آمار مقالات کنفرانس
تعداد کل مقالات: 210تعداد صفحات کتابچه مقالات: 409
تعداد نمایش مقالات: 75215
دوازدهمین سمینار سالانه الکتروشیمی ایران
دوازدهمین سمینار سالانه الکتروشیمی ایران در تاریخ ۲۸ مهر ۱۳۹۵ توسط ،انجمن الکتروشیمی ایرانانجمن الكتروشيمي ايران در شهر تهران برگزار گردید. شما می توانید برای دریافت کلیه مقالات پذیرفته شده در این کنفرانس به صفحه مجموعه مقالات دوازدهمین سمینار سالانه الکتروشیمی ایران مراجعه فرمایید.
کلیه حقوق برای مجموعه سیویلیکا محفوظ است© - Symposia
مقالات پذیرش شده در دوازدهمین سمینار سالانه الکتروشیمی ایران
The Role of Nanomaterials in Energy Sources Development and Storage
Electrochemical Determination of the Anticancer Drug Amsacrine at a ds-DNAModified Graphene Carbon Paste Electrode and its Application as a Label-FreeElectrochemical Biosensor
A Label-Free Electrochemical Biosensor Based on Carbon Paste ElectrodeModified with Graphene and ds-DNA for the Determination of the Anti-CancerDrug Tamoxifen
A Sensitive Electrochemical DNA Biosensor for Anticancer Drug TopotecanBased on Graphene Carbon Paste Electrode
Protection of 316L Stainless Steel by Mn0.5Mg0.5Fe2O4/Chitosan in HCl andH2SO4 Media
Sonochemical synthesis of mesoporous MnO2 for Zinc-Air battery applications
The Electrochemistry Properties Of Ni–W Alloy Coatings Obtained By PulsePlating From Citrate Media
Electrochemical Determination of Isoproterenol at Silver (I) Complex-Graphene-Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
Electrochemical Sensor for Epinephrine Based on a Glassy Carbon ElectrodeModified With Carbon Nanotubes/Ag (I) Complex
Determination of Ni(II) by carbon past electrode modified with clinoptilolitenanoparticles-dimethyl glyoxime (NClino-DMG)
Modification of a pencil graphite electrode with multiwalled carbon nanotubescapped gold nanoparticles for electrochemical determination of Tramadol
Nickel and Nickel Hydroxide synergism in Alkaline HER as the Non NobelMetal Nanoparticles Decorated on the Reduced Graphite Oxide
A potentiometric screen-printed biosensor for analysis of Kynurenineproduction to overcome immune barriers to different cancer cell progression
Study of organic coating/metal behavior at microscopic level
How fuel permeation affects the hydrogen bond network in bio-polymericmembranes
Gold/polypyrrole/Graphene oxide nanocomposite modified electrode forsimultaneous determination of epinephrine, acetaminophen, and folic acid
Optimization of PEM Fuel Cell Operating Conditions to Target ImprovedPerformance
Anionic surfactant modified carbon nanoparticles paste sensor forpotentiometric nicotine detection in tobacco
New conservative numerical schemes in mass conservation in solid particles ofLithium-ion battery for efficient simulation
Nanomolar simultaneous determination of Ascorbic acid, Epinephrine,Acetaminophen, L-Tryptophan and L-Tyrosine on a glassy carbon electrodecoated with γ-MnO2/PPy/RGO nanocomposite
Nucleation, Growth, and Characterization of MnO2 Thin Films deposited by anElectrochemical Process on ITO
Electrocatalytic Behavior of Nano Zeolite Modified Carbon Paste Electrode forOxidation of Hydrazine
An electro amalgamation procedure for separate no carrier added Lu177 fromYb target for biomedical applications
Electrodeposition of Nickel on Stainless Steel Electrode and its Application forOxygen Evolution Reaction
Silver nanoparticles and polyvinylpyrrolidone-graphene quantum dots comodifiedglassy carbon electrode for amperometric sensing of hydrogenperoxide
A glassy carbon electrode modified with a new simple nanocomposite film basedon multiwall carbon nanotubes and zein nanoparticle for simultaneousdetermination of ascorbic acid, dopamine and uric acid
