آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 112تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 1121
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 91515
همایش ملی زبان ، ادبیات و ترجمه در آموزش و پرورش
همایش ملی زبان ، ادبیات و ترجمه در آموزش و پرورش در تاریخ ۶ اسفند ۱۳۹۴ توسط دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد میبد،دانشگاه آزاد اسلامي واحد ميبد در شهر میبد برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات همایش ملی زبان ، ادبیات و ترجمه در آموزش و پرورش مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در همایش ملی زبان ، ادبیات و ترجمه در آموزش و پرورش
ساخت فعل مجهول در زبان فارسی
ایهام در شعر خاقانی
ریاضی و شاعران عهد ماضی
Pre-Discipline, Discipline, Interdiscipline, and Post-Discipline in Translation
Teaching English Polysemous Words to Iranian EFL Learners: Underlying Meaning Approach and Sense Selection in Comparison
Investigating ofEffectofRetelling Technique onReadingComprehensionofIranian EFL Students
Investigating of Effectsofa Collaborative teaching Program on Iranian Architecture Learners’Language Proficiency
Text Structure Awareness and Comprehension in EFL & ESL Reading Classes
Foreignization Strategies Applied in Translation of Hyperbole in Persian Literature: A Case Study of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh Translation into English
موسیقی در شعر تی اس الیوت
نیایش و ستایش معبود در اشعار حافظ
بررسی عنصر باد صبا در اشعارحافظ
A Cognitive Approach on the Meaning of Children's' Poetry
A Case Study of Corrective Feedback Strategies in Writing of EFL High School Students
Types of Teaching Styles
An analysis and assessment of different written discourses of Iranian EFL learners: An integrated task-based approach
A Review of the Research on Teacher Autonomy
Conceptualization and Study of Creativity in teachers
An introduction to Teachers’ Critical Thinking Skill
Relationship between Teachers’ Autonomy and Teachers’ Creativity Enhancement
A Closer Look at EFL Learners’ Reactions towards Teachers’ Code- Switching in EFL Classroom Settings
The Effect of English Songs on EFL Learners’ Pronunciation
Teachers' Attitudes towards the Use of Educational Technology
A Review Paper on the Effect of Educational Technology on Reading Comprehension
Effects of Glossing Conditions on EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Retention
The Relationship between Vocabulary Size, Vocabulary Depth and Listening Comprehension among MA Students of TEFL
Effect of Multiple-Choice Test Items in Oral and Written Modes on University EFL Students' Listening Comprehension
Proverbial Phrases Learning through Making Comic Strips among Iranian EFL Learners
Exploring Iranian Translation Students` Attitudes of Hybrid Learning Approach To Improve L2 Advanced Writing Skills
Role of Corpora and Concordances in Providing Written Corrective Feedback to EFL Learners’ Writing Performance
The Effect of E-portfolio Assessment on Learning Parts of Speech by Iranian EFL Beginners
بررسی تمثیل های حیوانی(فابل) در دو کتاب اسرارالتوحید و مثنوی معنوی
گونه هایی از هنجارگریزی نحوی در کتاب اسرارالتوحید
The Relationship among Self-Awareness, Critical Thinking and Speaking Ability of Iranian EFL Learners
Differences and similarities between these set of books, international, national, and local ELT source in terms of the application of refusal, and acceptance as pragmatic speech acts.
Differences and similarities between these set of books,Iranian and non-Iranian ELT textbooks in terms of the application of complaint and compliment as pragmatic speech acts.
