregnancy in Women with No His tory of Thyroid Disorderreferred to Imam Khomeini and Razi Hospitals of Ahvaz
The Effect of Adminis tration Licorice Root Extract onThe Improvement of Polycys tic Ovary Syndrome
In Silico S tudy of Inves tigation of OverexpressionGenes in Umbilical Cord Blood of Pregnant Women Exposedto Covid-۱۹ and Vertical Transmission to The Fetus
Metformin Reduces Cyclophosphamide-InducedOvarian Damage by Maintaining Ovarian Reserve
Association of Galt Gene Variant Rs۲۰۷۰۰۷۵ with IranianPrimary Ovarian Insufficiency Patients
Paternal Balanced Reciprocal Translocation, ۴۶ XY,t (۶:۱۳) (p۲۲.۲; q۱۱.۱) Resulted in Blighted Ovum followingAssis ted Reproductive Technique
Increased Expression of BARX۱ and PITX۲ Genes inPlasma of Patients with Endometriosis
Evaluated miRNA Gene Expression in Human GranulosaCells Derived from PCOS Patients and Controls: InSilico S tudy
APOE Gene Polymorphism as A Risk Factor for ImplantationFailure: A Comparison between Fertile Women,ART Success Cases and RIF Patients
Association between The C۱۶۱T Polymorphism ofThe PPARγ Gene and As thenozoospermia Infertile MenReferred to Royan Ins titute
A Comparison of The Efficiency of RNA Extractionfrom Extracellular Vesicles of Endometriosis Patients UsingTwo Different Methods
The Subfamily of DEAD-Box RNA Helicases Expressionbetween Human Tes tis of Patients with Non-Obs tructiveAzoospermia and Normal Cells
The S tudy of Common Breakpoints in BalancedChromosomal Abnormalities Related to Male Infertility inPatients Referred to Royan Ins titute: ۲۰۰۹-۲۰۲۱
Differential Expression of ARX and OTX۲ Genesin Blood Samples of Women with Endometriosis versusHealthy Control
Are Variants of NOBOX’s Exon ۴ Associated withPremature Ovarian Insufficiency?
Crucial Role of Meiosis Recombination and DNARepair Genes in Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR)
The Genetic of Premature Ovarian Insufficiency
The Role of Midwives and Nurses in Psychologicaland Emotional Counseling and Support in Patients with DecreasedOvarian Reserve
Fertility Preservation in Poor Ovarian Reserve Patients
Epidemiology of Diminished Ovarian Reserve
Pos toperative Management of Recons tructive Surgeries
The Application of Imaging in Detecting CesareanScar Defects
The Predictive Value of Serum Human ChorionicGonadotropin (β-hCG) in Detection of Ectopic PregnancyFollowing Assis ted Reproductive Technology (ART)
The Poor Responders, Definition, Etiology, Management
Acquired and Congenital Anomalies of The Uterusin Infertility
Ethical and Legal Issues in Female Fertility Ppreservation
Age, Disease and Its Effect on Male Fertility
Relationship between Ovarian reserve markerswith Congenital Anomalies
Designing and Psychometric Properties of EndometriosisReproductive Health Ques tionnaire (ERHQ)
The General Health Quality among Fertile and InfertileWomen in Babol, Iran
The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral S tressManagement Therapy on Quality of Life and Sexual Functionof Women of Reproductive Age in Malekshahi
Is Vitamin D Related to Hormones of Infertile Menwith Impaired Spermogram? A Cross Sectional S tudy
Frequency of The Phenotypes of Polycys tic OvarianSyndrome in Iranian Adolescents (Mashhad) Based on RotterdamCriteria in ۲۰۱۹
The Effect of Narrative Writing on S tress, Depression,Sexual Satisfaction and Fatigue in Infertile CouplesUndergoing Assis ted Reproductive Technology (ART)Treatment: A Randomized Controlled S tudy
A Comparison between Laboratory Fertilizationand Egg Donation: Assis ted Reproductive Techniques inWomen with Endometriosis
Can Nutrition Help Infertility Treatment Outcomes