Development of electrochemical DNA biosensor for DG74 primer usingmodern FFT voltammetryDevelopment of electrochemical DNA biosensor for DG74 primer usingmodern FFT voltammetryDevelopment of electrochemical DNA biosensor for DG74 primer usingmodern FFT voltammetry
Synthesis of Nano Composite TiO2Nanotube/Fe2O3/Ni as Anode Materials for LiIon Batteries
Electro oxidation of Ethanol and Acetaldehyde on carbon supportedPtSnO2 for application in passive direct ethanol fuel cell
DFT Study of Acetaldehyde Oxidation on Pt5/SnO2 (110) as a NewPEM Catalyst
Hydrogen Production by Silver compounds loaded Titania Photoandoes viaPhoto electrochemical Measurements
Synthesized and Use the Metal organic framework (MOF) as catalyst forOxygen reduction reaction (ORR)in alkaline media for fuel cell
Electrochemical determination of glutathione in hemolysed erythrocyte bymodified glassy carbon electrode
Determination of dopamine and uric acid in presence ascorbic acid by means acarbon paste electrode modified with nanoclay- ionic liquid
Hot corrosion behavior of cobalt coated AISI 430 ferritic stainless steel
Voltammetric Determination of Cysteine by Means of 4 4 - biphenol as aHomogeneous Mediator
Effect of deposition time on the microstructure of Mn–Co thin films andcathodic current efficiency
Influence of CoSO4 concentration on the microstructure and cathodic currentefficiency of Mn–Co electrodeposition
An indirect electrochemical determination of thioacetamide by using ofAg@Fe3O4 nanoparticle modified carbon paste electrode
A Sensitive Electrochemical Immunosensor for the Determination of ProstateSpecific Antigen
Temperature dependence of CO desorption and oxidation from cathodicelectrochemically treated carbon paper supported Pt electrodes
Investigation of the electrical field effect on silver nanoparticles synthesizedusing sodium citrate and pvp stabilizers
Carbon monoxide and methanol oxidations on electrochemically treatedcarbon paper supported Pt electrodes
Synthesis of SiNWs Array by Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching
Fabrication of an electrochemical molecularly imprinted polymer sensor fordetermination of ketorolac trometamin using multivariate optimization usingmulti-walled carbon nanotubes
Perturbation Factors on Titania Nanotubes Anodization Process
Synthesis of Commercial Li(Ni0.33Co0.33Mn0.33)O2 Cathodic material viaSol-Gel Method
Implementing Potentiostat for Electrochemical Capacitance Voltage DopantProfiling
Preparation and Evaluation of Nanocomposite Membranes Based on SulfonatedGraphene Oxide and Carbon Nanotube for Aluminum Air Batteries
Preparation and electrochemical performance of Pt black-carbon nanotubecomposite for methanol oxidation reaction
Synthesis of Potassium Exchange Membrane by Clindamycin Antibiotic
A hydrothermal-electrochemical synthesis of MnO2 nanostructures for Zn-Airapplications
Electrochemical Study Of 4-(2- amino-1-hydroxyethyl)benzene-1,2-diol in thePresence of Triethyl phosphite
Graphene for corrosion protection of stainless steel bipolar plates for polymerelectrolyte membrane fuel cell
Synthesis of Nanostructured ZrC Coating by Electrolysis
The Corrosion Study of Nanostructured ZrC Coating
Electrochemical deposition of porous Cu and Cu-Zn and investigation ofhydrogen evolution reaction about them
Improving the performance of vanadium redox flow batteries for large - scaleenergy storage
An indirect electrochemical determination of thioacetamide by using ofAg@Fe3O4 nanoparticle modified carbon paste electrode.
