آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 175تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 369
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 12415
اولین کنفرانس بین المللی علم و فناوری خوارزمی
اولین کنفرانس بین المللی علم و فناوری خوارزمی در تاریخ ۶ اسفند ۱۴۰۲ توسط سازمان پژوهشهای علمی و صنعتی ایران، در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات اولین کنفرانس بین المللی علم و فناوری خوارزمی مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در اولین کنفرانس بین المللی علم و فناوری خوارزمی
Revolutionizing Agricultural Product Management: A Smart Sorting Approach UsingMachine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Investigating the characteristics of Oil produced water in one of the oil desalination plantsin National Iranian South Oil Company and presenting environmental managementsolutions
Investigation and comparison of thermoluminescence dosimetry properties of pelletsobtained from synthesized beta-tricalcium phosphate powder using PLS method
Advancing Elemental Analyses with "Irick Spectrum" Microwave-Sustained InductivelyCoupled Plasma (IS-MICP) for Optical Emission Spectroscopy
A New Arvan Parto Microwave Device for Efficient Pesticide and Dryingof Agricultural Products
Investigating Natural Gas Leakage Rates from pipeline at Supercritical Conditions: A CFDand Machine Learning Approach
Remote Controlling of the Portable Artificial Kidney based on Artificial Intelligence
Effect of alloying element on microstructure and mechanical properties ofCoCrMo alloy for Orthopedic Application
Potentiometric Mercury measurement by using coated wire sensor based on benzoylcarbamothiol alanine
Construction of SERS plasmonic biosensor based on the growth of silver dendriticnanostructures on copper substrate treated with plasma jet
Photo-oxidation of simulated contaminants by CaCu۳Ti۴O۱۲ in visible light
Upscaling UAV-derived tree decline severity to satellite data within Zagros forests
Leveraging UAV Photogrammetry and Satellite Imagery for Precise Fractional Canopy CoverEstimation in Zagros Forests
New approaches in food and agriculture micro-encapsulation
Engineering a series of Ce-UiO-۶۶/MCo۲O۴ Heterojunctions for Photocatalytic Cr(VI)Detoxification through the "p-n Junction" Mechanism
Constructing a water-resistant heterojunction of metal halide perovskite and MOF-۸۰۸through a mechanochemical approach: An S-Scheme photocatalytic system designed forversatile applications
The Effect of Reinforcing Glass/Epoxy Composites with Cotton Fibers on Resistance toDelamination Using Acoustic Emission Test
Investigating the capacity of ۵۰ Yeast strains to bioaccumulation zinc and their potentialuse as food supplements in the livestock and poultry industry
Enhanced Restoration Mortars for Dry Climates Applications: Introducing Hydrophobic LimePutty Infused with Sesame Oil
Mechanized Production of Starch-Based Biodegradable and Antibacterial Plastic withPlant Growth Capability
A novel-designed biosensor with gold nanoparticles for Escherichia coli detection inPharmaceutical and real samples
Enhanced biohydrogen production by addition of Fe nanoparticles using Enterobacter sp
Fermentative production of hydrogen from potato processing wastewater by Enterobactersp.
Ca۱۹Zn۲(PO۴)۱۴ Nanoparticles: Synthesis, characterization and its effect on thecolonization of Streptococcus mutans on tooth surface
Simulating the bioethanol production process on a pilot scale and investigating the effectof distillation efficiency
Evaluation of nitrate consuming bacteria grown in LA and NA medium by differentialmethod for well water treatment
Mono- and mixed cultivation of green microalgae applied for treating nitratecontaminated well water
Nitrate reduction from simulated media of salty water using Chlorella vulgaris andScenedesmus sp
Application of Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus sp. in a simulated nitrate richfreshwater medium under laboratory environment condition
Harnessing AMR Factors for Developing Phage Predictive Model Against Avian PathogenicEscherichia coli
Biological refining of bread waste in the shadow of the circular economy; A strategic viewwith resilience estimation
A new pre-processed DL-DT anomaly detection model in cloud computing
Electroconductive hydrogel using CNT as therapeutic tools for spinal cord injury: NewPerspectives on SCI Regeneration
Treatment of Zagros Petrochemical’s Wastewater; Coagulation and Flocculation Method
An Approximate XOR-based Full-Adder in Quantum Cellular Automata
Examining the antibiotic resistance pattern of Salmonella enteritidis isolated fromlivestock
The modeling of thermal lens process of glycerol and experimental investigation of thethermal diffusivity of glycerol
Investigating the capacity of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) in measuringthe achievement of ICT-related goals in the ۷th Development Plan
Synthesis of nanoparticles by green method and investigation of their effect in controllingstrawberry gray mold fungus, Botrytis. cinerea Pers.
Biosynthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles
Impact of Antibiotic Resistance, Food Safety, Foodborne Pathogens, Heavy Metals, andMilk Allergy on the Health and Quality Control of Meat, Milk, and Other Dairy Products
Optimization of Freeze-thaw Extraction of Phycocyanin from Spirulina platensis
Fabricate bone scaffolds using red algae
Review of recent developments and natural structures in extracting water from airhumidity
Food supplement from the stamens and pollen of the saffron plant with a new processingmethod at the optimal temperature for menstrual disorders
Extraction and purification of saffron compounds
Investigating the effects of NORM from oil/gas industries on the public internal exposure
A quantitative analysis of the impact of cellular replication, radioactive decay, andemitted energy on targeted radiotherapeutic approaches
Examining Gross Alpha and Beta Radionuclide Levels in Drinking Water Sources of IlamProvince
Identification of microbial agents in some spoiled dairy products
Comparative detection of novel coronavirus genome based on Real-time-PCR & RT-LAMP
A bi-LSTM Neural Network for ECG-based Shockable Arrhythmia Detection
Preparation, characterization and mechanical properties of chitosan/Poly(vinylpyrrolidone)/ZnO bionanocomposite films
Molecular identification of the isolated bacteria producing pectinase enzyme from fruitand vegetable soil
Synthesis of Highly Efficient Porous Nanocomposite Based on Metal-Organic FrameworkUiO-۶۶-NH۲ On Metal-Organic Framework UiO-۶۶-(COOH)۲ Coated with Nitrogen-RichCompounds/Au-NPs for A۳-coupling preparation of propargyl amines
Design of recombinant protein based on two antibacterial peptides against antibioticresistant Acinetobacter baumannii
Preparation of Colloidal Chalcopyrite Nanoparticles Used in Solar Cell Applications
Beam Steering Array Antenna by employing of Butler Matrix Feed and Broad Band Phase Shifterfor MM-Wave Application
Analyzation of Water Usage in the Lurgi Process for Methanol Production
Greener Computing: Faster Data Processing with Lower Environmental Impact
Investigating the role of telehealth (TeleHealth) in HIV counseling
Prospects for HIV vaccination
Design and production of a chimeric enzyme with efficient antibacterial properties onStaphylococcus aureus
Adsorption of Methimazole Drug on the Ga-N, Ga-P and Ga-As Doped Nanotubes in GasPhase and Water Solvent Using Density Functional Theory
Substituent Effects of Anhydride Groups on the Nanographene Derivatives as theDesigned Novel Batteries Using Density Functional Theory
Cancer Detection from Histopathological Images Using Deep Learning models
The effect of operational conditions on lactase immobilization in calcium alginate beads
Analysis of TEC anomalies relation to the ۲۰۰۳ Hokkaido earthquakes greater than ۵ M
An engineered endolysin with binding ability to Acinetobacter Baumannii outermembrane
An engineered endolysin: degradation of peptidoglycan layer of Acinetobacter Baumanniimembrane
Performance Parameters improvement of perovskite solar cell using realistic non-uniformembedded plasmonic nanoparticles
Postbiotics, intelligent metabolites
Biofixation of CO۲ with cyanobacterium Spirulina sp. in phototrophic condition
Microbial Single Cell Protein (SCP) Production Using Municipal Waste
Olfactory Analysis of Palm Olein and Cottonseed Oils and Their Various Mixtures
Physical Refining of Edible Oils and Fats
Short Path Molecular Distillation (SPMD) in Food Processing
Physico-Chemical properties and sensory evaluation of Cookies fortified with wheat branand wheat germ flour
Evaluation of physicochemical, sensory and microbial properties of microwave, infraredand hybrid baked baguettes during storage
Effects of osmotic dehydration pretreatment prior to hot air and microwave drying onBetalain Content and antioxidant activity of Red Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.)
