آمار مقالات کنفرانس
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تعداد نمایش مقالات: 117879
چهارمین کنگره بین المللی تولیدمثل
چهارمین کنگره بین المللی تولیدمثل در تاریخ ۵ اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۷ توسط ،انجمن علمی جنین شناسی و بیولوژی تولید مثل ایران در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات چهارمین کنگره بین المللی تولیدمثل مراجعه فرمایید.
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مقالات پذیرش شده در چهارمین کنگره بین المللی تولیدمثل
Role of Antioxidants to OvercomeSperm DNA Fragmentation
Indirect Co-Culture of Testicular Cells with Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Leads To Male Germ Cells-SpecificGenes Expression
Select the Best Sperm for ICSI with DGC/Zeta procedure may Reduce Abortion Rate
Correlation Between Cytokine IL-6, And Transcriptional Factors Zing Finger Protein-637 and SOX-2 During Spermatogonial Stem Cells Self-Renewal in Experimentally-Induced Varicocele
New Prognostic Biomarker to Predict in vitro Fertilization Outcomes
Study of The Effect of Acid Amine Transfer of Arginine With Tryptophan on Polymorphism Arg194Trp in The XRC1 Gene During The Process of Spermatogenesis in Mouse Models
Oxidative Stress and Its Outcomes Related to Male Infertility, Evidences For Genetic And Epigenetic Interactions
Clinical Importance of Sperm DNA Damage assessment on ART Outcomes
Correlation between miRNA-122 in semen and fertility in heroin-addicted men
The relation between dietary antioxidants and other nutrients; male fertility improvement viewpoints
Which Group of Fetal Stem Cells is More Capable of Producing Female Germ Cells
The spermatogonial stem cell technology: from basic knowledge to infertility treatment
Generation of Male Germ Cells from Embryonic Stem Cells
The Effects of in Vitro Maturation Technique on The Expression of Genes Involved in Embryonic Genome Activation of Human Embryos
Sex Determination of Preimplantation Embryos Through Non Invasive Technique on Spent Embryo Culture Media
Production of Transgenic Murine Blastocyst By DMSO-Sperm Mediated Gene Transfer
Preservation of Sperm Motility With Modrate Intensity Static Magnetic Fields
Evaluation of Sheep Ovarian Tissue Cryopreserved By Slow Freezing or Vitrificaton After Chick Embryo Chorioallantoic Membrane Transplantation
GDF9-B Promotes Folliculogenesis After Sheep Ovarian Transplantation Onto The Chick Embryo Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) In Cryopreservation Program
Propolis and Improvement of Spermatogenic Cells Population Indices in Oxaliplatin Treated Adult Rats
The Effect of Melatonin on Expression of P53 and Ovarian Preantral Follicle Development Isolated From Vitrified Ovary
Association Between the C677T and A1298C Polymorphisms of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene with Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion in The North of Iran
Long Term Incubation Affects the DNA Integrity and Methylation of Mouse Spermatozoa
Effect of Experimental Varicocele on DNA Methylation and Histone Acethylation in Testicular Tissue
Cloning techniques and applications
Cloning challenges, current and future applications
Sperm Washing of HIV Infected Semen in Serodiscordant Couples for IVF/ICSI
The study of Insulin and PMSG on Ovary in vitro and in vivo
Sclerotherapy for Recurrent Endometrioma
Down-regulation of β-catenin in endometrium of women stimulated with clomiphene citrate compared with letrozole and natural cycles
Association of TaqI polymorphism with Polycystic ovary syndrome in Isfahan