Hot corrosion resistance activation energy of manganese-cobalt coated Crofer22 APU steel
Electrochemical study of doxorubicin on the surface of SBA-15 modified screen-printed carbon electrode
Protection of 316L Stainless Steel by Mn0.5Mg0.5Fe2O4/Chitosane in HCl andH2SO4 Media
Application of Graphene Modified Carbon Paste Electrode for SimultaneousDetermination of Acetaminophen, Dopamine and Ascorbic acid
Determination of Ceftizoxime Using Reduced Graphene Oxide Hollow GoldNanosphers (RGO-HGNs) Electrode by Differential Pulse Voltammetry
Development of a New Method for Determination of Hydrazine Based onModified Screen Printed Electrode
Polyaniline-based Symmetric solid-State supercapacitor
Disposable NiO/Graphene Nanocomposite Modified-Graphite Screen PrintedElectrode for the Rapid Voltammetric Assay of Isoproterenol
Voltammetric Determination of Bisphenol A Using a Modified Screen-PrintedCarbon Electrode Modified With Nanocomposite
Synthesis of Polyaniline Nanofibers for Non-enzymatic Glucose Sensor
Electrochemical Investigation of Adsorption potential of Benzothiophene on Ptelectrode at acidic and basic electrolytes
Investigation of the Thiophene adsorption on Pt electrode in differentelectrolytes
Determination of carmoisine in food samples using nanostructure basedelectrochemical sensor
Surface Modification of Superelastic NiTi Alloys by Electrochemical DealloyingMethod
An Electrochemical Nanosensor for Voltammetric Determination of Caffeine inFood Samples
A DNA label free electrochemical nanostructure sensor for Fluorouracilanalysis
Voltammetric determination of 6-mercaptopurine as an anticancer drug usingPt based nano-structure voltammetric sensor
Palladium Alloys as Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysts
Ex situ chemical synthesis of SnO2 nanoparticles as anode materials for lithiumionbatteries
Voltammetric determination of trace amount of norepinephrine using modifiedcarbon paste electrode
Determination of epinephrine in biological and pharmaceutical samples usingmodified carbon paste electrode employing CdO nanoparticle and ionic liquid
Effect of nitrogen on the corrosion properties of Fe-23Cr-2.4Mo stainless steel
Designing of 3D LSG/CoNi2S4 nanosheets micro-electrodes for flexible highenergyintegrated micro-supercapacitors
First-principles study of phosphorene and graphene nanoflakes under the effectof external electric field as an anode material for Li-ion battery
Protection Effect of Mn0.5Mg0.5Fe2O4/Chitosane/Formaldehyde/ThioureaNanocomposite on the Corrosion of 304 Stainless Steel
Thermodynamic of Micellization and Free Energy Contribution forAggregation of Cleavable Gemeni Surfactants
Voltammetric sensor based on a new synthesized ligand and Mn3O4/SnO2nanoparticles MCPE for determination of sumatriptan in biological fluids.
Preparation of electrochemical sensor base on carbon paste electrode modifiedby a new pentazene ligand for determination of mercury in aqueous samples
Electrochemical pseudocapacitors: mechanism, materials, characterization andelectrochemical performance
Fabrication of MEA based on nitrogen doped graphene as highly efficient anddurable support for oxygen reduction reaction in PEMFCs
High sensitive electrochemical lable free DNA biosensor for determination ofLevodopa with Fe3O4 nanoparticle decorated reduced graphene oxide modifiedelectrode
A new electrochemical DNA biosensor for determination of menadione inhuman plasma
Application of artificial neural network for the removal of azo dye byMultiwall carbon nano tubes coating on titanium
Artificial neural network modeling of photoeletrocatalytic removal of aazo dye using mwcnts-TiO2 composite on titanium
Enhanced electrochemical signal of BUP drug on a magnetic nano-moundstructured surface
Study of electrocatalytic oxidation of ethanol on Ni modified graphite electrodein NaOH solution
Effect of etching current density on photoluminescence propertiesof porous silicon
Electrochemical polymerization of sunset yellow on carbon ceramic electrodeand electrocatalytic activity for oxidation of tryptophan
Global sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification of Lead-Acid battery
A deconvolution method to model electrode processes in solid oxide cells
Sensetive detection of glutathione (GSH) by using dsDNA-templated coppernanoparticles (dsDNA-CuNPs) as electrochemical reporters: review
Electrochemical evaluation of various commercial expanders for lead-acidbattery application