Artificial Intelligence in Additive Manufacturing with Machine Learning Longevity of ۳DPrinted Parts
Numerical Study of a Conical Diffuser with Annular Injection at the Inlet to Prevent FlowSeparation
Experimental investigation on the potential application of Positron AnnihilationSpectroscopy for tumor hypoxia detection using the J-PET scanner
Antibacterial effect of magnetic nanocomposite hydrogel on E.coli
Static Loading Analysis of a Composite Wheelchair Frame: A Finite Element Perspective onStress Distribution
Continuous synthesis of PEDOT nanoparticles
The effect of supplementary process on grain size of boron carbide
Efficiency of Chilocorus bipustulatus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in controlling Unaspiseuonymi (Hemiptera: Diaspididae)
Introducing the appropriate insecticide to control of euonymus scale in urban green space
Emerging Technologies for Food Security in Developing Countries
Extraction and chemical evaluation of anthocyanin pigments in hibiscus sabdrifa
Extraction and chemical evaluation of anthocyanin pigments from Iris L. violet flower
Preparation and Characterization of Microcrystalline Cellulose from corn wastes
Design of an Upper Body Passive Exoskeleton
AFRA System: A Premium Solution to Increase Sampling Rate in Ordinary Cameras
Efficiency of some corrosion inhibitors already used in the oil and gas industry;comparison by QM and MM studies
The impact and challenges of emerging artificial intelligence innovations on biodiversityconservation and restoration
Phytoremediation and uranium absorption by Bassia scoparia
Uranium Transfer factor from soil to Ragweed Plant
Determination of Nickel distribution coefficient on soil using the batch method
Fabrication of polycarbonate/graphene oxide membrane with high porosity andmechanical strength
Membranes for Wearable Artificial Kidney: A Review
Enhanced apoptotic effects of phenolic olive leaves extract against breastadenocarcinoma-MCF۷
Catalytic Hydrogen release from alkaline sodium borohydride solution using Ni/Pt coatedon SBA nanoparticles
Development and evaluation of HIV-۱ diagnostic kits based on recombinant reversetranscription loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay
Immunoprotectivity of an antigenic construct derived from Omp۳۴ against A. baumanniiin murine pneumonia model
Epoxy composite thermal and anti-corrosion feature enhancement using UIO-۶۶-NH۲grafted MXene nanosheets
Numerical investigation of forging defects in the hot closed die forging process of cranelifting hooks using FVM and FEM
Specific Targeting of Recombinant Human Pancreatic Ribonuclease ۱ using Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Targeting Peptide toward Gonadotropin-Releasing HormoneReceptor-Positive Cancer Cells
Carbon quantum dots doped with nitrogen for identification and tracing of microplasticsfrom the southern Caspian SeaCase study: bio-nanocomposite hydrogels based on chitosan/gellan gum/NCQD foradsorbing MPs
Stimuli-Chromic Polymer Nanoparticles for Smart Inks, Encryption, Visualization of LatentFingerprints, Sensors, and OLEDs
Suggestion of two space-based instruments for earthquake precursor observation in IRAN
The effect of different levels of humic acid and salicylic acid foliar spraying on themorphophysiological characteristics and quantitative and qualitative characteristics ofgerbera flowers (jamesonii)
Simulation assessment and experimental investigation on lost foam casting andpermanent mold casting of AZ۹۱ magnesium alloy: melt flow, microstructure, andmechanical properties
Modeling and Simulation of Drug Release from a pH Sensitive Hydrogel Based System
Emerging Trends in Biosensor Technologies: A Comprehensive Analysis Using CAGR, ShareIndices, and the Mann-Kendall Test
Direct pellet ۳D printing of highly stretchable elastomer with cyclic shape recoverybehavior
The effect of inulin and chicken feet gelatin as an oil and egg substitute on the qualityproperties of low-calorie mayonnaise
Active coating based on Okra mucilage and CMC for fried potatoes
Effect of nutritional and biological inputs on some biochemical properties of Salviaofficinalis.L
Design and simulation of HF band harmonic suppression circuits for use in automatic linkestablishment (ALE)
Enhancing Modeling of Complex Face Image Distortions Using Generative AdversarialNetworks (GAN)
Synthesis of a Novel Ni(II) Complex of N–Nicotinyl-N, Nʺ-bis (piperidinyl) phosphorictriamide, as a Potential Prodrug Compound
A Vitamin B۳-based Ni(II) Complex of N–Nicotinyl-N, Nʺ-bis (Hexamethylene imine)Phosphoric triamide : Synthesis and Characterization
A New Ni(II) Complex of a PyridineCarbacylAmidoPhosphate(PCAPh) Ligand,N–Nicotinyl-N, Nʺ-bis (۴-methyl piperidinyl) phosphoric triamide