Study The Effect of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) on Apoptotic Factors in Granulosa Cells of Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
The Association of 4 STR Markers of PCOS1 Gene With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
The Effect of Salvia Officinalis Extract on Oxidative Stress Parameters and Insulin Level In Women With Polycyctic Ovary Syndrome: A Randomized, Controled Clinical Trial
Synergistic Effects Of Sulpride And SCH23390 On Kiss1 Gene Expressions In L-Dopa Treated PCOS Rats
Trolox Affects ROS Production and Mitochondrial Membrane Potential of Human Sperm after Cryopreservation
Protective Effect of Thymus Deanesis Essential Oil Against Hypercholesterolemia Induced Destructionin Rat Testicular Tissue
Methanolic Extract of Coconut Meat Decrease Sperm DNA Fragmentation and Teratozoospermia Index By Reduction of Oxidative Stress In Testis Tissues of Type II Diabetic Rats
Pharmaceutical and quality aspects of anabolic supplements
Intrauterine Administration of Treated PBMC Prior Frozen/Thawed Embryo Transfer Improves Pregnancy Outcomes in Patients with Repeated Implantation Failures
Effect of Sequential Embryo Transfer on Pregnancy Rate in Patients With Repeated Implantation Failure
Effects of Autologous Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells On Implantation and Pregnancy Rate In Patients With Repeated Implantation Failure
Placental Growth Factor (Plgf) as an Angiogenic/ Inflammatory Switcher: Lesson From Early Pregnancy Losses
A Randomized Clinical Trial Oof Intrauterine GCS in Unexplained Repeated Implantation Failure (RIF) Patients: May Intrauterine GCSF Improve Clinical & Ongoing Pregnancy Rate or Decrease Abortion
Main Embryonic Factors in Recurrent Implantation Failure
What is a truly RIF Individualized definition of RIF.
Heterochromatin Polymorphism as A Significant Factor in Recurrent Abortions
Factors Associated With Ethical Issues in Embryo Donation From Recipient’s Perspective
Selective Single Embryo Delivery Using HEED and SEED Optimizing Results from IVF While Reducing Risks and Side Effects
Donation-challenges related
ART and Parenthood: A Philosophical Discussion
Glucocorticoid Effects On Tight Junction Genes in An in Vitro Model of The Human Fallopian Epithelial Cells
Evaluating the Efficacy of Ofloxacin Antibiotic and Growth Hormone on Rats’ Testicles
Pharmaceutical evaluation of fertility drugs: quality and efficacy aspects
The Effect of Seasonality on Pregnancy Rate in Patients Undergoing Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
Parents’ Informational Needs Following a Prenatal Diagnosis Of Fetal Anomaly: A Qualitative Study in The Iranian Context
Ovulation Induction with Clomiphene Citrate for Infertile Couple
Association study of rs1874165 & rs2973631 in PRDM9 gene of affected people by azoospermia
Prenatal Attachment in Pregnant Women Treated with Assisted Reproductive Techniques: A Systematic Literature Review
The Supplementary Effect of 50,000 Units of Vitamin D in Matrnal And Infants
Motility Parameters, Membrane Integrity, Longevity and Total Abnormalities of Frozen/Thawed Ghezel Ram Spermatozoa Treated with Caffeine
Antioxidant Effect of Caffeine in Ghezel Ram Spermatozoa Cryopreservation Media
The Effect of Tribulus Terrestris Extract on Motility and Viability of Human Sperms After Cryopreservation
Effects of TypeIII Antifreeze Protein on Human Sperm Cryopreservation
Effect of Camp Analog and an Inhibitor of Phosphodiestrase on Sperm Hyper – Active Motility Patterns.
