آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 74تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 509
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 97174
کنگره بین المللی جوش و روشهای اتصال
کنگره بین المللی جوش و روشهای اتصال در تاریخ ۹ آذر ۱۳۸۸ توسط ،مركز پژوهش و مهندسي جوش ايران در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات کنگره بین المللی جوش و روشهای اتصال مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در کنگره بین المللی جوش و روشهای اتصال
determining optimum values of laser welding parameters for a TWB-using taguchi method
effect of laser welding conditions on properties of steel tailor welded blanks TWB
welding of aluminum alloyw and high strength steel sheets by magnetic pulse welding technique
the effects testing time and temperature of low vacuum diffusion welding on microstructure and mechanical properties of SiCp/A356Al MMC
microstructural investigation for Nd:YAG pulsed welding of 321 stabilized stainless steel
disturbances monitoring and detecting in GMAW-S through arc welding acoustic and electromagnetic emission
an investigationof welded AISI 4130 steel behavior during tensile deformation using acoustic emission technique
characterization of inclusions causing lamellar tearing in S355N
calculation of the critical stress responsible for lamellar tearing in microalloyed s355N steel
effects of conductivity and expansion coefficient variations on the distribution and magnitude of residual stresses in welded plates
a comparison of laser and resistance spot welding of steel sheets fatigue lives and residual stresses
reduction of welding distortion and residual stresses during plastic deformation of stainless steel pipe under mechanical clamping
investigating the effect of welding sequence on angular distortions in butt welded plates
impact of geometric features of thermocouple on absolute temperature of structural transformations in steel in welding conditions
evaluation of the effect of welding parameters on the residual stresses in dissimilar welding of high strength steels
investigation of current pressure and time effect on mechanical properties of aluminum alloy 2024 welding bead through designing of test by taguchi method
spot welding parameters optimization for economic design and improving mechanical properties
the behavior of cold welded AI -steel layers through tearing by wedge
weld metal hydrogen cracking in transmission pipelines construction
avoidance of disbonding in repair of large cast iron forming dies with powder welding
microstructure and wear properties of Ni-Al clad on carbon steel by TIG surfacing process
effect of alloying elements of V and Nb on the fatigue response of thermite welding
the effect of pin geometry on mechanical properties of PP composite friction stir welds
the influence of welding speed on microhardness and microstructure in dissimilar friction stir welded of AA6061-T6 and AA7071-T6
study onpossibility of friction stir welding of dissimilar and non uni thickness materials aluminum alloy to copper
incorporation of friction stir processing into surface modification of polymeric materials
microsturctural and mechanical investigation of friction stir welded A15083-H321
effect of welding parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties in dissimilar friction stir welding between magnesium and aluminum alloys
on the formation of onion ring structure in friction stir butt welds of copper plates produced by non -threaded tool pin
3d finite element simulation of friction stir welding process of aluminum sheets
numerical simulation of transient temperature and residual thermal stresses in friction stir welding of aluminum alloy 6061-T6
influence of friction stir welding parameters on mechanical properties of aluminum tailor welded blanks with different thickness ratios
investigation on the SSC resistance of the API 5L-X70 weld metals with different amount of acicular ferrite
effect of wire chemical composition on microstructure and mechanical properties of submerged arc-welded API-X70 weld metal
mictostructure and failure behavior of resistance spot welded of dissimilar steel sheets HSLA and st12
effect of post weld heat treatment on the substructure and mechanical properties of ultra strength low alloy steel CrMnSiNI
effect of failure mode on the mechanicalproperties of dissimilar resistance spot welds between DP600 and st14 steels
THE effect of nickel on mechanical and microstructure properties of TIG AL5058 welds
interfacial microstructure and properties of SiC/SiC joint brazed with Ag-Cu-Ti alloy
influence of welding temperature and pressure on the mechanical properties of welding zone of polyethylene pipes welded via butt fusion method
effect of pulsed GTA welding on microstructure and mechanical properties of AISI 316 stainless steel welds
effect of thermal cycles and peak temperature on microstructure and toughness properties of reheated heat affected zone
investigations on the effects of process parameters for Nd:YAG pulsed laser welding of Cu-6% Mn-6%Ni ALLOY
comparative study of friction stir welding laser beam weldingand TIG welding of pure titanium
the effects of bonding temperature on the microstructure and strength of 410ss/Cu diffusion -bonded joint
investigating the effect of preheating on the joint size and energy consumption in ultrasonic welding process using taguchi robust design
assessment and control of welding defects and dimensions by machine vision
weld defects assessment basis onworkmanship and fitness -for-purpose
predictionof mechanical properties of pulsed -spot welded parts with artificial neural network
effect of temperature -dependent material properties on transient temperatures in arc welding of SUS 304
effect of heat flux models on temperature distribution and fluid flow during gas tungsten arc welding
a study on the effect of convection modeling on the distribution and magnitude of welding temperature fields and residual stresses
simulation of crack growth behavior in residual stress field of welding
in situ formation of Fe-TiC composite layer on steel through GTA hardfacing of Ti bearing paste
the effect of the synergic controlled pulsed GMAW-P and manual gas metal arc GMAW welding techniques on mechanical properties injoining of AISI 430 /AISI 1030 steel couples
joining AISI304 to A351CF-3M stainless steels with pure copper filler metal in furnace brazing
the effect of modification in mechanized pulse tig welding frequency with unbalanced wave marine alloyed aluminum joint 5083
effect of resistance upset welding parameters on metallurgical sturcture electrical resistivity and tensile strength of heating element 80Ni-20Cr
asjusting oscillation amplitude in automatic pipe line GMAW system
a study on effect of process variables onfatigue and impact behavior and bead penetration of robotic MIG welded AA6061 aluminum alloy joints
investigation the microstructures and properties of metal inert gas and friction stir welds in aluminum alloy 5083
a new method of friction welding and estimation of its residual stress
SiC /Cu sur face composite fabricated by friction stir processing FSP
producing of composite layer of SiC/Al5083 via friction stir processing
the break -up of particles during friction stir welding in 2024-t851 aluminum alloy
obtaining the temperature variation curve in friction stir processing of AZ91 magnesium alloy
the effect of process parameters on the surface quality of FSPed AZ91 magnesium alloy
influence of tool pin profile on the formtion of friction stir welding of AA70775 AND 115083
multi -pass hybrid GTAW-SMAW operation on 2205 duplex stainless steel :microstructure characterization and micro -hardness measurement
performance of aluminothermically welded wide -gap rails
resistance upset butt welding of 304 austenitic stainless steel
welding characteristics of ultrahigh strength steel in annealed and quench-tempered conditions
effect of lamellar tearing on welded S355N steel plates fatigue properties
effect of vauum brazing cycles on wetting angel and microstructure of Bni-2 BRAzing alloy joining