Application of reactive DC magnetron sputtering system in fabrication of ananostructure copper oxide thin film as a sensing transducer
Fabrication of CuO nanoparticle/ionic liquid modified carbon paste electrode:Application for simultaneous determination of hydrazine and bisphenol A inwater samples
Simultaneous determination of epinephrine and folic acid using Fe3O4@Sio2-GOnano composite modified graphite screen printed electrode
Magnetic core–shell Fe3O4@Sio2-GO nano composite for sensitive andselective electrochemical sensing of levodopa and tryptophan using modifiedgraphite screen printed electrode
Electrosynthesized ZnO/p-Type Conductive Polymer Nanocomposite withEnhanced Catalytic Activity of Methanol Oxidation in Alkaline Media
Electrosynthesis of Porous Cu-Based Metal-Organic Framework and ItsNanocomposite with p-Type Conductive Polymer as a Novel Electrode Materialfor Highly Capacitive Pseudocapacitors
Electrochemical determination of oxazepam drug using molecularly imprintedpolymer modified carbon paste electrode
Covalent functionalization of carbon nanotubes with safranin O forelectrocatalytic determination of nitric oxide
Determination of cobalt (II) with 1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol modifiedcarbon nano tube paste electrode in electrowinning solution of Sarcheshmehcoppercomplex by stripping voltammetry
Electrochemical sensor based on Carbon Ceramic Electrode modified bymolecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles for determination ofAlprazolam drug
Phosphine-Functionalized Graphene Oxide, A High PerformanceElectrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Fabrication of WO3/MWCNT/graphite nanocomposite as a novel electrode invanadium redox flow battery
Preparation of Carbon-Ceramic Electrode Modified with Multiwalled CarbonNanotubes (MWCNTs) and its Application in Simultaneous Determination ofMefenamic Acid and Acetaminophen in Pharmaceutical Preparations andBiological Samples
Well-regulated synthesis of conductive polymer by bipolar electrochemistry:an effective substrate for enzyme immobilization toward oxygen reductionreaction
Investigation of Electrochemical Performance of NiO Nano Rods/PlatesPrepared by Cathodic Electrochemical Deposition—Heat-treatment (CEDHT)Method
Preparation, Characterization and Study of Charge Storage Ability ofNanostructured Co3O4
Application of NiO/CNTs nanocomposite ionic liquid paste electrode as avoltammetric sensor for determination of ascorbic acid in fruit juices samples
Starch-assisted Electrochemical Synthesis of Uniform Cobalt HydroxideNanoplates as High Performance Electrode Material for Supercapacitors
A simple and efficient nano-structured gold film sensor for gallic acidelectrochemical determination
Comparison of degradation of an environmental pollutants bynanophotocatalysts pure ZnO and ZnO doped Mg metal in aqueous solutionsby UV light
Electrochemical Synthesis of PEI/PVP Coated Superparamagnetic Iron OxideNanoparticles for Biomedical Applications
Electrosynthesis of PEG/PEI Coated Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for BiomedicalApplications
Enhancement of the corrosion protection performance, cathodic disbandingresistance and adhesion properties of epoxy coating through treatment of steelsubstrate by Nano structured vanadium-based conversion coating In thepresence of Ni ions
Facile synthesis of nickel nanoparticles supported on porous silicon flour fornon-enzymatic glucose sensing
Electrochemical sensor based on porous silicon/silver nanocomposite for thedetermination of hydrogen peroxide
Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles for Fabrication of an ElectrochemicalSensor Sensitive to Nitrophenial based on Graphene Nanoplatelets/GoldNanoparticles
Investigation of the oxygen reduction reaction on palladium nanoparticlesdecorated chlorine doped RGO in alkaline media
Graphene–polydopmine–Pt nanoparticles hybrid nanomaterial forelectrocatalytic glucose oxidation
Electrochemical sensor based on surface modification of graphene nanosheetswith gold nanoparticles for determination of 5-fluorouracile anticancer drug
Synthesis a new Ni-MOF and study effect of contemporary TMU-10 and newNi-MOF synthesis and survey a new bi MOF-rGO composite as material forpositive electrode in supercapacitors
High-performance supercapacitor b ased on Cl-doped reduced graphene oxide
Synthesis of Palladium nanoparticles decorated N-doped reduced grapheneoxide and their application for ethanol oxidation in alkaline media