Association of Antioxidant Enzyme Leveland Sperm Parameters in Fertile And Infertile Men
Developing a Probe for Detection of Sperm Capacitation
The Effects of of Myoinositol on Standard Parameters, Oxidative Stress and DNA Fragmentation of Human Cryopreserved Sperm
Sperm DNA Fragmentation and Antioxidant Therapy in Infertile Men With Varicocele
Expressions of Transcriptional Factors SOX2, Oct4, Nanog in Experimental Varicocele; Correlation with P21 Expression In Stages IX-XII Of Spermatogenesis
A Review on the Impact of Men s Age Increase on Infertility Treatment through ICSI / IVF
Toxicity of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles on Adult Male Wistar Rats
Molecular examination Superoxidation The sides of the mitochondria membrane in adult spermatozoa In mouse models with standard fertility and idiopathic infertility
In vitro cytotoxicity of folate-silicagold nanorods on mouse acute lymphoblastic leukemia and spermatogonial cells
Effects of Resveratrol on Sperm Parameters Disorders Induced By Morphine in Mice
Magnetic Nanoparticles Cytotoxicity Effects on Mouse GV Oocytes
Prostaglandin E Pathway in Uterine Tissue During Window of Preimplantation in Female Mice Mated with Intact and Seminal Vesicle–Excised Male
A Reveiw on Electromagnetic Fields (Emfs) and The Reproductive System
The Effects of In VitroMaturation Technique on The Expression of Genes Involved in Embryonic Genome Activation of Human Embryos
Comparison of The Efficacy Of Two Culture Media Handmade (Hams F10 With Umblical Serum) And Commercial (G1/G2) On Invitro Development Of Mouse Embryos
Dopaminergic Neuronal Differentiation Method for Adipose Stem Cells
Embryo Vitrification at 2-Cell Stage Appears Not To Affect Blastocysts Cell Number In Mice
Maintain The Stability of the Classical Parameters of The Sperm in Static Magnetic Field
Blastocentesis; a New Methods of Sampling in Pre-Implantation Testing
Fertility Preservation in Patients with Prostate Cancer
Protective Effects of Propolis on the Alteration of Leydig Cells Population in Rat Testicular Tissue Following Treatment with Oxaliplatin
Three-Dimensional Wet-Electrospun Poly(Lactic Acid)/Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Scaffold Induces Differentiation Of Human Menstrual Blood-Derived Stem Cells Into Germ-Like Cells
Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation in A Young Girl with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Before Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Case Report
Application Of Stereological Methods For Unbiased Estimation Of Sperm Morphology In The Mice Indused By Busulfan
Study of The Effects of Lactoferrin in Reduction of Cyclophosphamide-Induced Embryotoxicity: in Vitro Fertilization Study In Mouse
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding After Breast Cancer Treatment
Fertility Outcome of Patients with Testicular Tumor
Microrna-Mediated Drug Resistance in Ovarian Cancer
Remodeling of Histone H3 Lysine 27 Trimethylation in Early Mouse Zygote
Effects Of Methamphetamine on Spermatogenesis Indices Of Adult Male Rats
The Role of Exosome On Male Infertility
Investigation of Genetic Diagnostic Components of Sperm Stem Cells (Ssc) in Moghani Sheep
Effects of Two Amino Acids On Motion Parameters of Freeze-Thawed Stallion Spermatozoa
Enzymatic Antioxidant Activity of Stallion Spermatozoa Cryopreserved With Extenders Containing Glutamine And Proline
The Effect of Seminal Plasma in Extenders Containing Glutamine and Proline on Oxidative Stress And Motility of Cooled Stallion Sperm
The Dietary Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acids From Linseed Oil On Fresh And Post-Thaw Sperm Quality In Holstein Bull
Evaluation of The Effect of Compounds Affecting Microtubule Structure Of Bovine Matured Oocytes on Hand-Made Cloning Performance
Molecular Identification of Chlamydia trachomatis in Women with Recurrent Miscarriage with the Aim of Infection Control in Pregnancy
Investigation of The Association of Chlamydia Infection in Infertile Women With Biomarkers
Review study: Sperm washing and assisted reproductive technology in HIVdiscordant couples.
Comparison of Mycoplasma Genitalium Diagnostic Primers in Vaginal Samples of Women With Recurrent Abortions
PCR Detection of Cytomegalovirus in Women With Recurrent Abortions
Effects Of Live Yeast Supplementation On Ovarian Dynamic And Reproductive Performance In Transition Dairy Cows During High Ambient Temperature
Placenta Structural Changes in Heavy Smoker Mothers: A Stereological Aspect
Comparison of PCR and Culture Methods to Determine Mycoplasma Hominis in Woman s Endocervical Samples Referred yo Infertility Hospital ofHamadan
Infections and Tubal Factor Infertilities (TFIs) (A Systematic Review)
Effects of Asalouyeh s dust on Growth and Fetal Evolution in Rats
Compare of The Short and Long Term Estrus Synchronization Protocols on Reproductive Performance of ewe
Follicular Fluid Plgf/Sflt‑1 Ratio And Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End–Products Correlate With Ovarian Sensitivity Index In Women UndergoingA.R.T.
