آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 50تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 68
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 25070
کنگره بین المللی سلامت برای صلح
کنگره بین المللی سلامت برای صلح در تاریخ ۱۸ مهر ۱۳۹۷ توسط دانشگاه علوم پزشکی و خدمات بهداشتی درمانی استان فارس،دانشگاه علوم پزشكي شيراز در شهر شیراز برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات کنگره بین المللی سلامت برای صلح مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در کنگره بین المللی سلامت برای صلح
Health System Resilience as The Capacity of Health ActorsInstitutions, and Populations to Prepare for an EffectivelyRespond to Crises
WHO’s Vision on Health & Peace
UNICEF’s global Interventions on Health for Peace: Examples from the field
Access to SRH and Maternal Health services to Afghan Refugees support building resilience capacities of AfghanYoung Women
UNESCO’s perspective on peace, peacebuilding and Health
Caring for people affected by armed conflicts: The perspective of the International Committee of the RedCross (ICRC) on how health can contribute to trustand peace-building
War epidemiology versus peace epidemiology: A personal view
Challenges of the Epidemiological Investigation of War and Conflict
The Scope of Peace Epidemiology
Responding to Violent Conflict: Epidemiological Methods & Public Health Interventions
The past victim, the future abuser: Is there a link between being a victim and becoming a perpetrator
In Memorial of War Destructions, Be Hopeful for Peace
Mental Health Responsibility in an Era with No Peace in Sight
The Role of Internal Peace in Mental Health from Rumi’s Worldview Perspective
Psychosocial mediators of war and peace
Networking of NGOs for Peace through Health
Role of women in promotion of Health for Peace
Role of IPPNW in Health For Peace
ICAN, nuclear treaties and tasks ahead for health and peace
Working in Complex Situations – what could guide you The Do No Harm Concept
The role of IPPNW in Health for Peace
Peace, Health, and Sustainable Development in the Middle East
Global Health Diplomacy as a Tool for Peace Building
Can Health be in Relation with Interpersonal Violence A Panel Data Analysis on Middle Eastern Countries
Health professionals and their Role as a bridge for Peace: Overcoming the Securitization of Health
Psychiatric Disorders in war survivors and its impact on their partners
Skin illnesses and chemical victims specially those were exposed to mustard
Health Care Utilization and Expenditure in War Veterans and Their Families
Review the Health Related Articles of the Iraq –Iran War
Human costs of the Iraq –Iran war
Global Loneliness and the State of Human Mental Health: How Religion Can Promote Friendship as a Paradigm ofPeace in Post-Modernity
Providing Care to the Wounded and Vulnerable in Crises: A Core Duty of Humanity
The Holiness of the life of Man as the Common Base of Peace and Health
The Relationship between Mysticism and Peace and Mental Health in Both Personal and Social Dimensions
The Ebola Crisis: Emergence of Cosmopolitan Solidarity as a New Principle in Global Health Ethics
Educating Health Science Students about Peace through Health Topic
The Global Burden of Violence, 1990-2015: In Spite of Successes, Women and Children Are Highly Affected
Peace and War: Is it a field of the Epidemiological Investigation
Health Protection and Peace Promotion: The Role of Public Health Nurses
Healthcare Promotion at the Service of Peacemaking: Instances of Discourse between Health and Peace
Peace through Health and Medical Education
Ethnicity, Environmental Identity, and Health Disparities, (An Intersectional approach to Sustaining Peace)
Investigating inner Peace and its Effecting Factors
Report on the Training Course for Afghan Educated Immigrants Covered by the Alborz University of MedicalSciences 2017
Impact of war on fertility and infertility
The Role of Translation in Peace through Health Activities
Health Society at the Service of Peace; Prerequisites and Preconditions
Provision of Peace and Right of Health in the Path of Sanctions: Threats and Opportunities
Medicine and Modernity: Peace and Health in the Hygienic Reforms in Iran
A Philosophical Research on Peaceful Learning in Modern Times by Looking at Spiritual Mathnavi and ChoosingStories for Teaching Children