A bismuth (II) selective modified carbon paste electrode with multi-walledcarbon nanotubes for potentiometric analysis in real samples
The Effect of Various Contents of PTFE on the electrochemical performanceof the Acetylen Black-Polytetrafluoroethylene Composite Cathode in Lithium-Thionyl Chloride Batteries
Reduction of Voltage Delay and Improving the Shelf Life of Li/SOCl2 BatterySystem by Using Poly-Vinyl Chloride (PVC) as an Electrolyte Additive
Cobalt ferrite nanoparticles decorated on exfoliated graphene oxide,application for amperometric determination of NADH and H2O2
Synthesis and electrochemical supercapacitive performance of copper cobaltspinel hollow spheres
Synthesis of lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide Nano powder by ultrasonicspray pyrolysis as cathode active material of lithium ion battery
A New Droplet-based Polymeric Banana Electrochemical Biosensor for OneMicroliter Paracetamol Analysis
An electrochemical sensor based on carboxylated multiwalled carbonnanotubes with [bmmim]PF6 ionic liquid for simultaneous determination ofhazardous dyes in wastewaters
Investigating the Role of PH and Soil Resistivity in the Corrosion of CarbonSteel
Evaluation of ZnMnFe2O4 as supercapacitor
Behaviour of Nanostructure Polyoxometalates Containing Co, Ni, and Cu as aPowerful and Stable Catalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Acidic andAlkaline Solutions
Ni-Co-Se nanoparticles modified reduced graphene oxide nanoflakes, anadvance electrocatalyst for highly efficient hydrogen evolution reaction
Experimental and quantum studies on [BMIM] BF4 ionic liquid as corrosioninhibitor for mild steel in H2SO4 solution
DFT study and determination of metronidazole based on ionic liquid mediatedcarbon nanotube modified carbon paste electrode
Wood surface preparation by silane Nano film formation using sol-gel methodto improve the adhesion of alkyd and polyurethane coatings
An investigation on the inhibitory effect of Allopurinol on mild steel st 37corrosion in hydrochloric acid solution
Effect of metal oxides nano structured on Pt catalyst in fuel cell
Electrosynthesized reduced graphene oxide-supported platinum nanoparticleson carbon-ceramic electrode for electrooxidation of ethanol
Using 2-[(thiophene-2-yl-methylene)-amino]-isoindole-1,3-dione as a newselector element to develop the potentiometric iron (III) - selective electrode
Gadolinium (III) PVC-Membrane Sensor based on N -(2-oxo-1, 2-di (pyridine-2-yl) ethylidene) furan-2-carbohydrazide
A novel modified carbon paste electrode for the determination of chromium(III) in water sample
Fabrication of Integrated Dehydrogenase-Based Electrochemical Biosensors inorder to detection of amino acids in biological samples
MnO2/graphene Nanocomposite Electrode Using for Supercapacitors
Chemical Modification of Ag Nanoparticles Coated Cotton Textile withValdecoxib Derivate and Study of its Electrochemical Behavior
Optimization of a cerium(IV) carbon paste electrode based on 2-hydroxy-1, 4-naphthoquinon / MWCNTs by using experimental design
Synthesis and Investigation of Nano LiMn2O4-rGO as a Positive Electrode inEnergy Storage Systems
Synthesis of Ni-Co nanocomposite based on nitrogen doped graphene forsupercapacitor
Development of electrochemical aptasensor for point of care detection ofcardiac Troponin I biomarker
Anodic stripping voltammetric determination of copper (II) ions using agraphene quantum dot Modified pencil graphite Electrode
Amperometric determination of H2O2 based on Prussian blue @ palladiumnanoparticles/graphene oxide nanocomposite modified electrode
Synthesis and electrochemical charactristics of NiTi alloy nano compositeinorder to use in supercapacitor
Investigation of Metoclopramide tablet՚ prohibiting effect on mild steelcorrosion in 0.5 M phosphoric acid environment
Conductometric study of complexation reaction of Dibenzo-24-crown-8 withCe3+ cation in some non-aqueous solvents and their binary mixture
Coupling of microextraction and voltammetry techniques for thedetermination of hemin in human serum samples
Electrochemical oxidation of polybutadiene/organoclay nanocomposite bysilver (II)
Voltammetric determination of tetracycline at the surface of poly (thionine)-modified carbon nanotube paste electrode
Electrochemical synthesis of Ni nanostructures on paper electrode forsimultaneous sensing of dopamine, tryptophan and ascorbic acid
Chloride voltammetric Sensor Based On Aminated Carbon Nanoparticles