A Review of the Effect of Clomiphene Citrate for Ovulation on Infertile Women
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome Model in Mice
The Strategy of Pain Management in Women With Endometriosis
Evaluation of Quality of Life After Laparoscopic Surgery in Women Suffering From Endometriosis
Frequency of Regulatory T Cells in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) of Endometriosis Patients
Vitamin D Deficiency May Be a Modifiable Risk Factor In Woman With Endometriosis
Anti-Inflammatory Action of Gamma (Γ)-Irradiated Genistein on Ovary Tissue Modification in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
The Relationship Between Metabolic Syndrome, The Nutritional Condition of PCOS Women and Serum Androgen Levels in Four Different Subtypes of PCOS Based On The Rotterdam Criteria
Comparison of Selenium Dietary Intake in PCOS Patients With and Without Metabolic Syndrome
Protective Effect of Aloe Vera Extract Against Bisphenol A- Induced Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome in Wistar Rats
The Prevalence of Polycystic Ovarian Risk Factors in Women Participating in Premarital Counseling in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in 2017
The Effect of Medicinal Plants on The Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Effect of Inhibition of Mu Opioid Receptor in The VMH on Ovarian Cyst Formation By Morphine In The Rat
Evaluation of Medical and Traditional Treatments on The Fertility of Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Yoga as A Treatment For Infertility
Homeopathy as A Treatment For Infertility
Effects of Parsley Aqueous Extract on Ovarian Histological Changes in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Rat Model
Systematic review of the Effect of Acupuncture on Reproductive and Metabolic Disorders in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome During 2008- 2018
Effects Of Vitamin D an Activity And Expression Of Superoxide Dismutase and Glutathione Peroxidase in Granulosa Cells of PCOS Patients Compared To Healthy Women
The Investigation of Assisted Reproduction Techniques in Patients With Polycystic Ovary Syndrom
Reviewing The Effects of Metformin on Ovulation of Women Diagnosed With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
A Revisal On Scrutiny of Hormons Related to The Quality of The Women Life Who Have The Polycistic Ovary Syndrome
Insulin Resistance Improvement by Cinnamon Powder In Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial
The Effect of Folate and Folate Plus Zinc Supplementation on Endocrine Parameters And Sperm Characteristics in Sub Fertile Men: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis
Assessment of the Leydig Cells Population in Rat Testicular Tissue Following Treatment with Oxaliplatin
Effect of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles on Nrf2-Related Genes in A Rat Model of Experimental Diabetic
Testicular Volume and Number of Leydig Cells Alterations in The Diabetic Mice: A Stereological Study
Effects of Laser Therapy in The Testicular Tissue of Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Mice: A Stereological Study
Role of L-Carnitine on Semen Parameter in Cimetidine Treated Adult Mice
Antioxidative Effects of Cerium Dioxide Nanoparticles Ameliorate Diabetes -Induced Testicular Damages
The Effect of Cinnamon Extract on Histological Parameters in Hyperlipidemic Male Rats
Crab Shell Extract Ameliorates Reproductive Parameters in Diabetic Rats
Combination of Ginseng and Coenzyme Q10 improves Reproductive Activities and Spermatozoon Quality
Ghrelin Regulates Bax and PCNA But Not Bcl-2 Expressions Following Scrotal Hyperthermia In The Rat
Enhanced Viability of Cryopreserved Human Sperm Following Sericin Supplementation Of The Freezing Media
The Preventing Effects of Pentoxiphylin on Testis Histological Changes And Spermatogenesis Indexes In Mice Following Exposure To Sodium- Valproate
Continues Treatment with Lepidium Sativum Extract Improves Reproductive Behavior And Sperm Quantity In Adult Male NMRI Mice
Dietary Supplementation of Organic Selenium Enhanced The Reproductive Performance of Aged Ross 308 Broiler Breeder Hens