Synthesis of Copper(II) Oxide NPs on Titania-Polypyrrole Thin Film for ElectrochemicalSensing of Creatinine
Enhancing public security through the detection of abnormal behavior in surveillancecameras
The Role of Emerging Technologies in the Advancement of the Sports Equipment Business
Evaluating the Effect of Tire Rolling Resistance on Electric Vehicle Range
Investigating and Analyzing the Relationship Between No-Load, Nominal and StallConditions in Electrohydraulic Actuators
A review of the effects of aspartame and saccharin on human health
Thermal Analysis and Modeling of Magnetic Coils in the Attitude Control Subsystem of aSmall LEO Orbit Satellite
Performance Evaluation of PMP Pontoon Bridge under Heavy Vehicle Load Condition
Comparison of photoautotrophic and mixotrophic growth and product formation bySpirulina platensis
Effect of light management on growth and pigment formation by Spirulina platensis
Expression improvement of recombinant endolysin in BL۲۱(DE۳) pLysS
Immobilization of Phage endolysin on magnetic nanoparticles
Performance Analysis of B۴C/Al Nano-composite as Am-Be Neutron Source Shielding
Experimental Study of an Alternative Catalyst in Flameless Catalytic Heater
Uncertainty Evaluation of Compressibility Coefficient for Natural Gas by AGA۸ DCM, GERGand NX۱۹ Methods: A Case Study for Tehran Gas Stations
Encapsulation of Echinacea purpurea extract by spray drying
From Design to Detection: A Novel Graphene Quantum Dot-Based Approach for EnhancedNear-Visible UV Sensing
Development and execution of a highly accurate RF converter for application in massspectrometer systems
Simultaneous activation of series MOSFETs for quantum applications and optical switches
The role of Smart police in improving the security and efficiency
Investigating the effect of Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas putida and Glomus mosseaefungi on root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) in laboratory conditions
Enhanced Antibacterial Properties of a Alginate-based Bionanocomposite with PlantExtracts from the Lamiaceae Family
Design of multifunctional polymer nanocomposite containing Alginate-Carbon dots (CDs)
Fabrication of antibacterial spray based on Sodium alginate and chitosan
Developing a Functional Bioactive Collagen-Based Scaffold: A Potential Biomaterial forBone Tissue Engineering Applications
Modeling of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Inside Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchanger withHexagonal Cross-Section of Tubes
Synthesis of MnO۲/TiO۲ Composite Photocatalyst for the degradation of Tetracycline inSynthetic Wastewater
Removal of direct yellow ۱۲ dye by bacterial strain isolated from Sangan Khaf mine
Experiment and Theoretical Studies on Pt, Ni, and Pt-Ni on Graphite Surface; PotentialApplication in Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in a bed fixed reactor using Fe catalyst over Alumina supported
Apple Leaf Disease Recognition from images using transfer learning
Experimental Investigation of Two Cylinders with Parallel Arrangement at Different Angles
Physical treatment of gas-field produced water, an unconventional water source, for reusepurposes
Loose Nanofiltration Membrane for Dye Separation in Textile Wastewaterunder Low Pressure
Modeling and Designing for Acoustic and Pressure Drop of Perforated Tube in the Path ofUnsteady Compressible Flow
Experimental Investigation of Frequency Distribution of Vortex Shedding Caused byTriangular Model at ۰ ° Angle
Hydroponic crop system with rotating substrates around its axis
Reducing energy consumption of centrifugal fans in ducted split air conditioners throughoptimizing the performance of the integrated fan and electric motor set
A New Era in Space: A Review of Small Satellite Mission Reliability Analysis
Presenting a method based on neural network to detect noise in SAR imaging radar
Providing a method based on data analysis to detect electronic eavesdropping (ELINT)
Applications of artificial intelligence in satellite-IoT: A Review
Synthesis of pyrido[۲,۳-d]pyrimidines using a new ionic liquid based on tropine as anefficient catalyst
Synthesis of Co–Ni Ferrite Nanoparticles with the Ability of Electrochemical Applications
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Cobalt Copper Ferrite Ceramic Synthesized througha Solution Combustion Route
Methane-air mixture explosion simulation and the resulting over pressure
Rare earth elements in phosphogypsum produced by Kimidaran Kavir Company
Extraction Process of Cadmium from Zinc Cold Cake using Experimental Design System
Investigating the Mineralization Characteristics of the Cold Treatment Cake of the Leadand Zinc Factory in Recovering Cadmium from it
Molecular dynamic Simulation of ternary ZrCuAl bulk metallic glass