The Role of Complementary and Alternative Medicinein Managing Endometriosis
Psychological S tatus of Infertile Couples in TheCOVID-۱۹ Pandemic: Sys tematic Review
Effect of Counseling and Education on Infertile Couples
Effect of Environmental Factors on ART Result
Impact of Infertility on Sexuality
Epilepsy During Pregnancy and Fetal DevelopmentOutcomes
Determining The Relationship between SpiritualIntelligence and Resilience in Infertile Couples in Iran
The Importance of Health Education in IranianPregnant Women About Toxoplasmosis Prevention
Inves tigation of the Relationship between TheIncidence of Preterm Delivery and Uterocervical Angle inCases of Intermediate Cervical Length
Endometriosis Through the Lens of Iranian women
Predicting Health-Related Quality of Life in Womenwith Infertility Based on Alexithymia, Spiritual Health,and Sexual Satisfaction Due to The Mediating Role of PerceivedS tigma Infertility and Loneliness
The Effect of Air Pollution on Assis ted ReproductiveTechnology
Genital Microbiota and Assis ted ReproductiveTechnique
Oxidative S tress and Pathogenesis of Male Infertility
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventionon Psychological Wellbeing in Infertile Women (A ReviewS tudy)
An Overview of The Outcomes of Uterine TransplantationProcedures Performed Worldwide
Risks of Uterine Transplantation
Assis ted Reproductive Technique Outcome andOxidative S tress
Vitamin D and Female Infertility: New Evidence
Functional Two-Dimensional Polyols for BiomedicalApplications
Multilayer Nano-Micros tructures for Smart Drug Delivery
Intercellular Communication by Exosome-Derived miRNAswithin The Tumor Microenvironment in Breas t Cancer
Clonal Competition in The Normal Oesophageal EpitheliumDuring Early Carcinogenesis
Mechanism of Extracellular Vesicles Derived fromMSCs in Implantation: A Meta-Transcriptomic Analysis
S tars in The Galaxy: Microparticles as Toolkits for EngineeringCell Spheroids
Challenges and S teps in the Development of AdvancedTherapy Medicinal Products
Building Implantable Human Liver Tissue fromPluripotent S tem Cells
Electrically Conductive Ccaffolds for Tissue Engineering:Advantages, Challenges, and Perspectives
Biocompatibility Issues for The Tissue EngineeredProducts for Commercialization
mRNA; A Transformative Technology for DiseasePrevention & Treatment
Janus Nanoparticles: from Design to Bioapplication
Cell Size Determines S tem Cell Potential During Aging
The Increasing of Cell-Based Immunotherapy ProductsApplication in Cancers
MicroRNA control of ground-s tate pluripotency
An Engineered Multicellular S tem Cell Niche forS tudying Disease, Aging and Regeneration
Antibacterial Hos t-Gues t Curcumin IntercalatedLDH/Polyurethanes for Accelerated Dermal Wound Healing
Alternative ۳D Matrix for Ex Vivo Expansion of Patient-Derived Bladder Organoids and Tumoroids: Assessmentand Characterization
Design and Development of ۳D In Vitro Models in CardiovascularTissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Characterization of Extracellular Vesicles Mimetic-Nanovesicles and Its Therapeutic Potential
Hepatocyte-Like Cells: The Good, The Possible, andThe Impossible
Electrospun Composite S tructures for Tissue Engineering:Challenges and Ppportunities
Intercellular transfer of proteins and RNA mediatedby cell-cell contact
Therapeutic Applications of Cell Culture-DerivedExtracellular Vesicles: Different Sources, Different Subpopulations
Using S tem Cells to Make Pancreatic Organoids
Extracellular Vesicles in Chagas Disease (Infectious Disease)
Use of Lung Organoids to Model Development andDisease Ex Vivo
Novel Aapproach to HCC, How to Attenuate CancerousPhenotype?