Antioxidant Investigation of Marjoram using Aminated CarbonNanoparticles/Glassy Carbon Modified Electrode
Electrophoretic deposition of uniform graphene oxide thin film on poroussilicon substrate
Electrochemical determination of acetaminophen by carbon paste electrodemodified with Nickel-Cobalt salen complexes encapsulated in nano zeolite NaX
Fabrication of an electrochemical EGFR immunosensor using BSA-templatedPb nanocluster as a biocompatible signaling probe
Nickel salen NaX nanozeolite modified carbon paste electrode as ascorbic acidelectrochemical sensor
A Highly Selective Sensor for 5-Aminosalicylic acid using carbon pasteelectrode modified by MWCNT/ molecular imprinted polymer
Investigation of the inhibition effect of Zolpidem for Carbon mild Steel inChloridric acid
Investigation of enhancement dose of the polymer gel include goldnanoparticles in Megavoltage energy with MRI parameter
Voltammetric Determination of Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride at LayeredDouble Hydroxide Modified Glassy Carbon Electrodes
Polyaniline Nanotubes- Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite for HighPerformance Supercapacitor
Effect of supercritical water on redox cycle capability of iron oxide duringdecomposition of formic acid
Electrochemical characterization of cobalt infiltrated La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δcathodes of IT-SOFCs
Role of deviation from Li stoichiometry in synthesis of LiFePO4 cathodematerial
Synthesis of Arrayed Aluminum Oxide Templates by Hard Anodization andDC Electrodeposition of Co Nanowires
Photocatalytic performance of Mg-doped TiO2 nanoparticle for photocatalyticdegradation of some environmental pollutants under UV light in aqueoussolution
Photocatalytic degradation of phenylephrine hydrochloride in aqueoussolutions by synthesized SnO2-doped ZnO
Investigation of Over Potentials in a Short Stack with Integrated Humidifierand Water Separator Using EIS
Mathematical Modelling of Cyclic Voltammogram and Linear SweepVoltammogram for Cathode of Polymeric Fuel Cell
The effect of Ni doped ZnO in carbon substrate of platinum electrodepositedelectrode for methanol oxidation reaction in low temperature methanol fuelcell system
Design and Development of Electrochemical Nanosensor based on CarbonCeramic Electrode modified using Molecular Imprinted Membrane forDetermination of GALLIC ACID
Determination of Cloxacillin Residues using Design and Development of theElectrochemical Nanosensor based on Molecular Imprinted Polymer
Development of a carbon ceramic electrode for determination and separationof tert-Butylhydroquinone in Edible Oils using molecular imprinted Polymer
Electrolyte free and flexible micro-supercapacitors based on PET fabric
Design and Development of a Nanostructure Sensor for Determination of LDopawith MIP and Carbon Ceramic Composite
Highly defective mesoporous carbon toward fabrication of efficientelectrochemical sensors
Design and Development of a Nano sensor Modified by Molecularly ImprintedPolymers for Determination of Thiourea at Industrial Media
Comparison of Electroless and Electrodeposition of Pd-Ag Alloy on hydrogenseparation performance
The effect of electrochemical deposition solution’s pH on prepared platinumelectrocatalystcharecteristic for oxygen reduction reaction in low temperaturefuel cell systems
Electroanalysis Determination of Nitrite Ions Using Nano Zeolite ModifiedCarbon Paste Electrode
Hydrogenation effect of furan ring of methylene tanshinone quinone on itsone-electron reduction potential
Investigation of the isomerization effect on diospyrin one-electron reductionpotential
Fabrication of Novel Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode for Determination ofToxic Phenol
An Electrochemical Sensor for Hydrazine Based on CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles:Toward Water Samples
Investigation of variation of porous silicon structure using metal-assistedchemical etching
Electrochemical oxidation of 2-nitroso-1-naphtol in the presence of sulfinicacids
Nano-size Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide synthesis and characterization forsensing applications
Nanostructure Electrochemical Sensor for Voltammetric Determination ofVitamin C in the Presence of Vitamin B6: Application to Real Sample Analysis
Voltammetric determination of amoxicillin using gold nanoparticles modifiedglassy carbon electrode
Metal Oxide/Pt Based Nanocomposites as Electrocatalysts for OxygenReduction Reaction