آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 41تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 549
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 23048
اولین همایش ملی رویکردهای نوین در آموزش زبان انگلیسی و زبان شناسی کاربردی
اولین همایش ملی رویکردهای نوین در آموزش زبان انگلیسی و زبان شناسی کاربردی در تاریخ ۲۶ بهمن ۱۳۹۶ توسط دانشگاه گلستان، در شهر گرگان برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات اولین همایش ملی رویکردهای نوین در آموزش زبان انگلیسی و زبان شناسی کاربردی مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در اولین همایش ملی رویکردهای نوین در آموزش زبان انگلیسی و زبان شناسی کاربردی
Incorporating Assessment-based Feedbacks into EFL Speaking Class: MetalinguisticFeedback vs. Explicit Correction
The Comparative Effect of Teaching Collaborative Strategic Reading and Metacognitive Reading Strategies on EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
The Relationship Between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence and Critical Thinking
A Discourse Analysis of Convincing Strategies in Obama’s Speech on Iran Nuclear Deal at American University
The Difference Between Novice and Experienced Iranian EFL Teachers Perception Towards Speaking Instruction
The Effect of Test-Wiseness Strategies on the Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Proficiency
The Relationship Between Motivational Orientations and Metacognitive Awareness Among Iranian University EFL Learners
The Effect of Reading Short Story and Form Focused Instruction on the Acquisition of Single Words of Iranian EFL Learners
The Relationship Between Iranian EFL Learners’ Asscertiveness and Their Emotional Intelligence: The Case of Course Achievement in Focus
Analysis of Relationship Between Willingness to Translate and Translation Use Frequency (WTT and FREQ)
The Rehearsal Pre-task Planning time and Gender effect on EFL Learners’ Oral Production in Terms of Accuracy and Complexity
The Validity Issue in Mixed Methods Research
Content Analysis of Donald Trump’s Promotional Speeches
Using Podcasts in Teaching Speech Acts of Invitation and Request in EFL Contexts
Iranian EFL Teachers’ Strategies in Dealing with Mixed-ability Classes
The Effect of Teachers’ Error Correction vs. Peer Error Correction on Iranian EFL Learners Correct Use of Compound Verbs in Essay Writing
Facebook Use and Grammar Achievement: An Iranian Context
Exploring Teachers’ Perspectives Toward Bilingual Education in Iran: The Case of Age, Gender, Educational Level, and Job Seniority
The Film Translator’s Challenges with Translating Taboo Words in Dubbing After the Islamic Revolution in Iran
Reflective Teaching and Effective Teachers: A Descriptive Approach to Reflective Practice
A Comparative Study of Time Metaphor from Lakoff and Johnson’s Perspectives with the Concept of Time in the Poems of Alfred de Musset
Iranian EFL Learners and Teachers’ Perceptions of Culture Teaching Objectives: Are They on the Same Track
A Comparison between Paper-and-Pencil and Paperless Assessment
Role of Gender in Literacy Rate
The Effect of Self-Assessment and Peer-Assessment on Iranian EFL Learners’ Descriptive Writing Performance
Iranian EFL Learners’ Beliefs about Translation and Strategy Use of Translation in English Learning
Effects of Teaching Modern English Drama on the Students’ Fluency and Accuracy of Speaking
The Relationship between Metacognitive Awareness Strategies and Listening Comprehension and its Use Frequency among Iranian EFL Learners
Disturbance of Native/Existential Metanarratives in American Postmodern and British Absurd Drama
The Relationship Between Vocabulary Recall and Critical Thinking
Professional Learning Communities for Teacher Training and Education and Its Impact
The Effectiveness of Inserted Strategy Questions on Comprehension of Well-Structured and Less-Structured Expository Text Among Iranian EFL Learners at Pre-Intermediate Level of Proficiency
On the Relationship Between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Organizational Commitment and Their Leadership Style: A Case of Khorasan Razavi
On the Effect of English Language Knowledge on the Life of Iranian University Students
On the Validity of E-Assessment: A SWOT Analysis (Practicality of Smart E-Assessment)
Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by Undergraduate EFL Iranian Students
The Exploration of the Speaking Strategies by Higher Education EFL Learners Regarding Their Gender
The Impact of Indirect Written Corrective Feedback on the Writing skill of Iranian Female Intermediate Field-Dependent Versus Field-Independent EFL Learners
The Effect of Mobile learning for Collaborative Dialogues on EFL Iranian Learners’ Speaking Performance
A Discourse Analysis of the 2016 United States Presidential Debates Through the Application of the Functional Theory of Political Campaign Discourse
The application of IT in language teaching with a focus on vocabulary acquisition