The Effect of Pentoxifylline on Histological Changes of Testis Tissue and Spermatogenesis Indexes in mice Treaed with Sodium-Valproate
Foeniculum Vulgare Essential Oil (FVEO) Induces DNA Damage And Apoptosis in Testicular Germ Cells
Insight To Ameliorative Effects of Insulin Against Apoptosis in Experimentally-Induced Diabetes Mellitus
N-Acetylcysteine Inhibits the Adverse Effect of Sodium Valproate Ontesticular Tissueand Spermatogenesisindexesin Mice
Selenium Compensates the Adverse Effects of Sodium Valproateon Testis Tissue And Spermatogenesis Indexes In Mice
Effect of Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum- Graecium) Seed Hydroalcoholic Extract on Sperm Count
Abuse of Anabolic Steroids and Male Infertility
The Effects of Dietary Fatty Acids on The Expression of 17βhsd Isoforms Genes in Mouse Adipose Tissue and Sperm Parameters
Insight to Collateral Testicular DNA Damage And/Or Apoptosis in Experimentally-Induced Left Side Varicocele
Berberine Ameliorates the Germ Cells Cycle Arrest During Spermatogenesis Following Experimental Varicocele Induction; Evidences for Cyclin D1, CDK-4 and P21 Proteins Involvement
Antioxidant Therapy of Asthenozoospermia
Effects of Oxidative Stress on Reproductive Potential in Nicotine- Induced Testicular Toxicity in Mice
The Effect of Methanolic Extract of Iranian Oak Fruit on Apoptotic Index and Caspase 3 Expression in Epididymis in Male Adult Diabetic Rats
The Effect of Aqueous Extract of Zizyphus Jujube Fruit on Mean Volume And Total Number of Leydig Cells And Plasma Testosterone Level in Type I Diabetic Male Rats
The Effect of Royal Jelly on Some Reproductive Parameters in Female Rats
Review of New Methods for Treatment Of Immunologic Recurrent Abortion
GCSF May Improve Pregnancy Outcome in Blastocyst Embryo Transfer Patients With History of Unexplained Implantation Failure And Normal Endometrium. A Randomized Control Trial
Investigating Factors Affecting the Failure of IVF in Women
Prevalence of the prothrombin G20210A polymorphism in the Iranian population: use of a reverse hybridization technique
Destructive Effect of Atmospheric O2 Concentration on Blastocyst Quality Parameters During Implantation Time
Hydrocortisone Modulates Junctional Molecules of Human Endometrial Epithelial Cells
Endometrial Receptivity Array for Repeated Implantation Failure
Adaptive Immunity Play More Important Role Than Innate Immunity in Recurrent Implantation Failure
Investigation of Malondialdehyde serum concentration and Antioxidant enzymes activity of patients with recurrent spontaneous abortion in Iranian women
Ethical Issues About Sperm Donation
Ethical Considerations on The Methods of Assisted Fertility of Rennet Uterus, Donating Gamete and Ovum.
Ameliorative Effect of Omega‑3 On Spermatogenesis, Testicular Antioxidant Status And Preimplantation Embryo Development in Streptozotocin‑Induced Diabetes in Rats
Investigation of The Effect Of Trolox, Q10, Inhibitor of NOX5 And ATP On Human Sperm Quality After 24, 48 and 72 Hours In 4°C And Room Temperature
Reducing Endogenous Estrogen in Aging Broiler Breeder Male Does Not Affect Fertility And Libido
An Attitude to The Role of Progesterone on Influenza Virus Infection and Improving Women s Health
The Effect Of Pheromone (Z)-9- Tricosene On Histological Parameters And The Spermatogenesis in Male Wistar Rat (Rattus Norvegicus)
Comparing The Outcomes of in Vitro Fertilization With or Without Prescription of Buserelin
Effects of Reducing Endogenous Estrogen on Semen Quality in Aged Male Broiler Breeder
Purpose the Present Study Was Done to Determine the Ameliorative Effect Of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Omega-3 Against Experimental Diabetes-Induced Damages on Testicular Tissue, Sperm Parameters and Preimplantation Embryo Development in Rat Model
Study on The Effectiveness of the Hydroalcoholic Extract of Artemisia Herba Alba on Blood Glucose, Body Weight, Testis Weight And Testicular Volume Variations of Type I Diabetic Rats Using Streptozotocin
The Preventing Effects of Selenium on the Testis Histological Changes, Spermatogenesis Indexes and Daily Sperm Production in Mice Exposed to Dexamethasone