Advanced Microfluidic Sys tems for Cell Sorting andSingle Cell Analysis
Contribution of MicroRNA Biogenesis Pathway toCarcinogenesis: A Comprehensive S tudy Based on GeneExpression Profiles from TCGA Database
The Therapeutic Effect of Human S tem Cell Extracton The Healing of Rat Skin Wounds
Sex Differences in The Effect of Long-Term High-FatDiet on Brain Glucose Metabolism and Expression of Alzheimer'sRelated Genes in Wistar Rat
Leucine and Endurance Exercise Altered The HubGenes and LncRNAs Networks in Brain-Gut Axis of Micewith Depression Like Behaviors
Human Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Serum forCulturing Human Mesenchymal S tromal Cells
The Effect of Amniotic Membrane Scaffold on AmnioticFluid Mesenchymal S tem Cell Growth and Their Differentiationinto Neuron Cells
COL۴A۶ and SPARCL۱ Have Crucial Role in NeuralCells Therapies Microenvironments with Zinc Finger TranscriptionFactor Treatment
Proliferation of Spermatogonial S tem Cells Culturedin Direct and Indirect Contact of Human Amniotic MesenchymalS tem Cells
Fabrication of ۳D Bioprinted Scaffold with BiohybridAalginate Dialdehyde /Bone Extracellular Matrix for BoneTissue Engineering
Proliferation and Invasion Inhibition of ColorectalCancer Cells by Knocking Out The MSI۱ Gene UsingCRISPR/Cas۹ Technique
Antitumor Effects of Human Induced PluripotentS tem Cell-Based Cancer Vaccine on Animal Model of Breas tCancer
Evaluation of The Anti-Cancer Effect of XBP۱s-Decoy Oligodeoxynucleotide in HCC
Targeted Genome Editing by Recombinase-MediatedCassette Exchange(RMCE) Increases The Productivityof Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Line
Sciatic Nerve Regeneration by Differentiation ofHuman Uterine Endometrial Derived Mesenchymal S temCells into Nerve-like Cells Using Polyacrylonitrile/ChitosanConduit
KIR Positive NK Cells Effectively Target LeukemiaCell Lines
Design and Fabrication of Gene Cons tructs to GenerateA Double Transgenic Zebrafish Model for S tudyingPancreatic Beta Cell Regeneration
Short-Time Activation of Retinoic Acid PathwayLeads to Generate Naive-Like Pluripotent S tem Cells
Fabrication and Characterization of A Three-DimensionalScaffold Using Bovine Extracellular Matrix forMuscle Tissue Engineering
Inves tigation of The Gene Expression Profiles ofNormal and Injured Podocytes
Chemically Induced Hypoxia, Enhances Os teogenesisEffect of Human Adipose-Derived S tem Cells in Os teoporosisin Rat Model
In A Rat Model of Cerebellar Ataxia, Human OlfactoryEpithelium-Derived S tem Cells Improve His topathologicalImpairments
Fabrication and Evaluation of Piezoelectric Poly(L-Lactide)-Based Electrospun Scaffold for Bone TissueRegeneration
Genomic deletion of linc۰۱۱۱۶ promoter using CRISPR/Cas۹ technique and determination of the linc۰۱۱۱۶knock-out effect on the breas t cancer cell proliferation
Manufacturing of Wharton’s Jelly -Derived MesenchymalS tem Cells (WJ-MSCs) by Enzymatic Cocktail
A Xeno-Free Protocol for Umbilical Cord TissueCryopreservation and Subsequent Mesenchymal S tem CellIsolation
Biological Pathway Alteration at Pediatric Wild TypeAcute Myeloid Leukemia and FLT۳ Related AML
Screening of Different Eryngium Extracts on BetaCell Regeneration Using Transgenic Zebrafish Model
Evaluation of The Anti-Cancer Effects of GLI DecoyOligodeoxynucleotide on Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells
Male Germ Cell Localization and Potential Functionof Vimentin Cells during Spermatogonial S tem Cells DifferentiationS tages
Myosin Heavy Chain ۷ Plays An Important Role inMyocardial Wall Development
Pectin-Reinforced Electrospun Nanofibers: Fabricationand Characterization of Highly Biocompatible Matsfor Wound Healing Applications
A Meta-Analysis of The Effects of Bone MarrowMononuclear Cell Therapy on Major Adverse CardiovascularEvents Following Acute Myocardial Infarction
Comparing The Effect of Bone Marrow MononuclearCells and Mesenchymal S tem Cells on Left VentricularFunction: A Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials
hsa-miR-۴۹۶ and hsa-miR-۳۲۴ Critical BiomarkersExtracellular Vesicles miRNAs in As trocyte and OligodendrocyteDerived Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Fabrication of ۱۰-HDA / Royal Jelly-Containing Liposomesand The Evaluation of Inflammatory Properties
Fabrication of ۱۰-HDA / Royal Jelly-Containing Liposomesfrom Soybean Lecithin and Evaluation of TheirAnti-Bacterial and Inflammatory Properties
Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal S tem Cells (ASCs)with Shilajit Synergis tically Accelerate and Promote RatBone Defect
Differentiation of Adipose-Derived MesenchymalS tem Cell (ASC) to Os teoblas t in The Presence of Shilajit/Alginate Combination
AICAR and NAM Synergis tically Attenuate Senescence-Associated Changes in Mesenchymal S tem Cells: TheInterplay of Autophagy and mTORC۱
PIWIL۲ Promotes The Growth and ColonizationRate of Colorectal Cancer Cells
CRISPR/Cas۹ Highly Popular Vectors Preparation;Recommendations and Points
AMPK Activation Can Promote Cardiac Differentiationby S timulating Autophagy Pathway
Cell Alignment and Neurite Elongation during MotorNeuron Differentiation with Epothilone B in The Presenceof Neurite Outgrowth Inhibitor‐A
Time Depending of Adding Valproate Sodium ImprovesMotor Neuron-Like Cell Differentiation of HumanEndometrial S tem Cells
The Efficacy of Human Umbilical Cord MesenchymalS tem Cells on Wound Healing and Insulin-Like GrowthFactor Expression; An In Vivo S tudy
Human Umblical Cord Mesenchymal S tem Cells Effectson Wound Healing and Transforming Growth FactorΒ Overexpression: An In Vivo S tudy
Combination of NK Cell Therapy and TelomeraseInhibition Increases Breas t Cancer S tem Cells Apoptosis
All-Trans Retinoic Acid Enhances Cytotoxicity ofCIK Cells Agains t Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Spinal Cord Injury Affects Gene Expression ofTransmembrane Proteins in Tissue and Extracellular VesicleRelease in Blood: In Silico and In Vivo Analysis
Design and Fabrication of Gene Cons tructs to GenerateA Transgenic Zebrafish Model to S tudy PancreaticProgenitor Cells during Beta Cell Ablation
Minicircle Sys tem as An Innovative Approach forGeneration of Functional CAR T-Cell
Mesenchymal S tem Cell Tracking Using NaturalBased-Nanos tructures: A Novel and Non-Invasive Techniquefor Tissue Engineering
Inves tigating The Anticancer Activity of BiosynthesizedCobalt Oxide Nanoparticles In Vitro
Lactobacillus Casei Supernatant Effect on PANC-۱Cell Viability
ZIF۸-Modified Polypropylene as A Bioactive GBRMembrane: An In Vivo S tudy
The Effectiveness of Cord Blood Mononuclear CellsIntrathecal Injection on The Developmental Functions ofPatients with Spas tic Cerebral Palsy; Phase ۱ Clinical Trial