Treatment of three international, national, and local ELT source with the concept of speech acts of acceptance and refusal
زبان ،ترجمه و ارتباط فرهنگ ها
نگاهی به مختصات سبکی در ترجمه و تفسیر کشف الاسرارمیبدی
On the relationship between the Iranian EFL teachers' epistemological beliefs and dominant teaching style
A comparison of postmethod pedagogy parameters and sociocultural theory premises
گذر خوی های اهریمنی از اسطوره تا تاریخ
تاثیردو متغیر اجتماعی جنسیت و تحصیلات بر میزان استفاده ازانواع اصطلاحات تحصیلی دربین دانشجویان اصفهان
The Effect of Task-based Activities on EFL-Learners’ Listening Comprehension
A Review on Limitations of Nida' s Dynamic Equivalence in Translation of Bible
Practicalities of Affixes in Vocabulary Learning
The exploration of metadiscourse markers of research articles across sciences
Theme-Rheme Organization Analysis of The Iran Language Institute Intermediate Book
The Most Frequent Types of Mismatches in Basic Level Proficiency Classes of the Iran Language Institute
تحلیل محتوای کتاب زبان انگلیسی هفتم
سیندخت زن خردمند شاهنامه(اولین سفیر زن)
Investigation Terms of Teaching Stress Management in Adults
Text-Type Based Assessment of Translation Researches
Equivalence in Translation Theories: Concept, Theories and Evaluation
Interlanguage Pragmatics Development: Iranian EFL Learners’ Interpretation and Use of Speech Acts
A Model for Translation of Technical Terminology
Activate the intuitive heuristics of the learner through communicative language teaching
Language Learning Straies in Learning English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) Among Iranian Undergraduate Students
Instructing English by Means of Music:A Novel method of Reaching a Foreign Language Successfully
The theory of meaning equivalence
Coherence in Translation
Phonetics Awareness in English Language Teaching: A Literature Review
A Review of Halliday and Hassan’s Cohesion and Coherence Model in English Texts
A Review of Halliday and Hassan’s Cohesion and Coherence Model in Persian Texts
A Review of Models of Quality Assessment in Translation
The relationship between Iranian EFL learners' different components of multiple intelligence and their pronunciation
The Nature of Research Methods in Sociolinguistics
Sociolinguistics Insights and Challenges of Teaching in EFL Classes (A Reaction Paper)
Teaching English Grammar based on Post-Method VS. Traditional Method to Iranian EFL High School Students
Does Post method Approach has any Effects on Grammar Learning?
Can Morphological Awareness Pave the Way for Reading Comprehension of Iranian Advanced EFL Learners?
The Relationship between Morphological Awareness and Reading Comprehension of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
Dynamic Assessment of EFL Learners’ Writing Skill
The Effect of Linguistic-Based Awareness Raising on TOEFL iBT Reading Module A Review of Fifty Research Articles (٢٠٠١-٢٠١٥)
Syntax-Pragmatic Awareness Raising Effect of Complementizers on IELTS Writing Task Two: Iranian EFL Learners' Case
Does Deductive Teaching of Complementizers Have Any Effects on Syntax-Pragmatic Use of Them
The Effect of Explicit Vs. Implicit Input Modification on Iranian Pre Intermediate EFL Students ' Listening Performance
A Study on the Use of Discourse Markers
بررسی اثر بخشی آموزش کاربرد شناسی زبان بر افزایش عزت نفس اجتماعی دانش آموزان دختر پایه دوم متوسطه ناحیه 2 شهر یزد
تاثیر روش ایفای نقش در فرآیند آموزش کاربرد شناسی زبان
The Effect of Instruction on L٢ Learners' Sociolinguistic Awareness
بررسی و تحلیل سیر ترجمه در ادبیات کودک و نوجوان ایران
نگاهی به آیین های مذهبی در ترجمه سفرنامه شاردن به ایران
مراحل رشد کودک در ترجمه نظریات «اریکسون» و اسلام
A Critical Review of Issues in Bilingualism and Bilingual Education
Comparison of Conjunction in English and Persian Medical Articles: A Corpus-based Study
A review paper on Cognitive Sociolinguistics
A Review on the Definitions of Linguistic Intonation in Interlingual and Intercultural Contexts
A Study on the Effect of Age: A Case of Iranian EFL Learners’ L٢ Grammar Achievement
A Study on the Effect of Sex: A Case of Iranian EFL Learners’ L٢ Grammar Achievement
The Nexuses between Social Intelligence and Foreign Language Anxiety: The Case of Iranian EFL Learners
A Study on the Impact of the Critical Pedagogy on EFL Learners' Motivation
نگاهی به جایگاه خانم سیمین دانشور در ادب معاصر (سرگذشت زنان در شهری چون بهشت)
A Comparison of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Among Elementary Iranian EFL Learners
Effects of English and Persian Subtitles on Oral Fluency and Accuracy of Intermediate Iranian EFL Learners
Simplification in Learning Foreign Language by Using Innovation on Teachin
The Effect of Encouragement or Punishment on Students Learning Foreign Languag
An Exploration on The Mind Map Strategy and Creativity for Iranian EFL Learner
Innovation in Teaching EFL in High schools In Iran
Causes of Teacher Burnout
Closing Strategies in Iranian Telephone Conversations
Constructivists and Language Curriculum Development
The Effect of Virtual Games on Iranian EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Acquisition
The Relationship between EQ, Proficiency and Motivation in Iranian HighSchool Female EFL Learners
English for Medical Purposes: Key Issues
The Triangulation of Intelligences Effect on Teaching and Learning: Social, Emotional, and Cultural Cases
Making a Qualified Translation in the light of Context Perception
Iranian EFL Senior High School Teachers’ and Second-graders’ Perceptions on Motivational Strategies
Stress in English and Persian Language
Language Death