The Effect of Pentoxiphyllin on Spermatogenesis Indexes and Daily Sperm Production in Mice Following Treatment with Dexamethasone
Comparion Effects of Atorvastatin and Garlic powder on the Ovary in Hypercholesterolaemia Rats
Protective Effects of the Hydroalcoholic Extract of Fumaria Parviflora on Testicular Injury Induced By Torsion/Detorsion In Adult Rats
Use of Fertility Drugs and Risk of Cancer in Women
(Review Study) Comparison of The Efficacy of Letrozole Versus Clomiphene Citrate in Iranian Infertile Women
Stimulation of Ovulation and The Risk of Cancer in Women
Media-Based Strategies in Improving Male Participation in Reproductive Health From The Healthcare Provider s Point Of View: A Qualitative Study
Contributing Factors to the Total Fertility Rate Declining Trend in the Middle East and North Africa: A Systemic Review
Relationship Between Prenatal Stress With Maternal-Fetal Attachment And Spiritual Health in Pregnant Women Attending Health Centers In The City Of Qazvin In 2015
The Attachment Styles of Infertile Couples Referred to Infertility Center of Imam Khomeini Hospital, Sari 2016-2017
Comparing Three Success Rates of Infertility Treatment and Providing More Real Rate
The Effect of Allogeneic Mouse Serum, Fetal Bovine Serum and Bovine Serum Albumin on Sperm Capacitation
The Coping Styles of The Infertile Couples Referred To Infertility Center Of Imam Khomeini Hospital, Sari 2016-2017
Obstacles and Challenges Against Infertility Treatment in Terms of Total Quality Management: A Review Study
A Review of Strategies to Manage Stress, Depression and Anxiety in Infertile Couples
Can Yoga Exercises Improve in Vitro Fertilization Outcomes in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Reproductive Health Policy Reforms in Iran and Infertility Programs
Comparison of Sexual Depression in Fertile And Infertile Women And Its Related Factors
A Review of The Role Of Vitamin D on Ovarian Reserve Markers
A Model For Predicting The Success f Male Infertility Treatment
Mother’s Hardship in Therapeutic Abortion: Subjective or Objective
The effect of Iranian traditional medicine based dietary intervention on incidence of pregnancy in women undergoing ovulation stimulation
Ranking of Female Factors in Implantation Using Data Mining Techniques
Natural Effective Sex Selection Methods and the Ethical Considerations: A Narrative Review
Prevalence of Endometriosis Risk Factors Among Women in Premarital Counseling Classes in Shahid Beheshti University in 1396
Survey of Fertility Motivations and Some Related Factors in Women of Reproductive Age Who Referred to Health Centers in Sabzevar In 1395
Effectiveness of Web-Based Education on Students’ Attitudes About Reproductive Health
Epidemiological Investigation of Causes and Factors Related To Infertility in Infertile Couples Referred to Health Clinics in Birjand
The Sexual Satisfaction and Infertility in Patients Referred to Treatment Centers in Semnan at 1395
Factors Affecting Sexual and Reproductive Health in Adolescents
Social Constructivism: A Theoretical Framework for Developing The Theory of The Process of Exposure to Infertility in Infertile Women in Iran
Reperfusion Reverses the Torsion-Induced DNA Damage By Initiating DNA Repairmen in Experimental Modals; Evidence For PCNA Up-Regulation
Fish Oil and Vitamin E Consumption During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Improve Mice Offsprings’ Testis Tissue
The Sources and Consequences of Variation in Ovarian Hormonal Function
Ultraviolet Radiation and Its Effects on Pregnancy: A Review Study
Abortion: What is Perspective of Ethical Approaches
Progesterone Consumption in The Treatment of Threatened Abortion and Hypospadias in Male Infants
The Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Counseling on Quality of Life in Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Effects f Maternal And Neonatal Factors on The Volume of Umbilical Cord Blood And The Number of Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Frozen Samples of Yakhteh Cord Blood Bank
Evaluation of the relationship between maternal lifestyle and adipokine profiles in mother and neonate