Injectable Microgel-Hydrogel Composite for SynergisticTherapy of Rectal Cancer Model Based on SequentialDelivery of Chemotherapy Agents
Bone Marrow CD۳۴ Positive Cells May Be Suitablefor Collection after Death
Telomerase Inhibition Enhances NK Cells-InducedApoptosis in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells
Nitidine Chloride Suppresses The Cell Growth andMigration of Gas tric Cancer Cells In Vitro
LGR۵ As A Potential Therapeutic Target for Breas tCancer: A Sys tematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Alkaline Phosphatase Localization in SpermatogonialS tem Cells and Embryonic S tem Cells and Its AssociationWith Lin۲۸ and Sall۴
Senescence Human Endothelial Cells Produce ExtracellularVesicles with Dis tinct miRNAs Cargo
A comparative of Doxorubicin and Crab Derived ExosomesEffect in Breas t Cancer ۲- & ۳-Dimensional ModelIn Vivo
In Vitro Evaluation of A Wound Dressing Composedof Human Foreskin Fibroblas t on A Bovine Collagen Sheet
Dual-Crosslinked Alginate Hydrogels with Shear-Thinning Property for ۳D Bio-Printing Applications
Production and Purification of Human RecombinantGM-CSF in E. Coli
Regioselective Sulfated Chitosan Could Produce ABiocompatible and Antibacterial Wound Dressing with LowInflammatory Response
Deciphering The Role of Progenitor and S tem Cellsin Exocrine Pancreas Regeneration in Zebrafish
SMAD۶ and IL۴R Had A Prominent Role in HydrogelBiomaterials Chemotherapy Drug Delivery in Glioma
Comparison of POU۵F۱ Expression with Three DifferentAntibodies in Spermatogonia S tem Cell Populationsof Neonatal and Adult Mice
Itaconic Acid; as A Novel Immunometabolite, DifferentiallyRegulates The Transcription of Autophagy AssociatedGenes in Rat Adipose Mesenchymal S tem Cells
Designing of Chitosan Collagen Composite HydrogelsEnriched with Human Platelet Lysates for Tissue Engineering
Fabrication and Evaluation of Conductive Polyaniline-Based Nanofibrous Scaffold for Skin Tissue Engineering
Inves tigating The Presence of Extracellular Mitochondriain The Content of The S tem Cells from HumanExfoliated Deciduous Teeth (SHED) in Normal CultureConditions
A PEI-Alg Polyelectrolyte Micelle Containing Melittinto Break Down Multidrug Resis tance in Breas t CancerCell Line
Process Development in Isolation and Culture of HumanMonocytes from Cord Blood; Simple and Cos t-EffectiveMethod
The Small Molecule Enoxacin Prohibits The In VivoGrowth and Tumorigenicity of Esophageal Cancer Cells
Optimizing Electroporation Conditions to ImproveThe Transfection Efficiency of S tem Cells from Apical Papilla
The Fluoroquinolones Enoxacin, Moxifloxacin, andGemifloxacin Differently Influence The Growth of HumanPluripotent and Non-Pluripotent Cells
The RNAi Enhancers Ciprofloxacin and OfloxacinSelectively Inhibit the Growth of Human Pluripotent S temCells: An Efficient Approach Towards Safe Cell Therapy
Effect of Hydrogel S tiffness on Biological Features ofNormal and Cancer Cells
Expression Profiling of Pros tate Cancer S tem Cellsin Tumor Development: Possible Therapeutic Implications
The Evaluation of The Antitumoral Immune Responseby Using Mouse Pluripotent S tem Cell in Breas tCancer Mice Model
Sys temic Toxicity Assessment of Two Skin Subs titutesin Rat Models of Skin Wound Healing
Evaluation of the effect of Fluoropyrimidine on HNF۴alphaprotein by molecular docking method
Developing Trabecular and Cortical Bone Microstructure ThruDecellularized Extracellular Matrix Composite Hydrogels